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    1. Mansion of Monsters

      by , 01-11-2012 at 08:45 PM (Adventuring While Asleep)
      I was with a few people. Some of them I recognized. It was fairly dark outside, and there was this mansion. It was big, and painted white. I don't remember all the features but at the front was a large wooden door. I walked inside and all the lights were either out, or flashing faintly. It was a long hallway, with more doors on the sides of the hallway. I walked down to the end, where a larger door was. When I got there, one of them attacked. It was a thin creature, with dark brown skin standing about four feet tall. However it had long arms with giant spikes so it appeared bigger. I shot it multiple times in the chest and it went down. I opened the door, and walked in. The room was medium sized and square. There was a circular opening in the middle with a spiral staircase leading down. The rest of my group, about two or three walked in. Then the monsters attacked. There was two of them. The fist came out from a vent and slashed one of us down. The second came through a door, and me and my partner shot it dead. The first was then killed right after we shot the first. Then I was elsewhere. I was with a larger group running along the driveway on the side of the mansion. At one point, I slipped. When I got back up I saw my Flight Commander (From ROTC) telling me to get up and not to fall again. "Yes, ma'am." I then noticed I had my cowboy boots on. Not very good for running on a slick, smooth, road. Then, one of those things attacked. It cut down this girl in the middle of the group, and killed another standing in front. We tried to fight it, however the monster was stronger and more resilient than the others. At the end of the driveway was a oval, purple portal. We started to run towards it. "Everyone get in!" Someone shouted. As I stepped in, it was over.

      January 9th

      10th Recalled Dream of 2012

      Updated 03-29-2012 at 04:14 AM by 50229

    2. 1/11/2012: First try

      by , 01-11-2012 at 07:57 PM

      Updated 01-12-2012 at 09:57 PM by 52368

    3. Lucid in only 3 days!

      by , 01-11-2012 at 07:48 PM
      When my alarm went off this morning it was instantly obvious that I did not get enough sleep. So despite me having, well, less than perfect grades, I decided to skip school and go back to sleep. Im glad I did because what followed was my first lucid dream!

      I was in some house that I've never even seen before in real life, surrounded by poeple that I've never met (except my dad). Although, I felt like I knew the people, it was a very festive enviroment, christmas themed to be exact. Everbody is drinking hot chocolate and talking to each other. I am playing with three dogs who are running around the house. I only saw two rooms of the house in my dream, there is a living room with a couch, hardwood floor, decoritive rugs, and a christmas tree. The other room was a kitchen, white glassy tiles and and a drink bar, not to many other details. Behind me there is a spiral staircase but it looks dark and univiting, so i avoid it.

      Then (for some reason) everybody starts running really fast through a sliding glass door that leads to the backyard, which is covered in a blanket of snow. directly infront of the glass door there is an overhang that drops down about 10ft, but on either side of this "mini-cliff" there are ramps that lead down in a curve to the backyard. Inbetween the ramps and the overhang is a tree house. Once everybody is down the ramps they all pull out axes and start hacking at these trees. the trees are tall, candy cane striped, and have fuzz growing on there bark. The fuzz look like a short fur that you would find on a fur coat. Everybody is chopping this "furry-bark" off the trees and making fur boots with them. then my dad calls me over and gives me a pair of the treebark-fur boots, I put them on (even though there is probably nothing more gay then a dude wearing fur boots, not trying to offend anyone, just saying). I walk back onto the overhang to get a good look at the whole back yard. Then out of nowhere this assassin dressed like a samuri and holding a samuri sword jumps down from the roof onto the overhang, aiming to fight me. Thats when I realized "WTF is this shit?!?!, I must be dreaming" but i thought it would be fun to have a sword fight so I did'nt change anything. I pick up a samuri sword and we start flailing around trying to fight each other . Eventually he stabs me and I dramatically fall off the overhang into the snow. Although I know its a dream so I just get back up. I really wanted to make it into a full-blown fuedal japanease war (like in the game "Shogun 2: total war") but unfortunately I woke up because I was so excited about the possibilities.

      At the time I didn't fully comprehend what was going on, I told myself "You're dreaming" but all I knew was that I could change the dream and control things, but I didnt really understand that I was in my bed sleeping. I still consider it my first lucid dream though.

      So, how was my writing, not enough details, too many pointless details, just boring? I want feedback.
    4. Footrace and Art Deco Semicars

      by , 01-11-2012 at 07:47 PM

      Woke at 8:30 and fell asleep again.

      I was in this sort of race, but it was a foot race and the "track", if you could call it that, was laid out throughout various hallways and corridors of a large building or complex. It was on multiple floors, and there were no real sidelines; the runners simply stayed on the track and the spectators stayed out of the way.
      I came into the event late, sprinting through the front door of the hotel (The building was a really fancy hotel). There was a crowd (mostly made of men in three-piece-suits) between the entry-way and where the runners start about twenty feet in. I made my way through the crowd as it parted an crossed the starting line just as the whistle blew. Everybody took off, and, just like in a video game, about half of them were already moving faster than I was.
      We all ran the course, doing our best not to collide as we tried to not lose speed on sharp corners. I even took to grabbing corners and using them to spin-turn quickly.
      My memory skips here to the end of the race. It sort of trailed off, so I don't know who won, but me and my dad were in our old truck on our way back home. We stopped for gas and I stayed in the truck where I noticed that a bag of anime tapes I had lost [in real life, I decided not to buy them].I remember clearly a Neon Genesis: Evangelion DVD box set, but it had the weirdest-looking case you could imagine for an Eva DVD set. It looked like something from the "Little House with an Orange Roof" manga. Weird.
      We left the station and started home. The route in mu dream was similar to the route we would take home from my Church's old building, including a certain double-overpass. Just like in real life, there was a car dealership to the left of and before the two overpass bridges. What was really cool was that there was a '57 Bel Air pulling out of it in front of us a ways. Then another. When I looked at the dealership, the whole place was full of these cartoon-colored 50's cars.
      All the way home we passed nothing but 50's and late 40's cars. We were even trailing a yellow-and-cream 50's car, big fins and all.
      As we left the city limits [we live a few miles out of town], it was getting dark we crossed under another underpass right after passing a WEIRD and very tall and very cartoon-looking (think "Meet the Robinsons) 40's-sort-of car. To the left of the road, after the overpass, there were probably two or three dozen of them lined up like at a car dealership.
      It was dark now, and we passed another of these strange, colorful, cartoonistic 40's cars. The difference was that we could feel the wind resistance this time, as if we'd just passed a semi truck.
      Then we passed another, and both we and it were going a bit faster [in real life, this part of the route does have an end-sped-zone]. This time the truck physically shook left and right just after passing. The next time (again faster), the back end even fishtailed slightly. The last time, we had sped up considerably. As we passed it, I braced myself for the delayed wind-impact, but... it never happened.
      And the next thing I remember is the next day.
      At the next race. (In the same building.)

      So it's the next race/day, and the gun sounds, and we're all off. The route is different this time, and quickly takes us runners to a grand staircase leading to the next floor. It's sort of split at the top, and my friend L (Previously referenced as "Elizabeth") is sitting on the small pedestal where the bannisters meet. (Yes, the same friend that I got married to in a dream eight months ago.) For whatever reason, I stop to talk to her, and she is happy that I'm participating in the race. I'm normally reluctant to participate in competitive sport-like events, so I'm happy about it too.
      You can call me creepy (if you must), but as friends we didn't find it weird at all that I tickled her as a parting gesture. [You know, to say goodbye.] She giggled and said something like "Oh, don't do that; I'm still getting over that one time." (She was referring to that dream eight months ago.)
      I agreed and, saying goodbye, I turned to continue the race.

      And I awoke, immediately thinking 'Really???' "Really", because I don't even know L as well as half a dozen other friends in my life, and I haven't seen her much in the past four months.

      And that is the account of my dream on the Eighth of January, Two Thousand and Twelve.

      Updated 01-11-2012 at 07:52 PM by 47518

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Non lucid detailed, sensation

      , 01-11-2012 at 07:43 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Tuesday, 1/10/12 Bed 11:45pm

      Some first time sensations. Sitting on a bed, did some looking at hands mantra “tonight in my dream, I will look at my hands and realize I’m dreaming”.

      Then laid down on my back, which I never do, put my hand on my side where I have and ache and repeated rhyming mantra “from my hand shoots an energy beam to heal my body with power supreme”. Also for just a minute, envisioned white energy coming in through my head on inhale and out my feet on exhale, then in reversed order.

      First thing that happened was, that I almost fell out of myself. As I was on my back, suddenly, very fast movement of my perception/inner body , as if I moved to lay down on my left side. Completely unexpected and so much fun.

      Then I felt a swaying motion, as if in a hammock. Then on every inhale, I felt my body move towards the head of the bed and with every exhale, towards the feet of my bed. As is the mattress was on ball bearings. Quite intense.

      At the same time, with every inhale and exhale, I felt a rotating motion, as if my body was starting to rotate, just one degree at inhale and exhale. I felt I’m no longer parallel with bed, but at an angle of 20 degrees. Also had a rolling motion going on, like on a water bed.

      I kept saying my mantra and also saying ‘to the window’, and ‘up’. Then my cat jumped up on a bed and settled down to sleep. The sensations slowly stopped. I was able to open my eyes a couple of times, my room looked normal. I also heard some popping sound in my left ear, as if there was an open can of soda. At one moment, I felt my inner body squirm and trying to get out. I was two bodies at the same time. So interesting. Throughout the whole time, I was perfectly aware.

      Then I had some detailed dreams.
      DR 1 - 5am

      I’m with group of people on a trip. I’m sitting with my teacher K on top of the mountain with steep slopes. We talk and exchange gifts. She gives me some plastic bags. I can clearly see the rocks, boulders and grass with flowers on a slope. Couple of times I almost fall off.

      Then we are getting something to drink. I realize, I have only 10 money and 3 beautiful, large, black, shiny commemorative Star Trek Voyager coins. One is for season one and 2 for season 2. I don’t want to spend these.

      DR 2
      I’m on a street P in NZ. Talking to someone.

      Waking Life Element
      Not sure in which dream, but I’m talking to someone about bad quality of oranges in stores. The other person agrees. I say, the oranges I bought tasted watery. And the pomelo was sour and dry, when it should be sweet. Then we ended the conversation but I wanted to add something about tangerines I have bought last time were not the best, either.

      DR 3
      I’m with E in a hotel with beautiful view of city. Clouds look like after rain, I see rooftops and buildings of an established town, not super modern. I ask him where we are and how did we get there. (Waking life element). He sais we are in town…. (I forgot the name) in Maine. He repeats it couple of times.

      I think I say there is no water in the room, so we decide to go to the town. We walk through the streets. Come to entrance to a hotel restaurant. In the lobby, the lady is asking me for my ID. I say I don’t have it, we just ran out to get some water. Then E shows his ID. The lady sais - I could either let you in or not, but if I didn’t, we wouldn’t live in a free country that we live in.

      Then I have a conversation with E, about how I like, that in US, the person in charge doesn’t have to adhere strictly to the rules, but is able to make a decision, whether to bend it or not, if situation warrants it. (Waking life element - I frequently think about this).

      Inside, the restaurant is round, ground level, with large windows and a round bar in the middle. I stand by the window and suddenly see a big boulder rolling down a small hill, that’s landscaped. Boulder stops across the small street next to one of the cute little houses. I call E to see this. By then we notice 3 boys on the hill fiddling with the boulders, making them roll down. A lady holding a tennis racquet comes out of the house closest to us and I bang on the window to get her attention. I try to tell her to call the police on the boys. But she calls them in the house and I realize they are her sons. Then she comes all the way to the window and apologizes to E, thinking he is a police officer. The glass is tinted and you can’t see well from outside in.
    6. (January 11, 2012)

      by , 01-11-2012 at 06:11 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Short Lucid Dream

      I think I became lucid out of randomness or awareness. Sadly it was one of those lucid dreams where I was mostly just there for the ride. I was standing outside the fence of my house. I was watching a woman attach a propane tank to some weird machine to the side of my house. I jumped over the fence and walked to my backdoor. My mom was outside and I could "see" my dad inside and they were yelling at each other.

      "I'm not going inside until you get that snake out from behind the tv!" She yelled.
      "I'm not getting rid of the snake until you get rid of this damn koala!" He yelled back.
      "I told you I'm not going in there until you get rid of the snake!" She yelled.

      I decided I would take care of the snake problem just so they would shut up. I went inside and walked into the living room. I looked behind the tv and saw nothing but a bunch of wires. So then I thought that they must have meant the tv upstairs. As I turned around I saw my sister. She gave me some candy and quickly walked away. It could have been poison, but it it's dream candy I'm gonna eat it. They looked like colored rocks but were actually soft and tasted like marshmellows.

      After eating the candy I walked upstairs and walked into my room. I was about to look behind the tv, but then I thought, "If this is a dream, that snake will probably be a lot more trouble than it's worth." So I walked away from the tv and jumped out the window for the hell of it. I then walked back inside into the living room where I saw my mother holding a doll. The doll's face was emotionless. Then things got confusing. My mother said something about happy things making the doll smile and bad things making it frown. So I poked it in the head and it smiled. I poked its stomach and it frowned. Creepy. The dream was already fading away so I woke up after that.

    7. In a Party

      by , 01-11-2012 at 05:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)


      Forget about what I said about having no dream recall, I was brushing my teeth listening to a song and BAM it hit me. One dream recalled at least, should never underestimate my brain to recall things at random moments.

      Dream 1:

      I was inside a house with several DCs. I was sitting down watching them have conversations with each other. I felt like the lone wolf, and I think one of the people had their own novel in sale. I think it was on of those motivational books focusing on how one could become one with God or something like that, not too sure, but it did have fancy text popping out like a Tom Clancy book. And the house overall had that really homey feel to it. You can see the photos of the family there and how innocent they look.

      (And whenever I go to people's houses for a meeting or a party, I would normally glance at their family photo quickly and wonder if they're just lying and trying to make it look like it's a stable and non dysfunctional bonding with each other. I'm not jealous of it, it's just that photos can be so fake sometimes).

      Then I see a couple, or two DCs, not sure on their relationship, dancing. They were basically just doing "One-two, one-two" steps for their dancing. Then after the music was over, they sit down for a break
      (I'm assuming they are listening to it since you can't just dance like that without some kind of beat, unless you're practicing or doing it for the lulz).

      Then the guy who was dancing with the girl wanted to dance again, but she flinged her arms like crazy signaling she obviously wants to take a break. I don't know what happens after that, but I do recall that I started to move a little bit. I'm not sure if I was dancing with someone, or just with myself.

      I felt my arms were up at least, and moving in "One-two" steps and even twirling my imaginary dance partner. (And I saw traces of the number "6.9," not sure what that means, maybe a 69 cock-blocked by a period? XD)

      I'll edit this is I recall any more dreams. I shouldn't underestimate my mind if I can't remember anything 2 minutes after I wake up.

      Updated 01-11-2012 at 06:14 PM by 47756

    8. Retrospective look from day 1

      by , 01-11-2012 at 04:52 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      I started my bed-side dream journal about a week ago, so, this being my first entry, I'll just lump them all together seeing as they're not long or very detailed.
      1. I was looking at a random selection of friends' photos on my Facebook with my sister (who knows none of them), including a friend from the flat below me in my uni accommodation who got his bicep tattoo at the same time I got my first on my back. I'm pretty sure I was comparing the two to my sister (who is the only person in my family that knows about mine, may it long stay that way).

      2. All I remember was that I was in a larger-scale version of the pool in which I used to work as a lifeguard, and was later fired from.

      3. I was playing my first match back for my old rugby team, Teddington, and my first tackle was a fairly weak one - which is unusual for me, as flooring people is my favourite part of the game. The best kicker on the team later attempted to punt the ball down the pitch, but missed it completely - not sure of the relevance to be honest.

      Later, however, was the stranger part. I was in the changing room, getting my wallet and phone from my bag in order to give it to my dad for safe keeping, as he often comes to watch matches. However I bumped into my friend's parents on the way, as well as his older sister, who was naked apart from a towel around her chest. When I proceeded to give my phone to my dad (I'd left the wallet for some reason), I attempted to put my contact lenses in, only to find I was putting them in over an existing pair, to great discomfort.

      In an adult house party somewhere greatly resembling the house I spent Christmas in, I was trying to pry a dog's rope toy from a cat. However, the cat made high-pitched barking sounds and despite putting all my effort into it, I could not get the rope out of its grip.

      I was later shirtless in the kitchen, where I had to tell my mum to look at something (that I made up) in the other direction, so that I could slip past without her seeing my tattoo.

      I was in an abandoned changing room (may also have been a bath house, given the steam) with my aunt and two younger cousins. I was playing various games with them, the most vivid being simply sliding around on the tile floor in socks.
      The Red Hot Chili Peppers were onstage without a singer, so me and my friend from my music course stepped from backstage to cover. We both forgot most of the words initially (in the same way as a drunken karaoke night), but I eventually got very enthusiastic and began singing in more of a hardcore punk manner, jumping and flipping on stage like Frank Carter (Gallows) or a similar frontman. I spotted my family in the crowd, who found it silly, despite the crowd's enthusiastic reception.
      Sadly, nothing.
      My first other-worldly dream, in what I assume was an Elder Scrolls environment. Somehow I was looking at a town in two perspectives: both before and after it had been partially destroyed and rebuilt. I.e. I could see two versions of the town at the same time. It vaguely resembled Skyrim's Solitude, in that it was long-shaped and up-hill, maybe ending at a cliff at the far end (though I didn't venture that far).

      Near the base of the hill was Umbacano Manor (though nothing like that of Cyrodill), with a large courtyard. I talked to various bodyguards (in the fashion I normally do in-game before talking to the most important person last), and then got to Umbacano himself. He offered to upgrade my spells and teach me new ones, before I realised I couldn't learn them (I don't tend to play magic characters) and so ended my dream.

      Nothing again, unfortunately.

      Updated 03-31-2012 at 07:39 PM by 52203

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Humiliation and things

      by , 01-11-2012 at 03:52 PM
      My first dream was set in the desert in some sort of war simulation. I was under a big tent thing and was shooting guns with a few people. We werent in the military, but more like a third party type company testing out guns. idk. Anyways, we started shooting and i noticed that several of the guns had a built in suppression system and remember being quiet impressed by this. Then, the simulation sent what seemed like a thousand men with one leader that wouldnt die..we starting picking them off and then i zoomed up into a sky view where i could see that my group of men were crowded into a circle and the opposing simulations were gathered around us. It became a wierd sky based game where my men couldnt touch the outer wall; the simulations. And now, in retrospect, it looked just like the Lucid Crossroads..interesting. then i dreamed that i was sitting at the table and my "uncle Mike" came over. (I dont have an uncle Mike, but i have seen him in a dream before.) He threw some food down on the table; a bargain shopper bag of cereal and a couple cans i think. I remember joking with everyone who was sitting around that i could tell by the ammount of food how long he would be staying. "He brought 2 weeks worth of food, that means we wont get rid of him for at least a month" i said. He was sort of that family member that everyone despised, but couldnt turn him away. Then, the humiliation. I was sitting in my living room about to call someone but i needed a number. I got on the computer really fast to look up the number and when I got off my aunt got on. I went back to the computer as i had forgot to get some bit of information and when i did, my aunt said, "Stop looking at titties". I laughed and asked what she meant. She said it again, and i looked at the computer screen and it was covered with porn. To top it off, i was now in my underwear, making my innocence that much harder to validate. I helped her remove this from the screen; my entire family now standing behind us. Then, thank God, i woke up.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. Fifty-Four

      by , 01-11-2012 at 02:26 PM
      In which I look for a telephone...

      I'm walking around downtown Austin looking for a cafe where I'm supposed to meet some friends. I can't find the place, so I step into a music shop and ask the owner if I can use his phone. He doesn't have one, but he directs me to a flight of stairs just outside his building, leading up an alley of a brick wall to a second story restaurant. I go up there and see a large wooden hostess table on which there is an old fashion rotary phone. I try to sneak a dial, but an employee tells me that the phone is only for customers and that I must leave.

      In which my ring gets stuck on my finger...

      I'm wearing my emerald pinky ring at dinner. I have a habit of twirling it around my finger when I'm talking. I am doing this, then I slip it on my ring finger. It gets stuck, and I can't pull it off over my knuckle. I try to slide it off with spit, then I dip my finger in my wine glass to try to loosen it. The person with whom I'm dining thinks this is gross. He then offers me a tab of butter from the roll basket.

      "Use this," he says. "Haven't you seen Last Tango in Paris?"

      I try to lubricate my finger with butter, but the ring still won't budge.

      Updated 01-11-2012 at 11:28 PM by 38879 (miscounted, and remembered another dream)

    11. multiple choice test; staircase race

      by , 01-11-2012 at 02:25 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a classroom, sitting at a desk or a table. The desks, I think, were all joined together for each row, so each row of desks was like a long table. I sat at about the middle of the classroom, and just a bit to the right of the center of the row. The room was lit with a dim, drab, greenish fluorescent light.

      I was probably myself, at my age. But I was sitting among a bunch of kids in about sixth grade. Everybody around me was probably Latino.

      I turned around to my left and faced the back row. Everybody in the classroom was getting ready to take a multiple choice test. I was telling everybody in the row behind me how important this test was, but how everybody would do well in the test, because everybody was really smart.

      The test had now begun. I noticed that one of the kids, a boy sitting more toward the left of the center in the row behind me, was doing his test in a weird way. The boy was kind of overweight. He wore a black heavy metal t-shirt. He had his hair shaved into a style a bit wider than a mohawk.

      I remarked to somebody in the row behind me -- either a woman my age or a girl the boy's age -- that the boy was answering all his multiple choice questions with only one letter -- either "c" or "d." I laughed at this, hoping to share the laugh with the woman or girl. I probably implied that only a stupid person would answer all his questions with the same letter.

      But now the test was over. I realized what I'd done. After I'd given such a nice speech, telling everybody how smart they all were, I'd singled out one boy as being stupid. I may have caused that boy to lose faith in himself. And I may have made myself look like a cruel kind of idiot to everybody else.

      So now, to make up for what I'd said, I started giving some weird speech to some group of kids (and an adult?) near me. It was intended for everybody to hear, especially the boy. But I was acting as if I were just saying it spontaneously, and like I didn't think the boy was going to hear it.

      I basically said something about how everybody makes their own choices on a multiple choice test, and how everybody determines the choices that they make based on their bodily rhythms. So whatever patterns a person makes out of the choices on the test, those patterns are good, because they match the person's bodily rhythms.

      The boy stood up from his desk. He walked toward the right side of the room, then up to the door of the classroom. I could tell he felt bad about my having made fun of him. And I could tell he thought the speech I'd given in an attempt to make him feel better only made him think I was an idiot.

      I called out to the boy before he left the room. I said something to him, but I don't remember what. The boy turned around a little bit, not facing me, really, and said something to me, kind of mocking the way I'd made fun of him.

      Dream #2

      I was in some building. I had headed away from the first floor atrium of the building, and was now headed up a stairway. The stairway was wide and went up to a second floor or mezzanine area.

      Another stairway, a bit narrower, went off to the right, from the second floor to some higher floors. This second stairway looked out onto the first floor atrium area.

      As I was reaching the top of the first stairway, a guy stood at the foot of the second stairway, looking down to the atrium area and talking to a woman who stood there. The building was really quiet, even though it was really big, and the woman was the only one down there.

      As I approached the staircase, I thought I'd just edge past the guy and let him keep talking. But the guy saw me, so he started walking up the staircase, in an attempt, I guess, to keep moving ahead of me. But he kept talking to the woman.

      The staircase had two sides, divided by a railing. At some point, I tried to get onto the other side. But somehow the guy was blocking my way from doing that as well.

      At first I kind of liked the guy. He was a white guy with pale skin, a kind of round face, a red beard, and read hair. He wore squarish, thickish eyeglasses, a cap, and a plaid, button-up shirt. He reminded me of a really nice guy I knew in New York, who now lives in Chicago.

      But the more I looked at this guy, and had to listen to all the crap he was saying to the woman, the more I realized I didn't like him at all. He even seemed to be getting fatter and more annoying-looking. I wasn't going to be patient with him. If he kept blocking my way, I was just going to push past him.

      But as soon as I pushed past the guy and started walking more quickly up the stairs, the guy started walking more quickly up the stairs himself, as if he had to keep up with me, or keep one step ahead of me. The whole time he was doing this, he was still trying to keep up a conversation with the girl down on the first floor.

      The staircase got narrower and steeper. Also, somehow, it got twisty, like a helix. I had kept going faster and faster, to get past the guy. But he kept going faster and faster, to match me. At some point, he finally stopped talking to the woman. The guy and I were just in an all-out race.

      By this point the staircase was so steep, it almost felt like it was inclining backwards. I had to hold onto the railing just to keep my balance. I didn't even know if I'd make it to the top of the staircase. For the final few steps, I had to close my eyes. The very last step was incredibly difficult.

      The top of the staircase was some kind of small area, like an administrative area in a university library. I walked past the balcony that was around a staircase, then through a small hallway, then into a little kind of hallway-like alcove off to the right.

      The man who had raced me to the top of the staircase was following me. We both sat down on a bench in the little alcove area. The guy sat to my right. He slumped over on his right side as we sat.

      The guy started complaining to me. He was upset that I'd beaten him. (I'd only beaten him by half a step -- if that much.) But he was making it sound like I'd purposely pushed him really hard. Because I'd pushed him hard, I'd injured him somehow. So he was going to get me in trouble for injuring him.

      I had stood up at this point, probably because I didn't want to listen to the guy anymore. I might have thought I was going to walk away.

      But now the guy stood up in my face. He wasn't wearing a shirt. And he looked a lot different. He was clean-shaven, with a square, close-haircut and brown hair. He had a wide body, like good muscle slowly going flabby. His eyes were, at first, kind of pale blue.

      The guy shouted at me that I shouldn't have pushed him so hard, because he had diabetes, and now his body was messed up in all kinds of ways.

      The guy's appearance changed a little again. His irises now had a pale, reddish tint to them. I even thought to myself, Is this guy an albino?

      And now, on the guy's chest, there was a tattoo. It was like a double-headed "triangle," or an abstract mountain with two peaks. But the left peak was slightly highter than the right peak. And in the body of this "triangle" was a vertical rectangle, solid black, with a wide, diagonal strip of white running across its center.

      I felt bad for the guy. I didn't mean to get his diabetes all messed up. Plus -- for some reason, the guy now reminded me of a female-to-male transsexual. Something about this was turning me on, like I was attracted to the part of the man that was still female.

      So I decided to be gentle with the guy. I tapped either the guy's chest or back with the back of my hand. The guy's body was still sweaty. We both sat down on the bench. I started saying something nice to the guy.
    12. Church fragment

      by , 01-11-2012 at 02:07 PM
      I dream a lot but I'm too lazy to write it down and think I'll remember it anyway ---Wrong! >_<

      I'm in church (mormon) and I want to take a seat but there's a poster on it. It says a woman is missing.
      I go to some kind of information centre. Can't remember why but it must have something to do with mormonism because the 2 guys who answer questions are mormons.
      There are many people gathered there to say goodbye to a girl I used to see at school but never talked to.
      I simply stood there, not knowing how to behave. She comes up to me, says: "I love you." and hugs me.
      I was really surprised. It felt a little uncomfortable but I also got a warm fuzzy feeling.
      I left the building and noticed my shiny black sneakers.
    13. Dream for the 9/1/12

      by , 01-11-2012 at 01:55 PM
      dream for the 9/1/12
      I was trying to explain to my brother about chemical equations and molecules using milk bottle caps and string to connect them. In response he decided to move all the furniture around and eat pringles.
    14. Pub and fragments

      by , 01-11-2012 at 12:34 PM
      Dream 1
      I was sitting in one very comfy chair in a pub. I was alongside a man in a red t-shirt, I was also wearing a red t-shirt. The man had a pint and another man in a blue shirt walked up to us.

      I thought we were going to fight him because he was in another gang or something but the other man just welcomed him. We had a laugh and conversed.

      When we were on the out I saw a friend who I haven't seen for a while.

      Dream 2
      I was watching Manchester United play against a team in white shirts and black shorts. It looked like Fifa 11 or 12, United scored early in the first half, then feeling like time was slipping away Patrice Evra dribble all the way into the oppositions box and scored to win the game 2-0.

      I didn't realise I was dreaming even though I subliminally made it all happen from thinking the match was about to end even to the second goal. When I thought about when I sprinted on Fifa 11 and scored.

      I was reading my DJ entry from yesterday and someone said that I should put up pictures of X-Wings and TIE fighters. Which was one of my concerns last night. If people didn't know what an X-wing or TIE looked like.
    15. First lucid since joining!

      , 01-11-2012 at 12:07 PM
      I finally did it! Immediately wrote it down when I awoke, althought I didn't get lucid until near the end of the dream.

      I was visiting a large shopping centre, in a bookshop. On my way out I was accused of stealing by the shopkeeper and she tried to grab me, I resisted because I knew I was innocent. Eventually I pushed her away from me and walked out the shop, at this point it became apparent that I was with some school teachers and I was a student. Obviously the teachers were very angry with my behaviour and started shouting at me as I walked away, ignoring them I carried on through the mall. Still walking away I noticed an old friend had come up beside me and told me that she skips school a lot with her friends. She then told me that they like to go and lucid dream when they skip school. We carried on walking until we left the shopping centre, outside it was a dark very cloudy night. Me and my friend sat on a ledge overlooking a back road down below, she told me that she wanted to jump down but she was scared of hurting herself. I looked at her and told her that it was a dream and it didn't matter, so she jumped and disappeared from my vision.

      It was then that an old style london taxi cab came reversing down the road below me, I read the last 3 numbers of the rear license plate, it carried on reversing until I could see the front license plate. I read the front plate, noticing it was different from the rear, I read it again and it had changed. This was how I became lucid.


      Realizing I was in a dream now, I read the license plate a couple more times noticing the changes. Telling myself I was dreaming over and over again helped me calm down a little. So I thought the next thing I should do is some more RC's, still sat on the ledge, I looked at my hands and tried counting my fingers and then pinched my nose while trying to breath.

      I remembered the next thing to do would be to stabilize the dream, so I started rubbing my hands together while taking my surroundings in. The sky was dark and cloudy but bright stars were still shining through casting light onto the scene. The shopping centre was still behind me and the road was below me, the taxi had stopped now. I stood up and looked back to the sky, I wanted it to be day. So I focused on where I thought the sun should be and snapped my fingers to try and change the time of day. Instead what happened was a flash of lightning. But as I watched I realised that the same area kept flashing with light, it looked like the sun was blinking on and off like a light bulb trying to turn on.

      Giving up I went into the shopping centre, where I noticed a door that wasn't there before. I was reaching for the handle when my sister opened the door and asked if I would like to come in, I said yes and squeezed past her. It was a very posh looking hotel room. She and her friends were sat on a bed counting down to midnight like it was new years.

      I'm not sure what happened really after that, I think I began to lose control of the dream and woke up not long after.