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    1. Lack of sleep leads to a possible new way to enter dream state...

      by , 12-19-2011 at 07:37 PM
      So I haven't been sleeping well lately. I also have not been having LD's for a while.

      I had two very brief ones over the course of the last week. I wrote about one already. The next day I also had a very brief one.

      I went to bed about 3-4 am and couldn't sleep. I stared into the blackness and tried to get some visuals going.

      After a few hours of nothing I began to see bright colors, vivid techni-colors like walls. I imagined it like a tunnel and tried to create an opening like a circle at the other end.

      I could see through the tunnel and on the other end was my dream space. I had been thinking earlier in the night about dreaming I was in Florida by the pool.

      There it was right through the color tunnel. I managed to reach it and could feel myself split between my physical body and dream body. I was by the pool and in bed.

      It switched over to me just being by the pool. I was very excited. The dream wasn't fully formed. Everything was blank or unfinished. I remember jumping into the pool of water then going over to the side of the pool and picturing a girl there.

      She was there but she had no features. No face, just a blank body. I remember reaching over to her to bring her closer to me and the dream started to fade and then my consciousness slipped fully back into my body.

      As I lied in bed sleepless I began to slip off into small patches of sleep and wake back up again. At first I didn't notice but I began to recall having dreams. They weren't long. I must have been falling asleep for short periods of time like 5-15 mins tops then waking back up again.

      I tried to focus on the blackness and tried to "spin" my vision. Like a mini-galaxy I spun what little white there was around and around. It is a little hazy what happened next but I think I opened another "portal" and entered a LD state.

      I recall getting out of bed and walking up the stairs on the inside of my house. I know it was my house because as I walked up to the third floor I looked at the wall and saw there was no window. In my house there are two windows there and I saw they were absent. I remembered realizing it was SUPPOSED to be there. I was forming the dream around me and just had not added the windows.

      I walked into the third floor apt looking for people but no one was there and once again the place was not "fully formed yet". The place was being "built" around me.

      I don't recall much else except the fact that the LD wasn't very long and it faded away like the other.

      I sent my daughter off to school then laid back down to try to get some sleep but it still wouldnt come.

      Eventually I started to drift off into very small periods of sleep again (only a few minutes each) however they were semi-lucid dreams. I was lucid to a certain degree and only had control over my own actions, not the environment.

      I must have had about 10 of these mini segmented LDs before I finally just got out of bed.
    2. Martial arts, wood crafts store

      by , 12-19-2011 at 07:31 PM (Hypatia's Dream Journal)
      I was about high school aged, and my martial arts class had just finished. I was waiting for my mom to pick me up with a group of other martial arts students. Drunkenness was somehow involved - at one point I was helping people find designated drivers.

      I wakjed next door to the martial arts school and into a wood crafts shop. I talked with the shop owner, who told me what her store was doing for the community. I put a piece of tape from a wooden dispenser on my nose, waited, and pulled it away quickly to remove blackheads.

      Note: No lucidity in days, though I'm doing frequent reality checks. A bit frustrating.
    3. "WILD" within a Dream

      by , 12-19-2011 at 06:14 PM
      (False) WILD within a Dream:

      I wish I remembered details better on this one. I do remember that I was involved with doing something within the dream. Then suddenly I started seeing the ocean. It didn't go with what was happening in the rest of the dream. My dream self suddenly "realized" that I just had a successful WILD. I felt so proud of myself. I decided I wanted to get closer to the ocean. Instead of flying like I usually do, I just pulled the ocean scene closer to where I was standing. I could see the setting sun gleam off the water and boats in the harbor. I remember just thinking about how beautiful it was and how real it looked.

      I also remember that I was conscious of my "physical body". I was very sure that my physical body was standing in the real world. I could feel my arms hanging at my sides. I thought it was really cool that my mind could be seeing something completely different from my real body. I continued to stare at the ocean scene in front of me. I then carefully lifted what I thought were my real arms. I placed my hands over my eyes. I could see a faint shadow of my hands which darkened the ocean scene. I thought it was fascinating how I could be conscious in two places at once, and how I could be moving my real body yet not really seeing it because my mind was in a dream.

      Then I "woke up" and went back to my original dream.

      This kind of dream has happened to be several times before where I feel like I have entered a dream, yet I still am very aware of what I think is my real body. Yet the whole thing is all in my head.
    4. 19/12/11 - Long dream and two frags

      by , 12-19-2011 at 06:09 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Last night I didn't get much quality sleep, one good part of it all is that you usually dream alot if you don't.

      22.00: Sleep

      04.00: Taekwondo and other stuff
      I'm at taekwondo practice and my coworker Björn is there. Everyone's lying on the floor watching an old man who's a black belt, do some retarded moves and attempts to show people how it's done. Our Master shakes his head. After a few minutes we all get up and I start talking to a guy who used to practice there. He tells me he intends to go to Sydney and study because he can practice taekwondo and surfing at the same time then. We spar for a little while until I see another coworker.

      He's drinking a beer and hands me another one. He asks me if I want some cases. "No sorry, I just ordered from my neighbours" I tell him. He thinks I'm an idiot and asks me why. I don't really see the point of it all. We head up some stairs and I finish my beer. My friend Henrik shows up and he's pissed because I've ordered beer from other people. "What's the big fucking deal?!" I ask him angrily. He can't come up with a proper answer. We start eating red berries we find on a thorny bush, they taste sweet.

      I get up and head down a road, it's the road I grew up on I realise after a while. Suddenly I'm on a cart with my friend Erik, going past Henrik's house. His dog runs up to us and I pet him. Henrik comes out and we all head into a shed. It's got shelves filled with different spray cans and other dangerous liquids. One of them pops open and I try to close it again, it's leaking gas into the room. It takes a while but I manage to close it. Another can opens up, it's nitrogen. It doesn't want to close and I take it outside. I'm having trouble breathing and have to go around the corner to get some fresh air. The can continues to leak nitrogen on the ground.

      05.30: Fragments
      *I'm with my dad in a car. We have an argument over my wrists and I tell him I'm not faking it. "If I say I can't do something because it hurts, I'm not bullshitting you!" I tell him.

      *I watch as fOrceez plays golf. He's quite good actually, but what I'm seeing is more like a tape of him when he was younger. All of a sudden the scene turns into a hospital and he's there with his girlfriend who has just popped out their kid. It looks a bit Asian.

      05.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 7½ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Firefight with a side of nastiness

      by , 12-19-2011 at 06:06 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being out in the field and taking other troops out. I don't know how I did it initially, but I ended up taking someones assault rifle and magazines after I killed them. It took me like 5 minutes to put the clip in because the clip had some dust cover that had to be flipped off in order to connect it. Anyways....more killing ensued...and I found myself in a car with Mrs R. She kept hinting at how she wanted me...and then she turned into SGT C.

      We were at a red light for minutes, so I knew it had to be a LD. I told her, we might as well do it right now in the middle of traffic. We started taking off our clothes and the sex started out pretty real and just got awkward. (for you people who never know how awkward my sex in dreams gets, I'll explain it) It was like her vagina and uterus was on the seat next to her and I was inside it, and she was tethered to it by random bloody tissue and ligaments. Anyways....I had to stop and wake up.
    6. Vampire Dream

      by , 12-19-2011 at 05:57 PM
      Vampire Dream:

      [This is a sexual dream and I will be omitting some of the details...sorry.]

      I was captured by a vampire. He was holding several other people captive also. I knew the vampire planned to kill all of us. I wondered what it would feel like to die. Would it hurt? How painful was a vampire's bite? Didn't vampires seduce you before they bit you? Maybe I would be so entraced that I wouldn't noticed that I was dying. All these thoughts were going through my mind.

      Then suddenly the vampire appeared before me. He walked toward me. He had long flowing blond hair and wore black leather pants and a while blousy shirt. He reminded me a little of an 80's rock star. He was very good looking.

      He smiled at me as he slowly came closer. He seemed to know what I had been thinking. I started feeling dizzy just looking into his eyes. The guy was gorgeous. He then put his lips to mine and my mind started to swirl. I only remember briefly thinking that he was seducing me and that this could be the end. But it felt so good that I didn't care. I lost track of time. I was completely caught up in the passion that swirled around me. I seemed to come in and out of consciousness. I remember at one point realizing that he had pulled my shirt up. I didn't care. Everything felt so good. At another point I remember my pants being down. I was vaguely conscious that there were other people in the room, but again, I didn't care. I was overwhelmed with pleasure and passion.

      And then suddenly...finally....it was over. He was standing about four feet away from me. I was still alive. I remember wanting to ask him if he could do that to me again...and again....before his finally killed me. I could see a little smile forming in the corner of his mouth as if he had again read my thoughts.

      And the dream ended.

      I woke up feeling pretty disturbed about this dream. Why wasn't I trying to escape? Why did I not try to slay him? Isn't that what I am in my dreams....a vampire slayer? Yet I was completely content to let this vampire take advantage of me until he finally got bored and killed me. How nice.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Lucid Dream: Flying in the wind...and reading

      by , 12-19-2011 at 05:30 PM
      Lucid Dream:

      I don't remember how it started. I just remembered that I was doing something and it came to me that I was dreaming, yet it took me a moment to let go of what I was doing and get on with the LD. I took off flying. I was flying fairly low through the streets of an old town. The wind was blowing fairly hard. It was the first time I remember ever flying in wind. I could feel the wind whipping through my hair a lot more than with normal flying, and it was pushing me around a bit. I remember wanting to fly faster and thinking about rockets on my feet (like I often do to fly faster) and felt myself speed up some.

      I saw a girl standing in the street below, so I decided to stop and talk to her. I wanted to ask her something interesting, but nothing came to mind. She was holdng a piece of yellow paper. I looked at it and saw that it was a flyer. I read it (I had no problem reading the words. Ocassionally I will have trouble reading in dreams). I was determined that I would remember exactly what was on the flyer when I woke up. But it has now left me. It was something about a school event the girl was involved with.

      And unfortunately that's all I remember of the dream.
    8. Inside Assistant Principal's Office

      by , 12-19-2011 at 04:46 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)


      Dream 1:

      I was in the office in a random school. I see the assistant principal of Morton Ranch High School in there, and I had to show her some information to get something back. I don’t know what, but that’s all I remember.
    9. 45th Shared Dream Attempt

      by , 12-19-2011 at 04:36 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Windhover's Dream

      I'm in my school, but the structure is different and the building had different atmophere from my real high school, although I meet some of my friends and teachers. I'm first at the auditorium; looks a lot like a huge theater than just the school auditorium... below, chorus students are singing on the stage. for some reason I have to get out, but the people are blocking me in a frustrating way. I get out somehow, and then I'm at the frint door of Comic class. I remember putting christmas gifts (marmalade jam) for my teachers in a locker (it's in comic class room) so I try to get in the class but the door is locked. I think I get in from back door, meeting my friend T. dont know what happened here, I see my comic teacher too...
      suddenly scene jumps and I'm in my room. bunch of high schoolers (not my friends) are reading my comic, sitting on my bed, crowded in my room.
    10. Little Lucy

      by , 12-19-2011 at 04:19 PM
      Had a small lucid dream just before waking this morning. I was in a house with Todd, who has triggered lucidity for me before. I knew when I saw him that I was dreaming. I looked at my hands then said to him, "let's go outside and enjoy this". I walked outside and began floating up into the sky. As I called on my dream guide I could feel that I wasn't deeply enough asleep and began to wake up. Crap.
    11. I'm a Giant, a Prisoner; Nude Female

      by , 12-19-2011 at 03:53 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was a giant inside a building. There was another giant outside. Everyone else was normal sized.

      There was a threat that I would be punished for something, possibly for being a giant (?). It seemed like something beyond my control. I therefore saw an Asian in a round, bamboo cage. The man represented me and my possible punishment. He was taller than the diameter of the cage, so that he lay down on a floor of sand and his feet were outside the cage.

      I then thought I had awakened from the, or a dream, and started trying to reason what was going on, but didn't get very far.

      Dream skip ~

      I was with a female. I didn't really see her face. She was nude. I could see the top of her vagina and here torso. She was really sexy, but she wanted her underwear. I gave her her very skimpy, white, cotton underwear. I may have touched her a little right around her vagina, but I looked away then and left her alone since she wasn't game.
    12. 44th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Aeolar's Dream

      by , 12-19-2011 at 03:26 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Aeolar's Dreams

      Forgot to write this one down, but here's what I remember

      -Fragment of being at A Day to Remember concert with some other people

      -I'm on this island in some kinda Polynesian place and am being toured around by this man. It's starting to get dark and as I look around all the locals are running frantically back and forth. I ask my guide what that's all about and he tells me that when night falls these things come out. I didn't believe him at first so I went off by myself walking around the forests. Next thing I know these little chupacabra things come up and attack me! They look like those little monsters from The Mummy. I turn and run away as fast as I can and jump on top of a house and wait.

      -I'm in a house with someone else, we're waiting inside with all the lights off. A car pulls up outside and the person with me walks up to the door. People get out of the car, there's a lot of them in there. We silently decide whether or not to open the door for these people. He unlocks and opens the door and shouts, "Are you infected?"
      The people reply with "Yes, we have one but he hasn't turned yet!" Just then we regretted ever revealing ourselves. Instantly we close the door and lock it. We walk back and pick up weapons, I got a shotgun and a pistol, holding one in each hand. I look out the window and see the infected man. He's growing out of his skin and looks like a demonspawn, it's disgusting. Those people start banging on the door shouting "Let us in! Let us in!" It's shaking me up pretty bad. They realize we aren't going to, so they stop. My partner who is some ways away from me shouts, "They're trying to get in through the other doors!" which we hadn't locked. I get up and sprint to the open door to my right, but it's too late. There must have been at least 8 of them, swarming in through the door at once. I take my shotgun in my right hand and my pistol in the other and start conserving bullets. I shoot them one by one as they come through the door, and they grab my partner and pull him away. My pistol is out of bullets and a freaking great white shark is swimming up to attack me!!! I point my shotgun right into his nose and pull the trigger. The shark shoots off into some dark corner, I couldn't see if I got a good shot or not. More of them are surrounding me, and just then I wake up to my phone ringing.
    13. sherlock lewis; doll face and girl face; bad guy's teddy bear

      by , 12-19-2011 at 03:01 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was with two friends, a man and a woman. We were walking into something like a high school gymnasium which had been done up for a flea-market-type sale.

      Just inside the heavy metal doors was an aisle of tables, running from the left to the right, and extending across the width of the gymnasium. The tables were all divided into booths, and were filled with people selling things.

      It seemed like my friends and I had gotten to the flea-market sale pretty early. There weren't many other customers around. Some of the vendors may still have been arranging their booths.

      My male friend split off from my female friend and I. My female friend was a black woman, short, a bit overweight. She had short hair arranged in little spikes or braid-like twists.

      We walked toward the back, right corner of the aisle. My friend stopped and looked at some shirts. They were long-sleeved shirts, warm for the winter, in kind of flat green and cream-white. I may have fondled a square, paper tag that may have said something about how the shirts were made of hemp-cloth.

      My friend now stopped at a booth with hats on it. She picked up a blue denim hat with a short, round brim. She put it on and asked me how she looked. I thought she looked pretty cool.

      I thought I'd fool around and try on a hat as well. But my friend chose a hat for me. She said I'd look good in a cowboy hat. The hat she gave me was huge, almost like a caricature of a cowboy hat. But both sides of the brim were also pinned to the crown of the hat -- so the hat kind of looked like a hat-taco.

      I put it on anyway and looked at myself in a mirror on the back wall of the booth. I thought I looked like a complete goofball.

      I think at this part I started to hear voices in my head. They sounded like the voice of Sherlock Holmes. I may have been reasoning something out, as if I were Sherlock Holmes.

      Suddenly I was in a room. I was one of three children. But I wasn't in the body of whichever child I was.

      The children were actually more like young adults. They were probably in their late teens and early twenties. There were two boys and one girl.

      One of the boys was Sherlock Holmes. The girl was a really pretty, fair-skinned girl with kind of slim eyes and long, pale-brown hair. The kids all had the style and attitude of kids from the late 1970s.

      The kids were all up in one of their bedrooms, which was a kind of small room up on a second or third floor of a mansion. They'd each alternately pace lazily around the room or lay down on the bed, roll around on it, etc.

      The kids were all speaking with each other. Sherlock Holmes still seemed to be reasoning something out with himself. The girl was at least teasing Sherlock Holmes, if not the other boy. All three kids were lazy -- and they knew it. But the girl took a little bit more pleasure in teasing the boys for being lazy.

      The girl had to leave. Then the two boys were together. But then one of the boys had to leave. The other boy was by himself.

      During this time the boy had transformed from Sherlock Holmes into Lewis Carroll. As Sherlock Holmes, the boy had been just a regular boy, or young man, from the 1970s. As Lewis Carroll, something about him changed. He actually took on more of a late nineteenth century appearance.

      But the boy was still lazy. He may have known that the girl had gone off and found a job. And the other boy may have at least gone looking for a job as well. But Sherlock/Lewis was still just sitting up in his room.

      Sherlock/Lewis was thinking of what kind of excuse he'd give his parents (with whom he was still living) for not yet having found a job.

      He thought he'd make up something about being a writer and needing his time to write. In my mind's eye I saw a huge, yellow pencil laying across the bed with the boy. I thought the writer excuse kind of made sense. After all, if this was Lewis Carroll, he was really a great writer.

      But then Sherlock/Lewis, looking out the window, started thinking about what his dad would say about him. I could hear his dad's voice in his head. Eventually the dad's speech took over the narrative.

      The dad, who was like Bill Loud in the show An American Family, was narrating a letter that he'd written to his wife. His wife was out in some foreign country, maybe France, taking care of some business.

      The dad wrote his wife that he'd gone to visit the daughter at either the location of her new job or at her college campus. Either way, the daughter was in a new town. But this was a town where the dad and mom had met and fallen in love. So the dad was happy to go back there.

      There was a view of some part of a campus, I think, in this town. There were a lot of trees. But it was winter, and the trees were all leafless. The branches struck me as being very black.

      The father wrote/narrated a very sentimental statement that began with him sighing, "Ah!, the memories..."

      Now there was a strange view of painty-looking or animated-looking flowers, huge, five-petalled, yellow flowers, blossoming on the barren branches. The father made some kind of statement about the first experience of love between him and his wife, and how it was as delicate as trembling petals.

      Dream #2

      I was watching a documentary. There was a black and white photograph of two girls from a wealthy Italian family. The girls were sitting on the left rim of the pool for a big fountain, which was out on a gravel driveway leading up to the family's huge mansion.

      The photo was really blotchy. It was apparently taken in the 1940s, though the girls seemed to me to look more like they were from the 1970s, or even the present.

      The girls both had really long hair, which was very straight and plain. And the girls wore very short denim shorts, or denim coveralls with very short leggings. Both girls had a skinny look about them, though neither really was skinny. They both looked a little dull and overly spoiled.

      The view now closed in on the girl sitting higher up on the rim. This girl was the older sister. A narrator now explained that the older sister had a disease, which had made her life very tragic.

      As the narrator continued, the view now became active and in color. The view had shifted away from the fountain and onto the gravel driveway. It was the present. But things at this estate were pretty much the same as they had been in the 1940s.

      There were a few old men standing out by some junk in the driveway. It looked like it may have been a ticket booth and some other equipment related to an old-time carnival.

      The narrator's speech had continued. The narrator had explained that the girl had never been particularly pretty. But as she reached her seventeenth year, she'd begun to blossom into a more beautiful girl.

      But at this time, the girl was suddenly struck by a disease which was like a cancer, eating away at her face. The disease was combatted once, and the girl was okay. But then the disease came back again and again, until a few years later, the girl's face was completely ravaged.

      One of the men in the gravel driveway now walked over to the right side of the road. There was a big structure there. It was made of concrete, and it was as tall as the man. It was shaped like the plastic head of a baby doll. And I supposed that the face of this giant, concrete baby doll was turned away from me, so that I only saw the back of the head.

      The back of the head, though, had a huge chunk smashed right out of its center. The chunk revealed , through a thick, ragged window of concrete-white, pebbly casing, the hollowness of the doll's head.

      I assmumed that there was probably a similar smashing in on the front side of this gigantic baby doll's head. And I assumed that this head was a metaphor for the 1940s girl's head. I realized that this was what the disease had done to the woman.

      Dream #3

      Some anime. The main bad guy was a beautiful-man kind of figure: skinny, elegant, with long, purple hair. He was a very sinister kind of character.

      But it turned out that the reason the bad guy had been causing all the trouble was because somebody had taken his favorite teddy bear away from him. He assumed the good guys had done it. So he was causing all kinds of trouble for them.

      I thought this was a really disappointing reason for a bad guy to be bad. It cheapened the whole story. I couldn't even figure out why good guys would fight this bad guy at all.
    14. 44th Shared Dreaming Attempt- whiterain's Dream

      by , 12-19-2011 at 02:29 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterain's Dreams

      i become lucid when i see lots of tropical birds. i call a parakeet over and a tiny finger sized one comes over and lands on my hand. i probably just stared at it in awe because i dint remember doing anything useful at this point.

      later i am on the computer doing research. there is another guy (RO) there from my old school sat next to me doing his own research. i am searching loads of political type sites. i dont quite get lucid but realise that what i am doing is very dull considering the possibilities so i finish and leave.

      i end up in my old uni bar. i walk through the crowd then realise that i am walking between the crowd and two seperate people who are putting on some kind of show. i pretend to be part of it and do some stupid dance to cover my embarrassment and the girl from the act (Lol) grabs hold and joins in the dance. i dont remember much else in the bar, but my the end of it i am part of some act which involves me and a group of 5/6 girls. we go off as kind of one being, all just lounging around relaxing round campus. last bit i remember of this was just chilling in bed as a big group.

      last week i had a dream where i was trying to run but was all twisted out of shape. it had been playing on my mind so i had wanted to try to have another go in a dream and straighten my dream body out. i manage to do this, but i didnt expect it to only happen because i have to get home after finding myself naked out in public. it wasnt an embarrassing type of naked, but i just felt lik getting home quick was a good idea. i was quite tired running, and i wasnt at all quick, but it was good to be able to run almost like reality. just before i got home i got this dodgy look from some driver going past, but no one else seemed to care about being naked.

      i get home and have a swim in this weird place which is like some big industrial factory producing things in some weird underwater procedures. it was too weird to describe though and to hazy to remember with any clarity. almost like some water volcano thing, gradually churning out lumps of water along with other things

      Updated 12-19-2011 at 09:10 PM by 48148

    15. beats

      by , 12-19-2011 at 12:47 PM (The book of mars)
      jack kerouac tells me how to listen to all the poetry he and his friends wrote
      i can hear the beats
      and the bongos.