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    1. Trying to get contacted while getting blocked

      by , 07-04-2010 at 09:42 AM
      Blue = Lucid
      Green = Semi-lucid
      Red = Non-lucid

      I woke up from a normal dream and didn't move 1 inch so I DEILD'ed without even trying at all.
      I woke up in my room, I sitted on the bed and looked around, I saw my older sister and she was being all hyper which was unusuall for her. I knew from the start I was dreaming but I wanted to make sure so I looked at my right hand, it had 5 fingers, I checked my left hand and it had 3 fingers, I closed my eyes and opened them again and it had 5 fingers now. Now I was sure that I was dreaming, after some time my sister exited the room and dissapeared, I couldn't remember at all what she was saying. I stood up and walked a bit around the room, rubbing my hands just to make sure everything stays. After a few moments I started calling out "Yranul!" after my first shout some tiger like creature with weird colors jumped on me and tried to kill me, but I fought back, as I hitted it my hand just went trough it, breaking it into 2 pieces, for some reason it's insides were out of wood, but the creature seemed like it was made from flesh and bones o.o... After defeating it I stood up again and called out again "Yranul!" this time nothing attacked me but I saw a small shadowy creature walking on the already shadowed floor, the room was halfly bright but the floor was dark and shadowy. I picked up the creature that was walking down there and it was a pitch black eevee with black eyes, I took it into my arms and held it like a baby and petted it, it enjoyed being petted. It couldn't talk but it talked to me by showing me signals with it's paws, I can't remember what we talked about besides the last thing. It took some kind of a small book and listed trough it looking for the calendar for 7th month but it couldn't find it, it kept listing and listing looking cofused how it's not there. While it was doing that I kept hearing in my head "Birthday....birthday..." I tought maybe it meanth Noom's birthday so I pointed to 30.1 but it shook it's head and kept on looking, then I tought maybe it meanths it's own and mine so I pointed 29.3 but again it shook it's head. It gave up after some time and went back into my arms and I petted it some more. It dissapeared for some reason and I was transfered into my mom's house into the kitchen and in it were my mom and stepdad, I was semi-lucid at this point. They started shouting at me and kept telling me what a failure I am and looking for any insult they could find. For some reason I couldn't move or anything, I could just sit and watch them scream at me. After some time I was again transfered somewhere else, this time I was in some small store and I was non-lucid. I looked around the store looking what they had, 1 thing caught my eye, It was a box with packings on it saying "lolipops" but inside the packing were regular pencils. I looked confused at them and then I heard 2 girls talking about something. I turned around and one of them was pregnant, she said something about those pencils help her become pregnant. Before I could get even more confused I was again transfered somewhere else, this time outside of a huge mall. I saw a person walking and talking to someone how he got a car on luck games, sold it and made himself a house. Before anything happened I was transfered into the huge mall but I don't remember anything that happened from that point on untill I woke up.

      As I woke up I remembered it all for 1 second but I quickly forgot ALOT of it and got a huge headacke and got tired.

      Notes :
      Yranul - My sub-c or Dream guide
      Noom - My love's sub-c or Dream guide
      Sub-c and Dream guide are pretty much the same thing as far as I know. xD

      And final note :
      I have something called mental block and it is causing me not to be able to contact Yranul and it forces out any memory from dreams I am not allowed to have by it's opinion and it also dissallows me to visualise in colors and alot of other stuff but that is not important. xD