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    1. Dragon Smoke

      by , 06-23-2013 at 12:59 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      color code:
      Gray = Comments
      Black = Non-Lucid
      Bold = non lucid dream cues
      Italics = dream thoughts
      Red = Lucid

      I am back baby! I was SO happy to hit these couple lucids. I was planning to WILD but I was having trouble staying focused so I went with MILD and mantra, "I am dreaming. I always become lucid when I am dreaming."

      #192 - 4:48AM - MILD - 1 of 2

      I am at Wal-Mart with my wife and kids. There is some woman selling raffle tickets in the front entrance area. I am not sure if she works there or just some solicitor. I walk up, take the tickets from here and begin playing with them. She says her name is something Page. I recognize that last name as a friend and ex of mine. I say, "Oh you know her then?"
      She answers, "I am her cousin. You know she's had 10 fiancés?"
      I am shocked. "Really 10?" I glance over at my wife nervously. I think that I was one of them but somehow think this was not right. (It wasn't IWL). I go on, "I mean, I didn't think she was like that and I really doubt that's true. But that's really funny you said that." I walk off.

      I am in the parking lot with with my wife and kids now. I see my breath like it is cold but it turns into thick smoke. I am amused and blow out hard. I see a long jet of white thick smoke. I think, It's like dragon smoke. I wonder if I am dreaming. Before I can really test this I see my 11 year old run blindly out into the parking lot at top speed. I worry that a car will hit her and I yell out her name. She stops, looks at me, and begins running back in the same manner. I start to tell her to just stop when I suddenly wake up.

      I had another long dream segment but forgot most of if prior to getting lucid

      I am a parking lot getting in a car. There is some African American woman about to shut the door on me when I turn to look at her I see the same dragon smoke coming from my breath. I recognize it instantly and become lucid. I stand up and the car and woman are gone. It looks like some familiar residential alleyway that I am standing in. The dream already feels unstable so I begin rubbing my hands. My mind feels foggy and I try to gather what I wanted to do. Then I remember that I had been lucid before this part but must have lost it. I don't focus on it too much but I get a clear memory of lucidly running with a woman looking for a silver sports car. I spot it and run to it.

      I let the memory go for now. I am pacing and rubbing my hands still thinking. I suddenly remember that I wanted to go to the crystal cave. I see the back of someones shed and I decide to phase teleport. The dream goes black before I get to it. I don't mind. I just focus on visualizing the cave and the crystal walls. I vividly imagine the feel of it with my right hand.

      Suddenly I am lying in bed. I think, DEILD and relax. I get very mild vibrations and a strange loud humming sound that somehow reminds me of crystal. I don't do anything that feels physical but rather I visualize myself getting up. My vision is a little dim but not a problem.

      I push on a wall to try to phase teleport again but its as solid as brick so I continue to the mirror on the closet door. It's just as solid and I begin to beat on it repeatedly with both fist at an inhuman rate. The sound of it is so loud and that point I begin to wake up. The sound of me beating on the mirror slowly morphs into the sound of the box fan. I am awake.

      Updated 06-23-2013 at 07:01 PM by 5967
