Nostalgia Sting I'm in a house the reminds me of my Grandma M's, but the layout is also mixed with a restaurant called Bamboozle's from back home. This mixture showed up back in a previous dream back on night of Friday 3/10/23. (I didn't mention the restaurant before, description is still correct). That one ended up being lucid but this one wasn't. I'm with my brother and my old Saxophone teacher from highschool, Z. We all have backpacks on, so maybe we are just arriving for a rehearsal. Z points at my coat but I don't see it right away. Scorpion. There's a scorpion on my chest. I don't know what to do, so I try to stay still and watch it. I think to myself that I want to appear unafraid, take care of it quickly, but I don't. The scorpion scampers over to my unprotected arm. It starts flailing its claws and tail wildly. It jabs my arm with its tail. I anticipate pain, and there is some, but much less than I expected. I wake up. I remember mumbling something about the scorpion to S, but she was also half-asleep so I doubt she remembers.
Updated 06-02-2023 at 07:49 PM by 99808 (Better title.)
Just as the title says. The Green and White Snake I recall this dream starting outside, it was during lunch with everyone outside. There was some commotion, I guess some kids had happened on a snake or something. I walked over and was amazed by its colors, generally don't recall ever hearing of a white and Green snake ya know. I noticed some people decide to throw a few rocks over to which I move over to shield the snake from, eventually I just picked up the snake n walked away. I recall then being in some kind of pet store, there was a woman that worked there (based off her khaki attire) showing me this kind gel like substance, saying that the snake would enjoy the use of it on her scales (I guess the employee knew the snake was female). And that was pretty much the end of that dream In the Bush This one I believe started with me just kind of walking through some jungle landscape. Eventually I came upon a solo velociraptor, (utahraptor size) Fileromie scale.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I wasn't scared or anything, ended up following it to some kind of hut/in the ground kind of home. Became a little bit of an interesting dream from that point, so i think i'll leave it at that. Death of meh mum Pretty much just that, I recall that she Had died, now how, and the funural/service. The weird part of it all was that her head seemed all shrunken from view.... like it was there, but even though it was.... it was to small to see... freaked me out when I woke up back when I was so young, ended up sleepin on the couch waiting for my mom to come home from work XD Choice (graphic, gore) The oldest, and still kind of disturbing dream I can recall having, was way back when I was little. It was a rather dark one in my opinion, specially for being in early elementary school. It started with what seemed to be my mom, asking me, whether, because for some reason one of had "to go", which one she should choose, me, or my older brother. It was a fucked dream from the start, I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to die, I in my age told him her since he had experienced more life than I. Then I remember her asking my older brother "which one?" to which she pointed at a spoon and a serrated knife. Well I guess the means of taking his life was to be disembowelment, because I remember my brother asking if he could have something to eat, and being told that doing so would only lead to a bigger mess. I've had someone recently suggest that lucid dreaming may be dangerous, because were not letting our mind dream as it wants to, as in showing you things you need to see, to "decompress" of which he says this is just him theorizing off of his own logic, nothing more. I'm sorry but I'd rather not decompress then, cause dreams like those leave you not in a good state when you awake, mainly because they are the True Nightmares, the ones filled with disappointed/dead family/friends. Ones within reality that you cannot see to be false during a sleep state with an untrained mind. Even the ones of war and undead, the ones I play games of when I get bored, even those have become tiresome, because they are a waste. Sure it was nice in the one where I was with a group, despite not being able to put faces to them, that I was able to help them for the brief time I was with them. Sadly the majority of them are me by myself, just moving at break-neck speeds, stopping to grab this or that and then onward. I just.... want to go to peace ya know. Just a nice day up on some grassy knoll, with the single tree on a bright sunny day, maybe some coconut chime in the back-round clanking occasionally, calmingly. Shit maybe even have a picnic, nice large white sheet out on the ground with a bottom-less basket filled with all the noms you could ever want. Maybe when we finishing eating well say who cares for the mess of the white sheet we've left, n just decide to paint on it, as to hang it later for remembrance. - The One Tree Hill | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Just something nice ya know.