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    1. Tiny dream fragment

      by , 05-05-2017 at 01:25 PM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      I really don't remember a huge deal of this, I fell asleep again after remembering really clearly what it was when I first woke up and by the time I got up the second time I lost it.

      Chris was being dropped off at a restaurant but we were in the back of a transit van. There were other people in the back of the van, although I can't remember who and when we arrived we realised it was a really fancy place, there was a red carpet rolled out for arriving guests. There was then a discussion of how we should maybe have brought a limo instead of the van.

      Updated 05-05-2017 at 01:28 PM by 32157

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Been a long time since I last tried to get lucid but...

      by , 04-29-2015 at 11:30 PM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      Time to start again

      Last night 2 tiny dream fragments that I don't remember in any great detail.

      First one - Obviously influenced by the fact I was listening to breaking dawn on Audible while I dropped off to sleep last night, I have a vague recollection of dreaming something to do with Edward Cullen and I distinctly remember thinking in the dream that he was pretty creepy and did nothing for me

      2nd One - Remember very little about this one too but it was something to do with me texting Andrew McCarthy (back when he was hot from pretty in pink) and pouring my heart out to him by text, to get a less than impressive response. I called him all upset, it turned out it was a total misunderstanding and he ended singing me to sleep in my dream with a beautiful song. It sounded a lot like the dwarf song about the misty mountains from The Hobbit, but it was in Gaelic.
    3. Afternoon nap Dream

      by , 11-08-2012 at 04:47 PM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      I called Ewan on my landline and asked him was he going to be back this weekend because he'd sent me a text saying he'd be back for Berry. I have no idea what this means now I'm awake but it made total sense while dreaming. He said that some of his texts must have given me the wrong idea but it was OK. The signal on his phone faded out and I was left like an idiot, looking out my bedroom window saying "Hello? Hello?" Into the phone for a few minutes. It was a beautiful day outside and I could see the sun glinting off all the little waves rolling up on the beach.

      Dream shifted and I was in bed with Ewan. He kissed me then tickled my sides, really made me laugh. I tried to do the same to him but I forgot that he wasn't ticklish.

      Dream ended.
      Tags: dream frag
    4. Gah, I've been watching too much Grimm!

      by , 11-08-2012 at 09:00 AM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      Well another night, another Grimm dream. What I remember is only a fragment but still from what I can remember:

      Nick is called out to the murder of two people but to say it's strange is an understatement. He calls Monroe over to the scene and it turns out the pair aren't dead at all. They are a type of Wessen that need to be hit by lightning every few years to keep on living, however the lightning strike puts them in a death-like state until they recover from the strike.

      I don't remember much else but I can remember when Nick first walked onto the scene, he entered the living room and all you could see when he walked in was an overturned armchair with the occupants foot sticking up in the air. They were wearing tights and a slipper.

      There was also something in there about the incredibly hot Captain Renard but I really don't remember anything other than he was in the dream at some point.

      Updated 11-08-2012 at 09:04 AM by 32157

      Tags: dream frag
    5. Grimm dream frag

      by , 11-07-2012 at 06:21 PM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      I've been watching a lot of Grimm this past week and it's started showing up in my dreams, especially the delicious Captain Renard!

      I'm sitting in the front seat of an ambulance talking to someone about Cpt. Renard. I don't remember much of the conversation, only what we were talking about. I remember seeing a black man with dreadlocks at some point in the dream but that's all I really remember

      Updated 11-08-2012 at 09:06 AM by 32157 (added category)

      Tags: dream frag
    6. Three lucids, once again.

      by , 09-19-2011 at 10:07 PM (Yuppie's Dream Journal)
      So this is what you get for being lazy and never writing your dreams down in the middle of the night. Definetely taught me a lesson
      1. I become lucid in my parents room, I rub my hands and shout "Lucidity, stabalize!" It takes a few times. I can't remember what happens after that.
      2. I'm outside my house, past the gate, and I stabalize. I tell myself my dream guide will be behind me, but he's not. I'm pretty sure we have a fight.
      3. Can't remember where it was, but I tried to summon pizza.
      I hate this! D:

      I'm at this road where the blue store is, and it goes up, towards something I can't remember. I walk inside the blue store, and buy two lollipops, for some ridiculious price. I ask for a pack of gum, and she tells me I don't have enough. I walk out, but with more than two lolipops (weird) I struggle to make it up the hill, while I self conciously hide my food from the passing buses. Everytime I make it up about half, I look back, and I'm back where I started. My mum's suddenly climbing as well, and we eventually make it up to this school, about two thirds of the way up the hill. There's a train track, with little kids riding on it. My mum takes the joy stick, and the tracks switch just in time, and the train keeps going. I turn to my dad, who seems to have suddenly appeared "That's just for show right?" I ask, worriedly. He nods, but doesn't seem to confident. I take the control and try to figure out how it works, I ask for advice, but no one can help me. Suddenly, everyone notices there's like missing panels of wood in the track, that the trains heading for. We all run up, and try to fill it in, but there's not enough wood. Someone says something stupid.

      I wake up.

      Dream fragment: Where in what looks to be like target, I drop my money repeatedly, and this girl comes up and starts talking to me. I have a conversation with her, and mum is like "Come on Nathan"
      Dad shakes his head, he seems excited that I'm talking to her "let him stay" he says. (LOL)