Miles to Meters With Grandpa: I'm on vacation with my girlfriend's family. Mostly her's, but a few representatives from mine are there too. We are all staying at a large ranch-style home. Recently I have woken up from a dream and I have my phone out ready to record audio for it. The dream within a dream I am remembering is apparently a lucid dream, where I noticed my girlfriend sleeping next to me. She is twitching and making quiet pained sounds. From experience I know this is a nightmare. After a few tries I successfully wake her up. So, I want to find somewhere private to record this dream, but there are people everywhere I go. I walk from the living room, to a hallway, to a den that looks like a room from my ex's Dad's house. All crowded with people. I make my way outside eventually into the yard. It's vibrant green, summertime, as typical for my dreams, with some yellow shine effects. ... I'm in the garage now with somebody that the dream indicates is my girlfriend's Grandpa, but he doesn't look like him. We're in a car together and parking it by pulling forward into the garage. He wants me to measure some distance from where we are to the parking spot, so he hits some big square buttons on the dashboard. There is a digital indicator with a two digit number followed by an "m" for the units that comes onto the dash after he has hit the buttons. I say outloud that "Ah! That must be miles...oh wait that doesn't make sense...meters!" I'm worried that I look stupid in front of him...not wanting to embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend's Grandpa. I ask him why we are measuring this in the first place and he excitedly says "So that we get to hit the buttons!" This strikes me as odd, so I do a nose reality-check. I can breathe. This is a dream. I tell the Grandpa that this is a dream, and he gives me a strange look. Like an "oh shit, you've figured it out" look. I attempt to transform him for certain experimental purposes, but it doesn't work. Fragment: I'm in a mall-like building, in a large diner similar to something like a Coney Island restaurant. There is a clothing store nearby that, within the story of the dream, I am very familiar with. It seems that I have worked at this mall for a long time. Fragment: I'm with my brother and my girlfriend in the living room. My brother hits my girlfriend. I'm enraged. I catch her, and then within seconds I've knocked my brother down, without thinking about it. He tried to defend his action, but I'm not listening. In my mind, he has no excuse.
Updated 01-08-2024 at 03:33 PM by 99808
Went to bed at ??? Boomer Party: I'm in CM's condo from a few years back. I'm getting ready to go to a party but there is some issue with my clothes in my bag. There is a guy at one point who is going to perform fellatio on me. Which isn't my preference. But he wants to use some smartphone app. I take issue with the app. I tell him that maybe I'm 'a boomer' for this, but I don't trust any of them such as TikTok, Facebook, etc. Looking back, it is strange that I didn't take issue with the proposed activity, but I did take issue with using an app. There wasn't an obvious indication that he was going to record with said app, just that he was going to use one, so it wasn't a privacy thing. Supportive Snow: I'm riding in a van with KD's mom. We're going up an incline on a snowy mountain road. We're on the phone with my uncle J. We see a jeep going down the next section of mountain. There road there is unfinished and heading downward. The jeep is tumbling and flipping over multiple times. I'm telling my uncle that the situation isn't looking good for us, but I'm not concerned about it. We make it up to the turn where the jeep was, and mentally I'm now expecting to flip and have problems. But when we go down, the snow cushions our descent. It bunches up and prevents the car from accelerating. Woke up at ??? 250 words for the night.
Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:07 PM by 99808
Went to bed at ??? Bad Pheromones I'm in a school/college situation. It may have been mixed with my work cafeteria. ER from work a few years back is there. I default to hiding my interest in her (as I did in waking reality), thinking that there is not a high likelihood of that interest being returned by her. There is a vague situation where I smell bad (lack of deodorant, dirty clothes etc). This makes the situation all the more tense. Recorded at ??? I woke up from my alarm and started to get ready for work. I showered, dressed etc. But then I decided to call in for the day (and went bad to bed) because I felt crappy. So, that technically makes this a mid-morning WBTB, but I wasn't going for any kind of timing goal here. Went back to bed around 8AM. Getting Lost at Costco I'm at Costco with my girlfriend. I do a nose RC out of habit and become lucid. I also do a hands RC, and I have baby-hands branching off my fingers. Nice. I'm thinking that this is a great opportunity to try baked goods and see what they taste like in a dream. Ape-brain kicks in at this point though, and activities ensue with my girlfriend. She comments that since this is a dream, it doesn't matter that we are in public. After that, I try to find the bakery section but lose my lucidity before reaching it. Summoning Snow I'm at home and did a nose-RC in the hallway, becoming lucid. My brother is there. He had a nerf gun, but I mostly ignored him. I did stabilization (narrating, rubbing hands/feet). I had the presence of mind to try to stand still, observe the dream environment, and ground myself. The dream started to fade, but I managed to hold on. The same dream reformed, and I repeated my reality checks + stabilization. I felt pretty happy about this. I reflect that maybe past dreams 'fading' were just my brain attempting to wrestle lucidity from me and succeeding. But this time I beat it. I went out to the living room area, it's a long room instead. I wanted to go somewhere more interesting. I remember one method for traversal is association/reframing, and also that my previous attempts at portals have been lackluster. I think about where I would like to go and decide on a snowy place. I wonder what association might help my brain generate such a place. I decide to imagine an ice pick and search around the living room for one, but no luck. I head outside. There is a bit of snow on the ground, sort of like when snow that had been there previously has mostly melted. I find the ice pick on the ground in the yard. I vaguely recall seeing my brother outside too, but then there was an older woman there. Not someone I recognized now or then. The woman tries to advise me on lucid dream ability. She tells me that I have done well, but need to move on now. I take the advice to mean my summoning of the ice pick went well, but I should try something new. Where there is normally brick wall in my yard, there is a wooden fence. There is a beautiful New Zealand-esque grassy field landscape beyond the fence. I jump over the fence and fly into the distance. Alternate Silverlight I am in a futuristic city with silver skyscrapers, lucid, and flying around. I wonder whether this place is another interpretation of Silverlight (a fantasy forest I've been trying to get to). I'm in a crowd with some DCs. The DCs know I am there, lucid, and dangerous to them. They have been warned by something. I didn't do anything with these people and just flew off again, enjoying the dreamscape. This environment is much more interesting than my typical lucid dream fare. Recorded around 10AM.
Updated 10-23-2023 at 10:20 PM by 99808