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    1. Night of Monday 2/12/24

      by , 02-13-2024 at 05:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      Odd Jobs:
      I'm approved on a trial-basis to work for one of my coworkers, N.
      The gig is 'odd jobs' such as carrying furniture for people, or giving rides home to drunk people from bars.
      I'm in a camp-like area with a central mess hall for group eating. It reminds me of band camp a little.
      White glove-like symbols are marked over doors, indicating potential jobs.
      There is a sense of secrecy to it.
      The other people in the work-group are mechanic-types and long-established in the work.
      I'm a new-comer and feel isolated, especially since I'm the only non-blue collar person involved.
      Standing in a parking lot area behind the mess hall, I get a text from N "you in? send a profile pic!"
      Later I'm in a park-like area. Mostly open grass, but a concrete structure within it.
      I'm inside the concrete, resting. It's a cylindrical shape so I can lie down. My hands are cold against it.
      My sister comes and finds me, now asleep. My perspective has shifted. I see myself sleeping with a smile on my face.
      Then I'm in a car, still with the perspective shift. My sister is taking me somewhere.
      I'm at my Great-Grandma's/Grandma M's condo. My brother and my sister are running a sort of party.
      My brother has set up some computer monitors, with one mirroring the other successfully.
      I'm somewhat impressed by this.

      Sleeping in the park.

      Updated 02-13-2024 at 09:11 PM by 99808

    2. Night of Sunday 1/14/23 (Comp Night 9)

      by , 01-15-2024 at 05:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Onesie Catte:
      I'm with my friend D and my brother in my childhood basement bedroom.
      We are crowded around my computer, discussing going over to D's house.
      There's some concern that my sister M will feel left out.
      We're at an apartment closer to what modern day D's looks like.
      Something bad has happened and we are having a discussion in the living room.
      I'm feeling cold, so two of D's cats come over. One is wearing a onesie.
      I attempt to recall the names of his cats, but I can't.
      The onesie cat lays down on me and I feel warm.
      I'm walking outside, either to school or from school.
      The path doesn't seem familiar, rather, it looks like a summer version of the path from the movie A Christmas Story.
      There are a group of kids playing a sport off behind a fence on my left.
      The national anthem has started to play, and I sing along.
      Someone nearby gets on my case about not having my hand over my heart.
      While singing, I debate whether my allegiance should really be to the flag, given how the past few years have gone.
      I'm in a past living place. This time, a condo my family briefly lived in while our home was having work done on it.
      My Mom is there, and she is working on fixing the sound system on the entertainment center.
      She has no clue what she is doing. She's holding a speaker and trying to unfold some plastic wings on it.
      Without embarrassing her too much, I try to steer her away from the system with tact.
      I'm now playing Super Mario 64 on the TV with my family watching.
      There is some kind of new game plus, where the levels are slightly modified.
      I'm at the secret Peach Slide from the early game, and there is a group of coins spelling out "Congratulations!" or something similar at the start.
      Now the family is in the kitchen and we are discussing a movie we recently went to see.
      The kitchen is a mixture of the condo and my Great-Grandma's/Grandma M's.

      You have been visited by Onesie Catte. Say "Meow Meow Onesie Catte!" for good fortune.

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 08:02 PM by 99808

    3. Night of Wednesday 1/3/24 (DILD)

      by , 01-05-2024 at 06:32 PM (Dreamlog)
      Miles to Meters With Grandpa:

      I'm on vacation with my girlfriend's family. Mostly her's, but a few representatives from mine are there too. We are all staying at a large ranch-style home.
      Recently I have woken up from a dream and I have my phone out ready to record audio for it.
      The dream within a dream I am remembering is apparently a lucid dream, where I noticed my girlfriend sleeping next to me.
      She is twitching and making quiet pained sounds. From experience I know this is a nightmare.
      After a few tries I successfully wake her up.
      So, I want to find somewhere private to record this dream, but there are people everywhere I go.
      I walk from the living room, to a hallway, to a den that looks like a room from my ex's Dad's house.
      All crowded with people. I make my way outside eventually into the yard.
      It's vibrant green, summertime, as typical for my dreams, with some yellow shine effects.
      I'm in the garage now with somebody that the dream indicates is my girlfriend's Grandpa, but he doesn't look like him.
      We're in a car together and parking it by pulling forward into the garage.
      He wants me to measure some distance from where we are to the parking spot, so he hits some big square buttons on the dashboard.
      There is a digital indicator with a two digit number followed by an "m" for the units that comes onto the dash after he has hit the buttons.
      I say outloud that "Ah! That must be miles...oh wait that doesn't make sense...meters!"
      I'm worried that I look stupid in front of him...not wanting to embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend's Grandpa.
      I ask him why we are measuring this in the first place and he excitedly says "So that we get to hit the buttons!"
      This strikes me as odd, so I do a nose reality-check.
      I can breathe. This is a dream.
      I tell the Grandpa that this is a dream, and he gives me a strange look. Like an "oh shit, you've figured it out" look.
      I attempt to transform him for certain experimental purposes, but it doesn't work.


      I'm in a mall-like building, in a large diner similar to something like a Coney Island restaurant.
      There is a clothing store nearby that, within the story of the dream, I am very familiar with.
      It seems that I have worked at this mall for a long time.


      I'm with my brother and my girlfriend in the living room. My brother hits my girlfriend. I'm enraged.
      I catch her, and then within seconds I've knocked my brother down, without thinking about it.
      He tried to defend his action, but I'm not listening. In my mind, he has no excuse.

      Updated 01-08-2024 at 03:33 PM by 99808

      dream fragment , lucid , nightmare
    4. Night of Tuesday 1/2/24

      by , 01-04-2024 at 06:06 AM (Dreamlog)
      Strange Chill:

      I'm with Donald Trump and two others on a trampoline bouncing around.
      It reminds me of my friend JW's house from my childhood.
      We're discussing whether it is OK to be watched while giving birth or making love.
      Trump says his wife is into it.
      I'm driving to my friend DR's house. It's night-time, and cold outside. My car's window is open.
      I notice that it has taken me about 20 minutes to drive to where I am at. I reason that there are 10 minutes until I arrive.
      I had my music going, but it was on quiet.
      I wake up and realize that I was uncovered and the fan was blowing on me, hence the cold I felt.

      Updated 01-05-2024 at 06:49 PM by 99808

    5. Night of Monday 12/4/23

      by , 12-06-2023 at 08:11 PM (Dreamlog)
      Mother Eater:

      I'm on a gloomy, dark, rainy street.
      There is a monster down the way. It has eaten a sort of mother figure.
      There is a cave area, with three couples of people together.
      The monster is there and the couples are giving up to it.

      Searching the School:

      I'm walking quickly through my highschool with an unexplained sense of urgency.
      I'm looking for someone.
      I see one of my old roommates from college in the stairwell. I go up and down different stairwells at different parts of the building in my search.
      I pass an old classroom of mine, and one of my old English teachers from back then, Mrs. F.

      Updated 12-14-2023 at 09:05 PM by 99808

    6. Night of Sunday 12/3/23

      by , 12-04-2023 at 06:32 PM (Dreamlog)
      Musical Arms:

      I'm with my Mom, brother, and some others in a small music practice room.
      We are oriented specifically on the floor, sitting down.
      My Mom has me move to a slightly different position.
      I'm now near the front.
      We are playing music together. There was a specific tune.
      Mom is struggling to explain, so my brother, somewhat begrudgingly, helps her.
      I'm outside now, at a marching band visual rehearsal. I'm at the secondary parking lot from highschool where we used to rehearse.
      My blanket is stuck between some mud and cracks in the concrete. I'm trying to pull it free.
      ZW from highschool marching-band, is calling me out for being weak. I feel embarrassed.
      But somebody else behind me says that rotator cuff surgery is a serious surgery, so obviously weakness is expected.

      Updated 12-04-2023 at 10:41 PM by 99808

    7. Night of Friday 11/17/23 (DILD)

      by , 11-25-2023 at 07:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Bulldog:

      I'm sitting on a patio chair looking out to a sunrise. I'm high up, a few stories above the ground.
      The patio is made of large wood pieces, similar in style to Frontier Land from Disneyland. Within the lore of the dream, we had just built it (my Dad, sister, and I).
      I looked at my left hand and noticed that it had three fingers, and I looked at my right. It had four.

      I become lucid. The very next thought is that I want to learn more about my dreamworld, to serve me better later.
      So I decide to keep looking at my hands. They keep changing in finger count wildly, not fast or as if morphing, more like my brain kept trying to convince me that they had 'always been' said count.
      It was more like my perception was in flux than the actual visuals. Tough to describe.
      This activity doubles down on the fact that I truly am dreaming.

      I decide to get up and look around. I see a man down below in a pool, he's singing on a platform in the middle.
      Also, across the way there is another man singing. I listen to them for a while, but I can't recall the tune now.
      I noticed a bulldog down by my heel. I feel a massively comforting presence. I don't recognize this dog but I feel the comfort anyway.
      He is wearing some sort of skin(or should I say fur) tight dog-shirt.
      I remember that I should be stabilizing the dream, so I run my hands across the wood railing a bit.
      I notice that the patio is missing some pieces, and get concerned about the stability of the structure.
      I decide to go the the side of the house, and once I turn the corner, it represents the side of the house I'm living in now.

      The bull-dog is sitting in front of the gate that leads to the front yard. I go up to him and start to pet him.
      "Are you a bulldog?" I ask.
      "Yes, I am!" the bulldog replied with a British accent.
      "Can you tell more more about you so that I can find you in my world?" I ask.
      "Ohhh you shouldn't do that...because I have...my issue." the bulldog replies ominously.
      I notice he is drooling a bit.
      "Well, what is the issue?"
      "I....tend to wet the bed." the bulldog admits with some shame in his voice.
      I start to comfort the bulldog, but then I begin to lose lucidity.
      Instead, I start telling the bulldog a story of a recurring dream. It's about not making finals for marching band back in high-school.
      I try to recall the name of the girl who was our drum major who broke the news, but I can't remember her name (just her face).
      This isn't actually a recurring dream.
      An Asian girl appears behind him as if in response to the story, but she doesn't resemble anybody from it.
      At this point I seem to get my bearings, and I start to narrate what has happened up to now, to the bulldog.

      "So I've spent a lot of time in this dream letting things flow on their own, observing, doing RCs, keeping it low-key. Do you think it is OK if I try some dream control now?" I ask the bulldog.
      "Yes, that seems reasonable." the bulldog replies matter of factly.
      I walk forward and open the gate leading to the front yard.
      It's night-time over here.
      I remember that I want to try the teleport-sprint from another dream, so I position myself on the street with plenty of runway space in front of me.
      But there is a festival happening on the street. Lots of people. This prevents me from having space.
      I get the impression that the dream characters are not fans of what I am about to try, slightly hostile.
      They don't stop me when I went to find a new position, but one guy did bump me as I passed.
      I don't visualize a particular place. I break out into a sprint with the night-road in front of me and close my eyes.
      I feel my body shake, similar to the first time having a WILD transition. Feels like going through a wormhole.
      When I open my eyes, I see blackness. I assume I have woken up.

      I'm back on the patio with the sunrise, but this time I think I am awake.
      "Wow! What a cool lucid dream, I'd better go record it before I forget!" I think to myself.
      I enter the house through a doorwall and go to a computer.
      This home does not resemble one I have lived in.
      The computer has three or four monitors all setup, and looks super cool.
      Dream-me has a program setup that will record my dreams as audio, and then auto-tune them.
      So I narrate the previous dream as it happened in its entirety.
      I mess up the recording so I have to start and stop a few times.
      As I recorded it, the computer generated an animated movie, with the audio, as a musical.
      The graphics resembled Final Fantasy VII: Remake's.
      I'm invested in making the video good.
      I'm back in my actual bed. My girlfriend is by me, and so is a dog. It may have been a german-shepherd.
      Strangely, my sister is at the foot of the bed.
      We're awake because we are concerned that there is an intruder in the house.
      I felt safe, because the dog would be able to alert us if there was a problem.
      My girlfriend tells me I should give my sister the larger pillow, and I tell her that she is already asleep so there is no point.
      I reflect that the dog with us is not giving me an allergic reaction, so maybe I can have a dog after all.
      I'm back at my childhood home, and I'm talking about the intruder with my Dad.
      I look at the thermostat, and it reads '60 degrees'. I think it is low, but my Dad tells me that this is how it has to be.
      I look over to the living room and see my Mom playing a video game. She's losing so she calls me over to help and I do.

      Updated 11-27-2023 at 12:48 AM by 99808

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    8. Night of Tuesday 11/7/23

      by , 11-08-2023 at 06:33 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at 10:30PM.

      Teleport Sprints:
      I'm in a highschool hallway that reminds me of one from the show, Stranger Things.
      HM is there and she has an umbrella. We have a brief conversation about some other function the umbrella has and she leaves.
      She's going to catch a bus, and I'm late for that bus. I try to catch up but I can't.
      I'm leaving JM's house after a game-night, but my car isn't around. I remember that I teleported here.
      I walk into the road and find a long stretch of open space.
      I break into a sprint and close my eyes. It reminds me of what Ness does in the intro to Super Smash Bros Melee.
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXs4-M-ZiOg (at 1:02).
      When I open them, I've teleported to my childhood home.
      My friends are inside and they have used the kitchen chairs to make a fort.
      At one point a drink gets knocked into JM's face.
      I'm with my Dad and my Mom driving on a mountain road. Dad is driving and Mom is in the front passenger seat.
      There is a lake far down below us, and my Dad gets too close to the railing.
      We go over the edge. We are all panicking less than we should be as we go into freefall.
      I start to think about how I can survive. I think about undoing my seatbelt so that I don't get stuck underwater, or opening a door so that the water pressure doesn't hold them all shut.
      We impact the water and it isn't that bad. Turns out the water was not as deep as it looked.
      The car careens forward and then we do hit a larger body of water.
      I wonder if I can teleport my Mom away, but then I realize that I need a runway to do so.
      I'm at work with GO and CP. We are on the 2nd floor of our building, but it looks like it has elements of my middle school bandroom.
      There is a woodshop water fountain (the same one that was in the bandroom) and GO gets water in his face from mis-operating it.
      Another DC tells me "the woman is from the Maw, the Underworld".

      Recorded at 6:30AM.

      372 words for the night.

      Parts of these dreams felt semi-lucid. As in, I was using dream control to address situations that I thought presented danger.
      I'm excited that my mind gave me a way to teleport. Can't wait to try the teleport sprint in my next true lucid dream

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:28 PM by 99808

    9. Night of Sunday 11/5/23

      by , 11-07-2023 at 06:08 AM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 12:00AM.

      Social Learning:
      My girlfriend and I are at a show. Reminds me of where I saw a comedian recently.
      We were seeing Game Grumps live.
      I see Arin sarcastically running through the crowd giving people high-fives and think how stupid those people are for being excited.
      But then he comes my way and I put my arms up, and I touch his finger. I get super excited, and think I get it now.
      At some point during the show the seating is gone and there are people sitting on the ground, with some tents set up at several points.
      My girlfriend and I tried to sit together but we ended up separated due to some social convention.
      She is further back, due to said social pressure.
      Later we are in an upper level area, maybe it was some sort of after party.
      It vaguely reminds me of my Grandma M's patio/garden.
      E from highschool marching band is there, and she looks older than I remember her.
      There is a documentary about WW2 on, and she gets visibly uncomfortable because she is German.
      The documentary is talking about how the war is over, but beware because evil tends to stick around.
      I can recall dropping my headphones several times and then trying to pick them up, but then they were inside the documentary and I couldn't.
      They are the white Bose NC700s that I no longer use.
      At some point the dream has transitioned into more of a comic-book theme.
      Captain Marvel is there, but he is a guy.
      We are on a spaceship.
      Captain Marvel changes into Superman, and teleports away.
      Somebody else explains that he was teleported away because he didn't have a real super power.
      I argue with this person and tell him that super-strength is definitely a super-power.
      My landlord is present and for some reason I need to change clothes in front of him.
      I'm hesitant, but he tells me I have done it before and it isn't a big deal.

      Recorded at 7:03AM.

      Slime Time:
      I'm in a first person shooter game, where my weapons is my hand throwing green slimeballs.
      The graphics are similar to that of Psychonauts 2.
      I can recall thinking at the time that the person playing should aim a bit lower that they want the ball to land.
      I'm now watching somebody else play the game.
      The player is trying to hit green slime monsters with the slimeball.
      The player makes the adjustment I am thinking about and starts to land hits.

      Recorded at 7:09AM.

      420 words for the night.

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:06 PM by 99808
