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    1. Three lucids, once again.

      by , 09-19-2011 at 10:07 PM (Yuppie's Dream Journal)
      So this is what you get for being lazy and never writing your dreams down in the middle of the night. Definetely taught me a lesson
      1. I become lucid in my parents room, I rub my hands and shout "Lucidity, stabalize!" It takes a few times. I can't remember what happens after that.
      2. I'm outside my house, past the gate, and I stabalize. I tell myself my dream guide will be behind me, but he's not. I'm pretty sure we have a fight.
      3. Can't remember where it was, but I tried to summon pizza.
      I hate this! D:

      I'm at this road where the blue store is, and it goes up, towards something I can't remember. I walk inside the blue store, and buy two lollipops, for some ridiculious price. I ask for a pack of gum, and she tells me I don't have enough. I walk out, but with more than two lolipops (weird) I struggle to make it up the hill, while I self conciously hide my food from the passing buses. Everytime I make it up about half, I look back, and I'm back where I started. My mum's suddenly climbing as well, and we eventually make it up to this school, about two thirds of the way up the hill. There's a train track, with little kids riding on it. My mum takes the joy stick, and the tracks switch just in time, and the train keeps going. I turn to my dad, who seems to have suddenly appeared "That's just for show right?" I ask, worriedly. He nods, but doesn't seem to confident. I take the control and try to figure out how it works, I ask for advice, but no one can help me. Suddenly, everyone notices there's like missing panels of wood in the track, that the trains heading for. We all run up, and try to fill it in, but there's not enough wood. Someone says something stupid.

      I wake up.

      Dream fragment: Where in what looks to be like target, I drop my money repeatedly, and this girl comes up and starts talking to me. I have a conversation with her, and mum is like "Come on Nathan"
      Dad shakes his head, he seems excited that I'm talking to her "let him stay" he says. (LOL)