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    1. I Remembered the Flying Train in a Dream and Two Micro LDs

      by , 05-09-2014 at 10:32 PM
      Well yeah - not much more about it - I have recorded my dream-recall and won't put it in here - I just wanted to mention, that in a dream last night, I justified hearing something about flying trains with the memory of that first flying dream-train.
      And twice dreamsign detection worked a bit better than that in the last three nights - but I instantly lost lucidity and woke up.
      Method - nothing - just natural micro WBTB and then lying on my back a while until rolling over to sleep/falling asleep then.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. stolen bongs and swamp police chase

      by , 05-09-2014 at 08:34 PM (salty)
      I can't remember clearly but in the beginning I think me and a friend were smoking weed somewhere other than the house and it was peaceful there. The earliest part of the dream I can remember I was at our old house and my mom had apparently taken and tried to hide or throw away some very large bongs. But there were still two in the garage and I kept thinking how her efforts to take the bongs away from me were pointless and it frustrated me. My friends dad came to get me in a truck except he was mexican or maybe an indian (looking back it may have been a recurring person in my dreams and not his dad but I assumed it was).

      We drove through the city and eventually down a dirt road and there was a large swamp to our right side. Police boats came up along our truck but I kept yelling at them they had no right to search us and to go away. somehow we ended up in a chase with them and had stolen (or just appeared) on a jet ski. I had a double barrel 12 gauge and was blasting guys around me who were on logs and jet skis and stuff around us on the river being very quick reloading. The odds were very much against us. We managed to escape and we were hiding out in an area on the side of the river closer to the ocean in the water. By this time we were aware that someone had been murdered and they thought it was us who did it. We were talking and messing around but hid underwater as police came by in boats searching for us.

      Now I see in a perspective outside myself and there is some women who knows we are there and send s a small boy. Some how there is a room on the river now and this boy acts innocent and clueless but he is really trying to rat us out to the police without us knowing for fear of being hurt. Around this point I begin to fully realize its probably a dream and do a nose pinch rc but I can feel my body laying in bed and I wake up.

      I haven't recorded dreams on here in awhile but I might now because it will help me focus on my recall more. Maybe not all my dreams though depending on what they are about....

      Updated 05-09-2014 at 08:53 PM by 34212

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Sign your name here.

      by , 05-09-2014 at 08:21 PM
      *Some lady asked to me sign something and later commented how my hand writing sucked or something of that nature. I got pissed at her saying seriously!
    4. 5/9/14 - my dream was like the trueman show of me :(

      by , 05-09-2014 at 05:52 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I was riding my bike away from some DC girl. The way she felt in my dream was like she was my girlfriend (even though I don't have a gf in waking life). She kept trying to tell me something to make me feel better or calm down or something. But I just kept feeling I needed to get away from all the people in this dream. So I keep riding my bike up the hill like street, then I see about five of these people on bikes waiting where I riding my bike up to. I don't know them in waking life but in my dream they are friends I guess. I feel like it's the Trueman show and I feel like everyone, all the dream characters are limiting my actions and where I go in my dream. They all call to me to come over to them, then I see there hair and one has a sloppy mohawk really high, the hairs aren't together right, another has his hair sticking up but a "V" split in the middle, and another has his long hair sticking out like that tokio hotel guy and suddenly I see fireworks in the sky and yell to them that they have firework hair, and then they all stand down and look puzzled and then I quickly ride to the left of them and ride down the street down hill with my girlfriend still on foot screaming for me chasing me. Then suddenly the street has all this loose dusty dirt, and my bike wipes out and I hit the floor and roll and slide a few feet away from my bike. My girlfriend gets to me suspiciously fast and says "you see what happens, maybe you should apologize to your friends". And then I agree but still feel this suspicion, and the instant I feel that this black furry animal with no legs, just a tapered off rounded tail comes and jumps onto my face then makes me instantly feel remorse.
    5. 9 May: books of revelations

      by , 05-09-2014 at 05:38 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am inside a house, become aware of the dream and go out to a large balcony. It stands over a large pateo with black, white and rose tiles. I dive into it and feel myself sinking into the ground, moving fast through the darkness. Until all is still and there's only clarity.
      In front of me appears a book, as clear as day light. It has a picture on the cover, of a palace in the mountains and a title with a long word, whose meaning I sense but don't know how to translate. I try to memorize it, but I can't. The pages open and I read it. More books follow. I realize they are written in german and italian, for some reason. I feel a connection with Switzerland, but the contents are universal. I give up trying to understand and memorize. It only seems to work well when I read without trying to comprehend. I feel that whatever I am "learning" will be imprinted, even if I don't understand consciously.
      I wake up briefly and go back to lucid dream. I keep on reading. This time the message is clear, it is about the Universe, our solar system, something very specific about Jupiter.

      I have a false awakening and I transmit to my mother the message I just received. Then I realize we're still in a dream.
      I finally wake up. Can't remember any detail about what I read, but I believe it is recorded in my unconscious memory.
    6. 5/9/14 - tyra banks?

      by , 05-09-2014 at 05:35 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment: Me and like three other girls have military fleet ships in the sea, I purposely ignored the other ships radioing me because I was tired, and when we got back to shore the other girls walked away from me into the netted base and whispered stuff to tyra banks. Tyra then said she wanted to have a talk with me and sat next to me and I told her "I know, now you're gonna take my fleet ship away from me, and I have to leave". She looked at me in shock and said "No, just answer the radio next time". Then she walked away, and I walked down some boardwalk confused contemplating how I got my punishment so wrong and admired tyra's mercy.
    7. Alien Bubbles.

      by , 05-09-2014 at 05:29 PM
      I'm a nice square, never seen before, very crowded because of a music festival.
      It's sunset time, and the sky is full of kites.
      I wonder how they can fly without any wind, but they do.
      At once a clown comes and starts to make bubble blowers.
      It's a weird clown, with bad green eyes.
      He keeps blowing to make bubbles and at the end all the space around us is full of bubbles.
      The bubbles though keep to growing up alone and at last we all understand that they are aliens.
      They grow and grow, but they don't fly. They just stay down and they leave no space between us and them.
      We are all so close that it's hard to breathe, but the bubbles keep growing up, and they can't be broken.
      The doors of the square are closed now and people can't go out, so we are sure that we are going to die crushed between those bad bubbles, which in the meanwhile have taken different forms (cars, dumpsters, walls).
      They are strong and every attempt to break them produce deaths and injuried people.
      Bubbles keep growing up and I start to feel sick.
      I have a bubble pushing in my neck, at the level of the jugular, and also I have my hand blocked by other bubbles, so i can't move and neither try to push away the bubble killing me.
      I can't breathe anymore and I faint. And of course I fall and wake up.
    8. 5/9/14 - wanted to revisit a place from a past dream

      by , 05-09-2014 at 05:25 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment: I'm at this school like info show with booths everywhere giving out pamphlets. Me and my friend from high school walk off away from other people we were hanging out with on the edge of the auditorium stage and walk to this building next door. I suddenly remember this place we went to from another dream and I remember how much I like that place and ask her if we could walk down the street to that building again, and she says naw. (It actually was a place from a past dream that I remembered in this dream, that happens a lot to me for some reason) I beg with her that we won't get caught leaving and how the escalators at that place was fun but she just stands and stairs with a disinterested look on her face.
    9. 5/9/14 - bathrooms are never right

      by , 05-09-2014 at 05:15 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment: I'm at what seems like half school half mall. I know I don't have to be there, but I'm keeping an eye for out for school security or people of authority catching me outside or something. I walk into this half inside half outside hallway that's tarped off from the outside with blue tarp. I'm walking passed people walking around and suddenly I panic and realize the many bathroom doors beside me and I quickly enter one. When I get inside it's very dim with only the outside light slightly lighting it. I see two men, one with short hair and one with long hair. They scream like wusses and I apologize and say I thought this was the girls room, and I see a door to the right of me and ask the guy with the long hair who's sitting on a toilet with no stall if this led to the girls room and he say yes, so I walk in there but there's a shit ton of girls in there so I end up just leaving the restroom.
    10. Kathie Lee Gifford Nursing a Baby

      by , 05-09-2014 at 04:10 PM
      May 9, 2014: Lynne and I are driving in my car. I am driving the two of us to some kind of gala event thrown by S*****. I carefully back the car into a spot, parking perfectly between the white lines of an underground garage. I help her get a black rolling suitcase out of the car. The plan is for her to go on ahead of me because the event is going to be crowded. I’m not sure what is keeping me from leaving with her at that very instant. After she leaves I am still by the car, hoping she remembers that the event is taking place on the second floor of the vast, Las Vegas style hotel.

      I take an escalator and arrive at the ornate white doors of the venue, which are wide open. Inside, the ballroom sized room is well-lit. There is, as expected, a large crowd already inside, and I am obligated to join an informal line of well-dressed people snaking along outside the doors waiting to get inside. People do leave the line to peek inside the doors and then go back to their place in line. Everyone is exceedingly civilized, mature and tolerant of the people who get momentarily out of line to peek inside and satisfy their curiosity about what is inside the room. A solitary woman exits the venue. It is Kathie Lee Gifford. She is holding and nursing a baby as she walks. I wake.
    11. dangan ronpa dream

      by , 05-09-2014 at 03:44 PM
      Got a weird one for you. So I woke up partially lucid in an unknown house with other people I didn't know (generated) in some big building. We all split up into groups of 2s to feel safer. There was a person who brought us all there with the same rules as in the anime dangan ronpa. The only way out of the house it to kill someone there and get away with it. My dream had more modern stereo types than the show however. I was the odd man out so I decided to follow a group of 3 to feel safer. Most people where having sex to pass the time but I just mostly stood on the sidelines and waited for something to happen. I stayed with at least a group of 2 at all times to make sure that I was not a suspect. The next day we decided to check in on some emo guy but when we opened the door he was dead. At first we thought he killed himself in some ritual or something but when we got back to the room with some other people there was a girl there trying to cover it up. She looked more scared than anything. We had a trial after about an hour of investigating and we found out that he was going to try some weird ritual with her and that she was scared for her life where she then ended up killing him. We concluded this in the class trial where she was then executed by the person who had us captive. We all mourned for them the next few days to come even if we could now go to the next floor of the building. After talking it over with a few of them I decided to reset the dream and remove the emo kid as a variable but let them keep their memories. This time I decided to partner up with the girl that the emo kid was with. We talked for a while in the living room where I decided to ask her if she wanted anything to drink. After I poured the drinks I told her what she really wanted and began to grope he and we made out for a bit. She then told me that I was a terrible kisser but I commented on how she still wanted me to continue (which she did). After some time of this I thought that I heard my alarm clock and woke up IRL 3 hours before my alarm will actually go off and decide that I will daydream the rest later. I will remember in better detail now since I have typed it.
      lucid , memorable
    12. Grim Reaper In My Dream :/

      by , 05-09-2014 at 01:53 PM
      I'm going to write my second dream down. It was weird. I was on my bed watching one piece when suddenly my dad came in. Out of no where he laughed and said he caught me watching something inappropriate. Just cause they were wearing bathing suits and that guy with the blue hair and red swim suit thing was there. I was like its not like that. Than all of a sudden I appeared in a different house. Than my bed broke apart and I was floating away in this bright colored scenery on a river at night. I was like oh shoot and jumped. That's when I landed in the house and appeared in my house. I felt like i obe'd in the dream so i got scared that i could get lost in there or something. Even though i dont believe in obes. But anyways i appeared in my house living room and saw the grim reaper. He told me i was going to die. Thats when i appeared paralyzed on my real bed. Than I could see a foggy sky to the left and a skull came out. The reaper thing tryed to posess me. My vision was starting to go black and I felt I was slowly being pulled out my body, maybe its cause I feared it. But I was like oh shoot! Your not posessing me. Than the thing got mad and was like let me get inside of you! I prayed to God about it cause I was scared than the thing left. I reappeared at my house and it was night. There were two young kids. A boy and a girl. The boy was 1 the girl was 3 but they could speak to me. I asked the girl why the grim reaper said I was going to die. She told me cause I killed his shark fish. I was annoyed I didn't even see the shark and assumed it happened when part of the room broke apart and floated onto the river. I asked the girl for his number after I took the phone. She was like 545...I forgot. Than I said forget it and than went to a room with my dad and the kids. There was a pizza party there and I noticed the phone was on. I said hello? A girl answered asking for Steven. I said I don't know who Steven is. I said I'll give him your number when I see him. Than my mom was like no! You shouldn't give out a number if you don't know if he likes the person. I said OK, hanged up. Ate a pizza while listening to music and woke up. Freaky dream.:/

      Updated 05-09-2014 at 01:59 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    13. First LD Ever!!! DILD #1

      by , 05-09-2014 at 12:21 PM
      I woke up at 430 to pee then woke up again at 530. In my dream I said to myself, "it's really easy to LD after waking up and shortly falling asleep again. At that point I became lucid at school. I remember saying " I can do whatever I want (forgot to stabilize lol) and as I was opening a door I noticed how real the door felt and then like 5 seconds later I woke to a false awakening where it was kinda sleep paralysis but instead of a dark force it was my bro (I think it was this way because it was still a dream) then I woke up for real energized and ready to continue on with this art. When I was in the LD the dream looked dreamy. Will it always be like this or will I soon develop a strong sense of sight in my dreams?

      Updated 05-26-2014 at 11:42 PM by 69061

    14. "Five-Foot Spider"

      by , 05-09-2014 at 11:09 AM
      Morning of May 9, 2014. Friday.

      In my dream, I am living in Cubitis with my wife (who has never been to America at this point). On the west wall of my old bedroom (where the three jalousie windows would otherwise be though now there is only one twelve-paned sash window in the middle - this being of a long-term precognitive change with no former knowledge) is a large but narrow shelf, about two feet across and about six feet up, almost as long as the room but stopping about two feet from the southwest corner. It is almost like the implied top of a bunk bed, I think.

      There is no terror or distress as one might expect from the following sight (at least in the real word). There is a “five-foot spider” on the shelf, its legs hanging lazily over the edge of the shelf above our bed. It is black and “furry”. I am not even sure it is alive though, as it never moves the whole time. Perhaps it is even a large stuffed animal, as I do notice a small stuffed animal near the middle of the shelf which I think is a pale blue elephant with white triangles on its body. I am not sure what we will do. I visit the scene at least twice in at least one dream “reset”.

      As spiders often represent the human hand in dreams (visually), this may relate to negative associations with typing my dreams from this time period with a much larger focus than when younger as well as placing them “on the web”, though because the giant spider is on my shelf, it may be associated with the vast dream journal material I have not yet posted and implying I am putting a lot of manual work in it all.

      Updated 07-23-2015 at 12:48 PM by 1390

      Tags: spider
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. 9th day and still there

      by , 05-09-2014 at 11:08 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      * We had a lot to do at home, went late to bed...

      .../3rd person view. I see myself with dragon wings. There's something about feeding a dragon/...

      .../I'm talking a walk inside an informal market. I see different things on sale, until I get to a jacket patches stand. I see some deconstructive ideas, some 3D art and stuff, but nothing really interesting to me. I get out of the market and find somebody is selling 2nd hand guitars on the street, I take a look if there's something worthwhile, nothing. Then I look up to a hill which is mixed with a tower. It's all covered in concrete. I find that interesting, and want to take a picture of that. My camera doesn't work, it's night and I cannot see any on the LCD. I try using the flash option. It flashes but apparently not enough. I try to figure out how could I take a picture of that. The more I look, the weirder it becomes. Now I try to illuminate the landscape by pointing the LCD screen of the camera. It gets better but I don't know how to take the picture now/...

      .../I have to write an e-mail, announcing some bad news about one of my kids, she's no more with us. I have to face the fact, it gets hard to write down/...

      * From time to time, this feeling of nostalgia spreads around and takes over all over the dream.

      Updated 05-09-2014 at 11:12 AM by 18736

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes