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    1. Arthur (AAR-VDARK)+Alien or other R rated movie

      by , 06-02-2024 at 05:35 PM
      Over two weeks ago I had this dream. It started out in an Arthur kind of unviserse. I don't remember much about what happen. But at some point someone meets aliens. And then the alien kind of I think explodes and then it turns into a real-life setting and the alien leaves a bloody craddle with a lot of blood in it and a couple of layers of I want to say skin. And once I (?) uncover it I found a baby alien in a bath of blood and its tinny but then I woke up and had to go to the bathroom.
    2. CN2- milked by ailens

      by , 01-08-2024 at 07:22 PM
      [COLOR="#EE82EE"]I had woke up from some other dream I forgot, I was trying to get back to sleep for what felt like 30 minutes. I eventually found a comfortable position on my back. I was relaxed until I felt nervous for some reason.[/COLOR] I didn't try very hard to move, but I new I couldn't. For some reason I thought it must be an alien's fault. I then felt a prick in my breast, like there was a needle in it. I tried best to make my breathing look like I was asleep but I was probably failing miserably. I then remembered that sometimes people move in their sleep, so I rolled on the side it hadn't pricked yet. It managed to get the needle in my other breast, so I decided to open my eyes just a crack to see what it was doing, a black hand moved the syringe to my 4th breast and the needle went in. It filled up with a white liquid I assumed was milk. I shut my eyes for a few seconds, and I no longer felt the presence. I opened my eyes and sat up. There was a dishwasher like door in my wall, so I opened it. There was a plate with my milk, and a cow made of milk foam, morbid curiosity got the better of me, and I dipped my finger in the milk and licked it. It was like cow milk but creamier with more chunks. I puled the plate out and took a mouthful of foam. It tasted like when you an armpit, but somehow good.

      [COLOR="#EE82EE"]I'm sorry if you read that,
      anyways, I did a medium meditation before bed -1
      It's a bit early in the day so ill write my rc score later - 2
      remembered a full nld - 1
      total- 4
      comp total- 8 [/COLOR]

      Updated 01-09-2024 at 05:10 AM by 100014

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    3. 6/11/23

      by , 06-11-2023 at 09:20 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      Cyberpunk Chase & Planet Mu

      I am in a suburban neighborhood at night
      One of my old friends is with me we are exploring different homes along the way
      I gather we are also being pursued by some unnamed force
      Random things keep happening, streetlights are changing shapes in front of me
      I have an umbrella that has a tv antenna coming out of the end, it keeps getting longer like 15'
      Try to show my friend next to me and he doesn't realize what's wrong
      I look back and there is a pizza box-looking object now on the end of the umbrella
      I wonder why nothing I'm looking at stays the same as we're exploring
      We are at his friend's house with his friend sleeping on the couch, we try to be quiet to not wake her up and I wonder if they will be mad we just walked into their home
      We go from building to building just exploring the street
      The scenery turns into a cyberpunk-type city
      Dingy streets with neon storefronts on the street level with high rises surrounding me
      I realize I am trying to get a job maybe
      I am very dirty like a vagabond with a dirty face as well, they are all put of by how I look
      Entering a storefront that almost looks like a bank, I am applying for a loan and they turn me down without a second's hesitation
      My friend is an alien now with an orange leopard face and time cop fatigues
      The employee of the store are all alien cops coming after us
      He shoots them with a red phaser-type alien weapon as we are in a shootout with different colored lasers flying all over the place
      He tosses me an alien gun
      I catch it midair and begin shooting the guys coming for us
      The shape of the gun is compact like a toy with red accents and a short barrel that shoots red pew pew lasers
      Seemingly ineffective with a single shot and gather I need to hit them multiple times for the stun to be effective
      It feels like we are robbing the bank maybe
      I notice other weapons on desks as we make our way through the office space
      Grabbing one with my free hand it is larger, boxy, and gray with blue beams
      So I'm dual-wielding laser weapons shooting our way out
      The room opens up into a quite large atrium with many types of aliens scattered about almost like the MIB headquarters
      We are on the 7th or 8th floor overlooking the open area with everyone down below
      I somehow am able to change shape into an alien being while I hide
      As we're leaning against the guardrail hiding the alien cops are still looking for us
      I overhear one of them say to the other
      "Tell me why the number one wanted delinquent kid in the city spends his entire time in virtual cafes"
      I understand now I am VR-hopping to escape and can choose whatever I experience
      The entire dream before makes sense now as reality keeps shifting right in front of me
      My friend changes into another alien which is ~3' tall chubby gray with smooth features and large cartoonish white eyes with black pupils
      Noticing all the changes I say to them "This has got to be a dream"
      He responds "Well, yeah?"
      I am instantly lucid but also frustrated because this is not what I wanted to experience
      I say "I want the Pearls, I want to be on planet MU"
      And he replies "SURE LETS GOOO!!" while waving his arms up with a magical motion
      As I turn around the entire scene dissolves and in its place a very scenic ocean landscape manifests itself
      All the dozens of aliens that were around us turn into variants of the pearls though none were shaped exactly like them
      I see the bright beach in the distance with house-sized shells and a tropical shoreline
      We are all in the ocean traveling that way as a group
      Realize even more strongly that it's a dream I remember my lucid goals
      First, to summon something, I think of summoning the phaser I had earlier
      So I swing my arm out of vision intending the alien gun to appear feeling the weight of it in my hand
      I swing my arm back and it's there, spinning it like a cowboy I laugh and toss it away
      Also remembering I need to fly as well
      So I pick up two people on either side of me as I slowly levitate out of the water and fly over the crowd of other beings
      We are all still going toward the island now at greater speeds
      I am above everyone moving quickly and remember I need to manipulate some elements as well
      Tossing the people I was carrying forward I lift both arms from waist-high palms up to shoulder height watching the ocean in front of us swell into a massive quarter of a mile-high stationary tsunami
      We are all rising up with the wall of water
      People are caught up in the water but I am flying parallel straight up to the top
      I fly over the crest of the wave which feels incredibly high up
      Doing a sort of backflip turn in the air similar to the way a pole vaulter clears a jump
      Feeling the mist of turbulent water on my face from the top as I cross with the water to my back, I am looking upwards towards the dark starlit sky with a bright sun still illuminating the setting
      I feel the dream destabilize some so I turn my head to get the beach and shoreline back in my field of view
      I am overcome with emotions and a pleasant sensation washes over my body as I freefall head-first down the face of the tsunami toward the island
      There are several alien pearl beings on the shore along with pearls around me in the ocean
      There is no violent crash of the water as the wave levels out with the ocean calmly again
      We are all now just wading water a few feet from the shoreline
      The dream fades as I take in the scenery completely overwhelmed with the realization that I finally had my lucid dream
      It's beautiful and picturesque, just a sunny day in paradise
    4. 1 Nov: Alien invasion and timelines, revisiting a castle in Czech Republic

      by , 11-01-2022 at 12:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      There is an alien invasion. The aliens are gigantic, measuring from 3 to 10+ meters. They aren't many, but each one is strong enough to destroy a ship or a tank and they also have some spaceships that go around shooting at people. I meet a random person on a subway, where people are taking cover and he says he has a secret shelter and invites a group of around 10 strangers to join him there, if we managed to reach it. We do reach it and we survive about 200 days there, with occasional incursions on the surface. One day, it seems someone decides to use nukes and there is a bright explosion not far from us and we die. Or so we think, but then we wake up back at the beginning of it all and we get again to the same shelter but with a couple new people. Once in the shelter I ask others if they remember that we are reliving this and they say yes, so then I explain it to the newcomers and say we probably have to figure out a way to stop the explosion so we don't keep coming back. But nothing happens exactly like the time before. For example, last time I naturally rose to the leadership position because I had good ideas. This time a bunch of them decided to elect a new leader and I realize they never liked me. But I am ok with it, I agree we need new ideas this time. Among the things that have changed in this timeline, is that some humans made an alliance with the aliens, so there is some level of normal existence at least for some. There is also a road near us that wasn't there before and a bunch of crazies straight out of Mad Max come race in this road with weird vehicles. The group decides to try to befriend them, I think it is dangerous and will expose us, so I stay away and ready to leave at the first alarming sign.

      The earth is now invaded by a secondary type of nocturnal aliens and they hunt humans specifically when night falls. Whenever they are close and getting ready to hunt, they emit a sign, like a shine in the sky with a shape of a four legged predator. I am now staying with my parents at mom's apartment on the 4th floor. It's kinda safe if we shut down all windows and shutters and stay silent all night. But my dad is out and about with some other dude preparing some ground level house with glass doors for some experiment. We go there and try to discourage him and say that whatever it is it won't work, but they are really convinced they can make some kind of trap for the aliens. To calm down my mom, I tell her we already died and came back and we are probably going to die again at any moment, so why not use this opportunity to actually learn more about the aliens and try to defeat them. I then spot black smoke coming out from our chimney and ask mom if she left something on the stove. She isn't sure. We wish good luck to my dad and his friend and we run back home, afraid we accidentally started a fire. Fortunately it was just some soup my mom forgot on the stove that burned up. I shut that down and turn to other domestic preparations for the night, like taking our clothes that are hanging outside. Unfortunately my cats are all sneaking out through the window and jumping down to the ground below for some reason. I don't freak out as usually I do, because they've done this so many times in dreams, I now have confidence they won't get hurt. My concern is when they try to come back, usually by climbing up the balconies below and try to enter through the window that we have to keep closed. They aren't at risk from the aliens but they will put us at risk if they start making noise outside. So my mom goes out and says she'll catch them, but I am worried because it is getting dark fast.

      In Czech Republic with Zilla and other friends, revisiting Lednice. We are leaving the Inn we're lodged at and we want to walk to the castle as I did last time I came. I suggest we walk through the woods, but my friends spot what seems to be a cable car and suggest we try it instead. They go straight to the entrance but I say we need to buy tickets at the booth first. They ignore me, so I go and buy tickets. When I reach my friends, some girls pass in front of us and argue they reached there first. We disagree and we keep fighting to get in the front, but meanwhile a long line forms behind us. Then we realize it's not a cable car but some aquatic tobogan tubes kind of thing and there are actually 4 departure points, so we can go into one, the other girls in another and other people on the remaining ones. I suddenly don't wanna go, because I see it is apparently a bit of a rough ride. But my friends insist. They take their seats in the tobogan thing but there isn't space for us all, so someone attaches like a buoy to the main boat for me and some male friend. It hardly carries one person, let alone two. Also, it doesn't look safe at all, but they keep saying it will be fun.
      Then somehow we're at the castle already. It looks bigger and more beautiful than what I recall. We enter it and there is a really lively environment inside. People are dressed in modern day clothing but kind of reliving medieval times. There is a tavern inside the castle and tables all along for people to sit. Not what I expected to find. I am intent on going down the catacombs where I saw a dragon robot last time, but it is again closed for visitors. It is blocked by a board announcing the menu of the tavern. My friends offer to go check it out by sneaking behind the board. I beg them not to. I stay on the look out and then I mess up by bumping into the board and making it fall down with a lot of noise that attracts everyone's attention. As I try to put it back up, I see my friends returning and taking a peek to see if the path is clear, but then an employee comes to help with the board and they hide again. After some attempts and it keeps on falling, she gives up and lays it against the wall. Meaning my friends are now exposed when they come out and everyone is still looking at me. So I go for a walk around the place trying to divert attentions to me and away from them.
    5. 6 Sep: Abducted by aliens and sabotaging the MIB-alien partnership

      by , 09-06-2022 at 04:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Me and mom have suspected for a long time that we have been abducted by aliens periodically. Then one day walking by the riverfront in Alhandra, she gets a bit more ahead of me and I lose sight of her for a bit. When I catch up and see her in the distance, I also spot a big alien ship pointing a tractor beam to her. She is starting to being pulled up and I run to pull her down, but we're both sucked in. She seems to be in a trance, but since I am extra weight that wasn't planned, I am fully conscious as maybe the effect only works on expected passengersWe are dropped at a big hangar but there are no aliens in sight. Looks more like an automated factory with conveyor belts and escalators and all the abductees move on their on while on a trance. They are taken to what look like shuttles and sent somewhere else. I observe all this while hiding, and when I lose sight of my mom again, I decide to jump out of the hangar through and opening to the ground, because I fear there won't be an atmosphere I can breathe, once it lifts off. I feel that now that I gained some insight into the functioning of the abductions, I may resist entering a trance next time I am abducted. I meet other abductees and we exchange info on methods to resist the numbing effect of the tractor beems, but nobody ever really managed to suceesfully pull it off. I am the only one who accidentally went through it consciously. Somehow, the next time that I am beamed up, I become physically numd and unable to move, but totally aware throughout. Once I am taken in the shuttles and end up at what looks like a train station inside the ship, I get out from the abductees lines and hide out. I spot some alien guards and even alien guns and I grab some alien grenade. I throw it to the middle of the "train station" and when it blows up and the aliens scramble, I sneak into a room where other humans are being held hostage. These people are also conscious. There is a blind autistic girl in the group with her mom and she is unaware of where she is and people are making an effort to keep her happy and entertained and hiding thr truth from her. I feel emotional and I share with them a plan to escape with them all. Fortunately for us, the ship is parked somewhere on Earth and is not flying in outerspace. It has many floors and we run down a bunch of stairs until the lowest floor. I sent everyone else before me and when it is my time to follow, we are surrounded by a couple drones flying over our heads. They zap us one by one and freeze us into what seems Han Solo frozen in carbonite, but it looks like wood. One by one we try to resist, but it doesn't work. Then I and another person notice a small detail, that the board people get frozen in, has a fixed size, like there is a size limitation to it. So we try open our arms and gesticulate like crazy to try to look larger and impossible to freeze. Somehow it works. One of the drones keeps flying around us and zapping us from all angles but we yell insults at it as we flap our arms and flip the middle fingers. That's when the men in black appear. A couple guys in suits and sunglasses, lead by a lady that doesn't seem very friendly. She is indeed pissed. They surround us and tells we're supposed to cooperate. Then zap us with yet another tool that makes us numb and obeyant. Then ask us to line up and march. At some point soon after, I manage to break the effect and just pretend to comply while making signs to my mates to see if anyone else is aware. I think a few of them are also slowly breaking the spell and regaining control. So I start walking sideways and going around in circles, then getting under an area with lots of valves and turning them, releasing vapors and causing chaos and confusion. The lady in black comes to me and tells me she has had it with me and asks WTF am I doing. I literally ROTFL and say that all their instruments no longer work on me and I suspect they are also not working on a few others either. Then they break character and join me in my little insurrection, grabbing the men in black. The lady then breaks down and starts talking like corporate talk, about the need to show results, to have a certain number of subjects being tested successfuly or else this alien-government cooperation will fall apart. I understand her frustration as an employee following orders. She is sitting down, defeated, while she shows me some dossier with graphs and signed protocols and explains why she has to keep doing it. Then I ask who the fuck was the stupid person who decided to secretly kidnap humans and why are they still doing it, when there are legions of human beings who would volunteer to do the job if only they were open about it and fucking asked. I tell them to just come clean and publicly announce this partnership and ask for volunteers and I guarantee they won't be short of interested people who always wanted to see the interior of an alien ship and cooperate with whatever studies they're doing and be part of the few selected ones, even if that involves a little anal probing here and there. They seem convinced and hire me as their consultant.
    6. 5 Mar: Family business brewery and making beer form alien poop

      by , 03-05-2022 at 05:05 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am a short chubby bald dude who works in a family brewery that is about to go brankrupt. Four other people work there, three dudes and a girl. The older dude is the father, the other two guys I think are brothers and the lady, who is a pretty 30 something administrative is the only one not in the family.
      One day, on my way to work, I find some really weird shit, like a human sized capsule with a kind of giant turnip inside, with little buds that look like feet. I get one of those buds and I bring it to the brewery and exoeriment making a beer from it. It is surprisingly good and totally different.
      The next day there is a fight because things look dire and the boss gets upset with my experiments. When I leave, I am walking by my old (RL) intermediate school and it is dark. The gates are closed and some suspicious guy is parked at the entrance inside the car. I suspect he is up to some shady businesses, so I back up slowly and walk away down the road in the shadows. Then I am approached by a strange creature which looks like that turnip I saw in a capsule, but they levitate and have a normal head that talks and long hair that moves like tentacles. They also have what seems like a long sword and threathen me with it. I run away but they teleport and cut my path. I ask what they want, they explain the turnip was one of their friends and I desecrated their body. I had no idea. I explain I meant no harm, invite them to the brewery. They come out of hibernation. We exhange info about ourselves and our worlds. They are on some mission on Earth and must not be found by authorities, so they ask if we can hide them. We become acquainted, they bring on their other friends, still in capsules and they settle in the brewery as a safe refuge. Turns out their little buds are like deposits of waste (basically poop) which detach when it's the appropriate time, so I didn't really cut a limb.
      They stay for some time and I ask permission to use their waste buds for producing beer. They agree. They ask for our help in return and we establish a partnership. Each month they provide us a supply of buds and we offer something in returnto help them explore planet Earth.
      Meanwhile, business is going great because of our innovative secret beer, so we are all cheerful and dancing and partying, including the aliens. Their leader pushes my boss and the secretary together and makes them admit they love each other, which they do and they kiss. We all cheer. Then one of the aliens comes to me and says he also loves the leader and wants to declare to her. I am like "they're a she?" not knowing why I'd thought they were a he. And he nods. So I help him with the romantic moment and they also kiss or whatever. And everybody lived happily ever after.
    7. 20 Dec: Everybody hates me and secrets of the Universe revealed by an alien

      by , 12-20-2021 at 07:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am going to some fancy school and some day there is a concert there. The singer who was invited can't perform, so a couple people are pushed onto the stage to improvise and I am one of them. I sing a little bit and I feel like I killed it, but no one applauds. Then follows a guy who just can't sing at all, but all his friends cheer him up. This event is recorded and later broadcasted, but the video was edited to cut me off while this guy is still in it. I feel extremely upset that they cut me out, because this could have been my chance to be heard by many and I feel that I am surely hated by those who did this.
      Then the school director calls me to her office and says that I'll be expelled, because I said I didn't like being hugged by random people and she contacted my psychologist who confirmed my aversion to being touched. I am appalled and tell her that makes no sense at all and they should respect my boundaries, not attack me over it. It seems everyone in school just wants to get rid of me, no matter what.

      I am a good looking, rich and spoiled girl, but hated by all. I live in a giant family mansion and have my own quarters in the attic. I like to mistreat the servants. I have my own cinema in the basement. My family is in the movies industry and I feel pissed that they don't make me a star. Some guests come over for some preview and I decide to make a scene, by walking around the house in just lingerie and an open silk robe. Some guy becomes crazy obsessed with me. But I don't really care and I ignore all his attempts to approach me. But later, one day I am feeling horny and have no one else, so I invite him over to my attic. Someone knocks on the door but instead of him some guy claiming that his loving wife died in this house. That she was a servant there and somehow got electrocuted. But most weird is he claims her was never retrieved because she fell into some tank and her body got stuck into some plumbing. He asks me to please help him empty the tank and flush the pipes, but that would cause some kind of flooding with seward water in the garden. At first my reaction is to shut the door in his face. But then I feel compelled to help, mostly because I love the idea of causing a mayhem with seward on the garden. I do it and there is water flooding all around the house. It is so much and so fast that I end up having to rescue the family dogs from drowning in it, as they unexpectedly run outside when it starts.
      I guess the guy retrieved his wife boy, because he is very thankful and then invites me for something he wants to show me. We join some of his friends and they take me to what appears to be an abandoned house. They touch a specific piece of carved wood on the door and the whole house exterior walls move like parts of a Rubik's cube and rearrange. A new type of door appears and opens up. Inside there is a large open room which looks like a museum, with ancient artifacts protected under glass displays. Then I hear a voice welcoming us. It is an alien, like a grey but human sized and slightly more human looking eyes. He wears long robes. He mentions some dagger, but before I even take a better look at it, he is already calling my attention to a giant book. The book levitates through the air and lands on my hands. He says it tells the story that explains it all. And the story is that Isaiah met an alien, who looked like this grey alien but had hair and some crown like thing like a cubic hat with jewels incrusted in the front, that was an actual part of her skull. And they had a son who looked like this alien without the crown thing and might actually be him. And he wrote this book, which has 14 volumes which are spread throughout the world, containing all the secrets of the universe.
      After we leave, I go on a lifelong journey with these guys, living a simple life, walking, hiking, living like nomads, in a mission to find the other books.
    8. cccxii. Twice to the future

      by , 08-05-2021 at 06:19 PM
      31st July 2021


      (chronology and order a bit messed up in recall)

      I'm travelling through space back to Earth. I have to travel so far that it takes two hundred years to get back to Earth. It's implied I use some kind of cryogenic sleep and for me only moments seem to have passed between all the travelling. But I remember time spent during travel. At some point I fiddle on with a mini-disc player that can supposedly output video signal around the back. I have some frustrations with the player. I note that its model is an "MD-6" and recall that it looks a bit like a high end CD player we have in our bedroom in waking life.

      This mini-disc player is on the floor and this bit looks a bit like my parents' old room. Where mom's study used to be, the enclosed balcony bit, is like a viewing area and I can see into space; it extends further than it would in waking life. There's a planet or two and a star, white? Space is pretty black and realistic in that sense of it.

      I think about how mini-disc as a format wasn't meant for video output and understand that to be part of my frustrations with getting the unit to work (the way I want it to?). I don't recall a screen or what the video was anymore, but I do recall watching some of it.


      Some other part aboard the ship, talking to another crew member?


      When I get back to Earth, the year is 2400 or so. There are alien overlords of several species, dealing with unrest on Earth. I do not feel opposed to their presence, but I feel annoyed at all of it in general. One of the alien overlords is a giant and grey scaly creature, which I like the look of. Another one, whom I'm with in a semi-circle room with a glass dome, is a bit bigger than the average human and looks yellow and a bit chubby.


      I loop back to returning to Earth on the ship again. This time, by the time I'm back on Earth again, the year is 3500. Humanity is (apparently) incredibly advanced now. I am inside a structure, a latticed sphere building of some kind, which likely wouldn't work with conventional construction techniques, I feel. At the centre of this structure, there are platforms and some humans.

      The humans are gene editing themselves, they look very different from how a human should. I remember some are much bigger and some look a bit stretched in some sense. There is some kind of weird mohawk fashion going on. I think I have some thoughts on this.

      I feel annoyed again, about so much time having passed since I was last on Earth. I think about how they have all this technology and they didn't do anything about me needing to return to Earth with cryogenic sleep. I think I feel myself partly loathing them and partly feeling distant from them because I am essentially from the past.

      Updated 08-05-2021 at 06:23 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. cclxxxi. Lady playing on consoles, Automated office building, Scraps

      by , 06-07-2021 at 01:57 PM
      7th June 2021


      At some version of my current home. Through the office window, I see a flatbed trailer with organ and piano consoles on it. It implies the room is actually at ground floor. I am excited when I see a lady playing on the consoles as I approach the window. I go out of the room and call H to come and see; he comes with me to the room to look but now she's actually in the room, which seems to have expanded in width. I try to get her attention but she's focused on her playing and she's wearing headphones but eventually realises and we say hello to each other and so on. She then talks to H about something, she seems happy or content, smiling at us a lot. There was more to this dream but I cannot recall it now.


      In a city, I'm by a body of water. I enter a skyscraper building located here. It's empty of people but has automated systems in place and is not abandoned. Sliding doors open automatically and I enter a huge ground floor lobby. The building heavily features tinted glass and there's a blood red colour scheme which on some level I really enjoy. There's a sunset, but I don't see it directly, just its effect of light and shadow length. In the lobby, I nervously but excitedly approach a lift entrance, the doors slide open immediately as I get close.

      There's a console in this bit which isn't the actual elevator yet, I use a password "number3" and I'm relieved when it works. Another set of doors, like mall lift doors but sort of like blast doors, slide open and I enter the lift proper now. It quickly takes me up to the top of the building or something, an off-limits area. I exit the lift and enter a sealed room with no windows, some glass sliding doors opening as I walk in, into a second room that really didn't require that separation by the glass doors. The colour scheme remains the same. I know I'm trespassing and fear being caught, but I revel in the fact there's nobody around.

      I use the same password as before at a computer terminal at the end of the room, it's in a sort of alcove and it's a touch-screen which had sort of flipped itself around towards me. The terminal grants me access to lots of things, but I'm not sure what. I return to this dream location through the exact same process later on in the dream, but when I do, I arrive at the building in H's van and am talking to him over the phone.

      I remember another part in-between the two times at the building, in the middle of the city instead. I hear a group of guys talking trash. One guy says he listens to people's life stories of things gone horribly wrong or traumatic events and then he himself manipulates people by copying these stories and pretending they actually happened to him even though they didn't. Eventually, feeling I heard enough, I feel angry and come out around the corner I was listening from. I walk towards where his voice was, but now there's nobody there, even though I remember seeing them just before. I'm still charged with the emotion and don't stop myself from having a go at him verbally, even if he's not there anymore.

      Suddenly I take notice of and become distracted by some buildings that are here in front of me. They're very concrete-like, bare, no windows, like they're half-finished but in the dream I feel they are more half-abandoned. I enter one to my right, it goes further than it looked like it would and feels like I'm sort of walking into an industrial area. I go up a low incline concrete ramp. Here, I see an alien egg and shoot at it with something which makes it burst and then something scurries out but I somehow capture it at a distance using something else. Ahead, there are more eggs and I have a proximity scanner (not unlike in Alien). I shoot these eggs and they all burst in a sequence, again crawling facehugger things come out and I try to capture them all, only just managing to do so. I was concerned that if they got away there would be too many drones (I remember imagining this).


      Mom, dad and T. I'm getting a drink and talking to dad, in a kitchen that looked like it was part of some hotel rooms I remember us staying in when I was a kid.

      Some other dream involving M/M themes or something.

      A different dream where someone was commenting that my junk was too visible through my clothes, I felt resentment at the comment as I felt it was not in my control.

      Quick Edited Notes:

      - Re-reading the main dream I realised that it's somewhat unlike most of my more recent dreams, which to my memory seem much more emotionally neutral.

      - Alien related theme probably came from recently watching some of that stuff again. The link with concrete doesn't seem clear but the concrete in itself may relate to both emotional states (or lack of) and my own view of my own art at times (unable to depict emotion); Alien has a direct link to Giger for me and therefore to a specific style of surrealist art, too.

      Updated 06-08-2021 at 01:52 AM by 95293 (added notes)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. 4 Jun: Surreal sucession of events with killer and man-eating robots

      by , 06-04-2021 at 09:03 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Meet a man who claims he got a visit from an alien who kidnapped his dog. Me and my mom and some others come visit him at his place, and he shows us how obsessive he is now locking everything and bringing his other dog and his cats inside. His dog is a poodle and he keeps him tied with a rope, long enough for him to move freely around the living room. He explains the alien was a Vulcan and I visualize Spock claiming he too the dog away for his own benefit.
      The guy turns into my mom's neighbor, Marco, and he and mom go to the kitchen prepare food. I am in pajama for some reason and I ask to use the toilet to change. Then his house is a hangar.
      When we gather around a large table to eat, we wear some yelling outside. We check and there are robots outside, one the depressed robot played by Alan Rickman on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, another one is a bit more aggressive and eats humans and he is demanding a sacrifice. One guy offers to go while the others just shrug. I am shocked and I want to stop it. I go outside and try some distraction. Not sure what, but works and they go away.
      Back in the hangar we party, we have a ball. I dance with a girl. I see there's 2 guys also dancing with each other and I suggests we change pairs, but they seem ok together and my pair also seems to prefer dancing with me. Turns out she is gay, and she tells me about her wife. I feel chemistry between us and I wonder how she feels about cheating on her wife, even if just mentally. Then there is a play and some dude on a stage is acting a monologue. I find him boring, so I leave for a walk with a few others and we end up on a pool in a park. Only I swim. Another girl is offering some candies to people but not to me and my friend, so we snatch the bowl from her and get a handful of candies to ourselves. My friend feels bad about it but I don't, I feel like she owes me something. The candy girl then wants me to buy a special brand of coffee she sells, but I say I don't have money to spend on it and that I also have a neighbor who sells it too and would prefer buying from her.
      After we end up at a retro hotel and I start seeing what happens there from the perspective of just a viewer. Some beautiful lady with her entourage is checking in, one of her aides is a deformed woman with a creepy robot doll that talks. There are some famous actors like Tom Hanks as guests and the story turns into a musical with silly dances. Later on there is a dinner at an aquatic room. All the VIP guests wear a jelly mask around their nose and mouth, that allows breathing and talking. I don't know how they'll eat. The room is gorgeous like an underwater cave with seaweeds dancing, fish swimming. Then the person at the head of the table complains he doesn't want to share dinner with a killer who is in the room. Turns out the doll is under investigation for murder. Then I recall this story being from some novel and there being a vintage movie adaptation and I relive it all over again, but in the vintage version. In it the hotel is the same but the decor is slightly more simple. The foyer walls are painted in indigo blue, the deformed lady is not so deformed but has 3 pyramid shaped horns coming from her cheeks and forehead and the robot-doll is played by a real chubby girl with prosthetics. The aquatic room is very similar though.
    11. cclxxii. Intermission, Alien hive/creatures

      by , 05-22-2021 at 03:42 PM
      21st May 2021

      Not a dream:

      Couldn't recall any dreams for this day made a note that I tried thinking about lucidity in general and about recent dreams where I might have had an opportunity to become lucid. I had hoped to go through the recall of several dreams in my head but ended up getting a bit stuck on this; eventually my focus drifted and I must have fallen asleep.

      22nd May 2021


      (left recall a bit late) Some bit in a town in the style of my old home town, hilly. I'm with some dream friends, a woman and a man both younger than me. They are getting rid of some stuff, office chairs or sofas?

      Some other bit, I'm with someone but can't recall who. Entering some kind of hive building which is in the middle of an otherwise normal city (larger than any I've been to in waking life, NY style). The entrance to the hive part is high up, but I think I just run up it. Inside, there's a sort of rounded off eight point star inner shape and there are cocoons or eggs, they're dark? And the place is dark overall but there's some kind of light. Everything is very geometric.

      I shoot or open the eggs by getting too close? DRG-like creatures come out and so on. I end up leaving but with an intent of returning later. For whatever reason, the creatures are unable to follow me out.

      Some other part, I'm in a building with mom. Don't recall much of it but it's kind of a semi-circular inner area? Like a control room around a central and cylindrical room. It's generally dark. There are other people around, we're walking through the place?
    12. 4 May: Storm and floods and being raped by an alien lemur spirit

      by , 05-04-2021 at 10:33 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Staying with some friends and other people at some place like a camp. We sleep in bunk beds in what seems like a barn. Apparently I am the owner and everyone else is my guest.
      I call out a girl who supposedly is my friend, but has been hanging out with some other lady and treating me badly, abusing my friendship. She has been behaving like everything is hers and even sleeping on my bunk bed, from which I kick her out. She makes a scene, but I humiliate her in front of everyone, not feeling intimidated to expose all her abuses and she then calms down. I still offer her my friendship but say we gotta stay some time apart.
      I leave to go to town and on my way a storm comes, all lights shut down and even a bus coming my way is totally without lights. I flash my cell phone flashlight to the bus but the driver ignores. The sea level is rising, the beaches are gone and it is raining a lot. I arrive downtown but it is so dark that people are walking blindly and touching the surroundings with their hands. I feel someone trying to pickpocket me.
      We eventually are gathered into a shelter with bunk beds again. I spot some familiar faces like John Blacksmith and some other friends. They save a bunk bed for me. I am so thankful because I feel exhausted.
      Later on we check the window and the city is flooded. There are vegetables floating on the waters and some of us collect a few to eat.
      Next day the waters recede and we go around seeing the damage. I find a cute dog family scavenging the vegetables scattered around. It's two golden retrievers with puppies. I want to pet one of the puppies, but one of the adult dogs looks very protective. Then I notice the other one is choking on some raw cauliflower. But now he no longer is a dog but an alien creature slightly resembling a lemur, with a very slender body with long arms and legs and a tail and light brown fur.
      He looks a bit hideous, but I feel sorry and help the little fellow. I turn him on his belly, grab him and pat strongly on his back. He spits the food and starts breathing. Then he talks and says he is very thankful for my action. Then he wants a hug. He is very emotional and I feel bad not to respond, so I accept his affection and cuddles although it creeps me out a bit. Then he doesn't stop holding on to me and actually I end up on the ground with him on top of me and he says he has something good to give me and I feel like something probing between my legs, like a very strong penis trying to penetrate me even through my clothes. I yell I don't want it and try to get away but he is oddly strong for his fragile body and I can't. He explains he will get inside me one way or another because it is the way of the (whatever the name of his species?) and when they can't go physically they go in spirit. Then a kind of cloud starts coming out of his mouth towards mine and also from his penis and entering me from below. I freak out and pass out.
      When I wake up I am Hermione and I am surrounded by Harry, Ron and some other person. They look worried but I feel ok and just want to hide away in shame. I feel weird down there and walk funny and they start making jokes about the situation and how I lost my virginity to some magical lemur being. Then I feel a bit dizzy and my face turns a glowy green and some kind of energy jumps from me to some other kid passing by. I feel relieved. Seems like the spirit got bored of being in me and left to bother someone else.
    13. Alien Court

      by , 02-28-2021 at 12:01 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am in an ice cream place located in a gas station of sorts. There are many treats some infused with cannabis, I gather I am in colorado. While ordering I befriend some people and they offer to give me a ride to where I am going, I'm like 40 min from where I am staying. It is night time and I cannot see out of the car. We joke while he drives and is constantly turning around looking at me and the other girl in the passenger seat. He suddenly drives over an embankment and we plow through an angled corn field as we fall down, the stalks speedily crushing under the cars weight as it falls. We fall for a while as we all scream and feel mostly weightless in the vehicle. We hit the water with a sudden jolt. It is dark and murkey.

      Fast forward we are being called into a unique court room. The girl who was in the car with us died. The driver is being held responsible. I am just a witness because I rode in the back. The court seems to be a dual between two large creatures. They are controlled with your mind when you hook up to some alien looking umbilical cord. I have flashbacks of the accident while I sit in the courtroom and the session begins.

      I break through the windshield by kicking hard with my feet. The car/red suv is sinking in the murkey muddy water. I drag her and him out, her arm is missing just above the elbow, I can tell it's bad. He doesn't seem too injured so he helps. We all swim together trying to keep her above water. The cliff is high and flat walled. Straight flat segments of wall connect together as they meet the water. We must have fallen a couple hundred feet.

      I am sitting in the court room wearing a hospital gown. My family is in the audience. The room is blue and golden with accents along the ceiling. There is a case being made. The boy who drove is being charged with recklessness homicide. The girls family is there too, they are scornfully sad. I gather the only way to win is to have your large creature defeat the other creature. I am not being charged but I am in control of one of the creatures. They are sentient but are also slaved to the brain hookup. One is large and grey, with a long backwards sloping head to a point, no mouth but deep dark recessed eyes, it stands with a hunch almost gorilla like but is incredibly muscular, elegant looking and smooth. The other is colored like a hornet. It has a swollen head and insectoid body, with long dagger like appendages. It stands at the opposite side of the room facing it's companion. I still feel traumatized. The accident feels too recent. I have fresh wounds and bruises all over my body.
      I don't talk to anyone.

      Even though the water is murky it still feels like there are waves crashing against us. I am the only one who can barely touch the bottom as the three of us hobble to the rocky waters edge. There doesn't seem to be anywhere to climb up. A flat wall against the pounding water. It begins to look familiar to me. I remember seeing this before. Some of these sections of walls have hidden doorways in them I think. I see them open in my mind's eye. We approach the wall and she begins to faint, she is losing a lot of blood, I just can't tell because it is dark and I only barely see her injuries. I press on the side of the rock wall with my free hand, it becomes a sort of doorway and cracks open with dim light on the other side.

      I feel the device hook up to the back of my head. I swirl at the sensation. Someone in the room is trying to sell me a $400 pen. It doesn't look so special to me. My perception is now split in the room. I see out of both sets of eyes. One taller and standing where the larger creature is. One small and weak in the front where everyone is staring. We don't fight. Rather there is an internal dialogue now. There is an alien debate occuring in my head. They want to know what to do with us.
      We aren't supposed to be here.
    14. 25 Feb: Almost abducted, injured at the hospital

      by , 02-25-2021 at 08:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Visiting some island and something is off. I am heading to the local library and the streets are deserted. When I get to the library, I am almost kidnapped by aliens. I hide behind the shelves but they kinda mock me saying they can see me using infrareds. Some lady comes out of nowhere and rescues me, She takes me to a decontamination shower saying that I got radiation because I contacted with the aliens. Then she takes me to an area not yet taken by the aliens and she reaches out to the police.

      My foot hurts but I still go on a trip to the US with some friends. One of them is doing a documentary about the health system and takes us all to a hospital to inquire about costs. We use my own case to ask how much they'd charge for an appointment and right away they ask for $1000 just for just a blanket to wrap me up as I await consultation. I then show my foot to a doctor and it is swollen, two small toes feel numb and my veins are red and popping. I am freaking out that I can't afford treatment but also afraid I can't go home like this either. The doctor says I seem to have a liver problem and I am like "What? I think I just broke a bone."

      Again at a doctor office, but for some exam in which I need to fully undress and they have no other place for me to do it, but at the waiting room. I do it, but then spot some old pervert trying to film it on his phone. I yell and take his phone away but other people are sympathetic with the old man, who claims he was just messaging his family.

      Updated 04-14-2021 at 09:20 PM by 34880

    15. 10 Jan: Meeting a friend at his election party and Hogwarts style campus

      by , 01-10-2021 at 09:22 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I join a gathering of Blacksmith's party at election night. Everybody is sitting at long tables and Blacksmith is sitting in front of me, across the table. He is very busy writing down stuff and exchanging remarks with others, so I don't bother him. But then he intertwines his legs with mine and squeezes them gently, without ever saying a word. I enjoy the snuggling. People announce the results of the elections and he is ahead of other candidates, but he still looks sad. I squeeze his legs back and congratulate him. He gets up so I I also grab a notebook and start scribbling in it. But then he comes back from behind me, leans over me and with a gentle embrace he whispers to my ear that he would like to be alone with me.

      I am at what seems Hogwarts, but not quite. I am helping a friend and the groundskeeper to find the Nagini. They found some kind of ancient plumbing system that leads to outside the castle and we are on the outside looking for one opening they think she uses. And indeed we see the snake coming out, but she quickly goes back inside when she sees us. She leaves a couple objects she stole, right in the opening. We want to pick it up but we are afraid she is ambushing us. I finally get my hand very quickly in the hole to retrieve the things and nothing happens.
      As we go back, I notice that the school / castle is not isolated in a forest, but instead it's in the middle of a city or campus with several faculties. I see one of our teachers suspiciously coming out of a building which I believe is an auditorium and also part of the arts faculty. I go check the back door from where she came, but I have to pass through some arcade tunnel covered in spiderwebs which is weird because it looks like nobody used it for a long time. I reach the door and it leads to a ramp directly to the backstage of the auditorium which is full of asian kids rehearsing some dance and acrobatics with giant bell balls. When they leave, I hide not to be seen. Then I keep going through dark corridors and find some kind of secret entrance to an underground. Then I hear someone's coming after me and I open the first door I see and hide inside. It is some kind of smokehouse with bloody sausages hanged everywhere or so it seems. The smell is horrible. And the person also enters this room so I duck behind a counter and sneak out when she is not watching. There are more rooms like this, which is beyond weird.
      Back outside and meet my friends again. They take me to a cliff by the sea shore and I see dozens of boys and girls on the water, doing some sort of synchronized swimming and making symbols or letters that can be seen from above. It's some show to celebrate something. Then they all just enjoy the water. My friends show me some iron stairs down the cliff that we can use to get closer to the water, but then we have to jump from like 100 mt high. One of them seems to hit a rock when hitting the water and then a giant white shark comes out of the water and seems to eat him. The iron stairs then detach partially from the wall and I can't go up but certainly don't wanna go down. My other friend is also on the water a bit more to the right and I scream to warn him but he also disappears in the water and a second shark comes up. I am really scared and try to find a way to escape. I see some kind of ledge to my left that has some structure I can hold on to if I make the right jump. And then there is another iron stair going up to its left. I manage to do the jumps and get to the other stair which I climb. But instead of going to the top of the cliff it leads to a cave tunnel in the rocks. I see doors, so I assume it's man made. I reach some kind of chamber where I see a bunch of alien like creatures of different species talking about preparing to depart. They see my surprise look and smile and ignore me. I keep going and find an exit leading back to the campus. I marvel at the different castle-like buildings around a square, intricate towers and windows and sculptures in the façades. Then my friends find me and explain me that they were the sharks, because they are animagus or shapeshifters.
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