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    1. Over Japanese Nuclear Plant Disaster

      by , 04-06-2011 at 05:08 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Background note: I used to work at AIG. I did some unique, creative work for them which they liked. I was "promoted" a few times, but never rewarded with rank or title; but I was given better work. The used me for two years.


      There was more dream that led up to this but I forgot it, so I start out in a strange vehicle flying over the Japanese nuclear disaster.

      With the plant shut down, they are releasing all the sea water being used to cool the spent rods back into the ocean as it will be diluted by the rest of the ocean.

      I was being flown in a long box thing with windows. It flew by jet power or something. I looked down and saw the water rushing. There were officials overseeing the operation on top of secured train cars with water almost touching their feet, but they were safe some how.

      The driver of my vehicle swoops down very fast and erratically and comes very close to the water, but we kept circling. It was like we were the news. Then, the driver becomes this Armed Forces guy--very serious, and he DOES go into the water...and we are not enclosed anymore. We have to hold our breath!

      We go deeper until my head is under water. WTF?! The guy doesn't even warn me? So we are cruising deeper and deeper and I think this is pretty ridiculous now, and soon I need to come up for air.

      I make it back to the top for air. Now I feel like I need to save the other guy, so I take four deep breaths to get oxygen back to my brain, I started feeling better, and then I went back down to see how the guy was doing.

      Now I'm with my dad. We are all in Army attire but kind of futuristic (my dad was in the army), and we are lined up as if at a bank. My dad and I are signing papers.

      My dad said to me quietly, "See, I've never had to sign papers with three other people." Only three people were signing the paper, but that is what he meant. (His point was that someone else could change something later and then his signature would still be on the paper, and he didn't feel comfortable with that.)

      Soon, the person behind the counter was an old boss J.H. I was going back to work with her at AIG...kind of. The papers I was signing indicated permissions. I was allowed to map drives on my computer to Google and certain other programs.

      I asked about it for more information and J.H. told me how my dad and I were signing the papers because I was known for talking a lot before. I couldn't get my argument out in this dream of how much I did for this company, so I said, "When do I get a promotion?!"

      At this point they let the cat out of the bag. J.H. pointed to a man on her left and said I'll be working with the devil.

      Fuckin' A! I looked at my dad realizing we were in Hell. Then, very quickly, I realize this I'm in a dream. Cool! I decide I'm going to bitch-slap the devil! I turn to my dad and say, "Watch this!" Then I walked around the other side of the counter and told this bitch of a lady who knew I was going to Hell, "Watch this! Hey...watch this!" I couldn't really get her attention.

      I woke up. Still, of all the times to go lucid, I was really happy for that moment!
      Tags: aig, army, dad, hell, japan, water
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes