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    1. Long LUCID: went through solid window!

      by , 04-10-2014 at 08:24 AM
      Wow, this was a long lucid dream. Unfortunately my dream recall is not the best right now, and I know I forgot a lot of this dream, including how it started. I do not remember how I became lucid. It was definitely a DILD not a WILD though, and a WBTB because I got up and drank a milk at night.

      What I do remember:

      I remember at some point while lucid remembering that I should fly and so I from that point on went everywhere by flying, not far off the ground by flying nonetheless.

      I rember being indoors and wanting to go outdoors and there was a large balcony window and it was closed, and I decided to go through the solid glass with my eyes open. The sensation is hard to describe: kind of like passing through water but totally different, perhaps more like molted plastic but room temperature but not sticky?

      Outside I was with my older son and I was telling him this is a dream, but could not get him excited or doing anything.

      I remembered two of my goals: my goal to make chocolate appear in my pocket and taste it, and my goal to go to the Taj Mahal. I did not pursue the Taj Mahal out of some reason. I checked my pocket for chocolate, but it was not there! My pocket was empty. I tried to imagine I was eating a non-existant chocolate anyway, but failed to convince myself.

      I tried to recall the DV tasks of the month, but all I recalled was that one of them was Easter related somehow, but did not recall more.

      I remember I a couple of times at least almost lost lucidity or briefly lost it. Once I found myself washing dishes, but then remembered it is a dream, so why am I doing dishes? Then at another time I think I had a false awakening: I was in bed, but then realized I was still dreaming an levitated.

      I remember at some point trying to operate or look at my iPhone, but all it did was emit a slightly ominous sound and show what looked like a heartbeat or something. I but it down face down to not look at it anymore.

      I also recall at some point being bothered by not enough vividness, and saying "Clarity now!" Out loud. And one of my eye's vision got more vivid, but not the other one yet. So I wiped my other eye, and that cleared my vision to very vivid, but only briefly - most of this dream was only so so vividness.

      I also remember a part of my dream where I was exploring my dream home while holding my younger son while I was flying. He was about doll sized and only marginally more interactive than a doll though. I tried to get his interest in stuff. Among other things my dream home had this gorgeous grandfather clock that I got over to for us to check out, and parts of it seemed to be made of gold. In general my home was nothing like my real home.

      I also do not quite remember what happened just before I woke up, and I have the feeling my husband and perhaps my parents may have been in this dream at some point, but not sure. In general this dream seemed to go on for a very long time, and I was lucid for much/most of it. I remember worrying inside the dream already that I might not manage to recall all of it upon waking up!

      My favorite part was flying through the solid glass. Oh and I think but not sure that I actually did that another time later in the dream because I liked it so much.

      I am surprised that I had this lucid now. I have not been good at reality checking, my awareness and recall have been low, my memory is not good now. And still a lucid! I'll take it. So glad to have one, and to not just wake up right away as well. Yay