Went to bed around 11:15PM. Moving On At Work I'm walking outside at work between buildings, heading away from my main one. There is an RV setup on a grassy hill where the stairs leading to the visitor meeting center normally is. My mentor B is there. Getting to see the RV is a sort of right of passage, according to the plot of the dream. Inside the RV there are a bunch of shoes hanging on the walls on all sides. There is a man inside the RV that says there is a chemical engineer van as well. J from marching band is there, and there is also a puppy nearby in the street. The puppy is smart, and J is playing frisbee with it. ... Later I'm walking back toward my building. I'm texting with E who used to work there too. She's talking about a 4th of July event with the group I recently missed. I send her some pictures of my girlfriend and I on a pirate ship, vacation. She's talks about how she is about to have her fourth kid. I get a sense of relief/closure. The path that normally leads to my building leads to a different building nearby. I'm late for a meeting and I've forgotten something. I decide not to go back for it. E is there now in person and clarifies that she's only having one kid. I tell her about W and how now I'm a twice uncle. The meeting room is located in a similar place, but it has two floors instead of one. I wake up and think about recording the dream and do so. Then I wake up for real and write down the dream. Recorded at 4:30AM. Fragment Something about deception, dwarves, and World of Warcraft. Recorded on waking at 7AM.
Updated 09-28-2023 at 06:26 PM by 99808
Before WBTB Russian Ride I'm traveling internationally and I don't speak the language where I am at. I'm getting off a train or bus looking for the airport. I see another bus leaving and I wave my arms and chase it, yelling for it to stop. It does. I try to ask the driver where the airport is and he tells me (in English) that the bus is full. It clearly isn't. I wonder if there is some law saying there must be X number of open seats. Regardless, I stay on the bus and he doesn't kick me off. I make my way to the back of the bus. It resembles the CATA bus system from back home. In the back car is a girl with one leg. Short hair, kinda "bad-girl type". She has khaki pants on, and the missing leg has it tied to cover the stump. I sit next to her and ask for help. She's friendly. Some time later we are back at her apartment. It's a big studio, kinda messy with paint and art all over the place. I realize that I'm a girl, and that she may be gay. I get the impression she might have been coming onto me. Later I'm running from Russian agents. I'm running through an apartment complex, entering and leaving through doors/windows. I'm really high up. When I go outside I'm sidling on just-big-enough edges to not fall. I don't know why they are chasing me. I eventually make my way down from the tall complex and make it to the ground but I haven't shook them. I'm in a down-town Chinatown type area at night. There is a big crowd of people and I'm trying to use them to escape from the Russian agents. I'm at a bar with two floors open to the outside. There are some TVs running with couches set in front of them. There are some dark corners I can hide in. I try out a few and crouch down, but I decide that none of them are good enough and keep moving. Then I stand up face-to-face with one of the agents. He looks like Dr. Brenner from Stranger Things. Running again. This time it was short. I ended up in a stone building on a grassy hill, hiding underground. But they've just found me. There is the leader (Dr. Brenner) and two thug-types. They are going to torture me for information. I tell them I've only killed one time, and I wasn't sure if it was me or my uncle who pulled them trigger. I guess I was trying to intimidate them. It doesn't work. They casually talk to me about something and then without warning Dr. Brenner shoots my right ear off with a pistol. I cry out in pain (S hears me and tries to shake me awake). It doesn't hurt as much as I expected it would. They tell me that they will shoot off the other ear if I don't comply. I wake up and tell S I am OK. After WBTB W Aged Up I'm at my Grandma P's house in the bedroom sleeping on the bed. I've slept in later than everybody else. I roll over and see some old drawings I made in my childhood on the wall. My grandma will have decided to have kept them. They are hyper realistic and drawn in pencil. Somehow, they are holographic. I think to myself that maybe I should get back into art. W, my brother's son who is due in September, bursts into the room with his friend, Ian. He's four years old. I can't tell who is who and I feel bad about it. But now I know it is because W isn't born yet. One of them has buck teeth. I follow them around the house and then one kid is missing. I find W/Ian eating dish cleaning tablets under sink. Standard kid behavior I guess Lucid Fragment I'm in a large mall, reminiscent of one from an old marching band trip from high school. I do a nose reality check and realize I'm dreaming. I double take...crap! I was dreaming that whole time before with W! I think to myself that step one is to find my DG...but my lucidity slips and I wander off. Conditions Medium workout early in day Big dinner 2 drinks of alcohol Stayed up late 6hr/30m WBTB Yuschak Primary Trigger (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate) Notes My theory on what happened here...sleep cycle issues. Instead of jumping into the same sleep cycle I was just in, I jumped into the beginning of a later one. I stayed up until about 2:30am playing Zelda and then set an alarm for 8:30am...so about 6 hours after sleep. I know that 5h45m has been a good target for me, so I was experimenting with a larger time to test and see if it can be improved. One problem though is that I didn't have an established wake-sleep rhythm. Plus, I stayed up longer than the typical 15m during the WBTB. I planned slightly longer at 20m but it was more like 30m. I don't think the alcohol will have mattered much because of the later timing, but it could have played a part. Lesson learned: Next time, have an established sleep rhythm. Gonna say data inconclusive about 6h/20m WBTB setup.
Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:05 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Zilla had been on vacation in a remote mountain village and dared me to also visit the place. So I am hicking to the village. I am met halfway by a couple kids who accompany me the rest of he way. They even carry some of my things, excited. When I arrive at the village, the path splits in two and I am not sure which to follow, but see one leading to a panoramic deck and I go there to take photo to send to Zilla. Trying to climb onto this deck, I have to cross a square that has a sort of tank in the middle covered by a shed. One of the sides has a fence, so I can take a look inside. I get a bit scared as I see a bunch of people, looking like zombies, inside the water as if they are about to come out of it. But when I mention it to the kids and a couple other villagers, they go check it and there is nothing there. They don't dismiss it though. They act like what I said makes perfect sense and I notice concern on their faces. The adults exchange some remarks and one leaves as if he is going to talk with someone else but the kids dare me to follow them, all jolly as if nothing happened. They bring me to a large building that looks like a university and I am welcomed by some bery serious lady who tells me to wait in the hallway. I wait there, observing the carved wood statues and panels and running my hand over them to feel the extraordinary details. Then she comes back and leads me to a big hall where I am supposed to stay for the night. It doesm't feel very right, it almost looks like a library with some bunkbeds. Then some couple I meet suggests I follow them instead and stay at some other place they think is better. So we exit this place and go around to its back and find a smaller building facing a high stone wall that encircles this place. There is a small annex in the corner that seems abandoned but in good condition and the door is open. We go check it out and it is small with an entrance area, a reception desk behind a glass window, a couple labs, a small kitchen with a fireplace and a larger waiting room/ living room. We plan to bring in some matresses and sleep here instead. I notice that they observe the windows and check if the blinders work as they plan to shut them down. They don't explain much, but they say the reason the villagers are all stayin at this one place together is for safety at night. Some kind of legend about something atttacking that has returned and I recall the people I saw underwater. They are not yet sure the threat is real but they say we need to shut the windows for safety and avoid cooking or turning the fire on at night to stay incognito, and I worry that it will be damn cold and wonder if this was a good idea after all.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Some weird circular story. Starts with a woman sending her daughter to orphanage. The girl grows up and gets pregnant. Her kid is taken away and raised outside by someone else. He meets his grandmother without knowing who she is and they get involved. Then one day the grandmother finds out where her daughter is and comes to see her, bringing her son along, nobody knowing who they are to each other and he also falls for his own mother. Can't recall what happened next but it was some crazy full circle incest shit. At a college, feeling like a visiting student. Some girls who are showing me things around take me to the auditorium where it is being played a documentary about Billie Eilish. I go inside all happy to watch it and sit on a chair, but some dudes come to charge me 20€ for it and I just don't wanna pay, so I get out, thinking I can probably stream it online cheaper or for free. Then I am invited to coordinate a group of young kids, also visitors, who will be planting trees and bushes in the outside premises. First we all gather in a room and I give them a small lecture about the plants. At some point the kids are all distracted and talking loudly and neither I or their teacher manage to quiet them down. I am losing my voice from shouting. The teacher gives up, but I go grab a recipient with water and throw it at them. It works. They are all wet and in shock looking at me and I finish what I was saying.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the countryside, there is a lake and I am staying there with some friends. One of them is apparently developing feelings for me and because I am not interested, I decide to keep my distance from him. Literally, when he is on one side of the lake, I am at the opposite, and every time he tries to reach me, I move away. Our other friend comes to tell me he thinks our friend is depressed and he believes it is because of the recent racism escalation so he wants to throw him some lunch party or something and I find it a bad idea because his problem with him is uncorresponded love, but I tell him to go ahead, just don't count on me. Then I am in the mountains. At a wooden cabin. I hear gunshots, probably hunters, which I detest. I go check on my dogs who are outside within a fence, but hunters sometimes don't care, they shoot anything that moves, so I fear for their safety. I see a couple Buddhist nuns passing by, and ask them if they've seen hunters around. They say they heard the shots and are saying prayers towards the animals at risk. Then some larger group passes right in front of my gate. The main figure is a Buddhist Lama and he comes surrounded by many monks, one of them by his side carrying a golden metal piece I can't identify. When passing in front of my lawn, the Lama grabs the piece quickly and drops it heavily at our entrance and apparently that means something important. They all come onto the lawn and sit around the Lama who is facing the golden object doing prayers. Then he makes some unintelligible prediction about a baby. Riverstone, whom I haven't noticed before was there, claims to hear something like a baby crying behind a wooden wall on our backs. It's supposed to be a hollow space for storage under a staircase or something, which has a door on the back that I know is locked with several locks. He is kinda out of his mind so he rips a board from the wall, not even letting me say there is a door. Inside this space is an altar covered in brocades and inside some covers is a baby girl that he picks up in awe and shock and brings to the Lama. Everybody is thinking of miracles but I know there is a door at the back of this pillar and ask Fernando S., who is also there, to check if the door is unlocked. He quietly confirms that it is unlocked. I get a bit pissed about the whole show, I don't understand the need for faking this whole shenanigan and I go outside the fence to the beginning of the hill descent. It's dark but I can see there are many other cabins and lots of activity going on, fires and prayers. It totally looks one of those Tibetan Buddhist settlements in the mountains, around monasteries and I think of my guru. Literally I am telling the previous dream to Riverstone. I get to the part of the monks sitting at the garden. And he is so excited to hear it, just as he was in the original dream to live it. He is grasping for a meaning and I can tell he will be disappointed in the end. Anyway, I didn't reach the end of the story. I am sleeping at some kind of attic at some family gathering. My dad, my deceased uncle Fermando and his wife are in that same house but they wanna leave, so my dad comes to wake me up to join him in offer them a gift before they go. I was pretending to be sleeping, cause I didn't want to be involved, but I notice them coming to check on me, so before they see me, I sneak out of bed and hide between an opened closet and remember I had more interesting things to do. I get lucid and teleport myself to outside. Remember to do the TOTM but cant do the ceiling fan thing because I am outside now, so I go for the surf thing. I visualize the ocean just over the end of a hill nearby and I start hearing the water. I go there and half way walking on grass, the ground beneath me disappears and I fall from the sky into the ocean. Amidst the waves, I try to visualize a surf board but it does not work. I kinda feel it but I do not see it, so I catch a wave in an invisible board. Then i see some kids surfing. One of them fall from his board and I "borrow" it. They are pissed about it, but I tell them it's just to catch one wave and I'll give it back. But the waves are really flat. I catch two, but have difficulty in taking any pleasure in the experience. Feels more like sliding over flat water, than actually surfing, as the waves are so small. The last wave pushes me into what seems a small cave but then it is a room. The dream shifts and now I am with kids in a room and they are waiting for the educator to come back. They say she'll put me in detention for making a mess. Indeed I am all wet and spread mud and water all over the pillows I am supposed to be sitting on. But when she comes in and before she manages to say anything, I sneak out and think I wanna surf more, but I am in the countryside again. I visualize an ocean bay and I head there. I am on top of a cliff where people watch beach goers down below. I then see Fernanda in a modelling gig shooting pics at the other side of this cliff, where there is some kind of canyon or canal and other people leaning over a rail, watching it. I ignore, because my goal is to surf again, so I turn again to the bay but it is gone and now in its place is a walk-in water fountain in a park with kids playing. Damn. I walk a few more steps towards the end of this park and someone calls my name excited. It's a friend of a friend (who actually does not exist in RL). I come back to say hi and she is very unpleasant, asking what I am doing here as I should be with my family or something. Then she has another friend with her, whom I never met, and she insults me too, saying maybe I am fooling around with some guy as I did with that guy in Italy while my boyfriend was at home. I did not do anything like that in RL, but in the dream I felt like I did, so I ask why this bitch knows about this and how many more friends of friends know. But then I say it doesn't matter because I don't know them anyway and I couldn't care less. I turn around to leave and they also leave still laughing and insulting me. I just go back two steps to tell the lady that I actually thought she was a nice person except for the part where she is a fucking cunt. They went down some stairs and when I look around I am inside some house again, seems like a clinic. There are rooms with patients and rooms with professionals apparently receiving training. I feel I am intruding but the patients gathering at some leisure room are very welcoming. Then I realize they all have back problems and are there for some physical therapy. I see something in the walls that catches my attention: intricate living landscapes. Each frame has divisions with small landscapes like lakes, ponds, ocean. You can see tiny rocks in it, mosses, algae, all real but in tiny size and most incredibly they are all covered in water that stays vertically in the divisions without anything holding it. Also, we are encouraged to touch it and make waves, make the water muddy, etc. Then I recall again my objective and I am considering choosing an ocean landscape to jump into it, but I wake up.
Updated 03-19-2021 at 10:47 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some hotel with friends on holidays. We meet Keanu Reeves, who's there too. Me and some other girl decide to come talk to him and flirt a little, but the other girl ain't so bright and she had written notes of what she wanted to say to him. With the nerves she messes the whole thing up and instead of me trying to take over the conversation, I kind of help her out reminding what she had to say and give her space to recover and get his attention. Keanu is quite impressed with my attitude, but still goes on laughing with her, showing more interest for her, which annoys me. I leave them and go to a garage where we left a van to be repaired or something and I stay around for a bit. Then I go back to the pension and see some lady I know passing by the reception with her two kids, a teenager and a younger one. She is asking for some nearby restaurant she heard about and then sees the business card of a vegetarian restaurant owned by a friend of mine. She picks it up and she is considering going there instead, but her teen kid says "no way", as she hates vegetarian. I ask her why and tell her I can change her mind. Later on in the evening I am outside with my friends and see the two kids alone inside a car. I go ask if everything is fine. They say their mom went looking for something and they are waiting for her to come back. Then the oldest says she is not feeling very well and that she feels that something terrible is going to happen. I find it weird as I too recall a strange premonition I had some days ago. So I go look for their mother, terribly worried. I see her jumping from a viewpoint and being run over by a car on the street below. She dies. Then the kids get stuck for hours in the car when the police arrives, because they don't know what to do with them and don't want them to get out and see what happened to their mom. Visiting my (deceased) grandparents. They now live in a new house in a small suburban village. The house is in a poor neighborhood, the decoration is very simple, kitsch and old fashioned. I really wonder why they "moved" here and cut bonds with all family members. But they are clearly happy, completely disconnected from all their previous life and family. I feel they are at peace, so I am happy for them.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a guy who can become invisible. I see some guys bullying some kids and I follow them to see if they get violent. Instead, they take the kids to a house and I worry they are going to abuse them. One of them sits on a bed and calls the kids over. That's when I use my power of invisibility to attack them. They are confused but after a while of taking beatings, they realize it is an invisible being and develop a plan to catch me. I have to climb things and hang from places to escape them. This goes on for some time. Then I learn they have a sister and I fall in love with her at first sight. I become visible to her and she also falls for me. She helps me to get out of there and we talk a bit outside and become friends. We depart and I go to a grocery store. I notice the prices are ridiculously high, supposedly because this is a very chic neighborhood. I can only afford a tiny bag of snacks for 2€. At the counter, the cashier is insisting with two ladies that they have to wear mask, but resist and are rude to the cashier. I remember I am also not wearing one, so before I get closer to the counter, I put mine on. I get pissed at the women's attitude justifying their carelessness with pseudo-scientific arguments, so I scream at them that I am a biologist and all they just said is BS and tell them to wear the damn mask. My mom picks me up by car outside and we pass by some of the fanciest buildings in the area. Namely a big fancy hotel with only expensive cars outside and fashionable people hanging around. There is a couple heading to some sports car who are basically naked, as their designer clothes are just weird avant-garde black underwear. The guy has a thong and his basically butt naked. We make some joke about it and they hear it and they seem offended that we don't appreciate their high end futuristic naked suits. Further ahead I see lots of young aspiring models and just fashionable youngsters aspiring to fame, who hang out in a square waiting to be "discovered". Some are vlogging, others are being filmed for some reality show, but it looks like a freak show. Then my mom says she needs to go to this address of a Japanese man who makes knifes. I am pretty curious. We arrive there already late evening, he lives in a modern Japanese style house. There is one door to his residence and the next door is his shop, which has a window display with his work. The shop is dark and closed, so we ring the bell to his residence. No one comes and then we see some movement on an enclosed balcony on the first floor. We see a man moving and then half a dozen men in suits attacking him and being neutralized. I wonder if we should insist on talking to the guy. He clearly is more than a knife maker. But then his wife shows up at the door and welcomes us warmly. We say what we want and she takes us to the shop. There are lots of kitchen knifes and traditional Japanese crafts. Even some katanas, but all decorative. I ask her if her husband also forges swords and she seems upset with my questions. Claims he does not and never did. I sense that she is lying so I insist. Then realize either he no longer wants to or he just doesn't sell it to anyone asking. I want to know more so I try to show her I am not just someone. I ask from where in Japan they are, tell her I have been there some time myself. Unfortunately I don't know their village or town so I can't break the ice with that. But I start telling about the places I've been. She doesn't seem impressed. But she likes my mom and offers her some cakes. They sit at a table that has no place for me. I feel awkward but my mom, she tells me to sit down on the floor next to her and hands me over bits of the cakes.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Driving through the mountains at night, I see some rocks on fire. First I don't know what it is and then it occurs to me someone is trying to set the woods on fire. I go back to try to do something about it. I arrive at a crossroad I hadn't seen before and almost crash with a group of ladies walking from a nearby village. They are aware of the fire. They tell me it is some guy's revenge, trying to set fire to another guy's land. Fortunately the fire is put out by the villagers. Sleeping at my mom's, sharing her bed with a bunch of kids, who look like my cousins when they were young and also some toddlers I don't know. Have lunch with my grandpa. We bake tofu and potatos in the oven, enough for several meals or some more people, but granpda is eating like a hungry hippo and soon there is no food left. I get up to go to the kitchen to get something else, but somehow I end up at Axman's restaurant. He has friends over and he talks and talks. I get very sleepy sitting on his couch while I wait to get his attention. I decide to get out of there and catch some air. Find a bunch of kids from a school or after school activities, playing in a yard and I join them with curiosity for what they are doing. They are selecting toys to play and I fix a few toys and board games that had missing parts and defects. Then find a kid interested in a 3D chess kind of game and I suggest we play it. But it takes 4 people. I see 2 other older girls sitting and invite them over. I am supposed to find a table for us which to sit, but I have to walk a long walk until I find one, almost a block away, outside some kind of canteen or cafeteria. There are people in other tables discussing if people should get free housing and support if they have no money or if should be given money instead. A server comes with a large cake, asks if I want it. I say sure, but I need to go get 3 other friends to join me. At some foreign country, I think eastern Europe, with some friends. I go shopping with them at a supermarket. I didn't pick up a basket at the entrance, so I am putting on the cashier's counter the food I already picked while I am desperately looking for breakfast cereals. The cashier gets mad at me and pressures me to either pay or just take things out of there. I finally give up and pay what I bought. My friends then take me to some alternative collective where movies are being screened on some warehouse. They tell me it is a Portuguese expats association, all nice people and with a good cultural program. But we don't stay. Outside they talk with a couple guys sitting on chairs welcoming the movie goers. I spot an annex open and filled with bags of cat food. They explain they have a resident cat colony and show me where they feed them in a back alley. But I only see one cat there at the moment. I meet Riverstone on my way to the train station. We are kidnapped by some mafia guys and taken to a palace behind the train station, where they intend to torture and question us for some reason. But there is an earthquake or some other building just collapsed and we escape in the middle of the chaos. I am half naked as they ripped my clothes. We go through secondary alleys and we hide from people, until we finally get on the train and escape. My uncles and cousins are coming to my house, which is quite different from reality. It is also rustic but has smaller rooms, more floors and is stuck in some old town in Scotland. First to arrive are my cousins João and Sara and I show them the kitchen and storage room, placed around an old furnace. My mom joins us then. She is excited, brings a dog and says there is another one just as cute and playful, but doesn't explain where they come from. Then my uncles also arrive and my mom goes away without a warning. I follow her, trying to figure where she is going and the rest of the family follows suit. She was just going to a pub nearby to get some fancy liquors to serve to the family members, but now we are all there with her, so we decide to just get some drinks right there. A police officer that was at the door warns us we are too many and not wearing masks and therefore we are breaking the rules. I get a mask from my pocket and I suggest my family they do it to, but nobody cares. I then spot a group of people I know, all dressed up like in the 20s. They are sitting in some sofas by a large window with an iron frame. Outside is snowing, looks postcard perfect and I join them. Realize that I don't match their outfits, as I am in my large boots and sweater. But they actually save the center seat for me and welcome me.
8th May Dream: I was in the car with H. H was driving very fast and race-like, even though we weren't in a rush to get anywhere. Pretty close one between a double length bus and a car. I remember the tyres screeching a lot all the way and I asked H why. He said it was because they brand new Michelin tyres. It was like my native country and town. Eventually we arrived at a place, ground floor of a building, in front of it was like a petrol station. The place we walked into was like a school, for kids between the ages of eight and ten. H and I had been here earlier in the dream to drop off a keyboard temporarily. Now, we were here to pick it up again. I think the kids were actually teens in the earlier part of the dream. One of the kids now, was asking why we had to take the keyboard away again and H explained it had only been meant as a temporary thing anyway. H asked if anyone had played the keyboard. Some kids said they hadn't, somehow clearly afraid of being reprimanded, even though it was unlikely, but they also said they had practised at home like H had taught and demonstrated. I didn't speak much at all, H talked to the kids a lot. Somehow reminded me of my geometry teacher, trying to actively get the kids to think and take interest in things. Eventually, a lady walked in, the teacher who runs the place. She was happy to see the kids entertained and it was as if we'd known her and vice versa for years. I remember noticing I had my black leather jacket and my regular boots on. I think in the dream we both became distracted from our objective of getting the keyboard. There was also a set of keys we'd left in the earlier visit, but we weren't being able to find them. The layout was different from the earlier visit. Scraps: Grandma from mom's side, dad and I, talking. I remember she was holding a golden cross that she wore around her neck. I made mental note of the size of the cross, almost too big to be held by one hand alone. Notes: - I don't believe H has actually ever bought Michelin-branded tyres.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Last performance of Evanescence at the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. A totally unplugged song with tribal drums, not at all their style, but sounds good. The vocalist has a lot of accidents like props falling and even drops a drum that rolls on the ground. But still it is very emotional to them and the public. Then watching some family soap from the 70s in which a group of 6 kids of different ages were supposed to take a train together and meet some of their parents on arrival, but instead they miss the train and steal a car, not to reach destination but to get by the side of the train and trying to jump on it. The oldest couple of kids can't jump and keep driving. They are stopped by the police and they aĺl get bummed out because all their parents will eventually know about their little adventure.
6/04/2019 I'm walking in the countryside and I enter in a forest, I can listen to the birds chirping and the wind and the wind that flows between the leaves of the trees and between my hair. Then I hear some kids laughing and after a wile I see them playing in a glade among the trees, there are two boys and a girl, running near an old church. I'm curious about that building because it's very old and mysterious, but I don't want to interrupt the kids so I decide to wait until they go away. When the kids run away into the woods I enter the church and I find a small camp where two very small people live, they are so tiny that I can hold them in my hand. The first one I see is fat man with a rat tail sleeping on the ground, then on the other side of the church I see a little girl hiding behind a column, she is young and extremely pale with long, straight and white hair. I don't want to scare her so I keep my distance and greet her with my hand, after that she seems to feel more confident and approaches me, I ask for her name and she answers me(I don't remember what she said), then we start talking. After a few exchanges I ask her if she can give me some advice on how to have a lucid dream, she tells my something but unfortunately I can't remember anything of what she said. Now I'm boarding at the nuns where I live and again I'm talking with the litte girl, we are becoming friend when a nun arrives and seeing what was happening remains shocked, gets angry with me and tells me that I should never talk to a fairy again because it could be dangerous. I'm so sad that this dream doesn't turn into a lucid dream, the fairy could have toe me that I was already dreaming, it would have been easier; or maybe she did it but I don't remember.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a stadium, an electric tornado approaching. It is like an F3 but pink and purple and appearing to be electrically charged. I first spot it and suggest to people some hiding places, but there aren't enough safe places so I think of the children and suggest their parents to hide them inside some lockers nearby. But too late I notice they are made of thin wood and leaned against a very fragile fence and not against a cement wall as it appeared. So with the first winds, it all blows up and the kids get exposed. Then it is each person for itself. With a friend we run through a door we just noticed and seems to lead to an underground level. We do go down one floor, but it is still above ground and we see through the windows the tornado breaking everything in its path. Then a strange calmness and we think the worst is over, but actually the tornado keeps coming, never really hitting and we keep looking for a safe place but we never find one.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening A Miami Vice dream. Sonny is in trouble, there is a bomb under his chair, pressure activated. A team comes on helicopters and he is saved. A rich guy offers Sonny a high tech helicopter that looks like Millennium Falcon in black, but he has some trouble learning how to fly it and at first he bumps against everything. Then the helicopter turns into a Transformer and while morphing, Sonny is left hanging outside the helicopter as it goes away. Then a chase on yachts and helicopters, I am on a yacht. On another yacht is the dead guy from Weekend at Bernie's. Then I also get on an extremely high tech flying gear. Some secret agency hasn't found good pilots for it and I kick ass on it. It does vertical flying, instant speed changes and is controlled mostly by the mind. Go down a hill to a riverbed, some kids playing there and freaking out over a tiny frog. I put the frog back in the water before they hurt her. Some dudes on horse are coming fast to where we are and I scream to the kids to get out of the way and take cover in the bushes nearby. The guys have assault weapons and carry someone's bloody arm. We're not sure they saw us or not. We go tell the police. Then we all take a bus home together and these guys hop in and sit by our side. The kids freak out. A dream with my guru. (secret)
I am somewhere outside (Hawaii?), walking down the sidewalk along a small two way street. There are storefronts and shops all close together (reminiscent of Virginia City or maybe even Lahaina). I have a kid with me whom I am watching (Adrian?). I think Melissa is with me too. I think we’re looking for ice cream, so I’m not sure why we’ve just passed an ice cream shop. We may be looking for another option. This shop has a large open window type front, but the opening is filled with shelves. The wood shelves hold little tiki containers of ice cream. I think there are also other shapes, like coconuts. One of the tikis has a Stealie etched and colored into it. I see a few different types of chocolate with different names. We continue on, and on the other side of the street there is a fairly large and simple stage in the shade. We’re passing by it, and I start nodding my head to the music. I notice that the rhythm guitar player is playing the smoke on the water riff over this band’s song. Now Sage is here for a second? She says that Deep Purple only knows how to play fast (as if they wouldn’t know how to play slow). I jokingly ask her if she’s ever seen a Deep Purple acoustic album, then say no because they couldn’t make one or something. Now, Melissa, the boy, and I have reached a stretch of beach that ends in a calm body of water. I have my arm over the kid’s shoulders, in a fatherly sort of way. He is bigger than a toddler, probably closer to 5 or 6. I don’t think he is Adrian anymore. The kid feels like a family friend or someone close enough to where I can casually put my arm over him. I jokingly say something about Melissa and him getting in the water (like it’s going to be really cold). I let them go ahead, and they actually do get in the water. I didn’t think they would, but now I have to follow. I step in with my bare feet and find out that it’s really not that cold. I’m wearing shorts and a tie dye? tank top. I see a thick, white worm or caterpillar with a ribbed body clinging to some debris right under the surface. I then see another. They’re slightly gross. I now submerge myself, and we all swim for a bit. There is a playground structure rising out of the water; we all climb onto it. From up here, I see a cop car parked under some trees a ways off (it is dark out). I think he puts his lights on, but he start coming over here. He watches us, but I think he can’t get over here because of the water. I tell Melissa not to talk to the police. I also imagine talking to him and telling him I have the right to remain silent and not answer questions. Now when I look around it seems to be daylight, there is ground (with wood chips) under the structure, and quite a few other kids here, playing. Keegan’s mom is now up here, on top of a slide. She is worried about the police being here. She’s worried about her son (who is now Adrian again - I see him playing with other kids down below) and thinks it’s because he’s left alone or too alone. I look down at him, and he puts on a face like this is actually true, which irritates me because the exact opposite is true. I’m just about to tell her that I’ve actually been with him all day, but she slides down the slide. I am with Dad, Makayla, and Lily at Dad’s? house. I’m talking to them about something. I now have Lily lay down: I'm going to give her a guided meditation (for OBE?). I was going to have her lay on her back, but she lays on her side and says it’s comfortable enough. I think that it’ll still work. I am sport climbing with another guy. It must be a multi-pitch, as we’re currently anchored next to each other up here. It also must only be the first pitch, as it’s not too high up. The rock is a dark and fairly coarse granite. There is something about the possibility of a hold breaking? I get to thinking about it and think that a whole slab of the face could fall off. I’m sketched out about this, and I’m glad I’m not the first person that had to climb this. I think the other guy wants to fall?
I start off this dream messing around with kids. We are in a large, strange room with a lot of cots inside. I'm laying down on one, trying to get rest when someone came up to me with DCs. I look at them and realized that they were games. One was a horror game like Jason Voorhees but it was different. It had a female character covered in fake looking clear gel like stuff. She was posed in a strange way, trying to look scary but really isen't at all in a realistic room with windows behind her. I Put that on down and seen other game that looked like clear CDs with most of the stickers and paint scraped off of it. After that the kids go to sleep but then something happens and there is a monster running around here. He looks like Optimus Prime from the Last Knight and he sees and starts chasing me. I ran out of the bed room and into another room where Prime followed me to. This room was a dangerous room that had a factory feel to it and Prime back handed something that was in his way but ended up hurting himself. His arm got snagged on it and it exploded. His arm was charred on the surface with bits of wire and pipe broken on it. He shook that off and he opened his arms up like he was about to hug me and I ducked just as he attempted to grab me but only got an arm full of air. I syked him out, running between his legs in which he tried to trap me in. Sometime had pass and I'm running out of a liking room with Prime behind me who is now a human size. I looked around and found an attic and started for that. the steps were very weird. There were made out of stone and flat. When I got to the attic I seen that the kids laying on the floor, shaped like heaps. They had moved there since it was more room and I didn't realize it. Not wanting them to get hurt I quickly turned around and seen that I was trapped. Prime was on his way up and I ended up jumping the whole flight of steps, surprising him and he ducked as I flew overhead. He turned into his monster mode that gave me a strange vibe and he ended up catching me. "I'm going to get you with my Prime mode." He laughed as he morphed into Optimus prime. He held me down on my back and forcefully kissed me on the lips with his unmasked face, laughing as he did so." Another Prime appeared from behind the bad one and pulled him up of off me. He looked down at me and I seen he was to same version and think he was angry because I like what was going on.