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    1. Alien and Sky Dragon..

      by , 11-23-2011 at 07:11 PM (Visions of the night)
      Took a much needed nap late this morning and had this weird dream...

      I was sitting in a house that was built on a side of a mountain.. the door that was on the left was open and there was a long set of stone stairs... guess it was for people to enter through the area. The house had these big windows and no curtains. I am sitting there on a cream colored couch and trying to watch was on this old fashion t.v.. had the antennae and everything.

      This old man walks in telling me I was living in the middle of a portal as he is talking I am pretty much not paying attention and I see this weird figure coming down the steps outside.. as it came closer it was an Alien and I began to freak out.. there were children in the house and I was trying to grab their attention so they wouldn't get scared at seeing this figure..

      It was tall skinny.. the typical grey/green alien the usual depiction of what some consider an alien to look like.. so this creature walks pass the house and towards the far left and I see this mountain with deep oval like holes on the sides of them.. strange to see a rock mountain with such design and this alien went to the 2nd last hole and disappeared..

      This man is still talking and I cut him off.. he is wearing a long red robe.. out of no where I have a picture of the mountain in my hands and he points telling me those are different dimensions within the holes.. and the way one can only enter is if they have been through other planets.. as he starts talking which I couldn't make out the rest .. this big headed grey/green alien is coming down the steps again..


      The man tells me to be careful because this alien is able to grab someone to bring into one of the holes.. I am getting nervous freaking out.. and the alien is starting to stare into the house..

      The guy starts talking about a flying dragon trapped in the space between our sky and the earth's ozone layer.. how this dragon never lands and travels around none stop.. but how it can swoop down picking up living things..

      Next I find myself climbing through one of the holes and looking back at the house on the hill...


      Updated 11-23-2011 at 07:13 PM by 32355

      non-lucid , dream fragment