09.09.2014Big Store Event, Not Attending (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID It’s just one of those dreams where the virtual experiential reality is so high, that I’m slightly shocked for not having some existential questioning going on if this was a dream or not. One part of me wanted to delude myself into thinking it’s real, just for the sake of not being apathetic towards the dream characters, and the dream’s potential value in general. Judging by the body sensations that I’m experiencing, there’s a lot of tension, almost as if there’s some big event where me and the dream characters that look like some of my co-workers are going to participate in. It’s the type of feeling where all the other challenges you had to face creep up on you, but then you come to a realization, and a satisfaction that you overcame them. I can feel my feet tingling, traveling up to my knees, and finally near my stomach. I started to feel an emptiness inside that was oddly comforting. So I just let time pass by, letting the conversations from other co-workers become diluted, and slowly getting accustomed to this highly vivid virtual experiential reality. There was a female there whom I had a deep affection with, though I feel the word is too strong seeing how the relationship in real life wouldn’t really go that far. She still expressed the type of disposition where she would take advantage of her looks to fill the void of the insecurity that she has of not having something to love her; this dream character existed in a way where every single quality I could possibly use retrospect and analysis about her was clearly exhibited, and all she did in the dream was pass through the small lane in the middle of the bus to get out and go somewhere. I reign in these odd feelings of affection towards this dream character, most likely because I already have predispositions to avoid those kinds of interactions with them so that those feelings won’t bleed onto how I communicated with them in waking life. Everyone else just felt like random noise, and I did my best to show some interest with the existence of this dream characters. But when one of them stated that we’re not attending whatever event we’re close to, I immediately lost interest in the dream. Instead of trying to accomplish some goals of mine I’ve had on my mind for -insert x entity- knows how long, I just get bored, and just drifted back into non-lucid dreaming. _________________________ 09.09.2014I'm Too OP in Runescape (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I realize I’m playing a MMORPG that has a Runescape-esque feel to it. I figured I might as well enjoy watching what’s going on. I believe I’m playing as some old man with a long gray beard, and all he’s wearing are some white desert robes in the cold. The overall color schemes consist of blue and gray, and I had a feeling that the area I was going to would be the God Wars Dungeon, seeing how there’s a huge pit with a rope hanging on the side. I had a feeling that if I’m only going into a pit with only a white desert robe, and a staff that looks like the Polypore staff, I’m probably really powerful in this dream version of Runescape. < > I go inside the pit, and I find myself in an area that’s a very spacious battle arena. I do a quick walk around, and I have to fight some purple tentacle creature that seems to be rotating its whole body, or tentacles vertically at rapid speeds. It’s pretty hard to comprehend the existence, and locomotion of the creature in general, and my initial reaction was to activate some prayer abilities like Protect from Magic, or something like that. I even see the Prayer screen as well, though it didn’t seem to me that I activated it at all. < > I believe I’m switching to a melee weapon since I got pretty close to the tentacle monster, though I’m pretty sure I used Mage, or Ranged on it. I’m paying close attention to my health bar, and it seems that I need to activate Soul Split, especially when I came into this place with no food whatsoever. I realize this before going into the pit, but it was already too late since I couldn’t really get into the dream that way to start changing the environment, i.e., I was too indulged in the task of playing this game. I hear the sound effects of the Soul Split, which I presumed was working, and fortunately it did. I manage to kill the tentacle monster with ease, and I didn’t even bother to check if I had a Prayer limit. I guess it was implied that I could use any Prayer ability without worrying about my Prayer points being drained. If playing as an old man with a gray beard and having to rely on a Prayer ability doesn’t imply religious implications unconsciously being expressed to me, then I don’t know what the purpose of this dream is. And just went I thought I could get out of this one, another weird creature appears. The overall composition of it is akin to a dolphin, and it has a light blurry violet color to it as well. It apparently can levitate, and shoot high pressed air at a high rate. Or maybe it was steamy water that was high pressured. I honestly don’t know how I dealt with this one, but I do know that I spent most of my time just running away from it, and dodging when it shoots the high pressured stuff at me. Whatever happened, happened, and the next creature is very hard to recall its overall body composition. I just knew that at that point, if I could handle the previous entities with ease, with only having a few moments where I thought I was going to die, then I’m obviously over powered in this game. I defeated all of them, and I forget what happens next. Oh, and there's another non-lucid dream where I tell one of my relatives (female) that I liked the Naruto Shippuden villains more than the protagonist, but again, not going to invest time in recalling this dream.