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    1. Raiding rp_downtown with Jake Bowen

      by , 07-21-2011 at 07:59 PM
      Raiding with Jake Bowen (Non-lucid)


      I was with Misha "Bulb" Mansoor and Jake Bowen from the band periphery. We set up base in a little hole-in-the-wall store out of General Props from the Garry's Mod Spawn list and put two keypads on each side. We set up empty refirdgerator frames to use as shelves. Each person got two frames -- enough for 12 printers (four in regular shelves, one in freezer shelf, and one on top)

      We grabbed SMGs from Half-Life and Jake and I left while Misha kept building and guarding in case of raiders.

      We went raiding through the map of rp_downtown. In each base we didn't have to work much because most people had already bought money printers without building fortification, and in a couple more bases we used explosive charges on doors. In one apartment we had to kill four people who opposed us with guns. One was hung.

      Couldn't have found a more perfect picture.

      We came back with a couple money printers each.

      This was a game of Garry's Mod. (AKA Half-Life sandbox game.)