Vows: I'm getting married to my girlfriend. We're in a small-ish hall with chairs setup to face the altar. Standard setup. But I've just realized that I never wrote my vows. Panic. How did I forget? Isn't that something the wedding planner would remind me of?
Miles to Meters With Grandpa: I'm on vacation with my girlfriend's family. Mostly her's, but a few representatives from mine are there too. We are all staying at a large ranch-style home. Recently I have woken up from a dream and I have my phone out ready to record audio for it. The dream within a dream I am remembering is apparently a lucid dream, where I noticed my girlfriend sleeping next to me. She is twitching and making quiet pained sounds. From experience I know this is a nightmare. After a few tries I successfully wake her up. So, I want to find somewhere private to record this dream, but there are people everywhere I go. I walk from the living room, to a hallway, to a den that looks like a room from my ex's Dad's house. All crowded with people. I make my way outside eventually into the yard. It's vibrant green, summertime, as typical for my dreams, with some yellow shine effects. ... I'm in the garage now with somebody that the dream indicates is my girlfriend's Grandpa, but he doesn't look like him. We're in a car together and parking it by pulling forward into the garage. He wants me to measure some distance from where we are to the parking spot, so he hits some big square buttons on the dashboard. There is a digital indicator with a two digit number followed by an "m" for the units that comes onto the dash after he has hit the buttons. I say outloud that "Ah! That must be miles...oh wait that doesn't make sense...meters!" I'm worried that I look stupid in front of him...not wanting to embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend's Grandpa. I ask him why we are measuring this in the first place and he excitedly says "So that we get to hit the buttons!" This strikes me as odd, so I do a nose reality-check. I can breathe. This is a dream. I tell the Grandpa that this is a dream, and he gives me a strange look. Like an "oh shit, you've figured it out" look. I attempt to transform him for certain experimental purposes, but it doesn't work. Fragment: I'm in a mall-like building, in a large diner similar to something like a Coney Island restaurant. There is a clothing store nearby that, within the story of the dream, I am very familiar with. It seems that I have worked at this mall for a long time. Fragment: I'm with my brother and my girlfriend in the living room. My brother hits my girlfriend. I'm enraged. I catch her, and then within seconds I've knocked my brother down, without thinking about it. He tried to defend his action, but I'm not listening. In my mind, he has no excuse.
Updated 01-08-2024 at 03:33 PM by 99808
Ghost dream There is something involving ghosts happening. I feel an intense fear at some point. Towards the end of the dream one of my cats, Dori, apparently tells me about how she just thought ghosts approached her and it seems she is traumatized. - There is also a memory associated that is likely to be related to another dream. There is a bunch of dreams that I keep remembering from months to many years ago, usually with recurring places. Maybe I should just document those as well under unknown date? Well, the memory is that of a dark corridor. I might have been exploring some sort of cellar of a school or something, and there is an intense and totally unnaturally sinister feeling associated with it. I've explored this across many dreams multiple times, and it's always been associated with a strong curiosity but a deep sinister feeling breaking my courage and me stopping my attempt and getting out of the strange, windy, and tight cellar at the last moment before something would've caught me, and always shutting an extremely thick, heavy steel door with a sort of airtight turning mechanism. But honestly, I can't say I don't like these dreams. Nightmares are more interesting than anything for me, there's always something interesting going on, and it's rare something actually scares me in any way I wouldn't want.
Updated 05-21-2021 at 12:32 AM by 96397 (Added memory)
I slept 10 hours this night which made me able to have two lucids in one night. I woke up and remembered some dreams but I didn't write them down. This time I didn't feel bad about not writing them down because it gave me better sleep I think. I'm outside and see a carriage where Linda from my class is sitting. We have some kind of romantic relationship so I walk to her and kiss her. I walk to the cinema and see Albin and my current class there. Ebba from the other class is also there. I ask Albin if this is a dream. He isn't giving me a straight answer and I become somewhat lucid. I look at the people sitting and watching the movie. I interact with some of them and see an old teacher from my other school. I don't remember her name but it is the asian's mom from Subway. I'm on a field trip with school on a big canoe. I'm on the back and steering the boat. Kalle sits up on the edge of the canoe and I tell him that it is a bad idea. We lose balance and Kalle sits down again. He stands up again and sits on the side of the boat. The boat trips to the right even thought Kalle sat on the left side of the boat's edge. We swim to the nearest island and just as I am about to climb up on the sand beach all the other people swim over me so that I am pressed down under the water. I have some panic and try to go up. After some time I reach the surface. I suddenly have a swimming mask over my eyes and nose so I dive some more. I see Albin under the water and we look at each other. I walk up to the island and go look for a pointy stick that I can catch fish with. When I see the branches and weird sticks on the ground I become lucid. I'm still looking for sticks. I inspect the sticks and notice that they have some pointy edges but they are too short to catch fish with. I abandon my mission and want to fly to the stars instead. I run to the water and fly... but I fall to the water. I try to fly up from the water but it takes some time. I still have my feet in the water but I am able to fly away and up. My mom is sitting on a stone in the water. It reminds me of the Sturkö beach. I look on the sky and see some stars. I fly up and up and suddenly I see my house to my right. I can't fly over the house and I think to myself that it is because I need some kind of reference to be able to fly. I can't fly if my vision can't see anything that swishes past me. I fly down and fly as fast as I am able to past the blocking barrier over the house. I succeed! I reach space, but it's all black. I can't see anything. I try to navigate back to earth but I fail. I have a FA were my legs are over my head. I think that the flying made me put my legs over my head.
Updated 11-23-2020 at 10:49 AM by 97565
Strange insects Somehow, in a sort of void which is seemingly somehow between some sort of piping in my flat, I find a bunch of strange spider-like creatures(*). I know, in the dream, that their presence near somebody damages their mind like black mold(**), so I thought of ways to get rid of them. I went away from the bugs to laying on the living room couch, telling my mother about the insects. I then notice that the bugs are walking around behind the couch. Back to the void, I find a sort of mushroom and eat it(***). In my "inventory"(****), which suddenly appeared, it was marked as something with a name beginning with "Momma". For some reason, this mushroom was supposed to help against the insects. I then find myself at a doctor, with him assessing what damage the insects did to my mind(*****). Most of the room was a very bright white color, a strong light above and a sort of chair which could be set to have somebody in a more laying or more sitting position. He pointed at an MRI image of my brain, specifically at an abnormal part of it, using a sort of long stick. My father going insane I'm in my father's car, my mother sitting behind me and my father left of me. We were driving along a long road towards a sort of small shopping street and a school. I didn't know where exactly we were going, though. Suddenly, for some reason, my father gets so mad he just somehow launches himself out of the car at low speed into a sort of field at the side of the road, somehow from the right side where I was sitting but not, even though he was just at the left side. I and my mother were panicked. I asked her which pedal was the brake again, but she was so panicked she didn't answer. A turn was coming, so I steered into it as hard as I could, nearly losing control of the car. We then heard police sirens. Then the dream ended. *They appeared because I had a startling encounter with a very, to me, gross spider I had encountered a day before. Before I went to bed yesterday, I had looked at it again, which was the reason it appeared in the dream in a stylized fashion. **As I fell asleep, a sort of crime documentary show had an episode running about babies becoming infected with an unkown disease. In the end, the episode concluded by revealing that black mold is what made them sick. That is what created this part of the dream. ***Inspired by an addon in Garry's Mod. ****Reminiscent of the Rust inventory. *****This scene was inspired by when I went to a doctor to check on a possible pollen allergy.
Hi everyone! I had a dream last night. I don't remember much of it, but I remember part of it. I was walking with someone, not anyone I recognised, but I got the feeling that the two of us were friends walking home from either a group activity, or perhaps shopping, as we were carrying bags with us. Part way along the walk I noticed a person following behind us. On second glance he was carrying a grenade..! I was instantly panicked, and tried to get us to move faster. The person behind us was right on our tail though, and he suddenly pressed the button on the grenade. I knocked him down the hill with his bomb, but unfortunately he grabbed my friend's leg, and took her down the hill with him! I then woke up, or so I thought.. I got out of bed like usual, and began to move over to my door. While I did so a shadowy figure followed straight behind me! Then, I properly woke up!
Fragment 1: A baby duck is being attacked by a turtle in a small pond. I freak out and hurry to save the duck. I grab it in my hands and hold it to my chest. The turtle disappears and then random people tell me that it's probably ok to put the baby duck back in the water. I'm too afraid that the turtle will come back though, so I try to think of something to do, like calling a shelter or something. Fragment 2: I'm outside on a beach. There's tons of people and family members. Someone comes up to me and says that I should meet my other Grandmother. I stare at the person, confused because I don't have another one. But they insist that I do and say that she'll speak to me and like me because of what I did. I walk up to the woman. She's very old and sitting in a rocking chair. I get down on my knees in front of her and she smiles at me, asking me if I'm Melissa. I smile back and say yes. She talks and questions me about what I did.
REX Goes Missing Im walking my dog REX in my estate. I take my eye off REX for a min and lose him. I start to panic as I know he won't here my calls or whistles due to being def. I think I have a moment where I think I may be dreaming, and decide to wake up to check. I'm laying in bed and realize it's just a dream. I quickly close my eyes and perform a DIELD. I wait for a scene of my room, which comes pretty quickly. I get up and head outside. I feel like going for a drive, so I choose from a few cars. My eye catches the blue viper, which looks pretty tiny. Almost like a kids car. It's parked next to my house steps, which makes it a little hard to get into. I find the door and slide in. I check a few common spots for keys when no luck. The car rolls down the drive way, onto the footpath. I see some teenagers walk passed. I try the ignition, which seems to have something i can turn over to start, but it doesn't work. I lose my lucidity as I'm back inside the house. Rob and Bro are in the kitchen. Rob offers me some small candy looking things. He says that they are capsicum candy. I try them and they don't taste like candy. I'm sitting in Robs lounge room with Cuzzo. He's just cooked some rissoles and REX goes over to him straight away, hoping to get a feed. I try to pull REX away but I only make a little effort to. Cuzzo pushes REX out of the way instead. I walk into the Kitchen and see that there's rissoles on the bench. I go over and try one, it's bland but I'm easy and enjoy it either way. Bro asks how the rissoles are, and I tell him they're alright. I wasn't sure if I tried his or cuzzo's. I wake up again and perform another DEILD which is successful. I'm only in the dream for a few moments before I wake up. I keep chaining the lucids together at this point. At one stage I'm using a phone in my dream bed to check when the picture is clear enough to get out of bed. I see someones eye on the phone camera. It looks like we're both trying the same thing. I get out of bed lucid again. This time I intend to find a women. I expect to see one in the laundry. It's dark and not the best to see. As I walk into laundry, I feel something I brushed passed, which scares me a little, which wakes me up. I try another DIELD which fails. Dream Fragment I'm playing COC and I notice that a pine tree has been placed almost in the same place as Christmas tree. I almost removed Christmas tree without knowing. This happened with 2 Christmas trees.
I haven't been remembering my dreams at all recently, so I'm rather happy I remembered some of this one..Non-lucid 12:30-2:00PM NAP I'm at Grannie Annie's house, but it's not her actual house. She has a tall brick oven, in the kitchen, which opens up and you can walk into the garage, where she's storing a collection of vintage school desks. To get into the garage the other way, you have to walk outside. Her house is very tall, has many rooms and has a nursery for plants. I found a lizard in the nursery, and I need to get him outside. I pick him up, and walk to the kitchen. "Grannie Annie, did you just bake?" She nods at me. I sigh in annoyance, and go outside and into the garage. I decide I need to set him up a tank. I hot glue a book to one of the desks, believing I needed a flat space to make his tank. I build his tank on top of it, then immediately panic. I hot glued one of her prized vintage desks! I go back into the kitchen. More people are here. "Are you Alex?!" A tall, tan, freckly, older lady with black hair asks me excitedly. "Uh... yes? Yes. I am." I say. "Ah, you're so funny! I love reading your posts online!" She smiles broadly. "SO nice to meet you!" I shake hands with her, saying "thank you." I go back into the garage, where a little platinum-blonde haired boy is. He goes over to the desk, and pulls up the book, with some effort. I thank him profusely. He asks me, "Will you play with me? Nobody wants to play today." I agree. The scene changes. I'm at the pool, with Mackenzie and AJ. Julia is at the other end of the pool, looking very angry. AJ looks equally angry. AJ is ranting to Mackenzie quietly about Julia's 'attitude, especially today!' I ask her, "what's today?" "Mother Suicide Awareness Day." she replies. I look around. Lots of mothers are here with their children, which does mean that Mrs. T is here. The black-haired woman is here too! Then, I wake up.
#417 - DILD - 8:30AM This lucid is hardy worth counting or posting a detailed account but I should make note of it. Perhaps I should start stabilizing as habit. I am leaving work. There is some confusion about the time of day and shift I am working. John is there with a colorful case of canned drinks. I thought maybe it was alcohol but he says it energy drinks. I get a strong need for an energy drink. I walk to a store and look but I don't think I ever buy anything. I area turns into walmart and I have a handful of lucky charms that I brought along with me in my pockets. I munch on it as I walk around. I see they have changed the layout of the store and the spot were we were living has been discovered and dismantled (WTF? ). I begin to worry that Walmart will think I am stealing the cereal I was eating so I wonder off in another direction. I hear some ominous page on the intercom and see a manager with a walkie on his belt stop, look up, then respond on the walkie. I worry it's about me so I decide to hide in a restroom. I see some blue sign and head there. There is a narrow hallway and the light flash and I hear some low siren sound. The hallway starts to constrict and I am barely able to squeeze my way out the way I came in. I turn to look at the doorway and see a sign that reads 'Offices'. Oops. I turn around and see the blue restroom sign again next to some elevator doors. I look closely and see the man and woman symbol and the number eight under it. I find this odd, but go for it. There are only two buttons marked '10' and '2'. I wonder if I am supposed to somehow do subtraction to get eight. I push the 10 first then the 2 and the doors open. I get and and feel the elevator quickly shoot and while the ceiling gets uncomfortably low. Low ceiling? Then I get vertigo and turn upside down. I see my reflection in the mirror. I am in just my underwear and a t-shirt. The shirt is falling to my face and I pull the shirt down to cover my skibs. I begin to feel really uncomfortable and panic as I feel my neck is being jammed in an awkward position from being thrown upside down. Then suddenly, I remember this is only a dream and fully relax though it take some effort. I recall that I was lucid earlier and wonder how I lost lucidity for so long. The elevator turns right side up and the doors open. I step out, but the dream glitches at this point. My vision is distorted and I find my stepping out as vibrating repetition like in a video game glitch (hard to describe). I try to focus and clear the dream up, but I feel at a lose as to how. After a few seconds I give up and relax. I have a super brief FA where I open my eyes and see a realistic version of this dude from Bleach leaning over the bed next to me and in my face. He's saying something rude about lucid dreaming and the elevator mishap. I quickly wake up.
I dreamed that I was in a town. I was there supposedly for vacation. I was with some people. For some reason, I was attracted to one of the guys. I hugged him from behind, and we were like a couple. We took a tricycle somewhere, near the beach, a house. Later on, however, I can't seem to remember his face. Or I mistook one guy for him. I can't seem to find him anymore. ---- Notes: - This is one of those dreams with longer notes than dream content. I wish I could remember more of my dream. It seemed important. I didn't do incubation, but I couldn't get the issue at hand out of my head. - I woke up in a panic, but it may not be due to this dream. I thought I was going to be late for work or school. It's been years since I was required to be on time for work or school. (anxiety of making a decision soon before it's too late, long-term consequences) - I've been experiencing anxiety these last few days because I have to decide something big, something that barely has any benefit to me except to live with a guy I like very much. He didn't let on whether he likes me back or not... he just needed someone to share the rent in a new place, I think... ("vacation" and hugging a guy, other people were inconsequential in the dream) - There are a lot of risk on my part: I will have to move all of my stuff, pay another deposit and advance in the new place, be farther from commute areas (especially train). I'm also emotionally involved (seems that he isn't), so if ever he dates a guy (who isn't me), I'd be devastated. But I'll be stuck in the same place, so I can't take a time-out. He, on the other hand, might be able to by simply staying at the guy's place or even his home. - If he moves out, I'll be stuck in the place or have to find a new place (so it's another move). Staying would be problematic because the only reason I'm moving in the first place is because he's there. If he's no longer there, why would I stay? The place itself has no benefit for me, except that it's the hub for yuppies, and even then, so what? ("I can't seem to find him anymore") - ... I think I'm starting to understand the dream now... (notes in the parentheses above were added after this line)
29th October 2014 Not a particularly exciting one, but I figured I'd plonk it down for posterity, as it's the first entry in which I've began writing "Dream Notes" at the end, in accordance with a Dream Journal Tutorial I read a while back: A few recollections from tonight, patchy though they may be. In the first scene, I had gone for a dinner with an old couple; something told me that the older man was either a close family friend or well-known distant relative. He had a gaunt face, was exceptionally skinny with ribbed, wrinkled hands, and was bald but for a few tufts of white hair sprouting up from above his ears; his wife was a large-apron wearing type, and I don't remember seeing her face. Their house was a pleasant place, with an old-time French country feel about it, with rustic wooden counters and floors. We sat down for a meal, though I don't remember what was said. There was a drive back somewhere in a black Volkswagen Beetle. I sat in the back with the old man, a third person dream camera focused on us, I was on the left and he was on the right (according to the camera's point of view; it would've been the other way 'round for us). He looked very weak, and leaned into my ear to say something ominous in a croaked voice, something about knowing something or someone was coming for me. All I knew was that I ought to be scared, and I was. We returned to a caravan site where I'd been staying; it was typical fare, a few grassy patches, an ugly square toilet block with wheelie bins put out in front of it, not very many trees. As I observed the toilet-block, a horrible thought dawned on me about what the old man meant; the Gestapo were coming, I knew. This was an alternate realty in which the Nazis won WWII! (I've been reading a book called Fatherland by Robert Harris recently, set in such a world, which would explain this). I ran, getting a first person view through my then-caravan, which was pretty messy, with wooden floors and pans lying all over the cooker; oddly dim and long for a caravan, but I thought nothing of it. That scene (rummaging through the caravan) was probably briefly after the scene I had about to write, come to think of it: Through what few trees there were, a little kid came in a light blue T-shirt; he had short-cropped blonde hair. He said something to me, and before I knew it, the scene suddenly jumped: We were now on a grassy bank, a large Omega Elite parked on the edge of the hill, and a thick mist ahead, with a vaguely discernible mesh fence only just piercing the gloom. The kid was sitting in the driver's seat, and I was trying to discourage him from starting the car, but he was having none of it; he turned the key in the ignition. I grabbed the key and turned it back, I felt irritated, but no overtly angry.Something told me he was intending to help me against the Gestapo. There was a scene where he was standing outside my caravan on a slightly brighter morning, which looked smaller on the outside, and had a cream tarpaulin canopy over the door; I was standing in cream clothing, the same colour as the canopy, with a mug of coffee, the dream camera in third person; the kid was telling me something, and we had apparently teamed up despite our altercation over the car, but I don't remember what was said, or what happened next, as it was at this point that I woke up. That's all I can recall of tonight's dreams. Dream Notes: Slept for about 7.5 hours considering awakenings/margins of error. The dream didn't feel particularly long, maybe 40 or 50 minutes, stretched over all scenes, even though there seemed to be time-skips and jump-cuts. I fell asleep at about 3:20 a.m, dreamed briefly of something I don't remember, waking an hour later at about 4:31 a.m, then fell asleep again until about 11:30 a.m. I would put the dream's vividness about 5/10, and my awareness at about 2/10. Emotions felt: Anxiety, fear, irritation, protectiveness (during the car scene). There weren't anything I've yet recorded as a dream sign, but I think I should start to consider caravans as such, as I realise they've appeared in a number of my dreams thus far. I didn't really bother using my MILD technique tonight, I just told myself that I wanted to at least recall my dream unlike the previous night, which I did successfully. I had to lay still for a while to recall everything.
Updated 10-29-2014 at 06:38 PM by 52715
Dream - Lucid I was at work at the bakery. I was walking by a room where the managers were having a meeting. None of them were in their work clothes. I saw my manager there. Her back was to me and her hair was half pulled up in a short, high ponytail. I thought about how different she looked when she was back here working. I then had to approach her about something. We were still inside, but I had to wade through this high grass that was flooded with this milky white water. The discoloration of the water was caused by chemicals that were being used on the grass for some reason. I was worried about the chemicals making me sick. I finally got to the other side. I looked down at my leg, and there was this huge bruise that took up my whole kneecap. It then started to move around on my leg. I wondered if I was seeing things, but no, it was clearly moving. I then saw this weird brown streak coming from a healing scab. Someone, a female employee, pointed it out and asked what it was. I thought it was a sign of infection in my blood, as was the moving bruise. I was afraid that it would move to my heart and kill me. I started to panic. I said "I need to go to the hospital. Call 911. Call an ambulance!" I then started to overflow with panic, thought about the ambulance fee, and I passed out. I was feeling like I was buried beneath consciousness; I felt like I was out quite deep. I started to surface, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was at work, sitting next to my manager, Shannon, on a grey bench attached to a wall. I guess nothing was wrong with me. I looked down at my knee, and it looked better and less bruised. I looked up and asked Shannon "What happened? Was I just panicking?" She responded "Yes." She then gave me a copy of the hospital bill. It had a description of everything they did and how much it cost. For instance, the used a strong anti-anxiety of some sort to calm me down, and that cost $321. That's the only figure I remember though. It listed the life flight to a different state's hospital, which was in a jet instead of a helicopter, evaluation, and showed that I was good to go home that day because nothing was wrong with me. I felt bad because I didn't want to waste anyone's time, and I felt like I had. I then was behind the counter, and I was trying to call my best friend Mk. I got her voicemail. Her voice sounded like she was on the verge of tears. She said the usual, that she wasn't available, and then she started to apologize for something about some chemical company she was apparently working for. Then she went on to say leave a message. I then noticed a customer, a woman, and I quickly hung up the phone and said "I'm so sorry! I was trying to call my friend!" She gave me a smile and a stare, as if to say she knew and I shouldn't have been doing that. "What can I get for you?" I asked with a smile. She then started to walk to the other side of the case to point out what she wanted, and then I woke up. ~ I was leaving the apartment to go to work or something. Dallas was there, and it was daytime. I opened the door to leave when my cat, Belle, ran out. Ugh, I really didn't want to chase her down. I waited, trying to see where she would go. She paused, and then started to go down the stairs. She got to the bottom, and instead of a parking lot, it was a small grassy field. I finally got to her and grabbed her. I remember grabbing her tail and another part of her and pulling her to me. I picked her up to take her back inside. Then, it was like she was a child, and asked if she could go out to this different part of the field when I got home. I told her no. I think I told her no because the spot she wanted to play in was muddy. ~ Something about work, about me clocking in late a few times for some reason, like from coming back from lunch and being late getting to work. I was worried about getting fired. The rooms I was in for a lot of this dream were dark. Something about someone calling my current manager by her real name, Sherry. ~ I was working at the bakery, and had been there for only a week. I was sitting in this very large back room at a long table. Across from me sat my old manager, Sherry. She was my manager again now. Also, my friend Courtney S. from my old job was working there now too. I then was in another part of the back room. As I entered it, I saw racks full of perfectly iced coffee cakes and such. Courtney S. and Patti, a lady I work with currently, were both back there. I knew Courtney had done the racks of perfectly iced coffee cakes, even though she had only been there for a few days. I asked her what I needed to do. She told me that I needed to scrub the doors. I think they were doors to the ovens. I then started to do it. I also had to get on a step ladder to clean on this blue, cylindrical fan-type thing. It was caked with bread dough. It was used to cool it down, or something weird, I'm not sure. At any rate, I had to use this special tool to scrape the dough out. I didn't use it at first, but then I switched to it. It worked much better. I kept thinking about how pissed I was that I had to work under Sherry again, when she was part of the reason I quit my old job in the first place. I "remembered" speaking with the old store manager, a bigger woman resembling one of the customer service managers I work with IWL, at the same place I first saw Sherry working there, in the back at the long table a few days prior. When I finished that chore, I asked Courtney what I needed to do next. She was telling me how to do the floor. I had to flood it. I asked if I needed to squeegie it, and Patti said yes. I remembered doing that before at a different job (IWL the only job I have done that at is the one I'm at now in the bakery). I started to do it. I saw lots of bread crumbs and such. Then, I was sitting on my bed in my childhood room. The bed was even in the place it was when we first moved in there. Dallas was sitting on it with me, but...he was a baby. Like, he looked like he does now, the same size and everything, but he was a baby. I had to try to keep him from falling off the bed. I then had to pick him up and carry him, though I wasn't quite sure how to do it correctly. I picked him up with one hand under his butt. He was so heavy, and it felt awkward to carry him. I had to adjust my grip so I wouldn't drop him. I even commented on it, saying I wasn't sure how to do this right. I then remember seeing his hair styled in this weird, curled fashion, with it being curled in on both sides. He liked that hairstyle, but I thought it looked silly. But it was ok since he was a baby.
Updated 08-21-2014 at 02:57 PM by 32059
Dream - Lucid I was going into Dallas and I's bathroom. It was very dark. I had to get up out of bed to poop. I started to sit on the toilet, when Dallas came into the doorway and started coming towards the toilet. "What are you doing? I have to poop!" I said. He kept coming. I got up. I assumed he had to poop too. "Are you really gonna make me use the other bathroom?" I said. He didn't say anything. I took that as a yes. I started to head towards the doorway to our bedroom to go to the guest bathroom. Dallas started to shut the door to our bathroom. I then started to hear noises coming from the living room area, and started to panic a little. Someone was in our apartment. Before Dallas could shut the door all the way, I caught it with my hand. I said something like "Dallas, someone's in our apartment!" I started to panic, and all my vision went black. I tried to scream for Dallas, but nothing came out. I then realized that I had been dreaming, and decided to calmly wait for myself to awaken instead of panicking. I then woke up on Dallas's chest. Phew, just a dream. I was so glad. I then started to hear noises again. I was really confused. Was I not awake? I started trying to wake Dallas up, but he was dead asleep. I pinched him, I tried to yell his name but again, it wouldn't come out. Really? Is this really a dream again?I thought to myself. Vision went black again, and then I woke up for real. Another 10 minute nightmare. I wasn't asleep long at all. ~ I was at a bowling alley bowling with Dallas, but it was more like ski-ball; we were throwing smaller balls at the pins down the lane instead of an actual bowling ball. There was almost no one there; we were the only ones playing. Dallas then said something about how the bowling alley was closing for good soon; it was going out of business. I looked around and I could see why. It was so dead in there. I then went to throw my ski ball, but it slipped out of my hand and I accidentally threw it behind me. I then saw a very small child, a male toddler, carrying what looked like a six pack of beer up to the lanes, but it was actually a six pack of ski balls. ~ I had these two cakes made for me. I was at work I believe. Both were big and delicious looking with cream cheese icing on them (freakin yum). One had off-white cream cheese icing with red decorations. I had to do something with them to keep them safe or something, I can't quite recall. Then, I saw the outside of my apartment. Someone was coming up the stairs. It was daytime outside. Then, something happened; a roll in a bag of rolls died? And it seemed so inconsequential, but I couldn't proceed with anything at all now. It was like playing a Sierra adventure game, where you don't do something in the beginning of the game and you get to the end and you have to start all over. I had to "start over" from a point before that to see if there was anything I missed, anything I could do to prevent the death of the roll. ~ Yay insomnia! Again! Woohoo. Also these 10-minute nightmares are very puzzling to me. It has happened to me quite often in the past few months. I guess what I don't get it how am I dreaming without being in REM? I thought REM sleep came later in the sleep cycle? Like, I will literally be asleep for 10-15 minutes for these nightmares. There was one that I was asleep for about an hour. Anyone have any thoughts?
I was driving my car with someone and we came up on a gate that was half open. A car went by and passed through the closed part of the gate so I drove through the open part. I heard something and wondered if I hit the gate. I got out and there was a huge gash and lots of scrapes on the right side of the car. I freaked out and said "Let this be a dream" and counted my fingers. I counted 5 so I freaked out even more. I drove and wondered how much it would be to fix. ----------------------------------------------------- I dreamt Desirae was texting me.