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    1. September 11, 2024 11:?? am

      by , 09-11-2024 at 10:27 AM
      I dreamed about working at the festival Amsterdam again but with my friend from Belgium. Halfway through the dream I suddenly work at a fancy restaurant in Paris similar to the one from The Bear (idk I haven't seen the show yet) and Rihanna casually visits talking in Dutch about her being allergic to "tonggoed" We hang out with her for a while. I then play Football with the staff's children inside the restaurant after hours and every time I ALMOST hit a valuable statue or lamp with the ball but ultimately miss
    2. Dreams

      by , 09-11-2024 at 05:40 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Posting late. I was delivery driving for 10 hours.

      Jamie 1

      Just a flash. I'm not in the dream. Scene is a street. Jamie is walking on a sidewalk when a car pulls up and stops beside her. An Elven lady gets out and seems smitten with Jamie. I hear music in the background. It sounds like a synth playing an interesting scale. The elf seems smitten with Jamie.

      Well. I guess if an elf from LOTR had any advice for Jamie about me, I guess it'd be. " If you want him, come acclaim him ". (I'm dead if Jamie has never seen LOTR.)


      I'm walking to my street and I see my car. For some reason I think I'm also battling a powerful creature.

      Jamie 2

      Various other dreams with Jamie that I can't remember. Just a sense she was with me in various dreams. The vibe was good and we were getting along great.
      Tags: jamie, lotr