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    1. The Magick Room at the Dream Views Base

      by , 04-27-2022 at 11:26 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      12:00 PM
      The Magick Room at the Dream Views Base (DILD)

      This dream felt like it took 45 minutes int total but I lost all memory of the start of the dream about midway through.

      I am lucid and in someone else's dream helping them overcome a nightmare. After the end of their dream things reform into a hallway that I am walking down. I am at the Dream Views base and I pass by Juliana and our friend Nico. I give them a group hug. I notice Juliana looks completely different from how she has looked lately. She looks asian but I know its her somehow. The room we are in is large and well furnished. It has 5 doors leading to different areas. I open the door to my right and find a square room filled with magickal herbs and components. The centerpiece of this room is a stone alter with a red alter cloth on it. There are two candles on tall candelabra. There is a gold ceremonial dagger lying to the right of the pentacle.

      I feel the need to pee which shocks me out of lucidity. I go to the next door which is a bathroom. I remember that if I pee I will pee the bed. I do a nose plug RC which feels the cleanest I've done in recent memory. I walk back into the middle room and wake up.

      Updated 04-28-2022 at 03:59 AM by 32125

      lucid , dream fragment , task of the year