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    1. finally remembered asuka.

      by , 09-22-2010 at 04:20 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      ★★★★'s for remembering Asuka finally.

      Strange house

      I'm walking around in a large house. I remember that there were some extra rooms so I go looking them. I finally find a room and I see a black Piano in it. I want to play it but there are things piled on the piano. I take some time unstacking the stuff but i can't remember whether i played it or not.


      FA, I'm lying in bed in the same house so I forget to RC. I remember that in this house there's a presence you can conjure. As I focus on the feeling I feel an invisible presence nearby. It startles me that it's actually there.


      FA, in the same house. I'm talking to my brother about the previous dreams about finsing the piano and the invisible presence. My brother says he remembered something like that from his childhood, he use to walk around and would hear someone sniffing the air, but saw no one around. He use to make sniffing sounds back as if to reply and then the invisible sniffer would respond with more sniff sounds. I tell him: Holy shit, I did the exact tsame thing as a child... Playing a sniffing game with something I couldn't see.

      Sho Goes back to Canada

      Sho comes up with a way he can go back to canada, but it involves me escorting him back. So I fly to Japan. I get into the the airport when I arrive and meet Sho there. He hands me a yellow paper and says. "Fill this out fast so we can fly to canada." I fill out the entire form in a split second, all my actions are super fast. I think "We're leaving Japan already? I just got her dammit. Oh well I'll be back when i meet the waking life version of Asuka."

      We walk to a counter and a white woman takes my form. I say "Ah shit I forgot to fill it out" She has a look that says "orly?" as she unfolds the paper and sees that it is filled out. She then shows me it. I say , "Oh yeah I forgot that I filled it out." Me and Sho get on the plane.

      Super WTF on jupiter's moon

      The plane takes me and Sho to a moon around jupiter. It's covered with snow. "What is this?" Sho asks?
      "Ah didn't you know they moved canada to one of juptiers moons?"
      "Oh well," Sho says, "At least I can still smoke weed here." We walk on a snowy hill and meet Lonewolf. Lonewolf puts him to work and makes him shovel snow. I feel like i am supposed to help but I slip down one of the slopes while making a sliding indent in the snow. I go and fly up to the top of the hill and slide down again. This time I notice my sliding is tearing a hole in the surface of the moon.
      suddenly I am holding Jupiter's moon in my hand and I'm peeling off the surface of it like it's the shell of an egg. after it's all gone now I have an egg that looks hardboiled so I eat it. YUM!!!

      Woman At the bar

      I am walking towards a door leading out of a bar in chilliwack. A woman with shoulder length borwn hair puts her arm around me. "Who are you? Oh yeah your my girlfriend... how could I forget."
      "Of course I am!" she says, "How can you forget, stupid!" She kisses me.
      "Ack wait" I say as I almost avoid blowing cigarette into her mouth. I throw the smoke on the ground and it dissapears. I kiss her again. At some point I stare at her eyes. Asuka makes her eyes suddenly look smaller, first she has red eyes, then yellow, and lastly green.


      some dream about Data testifying in court on my behalf. He did a good job.