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    1. Improved Dream Recall: College, High School, Conversations, and Confidence

      by , 11-13-2010 at 07:15 PM
      Last night I had the most amount of dream and the longest dreams that I've had in a long time. On average, my dreams lasted about 30 minutes and they all were very complex and compelling in hindsight.

      Dream Fragment 1-- Movies

      So I'm walking down an open hall, it's almost like a bridge in a tall building where there are glass boundaries with steel poles on top. There are 5 college/frat guys who I know that are leaning against this pole on the right side and looking over the edge. I know that I walking towards a movie and I feel really confident in my stride somehow.

      They are looking at me and I don't instantly go passive observer, which is awesome. Instead, I just keep walking, but I recognize that they are superior to me or something mentally so when I walk by them I drop my ID card in the police on purpose/accident I can't tell which and then say out loud "I dropped my ID card in the trash can." They all laugh but I remain unreactive and fish out my card without even really looking.

      After I get the card, I walk inside and sit in the back of the theater with my longobard in hand. This is really similar to what happened during a recent movie screening a went to. I sat in the back alone while there were a bunch of people around me. In the same way, there were a whole lot of people in the theater I walked into, but I ended up sitting alone in the back. The screen started playing and I got totally captivated in the movie and turned passive observer, which is a main dream sign and occurs usually when I
      1) enter conversations
      2) watch a movie or play a video game
      3) Feel self-critical
      4) STop focusing on being aware

      So the movie play and it's a scene where there are two cops driving a car. It's a red car and the police are having a discussion about donuts, this leads me into my second dream.

      Dream 2-- Donuts, Sugar, and my Dad's Office

      Somehow I am in my dad's office building now, but it's not the actual building. It's just a made up place in my head. The DCs are my dad, this one extra guy who I can't remember specifically but I feel like I knew him in my dream, and me. We walk toward my dad's office, and the guy next to me is eating a donut and drinking coffee. I'm on a diet right now, and so I'm rying not to eat superfluous carbs like that. I end up doing a forward roll, like in Ninjitsu.

      The move ends up being in some sort of slow motion, where I get really close to the ground, and can see this white powder, which might be powdered sugar or donut glaze, on the ground. It's everywhere, then I slowly roll up and walk behind my dad and the other guy. When we enter my dad's office, there are two brown desks that have some papers scattered around on them. In a way, it resembles what his old office used to look like but there are no windows and it looks a lot messier.

      The guy decides to walk past the desk, and I'm analyzing the situation in passive observer mode thinking about where I should sit, what it means to sit where, and how I want to be better than this other guy. But I decide to sit down in front of the desk, and there are 2-3 blank white sheets of paper and a pen next to me, and a chair.

      I don't sit, but I don't see the other DCs either. I've noticed that an aspect of my passive observer sometimes contains me not even being able to experience or perceive the outside world. Even though I am present in the dream still, I am massive caught up in my thought process. I can hear the words of my thoughts and feel some of the emotions that it sparks, but ultimately I don't see much, feel much, or say much.

      This dream ends here.

      Dream Fragment 3-- Beachin with Dean and Austyn

      So I know this is part of a much larger dream that lasted about an hour last night. It was probably the longest dream I kept conscious for in my whole life, but I had this dream after I tried to WILD so maybe that makes sense. Sadly, though, I can't remember the whole thing, so I'm posting the fragments that stand out to me the most and I feel are pretty significant.

      Anyway, I am on the beach alone, and I've been here before in the same dream. I walk with a sense of purpose, like I know where I am going. I head toward the water where there are a bunch of people laying on beach chairs, and I look around. I see Dean laying down to my left and then Austyn laying down to my left two chairs down from Dean.

      So I walk to my left, and start walking directly for Austyn. I had been trying to hook up with this girl for 3 years. We made out once in 9th grade but then I went too far and she got scared/started crying, so we broke off the relationship. Then she got with one of my closer friends, and they ended up dating for 2 years, and she fell in love with him. She would always cry to me about how much she loved her and I always wanted her back.

      So I am approaching her, and I see her face, it looks really beautiful, but she shakes her head and mouths the word "No" as if she can totally read my mind. When I see this, I turn to Dean, who I'm standing right next to at this point and say "Sup." He greets me pretty warmly and we chill for alittle bit. He has this huge bottle of vodka out next to him and he's mixing his cup with it. I can tels he's a little drunk.

      Soon, a cop wearing a tannish uniform comes up and says "Hey, what did I tell you about things like this" and Dean just drops down, fills up a cup with the vodka and says "Here is some water" and the cop smiles and says "thank you" and that's the end of that fragment.

      Dream Fragment 2-- Exploring The Unknown Dorm

      So this dream is really vibrant and interesting. I am walking in my normal dorm, when I find this door I had never gone through before. I go through it and it leads me to this darkish hallway. I'm travelling alone, so I decide to just keep walking because I'm sure that it will lead me somewhere cool that no one else has been to.

      After a little ways, I stumble upon what looks like an art gallery. There are large black columns spread out in the wide open greyish room. I can see everything clearly. The paintings are really colorful and amazing. There aren't very many people around so I start to look at the drawings. They really intrigue me, and I start talking to this one girl about them. I don't think our conversation lasts very long. I start walking forward, toward the other end of the hall. I find another hallway and travel in it all the way around until I reach my dorm again.

      I start talking to all of my friends and people in my dorm about this new place that I've found, I think I'm doing it to make myself look cool though and not actually add to their experience.

      Dream Fragment 4-- Conversation with Chris

      So I am in my dorm room, and it is legit my dorm room. Everything is laid out the same. I answer my cell phone and it's Chris Eubank, who I used to be really close to. He gave me tours and showed me around when I was a senior in high school. He let me stay in his room.

      Anyway, we are on the phone for maybe 10 minutes just chatting. I don't know if I'm in passive observer or not, but I'm shuffling through my clothing drawers and trying to talk with him at the same time. I feel like this conversation is a test or something to see how well I can keep up a conversation and I am horribly failing. There will be these long, drawn-out pauses between surges of speech.

      I can't really think of anything to say as we are talking, and I am trying to keep myself busy and not stress out by shuffling through clothes without any real purpose. At least talk and we converse about some party or something that we are going to do later. I can tell now that I am really overthinking my conversations with people, and constantly stressing about what they think of me and if I am doing the right thing or the cool thing or whatever.

      My speech should be an expression of ME from my HEART, not a tool to measure my coolness.

      Dream Fragments 5/6-- Listening to Mooji

      I've a very spiritual person, and I like to listen to Satsangs on youtube while meditating because they have seriously brought me to a new level of consciousness. I don't even need to be present at these extraordinary learning events, and I can meditate on their meaning without distraction while they are occuring.

      I was doing this for a while yesterday and last night before I went to sleep, which apparently had a deep impact. Two separate times when I was dreaming, I had totally silence and was just listening to the words Mooji was saying. In the first scene, I am watching another youtube video and seeing him and listening. He is talking about how you can figure out what you are by eliminating what you are not. It goes something like.

      "And the emotions you feel. You are not even this. Yes
      And the thinking in your head. You are not even this. Yes"

      He keeps listing things and I slowly realize he is totally right! I am becoming enlightened even in my dreams!!

      The second time I hear his voice is when I am in the car with my mom. My family had just exchanged presents earlier, and I got two CDs from my sister. Me and my mom are driving and decide to put in one CD. The first track is a techno song that I think is from Hard Haunted, which is a concert I attended two weekends ago. The second track was Mooji, speaking with clarity again.

      He starts talking about everything "I AM" and I can no longer remember his words exactly, but this is ok because I know the words are there on a deep and unconscious level, influencing me and helping me find the truth without me even needing to do anything!

      Dream Fragment 7-- Family Gift Exchange

      Me and my family, which is my two older sisters, my mom, and my dad are gathered in our downstairs den to celebrate some holiday(its almost TDAY) and we are exchanging presents. This is when my sisters gives me the two orange CDs.

      We are all exchanging gifts, but suddenly I realize I had no given a gift to my oldest sister Hayley, and I feel really really bad. I feel like I have totally disregarded her and not paid any attention at all to her. I think this resembles how I feel in real life, where I don't have a substantially strong relationship with her as opposed to all the drama and substance in my other relationships.

      I feel like my subconscious is really telling me to reach out to Hayley and make her my best friend ever because she is my sister and she loves me and I love her too. I feel that void and I want to fill it.

      I should get her a gift!

      I feel like I dreamt so much more and had so much more to say at the outset of this DJ but 7 dream fragments is certainly a lot anyway