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    1. Not Quite Paris

      by , 06-13-1978 at 12:13 PM
      Morning of June 13, 1978. Tuesday.

      In this dream, I am aware that aggressive hippopotamuses are continuously swimming about and eating people near a beach as well as capsizing boats (apparently called “eights” or rowing boats used in the sport of competitive rowing) that seem to be part of a local competition. People are warned about the danger including with a few signs near the shore, but nobody pays heed to either the signs or the actual threatening appearances of the hippopotamuses in the large river (though they mostly lurk under the water and none of them are ever onshore).

      There is eventually a scene where I am on a small airplane (not a Cessna but some sort of older type I have seen in older safari movies, at least as the exterior). There are several people on the airplane, perhaps as many as ten in close proximity. The unfamiliar female pilot (of only about twenty), though she has the appearance of my “dream girl”, is having trouble with the airplane and just manages to avoid crashing into the Eiffel Tower by dramatically flying under it, almost as if in slow motion. This feels interesting and exciting, perhaps because my dream is almost bordering on lucidity at this point and the vestibular system ambiguity of the dream state, though I slowly wake up after this near-miss event. The airplane seems associated with being on a school bus as from years before and seemed more like a bus inside. There is also a vague association of school with regard to the airplane, as if it might be part of a school field trip (though I was no longer in school at this point in reality).

      Updated 11-12-2018 at 08:25 AM by 1390
