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    1. Night of Wednesday 9/13/23

      by , 09-14-2023 at 08:59 PM (Dreamlog)
      Based on this and the last WBTB attempt, it seems like 6hr/10m might not be the optimal WBTB configuration for me. I think I'll stick to it for experiment #4 to finish out the original plan though.

      Went to bed at 11:30PM.


      I'm at the Darkmoon Faire from World of Warcraft.
      I'm playing as a Night Elf. I'm bragging to the other players around me about something.

      Recorded at 5:30AM. Near the end of sleep cycle 3.

      Scorpion Trap
      I'm at some sort of manor, and I'm together with my ex-girlfriend H.
      I find it strange that we are together again, but not enough to make me question it further.
      We are standing in the front yard and it resembles the side-entrance from highschool (P) but with concrete steps going up.
      There is a man up a story telling us about a device.
      The device is a way to capture or deal with scorpions.
      I remember looking back at H and thinking she looked kinda hot with her short blue dress on.

      Recorded at 5:30AM. Near the end of sleep cycle 3.

      Woke up 6 hours after going to bed as planned. Felt very well rested. Almost decided to just stay awake. But I want those points. So I took the Galantamine 8mg to stay consistent with my experiment parameters and reviewed my go-forward for the lucid. After 10 minutes I went back to bed.


      False Awakening
      I wake up in my bed and do a nose-plug RC out of habit.
      I'm lucid now. I try to move my hands forward to do a hands RC, but they feel very heavy.
      I struggle against this weight, but I can't overcome it.

      Recorded at 7AM. Early in sleep cycle 5.

      Updated 09-14-2023 at 09:32 PM by 99808

      false awakening , non-lucid
    2. Night of Thursday 6/1/23 (Summer Competition Night 1)

      by , 06-02-2023 at 04:57 PM (Dreamlog)
      Nostalgia Sting
      I'm in a house the reminds me of my Grandma M's, but the layout is also mixed with a restaurant called Bamboozle's from back home. This mixture showed up back in a previous dream back on night of Friday 3/10/23. (I didn't mention the restaurant before, description is still correct). That one ended up being lucid but this one wasn't. I'm with my brother and my old Saxophone teacher from highschool, Z. We all have backpacks on, so maybe we are just arriving for a rehearsal. Z points at my coat but I don't see it right away.

      Scorpion. There's a scorpion on my chest. I don't know what to do, so I try to stay still and watch it. I think to myself that I want to appear unafraid, take care of it quickly, but I don't. The scorpion scampers over to my unprotected arm. It starts flailing its claws and tail wildly. It jabs my arm with its tail. I anticipate pain, and there is some, but much less than I expected. I wake up.

      I remember mumbling something about the scorpion to S, but she was also half-asleep so I doubt she remembers.

      Updated 06-02-2023 at 07:49 PM by 99808 (Better title.)

    3. 26 Jul: Affair with a young Russel Crowe, vampires, random stuff ending with scorpions

      by , 07-26-2022 at 08:33 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I know a bunch of Hollywood actors and I am thinking that in the future when someone writes about our relationships, they'll portray it entirely wrong, because it is not glamorous at all, just all very goofy.
      Right now I am with a young and fit Russel Crowe and we are very good friends, or actually more than friends. He is married and his wife knows we meet, but has allowed it because so far we'd just been friends. But the truth is we are showering together in his house, although nothing else happened between us, which is odd. His wife comes right after we get dressed and she seems fed up with our weird intimacy, as she bluntly says it is time for me to go. He looks at me like "she is the boss", so I must obey. I tell her it doesn't have to be like this. We could all be together with each other. But she doesn't want to, she already hates that I am so close to him like a lover.
      I go stay at a hostel with mixed dorms. I have to share a room with two guys. They clearly flirt with me, but I show no interest, just ask for their help to turn on the tv but they keep trying to be friendly.
      Later I take a bus trip to somewhere, but when exiting the bus I wonder if I was carrying any luggage and left it in the bus. So I go back and ask the driver to wait while I look for my stuff in my seat. Turns out it's a lot of stuff. First I grab a bag, a coat and a sleeping bag, but only to reveal 3 more bags with books and food and drinks among other things. I am freaking out, wondering how am I gonna carry al that. I start stuffing as much stuff as I can in plastic bags. Meanwhile I find a 20€ bill on the floor. Then finally decide to leave some things behind which elicits complaints from fellow passengers who wanted the seats and floor cleared.

      Watching a scene from a show about vampires that I used to watch as a teen. Vlad has bought an abandoned church to live there unnoticed, while preparing his comeback. Some fellow vampires who work for some governing body overseeing vampire activity come to confront him about his plans for the world. They mention a symbol he painted on the façade which has some meaning, but he denies it. They demand to go inside. I then am physically there with them. I am also a vampire and sort of Vlad's assistant or protegé. Sunlight doens't harm us. We enter the church abut somehow he makes us go back in time to when the church is being attended by regular people. There is a mass going on, apparently a funeral and Vlad goes pay respects to the dead person, forcing us to follow him into the middle of the church. Some attendees start whispering and pointing at us, and soon I hear the word vampires and feel threathened. They've figured out what we are, because of our paleness, beauty and peculiar taste in fashion. I try to get out, but they turn on us, effectively surrounding and isolating the youngest among us. I rescue the kid and only then I leave.

      Later I am at the cinema and I have a huge fruit bat which I keep as a pet (I guess as my ESA). He is nice but I need to be very gentle or he'll bite. Some kid in the seat in front notices it and asks to pet him. But I say no, saying he will regret it. He gets angry, says he can pet whomever he wants, starting an argument with me. Some employees take us outside to discuss what's going on and I explain what happened and that I am trying to teach the kid some manners and protect him from being bitten. I also don't want a lawsuit from his parents if he gets a zoonosis. They agree with me and kick the kid out. They issue a refund for me.

      Driving through some neighborhood with Riverstone, when I spot my uncle Filipe in his car at a parking lot. I stop nearby to confront him. I think he sees us but pretends not to, then gets on board of a truck parked there and drives off. Riverstone thinks he didn't see us, I know he did and he ran away, which means he is afraid of us. I decide that now that I know where he parks his working vehicle, I'll give him a taste of what he does to my mom and stalk him, leave notes on his windshield, make threats, to see if he likes it. Riverstone doesn't think is a good idea, so he leaves. I do some recon of the area and find a small prefab house where workers like him have a toilet and a locker to leave their personal belongings. But it is actually much bigger inside than what seems on the outside. There is also a locker room for kids that have gym classes in the neighborhood. And soon enough some 20 kids with an adult come rushing in to use the toilet and get their coats. Followed by a huge group of teens that look like they came from regular school lessons. The last ones are three japanese girls and one asks in English if I am such and such person. The name she mentions sounds very much like mine despite her accent, so I say yes, even if I am not sure. But then some other lady who seems Russian, says no, they don't mean me. I apologize and leave. But decide to follow the girls. They lead me to a town that looks like Vegas meets Spring Break. Lots of young folks, college students, drinking outside bars, sitting on cafés, loud music, lots of neon signs. I go around to explore and then it turns into Tokyo. I admire the diversity of fashion looks of the young people and crack up laughing at some guy with a kind of scarf around his neck that has a built-in smartphone holder and he is recording himself talk as he walks hands-free through in the crowd.
      I go down to a subway station, but everyone seems to be getting out of it scared with something. I don't see anything suspicious, so I sit on a ledge for a bit to eat a snacl. I then spot a black scorpion passing under my feet. Not a dangerous one but still I don't want to be stung. Then I spot a red scorpion with dozens of tiny babies around. I fear the little ones cause they are more deadly. I drop some food on the floor and then another scorpion, beige, comes to sniff it also surrounded by dozens of babies. She encounters the red one and they fight over the food. The dark one also comes and both groups attack and devour the black one. Then the reds win the beiges and devour them. Some cleaning ladies come by and tell me to come down and not be afraid. They say unfortunately there is an infeststion of scorpions and roaches, but they claim they are not dangerous to people and that I just need to go around them. I come down and head for a ramp to the subway platforms. It's covered in roaches. I jump from place to place trying to avoid stepping ont the bugs but as I go deeper into the station, they seem to be more and more.

      Updated 08-24-2022 at 09:05 PM by 34880

    4. [09-03-2016]

      by , 03-09-2016 at 02:07 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First fragment

      I was at a desert, fighting with a gigantic scorpion.

      Second fragment

      I was in home, trying to eat a soup, when suddenly a cat jumped into my plate and ran the hell out of there. I chased it and got it in my hands, then hit it a few times.
      Tags: cat, desert, scorpion
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Venomous scorpions and the tiny elevator

      by , 04-07-2015 at 10:31 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Venomous scorpions and the tiny elevator (Non-lucid)


      Something related to hotels, I visited many of them. They had a room with the most dangerous insects known to men. To my surprise, one of them was a crab, apparently, it had an extremely powerful venom coming out from the spikes of the top of it's shell.

      However, all these bugs where friendly to me, as they knew I had once a pet scorpion and took good care of him
      (this is true in waking life) so they would crawl on me and never sting me. I still did not trust the crab, since it was not an insect type.

      I was going to school or something, maybe an university. There were some tiny elevator,about a couple feed between the doors and the back of it, I could barely breath and yet, I took it a few times. There were some flying lessons and I had a ton of friends. One girl had a crush on me and my wife was upset.
    6. Snake-Kong and the Mouth of Hell

      by , 05-28-2014 at 06:46 PM
      Okay, this is a bit of a long one with a lot of miscellaneous actions, but the really interesting parts are in red...

      I stood in a circle with a large group of people at an outdoor celebration of sorts, headed by the owner of the restaurant I work at. He spoke for a while, then we all dispersed to mingle.. however there was a colossal snake slithering around the entire time, often getting close to me. It was about twelve feet high and was extremely wide and long, with huge beady eyes. It was a mottled brown and black color. I told a couple people that I would go and meet the snake, but I knew he could smell fear and it scared me. I walked around a while, talking to DCs and avoiding the huge snake. Eventually I was outside a large tent-corridor a distance from the gathering, and the snake came through. It kept trying to come through various doors, but I would zip them up before it could enter, though I was letting it smell me so that when I came toward it, it would know me and be friendly. A DC distracted me by pointing out a comic behind the snake that I knew explained its back-story, but I couldn't see it clearly.

      The snake transformed into a massive gorilla, like King Kong. He charged through the door, grabbed me, and picked me up, taking me a distance away into the night. We spoke a while, and though I can't remember the details, I knew that by talking to me he learned about the concept of death, of which he had been blissfully unaware before. I also knew that he associated the concept with me, which made me feel threatened, though I was acting cool, calm and interesting on the surface. He wanted to show me a trick, as he had apparently spent his life forced into circus work. He threw me lightly into the air, and though I could imagine him tearing me in two with ease, he lightly caught me. I let him throw me again and relaxed myself utterly, and knew pure joy as I knew I was safe in his massive grasp. We went inside, and I was now friends with the snake-ape. There was a council of his owners. I attempted to slip past them, but they offered me a breakfast fajita, which I politely accepted. They began to talk to the proud and insolent Kong, who was newly awakened to the concepts of mortality. One of the chiefs asked, what were you talking about? I responded, we were just talking about life. Technically true, dream self, well played. The gorilla was talking about his past, perhaps his mother had been poached by the corrupt council. They attempted to assuage him with soothing, honeyed words that shuffled the blame from them. One woman turned into a bird and massaged his back with her claws, which he liked. Before I figure out the conclusion, I awoke.

      Wake, sleep, dream. I was in a classroom without a teacher. The kids were passing around bowls and bongs and getting ripped, myself included. Then, authority figures entered and demanded we register our drugs, mainly acid, as weed was still illegal. I kept the bubbler I had hidden under a blanket.

      I was home again, and my mother left, exhorting me to be moral. I got in a car with some friends and went to a hill near my house to smoke the ganja I had left over from the classroom. We went into a massive trailer and sat in a circle. A couple other friends came in, along with a guy who must have lived there, then they left to go adventuring. I sat and smoked a bit, got bored and left. I came across a group of women playing volleyball in an empty swimming pool, and saw others climbing pine trees. The hill was well populated. I walked down to the university gym and saw more girls playing volleyball, and some guys playing a game. There was food on the sidelines and many morbidly obese players.

      Next, I was at a camp or retreat of some sort. We were all hanging out and I was acting a clown, cracking jokes and goofing off. I went to the bathroom, walked in and cleaned a urinal, then walked out. Turned out I was in the ladies restroom! A couple guys followed after me, too. A tall, extremely beautiful woman came up and laughed about the mix-up, and I told her she now had to use the guys, because it was all mixed up. She had writing on her lips. I offered to kiss her, but she asked, right or left? I said, right, and presented my right cheek for her to kiss. Later, we played a game like hide and seek. I decided to hide in a box, but couldn't decide between one or the other side of the room, so I didn't have time to get the box closed, and was immediately caught.

      I'm in a magnificent cathedral. I'm with someone, and see a friend about to go play a guitar onstage, and he waves at me. A priest walks up to me, and asks, are you confident?to which I simply say, yes.He leads me to a wall. There is a small, tight mouth, an opening, on the bottom of it, covered in runes and glyphs, wrought in beautiful stone work and pouring out red and orange. It looks like the mouth of Hell. He says something to the effect of, it's good you're confident, you'll need it, or we'll see, I can't remember. I barely fit in the gap, and began a slow facedown descent, using hand-holds on the passage to keep myself from tumbling. I see two scorpions, and wonder, why am I down here? I'm not even Catholic. After a while of indecision, I exit into sunlight and fresh air. Another priest stands there and asks, what you doing? The real challenges are ahead, you must face your demons.I pathetically say I need shoes, look down and I'm wearing them. He extols me to have courage and continue, so I go back into the mouth, down, down, down. I'm on a stair case that's unbelievably cramped, with hundreds of even tinier scorpions that I run over, worrying that one is in my shirt. I'm now in a dark, quiet and misty stone corridor bathed in glowing white and blue. I enter a room to the right, and find myself looking at two animal spirits floating over stone wells. One I can't access, but the other purports to be a mirror of the soul, and speaks proudly and with disdain. From a third person perspective, it consumed me, and I now look like Harry Potter. It was all fire within, and he discussed a Reformation of sorts. Whether the historical one, or a personal one, I don't know.

      Then, there's my brother next to me. He has a beautiful amulet and he gives it to me to help me. I thank him, and awaken.
    7. Spider and Scorpion

      by , 04-07-2014 at 05:46 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      Me and my friend Darius were in school. We saw our 2 french teachers and there was a lottery thing or whatever where you spin. And beside that was 58 trillion dollars. I spun the lottery thing and got 56 thousand dollars and I turned into a spider while my friend turned into a Scorpion and then the french teachers turned into mice and we start to chase them cuz they had cheese and we went in a sewer and it just got weird. Thats all I remember
    8. 9/2/13 Scorpion Hunt and an Exorcism

      by , 09-02-2013 at 04:27 PM (Illuminating the Dream Realm)
      I was at a lake, when I noticed that there was a trampoline on the other side of the boundary line for the swimming area. There was also a massive sparring dummy floating out there too. I swam there and started doing stuff, when this random blonde girl started flirting at me. After a while, I told her that kind of flirting doesn't impress me, and suddenly there was a boring sob story/flashback thing. I'm not going to write it, but the point was that her ex boyfriend was an ass.

      After the flashback we were in her room. We talked and became friends. Suddenly there was a scream. we went outside to this three walled building where there was another flashback of a massive scorpion dropping down and stinging her mom. After much searching, I found it in her mom's sock drawer.

      (I don't know what happens between these parts)

      I was at Walmart I was looking for something, when I noticed some guy with short brown hair just standing with a vacant expression on his face. I turned around and walked into the blonde girl. she was looking at me through a cracked magnifying glass. she gave it to me and walked away.

      I tried to look through it, but there was only one place you could see through at the top left, and you had to put your eye close up to the glass. The man who had been expressionless said that the glass could show things that should not be seen. I looked at him with it, and a demonic face was floating outside his, and it was laughing.

      I was scared, but I also remembered how the 12 apostles drove out demons, so I started in a quiet voice, telling it to leave the man in the name of God. Nothing happened. I then yelled something like "In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave that man alone!" The man was still standing emotionlessly, But when I used the glass, I saw the demon was now standing in the middle of the store. I commanded him to go back to the abyss from whence he came. He sort of evaporated. The man sat down and started crying, and the dream ended.
    9. The Scorpion

      by , 02-24-2013 at 05:03 PM
      This is the second DV member lucid I've had in a row! For some reason, my subC is teeing these up for me right now, which is cool. Hope it keeps up.

      I noticed that I was fairly stupid throughout this dream, including the lucid portion. I took a pretty high dose of melatonin at bedtime, so I wonder whether that was related. Good vividness though!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #69: The Scorpion

      I'm walking through the desert, heading down the slope of a tall sand dune. The sun is high and bright. I feel relaxed almost to the point of sleepiness.

      Suddenly, I feel a sharp, painful stab in my foot! I decide that I must have been bitten by a scorpion. I try to remember if you're supposed to die when that happens, but I think maybe it just hurts like hell. When I look down to find the "scorpion", all I see is an unhooked safety pin lying in the sand. The safety pin dances a bit and says, "It's me! Paigeyemps!"

      "Yeah right," I tell the safety pin.

      "Seriously, it's me!" The safety pin wiggles a bit. "I got shrunk down and I'm too small to go anywhere. So I found this safety pin and I stab people with it when they come by so that they'll help me. I'm really thirsty."

      I find this totally convincing and I feel bad for doubting her. "Of course I'll help you! Let me get you some water!" I look around and see that about 100 feet away is the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign. Oops. I feel silly wandering around in the desert when I'm this close to the Vegas strip.

      I walk toward the Las Vegas strip and somehow I find an empty cup and a big bottle of water. I fill up the cup and bring it back to Paigeyemps and her safety pin, feeling like quite the hero. The little safety pin waves around a bit and she says, "That cup is filled with bacteria! I can't drink that!" I'm sort of embarrassed that the cup is so dirty and I wonder how she's able to see bacteria so well. I figure it's because she's so little, but something seems funny about the whole situation. All of this "heavy duty thinking" seems to get my brain into a higher gear and
      I become lucid.

      Even though I'm lucid, I still feel very, very stupid. I think that maybe Paigeyemps could use a bigger signaling object than that tiny safety pin, so I conjure a knife into my right hand. It occurs to me that it would probably be bad to have her out here in the desert knifing everybody that comes close. I toss the knife over my shoulder.

      "Hey," I tell her, "I'm actually lucid now! Let me just shrink down to your size and see if I can help."
      (I wonder why I didn't try to make her bigger instead. ) She says something along the lines of "cool" and I focus my vision on the safety pin, willing myself to shrink down.

      The shrinking effect feels sort of like zooming on Google Maps. I focus on the spot where the safety pin is and will myself to move closer and closer to it. There's a momentary visual streaking effect and then everything looks bigger. After a few iterations of this, the grains of sand look more like huge rocks and for some reason they're glowing. From up close, they look beautiful.

      "I think it's working!" Paige shouts. "You look much smaller!" At this point, I see a tiny humanoid-looking figure hopping around among the grains of sand! Encouraged, I do a few more cycles. On my last zoom, though, I zoom in on the wrong spot and find her completely out of view.

      I call out to see if I can still find her but there's no response. I figure that I'm totally lost. I don't know how to proceed so I try hopping around like a sand flea for a little while. I get tons of height when I flea-hop like this and sand-boulders fly everywhere when I land. This is great! I do that a few more times until
      the dream ends.
    10. The Crowned Scorpion

      by , 12-25-2012 at 11:23 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      NOTE: I've been doing 9 purif breathing almost every night this week, except once when I was too tired. Then I did some reverse RC/ADA, but I can barely do it every hour. Will continue for another week. I also do zhine meditation focusing on the breath, but I can barely do so without my mind jumping to dozens of other thoughts.

      6:10 a.m.

      A red scorpion with a jeweled yellow crown.

      Running away from a demon, which does not react to banishing techniques we know.

      There's a book that might be available in a moving bookstore. I or someone else said that we've looked through a lot of bookstores already, but it's worth a try. The book is available. The price should be around 400 or 450 pesos, but the vendor changed it to 1000 or 2000. I declined, then he started to move his mobile bookstore away. I or something else killed him. I vaguely remember throwing the mobile bookstore into bits. Something fell off the sky and trashed the dilapidated bookstore. I think the book has something we can use against the demon. I recall seeing my crush (B.Sasdfasdf), but not sure what happened.

      An escape.

      9:35 a.m.

      Running or escaping. Going up and down a building. There's a way to go up or down. An elevator and a zip line.
    11. Bedside Company

      by , 10-13-2012 at 12:53 AM (Voyages of a Skywalker)
      Dad and I are talking and at the foot of his bed is a huge scorpion. I fear it but he is just curious.

      I am in the school, at the end of the long hallway. I reach down and when my finger comes back there is blood on it.

      Updated 10-13-2012 at 12:55 AM by 40320

      lucid , dream fragment
    12. 14.06.2012 - 5 x Non lucid dreams

      by , 06-17-2012 at 09:27 PM
      Date: 14/06/2012
      Place: Friend's bed
      Time of getting into bed: 00.00

      Dream 1 - Non lucid
      We (me and partner) are going through a McDonalds drive through over and over again. Under our car seats are small kittens that are very cute.

      Dream 2 - Non lucid
      My sister is modeling dresses on a cruise ship. I am joining in but only because I know she will be angry if I don't, and I really don't want to do it. The dresses are bad taste and there are people watching. There are piles of clothing everywhere, my back is very sweaty I notice. A plastic pirate ship style toy boat is large enough for me to climb in, which makes it move in a very trippy way. I am then in the toilets squeezing into a dress way too small for me, there are people waiting to use the toilet but I am holding them all up. An old school friend passes by and says hi, I say hi back and they leave. Someone gives me some cheap, hotel style conditioner for my hair.

      Dream 3 - Non lucid
      There is a small, dead scorpion on my pillow. I am saving it to put in my ear later. I change my mind and decide to throw it away, in case it stings me.

      Dream 4 - Non lucid
      I am throwing plastic arrows, but I have no bow.

      Dream 5 - Non lucid
      I am in a beach style place, and smoking. I throw my cigarette butts on the floor into the sand so someone provides a very tall, green plastic cocktail glass to use as an ashtray. There are no more seats for me to sit on so I sit on a plastic, kids toy car. I am now crying (not sure why) but the car is comfortable.

      I do not smoke anymore (quit sometime ago)
      I have not seen the visiting school friend for around 10 years.
      My star sign is Scorpio.
    13. Loauy doesn't mind killer scorpions

      by , 06-04-2012 at 04:32 AM (RommiH's Dream Journal (entries are not dated correctly. i am slowly transferring my DJ from my computer, to the one on DV))
      After the others left to fight the bads, I really had to pee. I am about to pee in our incompletely built house until I hear footsteps I think it is my dad who has came back. I turns out it was loauy. I tell him hey after greeting a man who was doing work and walking by. I tell him I didn’t know he was here. He had been sleeping for a long time. Now I walk up the stairs to him. I notice on the wall behind him a huge scorpion thing. I walk back down the stairs to put distance between the thing and me. On my way I notice weird bugs on the wall. Loauy is observing the scorpion. We now walk away from the house and walk into the desert. There we find two more scorpions. These look more like crabs though. Loauy catches them with his hands and I am amazed. He now puts them near each other so they fight. Instead the both run at me. Now they look like foxes. Once near they leap at me. In midair myself I kick one expecting it to latch on to my leg, but I successfully deflected the attack.

    14. The Scorpion

      by , 01-11-2012 at 10:02 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Something was on my hand...a little fly type bug with a red head and clear wings. It was biting the crap out of me. I'd shoo it off, and then it would land again. I saw a bigger version of that same bug...almost the size of my fist. The tiny bug grew about that size and turned into a scorpion. I grabbed it and tore each limb off slowly...saving the stinger and claws for last. When I pulled off it's head, I woke up.

      I also had a dream my daughter was over...something about eating food, and my friends sister was there.
      Tags: scorpion
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. The Addiction

      by , 05-08-2011 at 11:01 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 08-06-10
      Length: 10 Minutes
      Vividness: 10/10

      I was in our vacation home in La Baule, France.
      I was in the living room sitting on the orange couch by the window.
      My sister, Marin, was sitting at the table, my girlfriend Dakota was right next to me, and my youngest sister, Manon, was on the white couch, opposite to the one I was on.

      I had a lit cigarette in my mouth, and I began smoking it.
      I remember preventing myself from inhaling the smoke by just blowing it out without actually sucking in.
      I've never smoked before, but in the dream, it was a very casual thing, like I had done it many times before.
      I kept telling myself that I wasn't addicted, and I could stop when I would want.

      After a couple seconds, the cigarette went out and I realized it was because I was smoking the lit end.
      I got up to get a lighter and found one on the table across from the bar.
      It was a sleek, metallic one that stayed lit when you press it down.
      I found Dakota's scorpion one next to it and thought I should tell her.
      I walked back over to the couch and Manon said she had something to show me, but she wouldn't.

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