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    1. Winter competition 2024 - Nights 5-8 (10-13.01.2024)

      by , 01-14-2024 at 07:00 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Night 5 -10.01-


      Night 6 -11.01-

      …/immerse into work activity. We get a task to work in couples. Each one becomes a contract to work with. One of my kids is t doing something there/…

      …/I see my English neighbor has cut her hair. She looks angry. Her mother is around while she’s sweeping the street next to a small park in front of her place. I ask her if she’s angry for something because of her face expression. She goes mad and we start discussing about something. Her mother gets something like a stroke but not really, I think to myself “It’s because of her advanced age” and somebody has to call emergency. I don’t have a phone at hand. My neighbor goes dancing on a stage while her mother waits for help somewhere else. There’s a festival show taking place on the second floor of the house surrounding the park which now is on its yard. The dreamscape then fuses into my grandparents house where there’s much more activity than usual/…

      …/I’m going with somebody to a known place, she turns into S. There’s a couple of buildings joined with a bridge around. It’s recent dreamscape. I notice I’m not wearing any jacket. I see a jacket hanging inside a room. It looks like a Kindergarten dressing room when we get in. I turn to see we have nothing to do there. We better go now but trying not to be noticed by the parents who are playing with their kids in the front yard of the place. One of them throws a black plane with a gadget. They follow its flight. I turn to see it looks like a raven figure. It gets stuck on the roof, they laugh because it looked like the bird landed by itself/…

      …/There's somebody saying that the police is searching random houses by tricking the people somehow to catch drug dealers. They notice because of a mark left on their lips by the use of a pipe/…

      …/It’s an apparent that mixes with one of my childhood classrooms. It’s white. I’m not sure who owns this place, possibly S. N went out to meet her friends. I go to the corridor to do something. When I turn to get in again I see a piece of paper on the upper left corner. It looks like it was part of a bigger picture and was left behind by the former owner. It depicts a an Asian dragon similar to some I drew long ago for a design project. I want to take a picture to compare with mine. I turn to look for my phone and turn on the camera app. Then I cannot find the piece of paper. It takes a while to find it again. There’s a second corner of a picture but less visible/…

      Night 7 -12.01-

      …/We are with S on my dad’s bed. It’s a mixture of places again. We see some small insects popping out of her blankets. I slap the first one out with my finger. The second one jumps on my voice recorder when I put it close. Then I bring it to the window. A centipede now comes out of the mattress. It’s disgusting and she wants it out of here. I thought she was going to start a show but she didn’t/…

      …/I see a reel of a beauty contest. The winner is carrying a white dress and turns to receive the price. She has a huge red spot on her butts, it’s an embarrassing situation/…

      …/I see something I did on a list on paper. Has something to do with music and some explanations. I don get to see what I’m trying to show with the arrow I drew to the right side of the list. I’m trying to figure out what I wanted to say. There are some Chinese characters somewhere. I’m at work. The list has YouTube links on it and I can see a short clip telling in documentary mode saying something and that the guitar player didn’t mind, then again something about the bass player and that he didn’t mind neither while the video shows a very raw zoom in and out of their instruments. I hear a techno song fragment singing “I wanna be an Angel”/…

      Night 8 -13.01-

      …/it’s sort of big auto repair shop. There’s a lot of junk. The place is dirty with low illumination. Some corners are very dark. There’re different levels of the junk/…

      …/again my grandparents house. Something about some lists and Google maps is not showing the actual position but you may use a reference to locate it/…

      …/I’m shopping somewhere when I turn to see a big wall of peanut packages. There’s somebody saying we can have them for breakfast. I think they’re a snack for cheat talk or something like that. I see the cutlery must be organized, it’s random set on the box/…

      …/some family recent stuff waiting to be done and more stress of work/…

      I lost many of the fragments dictating them on the back of my mind with the voice recorder on pause…

      Updated 01-14-2024 at 07:21 PM by 18736

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    2. Lucid DC help me to put on my shoes

      by , 10-01-2014 at 01:48 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      False Awakening, Lucid

      .../I woke up in our current apartment, when I have some issues with one of my teeth. It's moving and after I while it falls out. I think it's bad because of it's one of the front side. I look for a mirror to see how bad is it looking. I don't see much difference. It's not that bad after all I think. It looks like a candy mint. I'm sitting on my bed thinking perhaps it was better to happen when I feel another tooth moving. I remember it uses to be a dreamsign! The first thing I do, look fot the tattoo. It's completely distorted this time, no need for more questions. It's wonderful, the place looks so real. It's around noon. I start spitting the pieces of teeth I have in my mouth when I remember it's a useless thing to do, because it never ends. I stop doing it, it's hard because of the amount of pieces there and I try to remember some lucid goal while start to take a walk in the apartment. I see our shoes on the floor, when it comes to my mind PercyLucid's dare! I find the perfect pair of shoes for this task, my beloved shoes from the old days. I take them and go to the balcony to look for my wife to ask her to help me. I know she's there because of it's summer like dreamscape and she uses to study there during those days. She's there, I give her the shoes and ask her to help me to put them on. She looks to me very tender. I sit on the chair, and she put my first shoe on. It's a little bit difficult to put, but finally I have it nicely adjusted to my right foot. Now the another one, I see some laces are inside of it, but I don't care. The same, it takes a little until I have it perfectly adjusted to my foot. I realize there's a stereo recorder on a table and some music is playing in the background. I recall the good feelings of the old days, and I'm very happy to see her again in a dream this way. I give her a sweet kiss before I go inside the apartment to remember some other task to do. The music sounds great! I turn the volume up with my mind. The music is wonderful! I feel very happy, when I get into the apartment, trying to remember some other task. No other idea comes to my mind but the feeling of how much I love her. I stand up, and want to give her a warm hug thinking to myself I do love her. When I turn to get back, she gets upset into the apartment, saying something about our neighbor is going to rise our bill for electricity consume for this month because of the music. I get upset with that guy, thinking to myself for who the hell thinks he is to bother her. I see him on the next house working on his hanging garden. Then I turn to see to the front of our house, there's a huge park. I want to go there/...

      * Unfortunately the alarm clock goes off and I have little time to take some notes which I take the opportunity to post in the Lucid Dares thread. The riff is still playing in my head. I make some voice recording to catch it. I went to work hearing it for a while.

      Updated 10-03-2014 at 04:57 PM by 18736

      memorable , side notes , lucid , false awakening