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    2. 34rd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vesterguard's Dream

      by , 09-19-2011 at 08:41 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Vesterguard's Dreams

      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      19-09-11 I am in a wrecked city and the infection has taken over. The scenario is a mix up between Starcraft and left for dead. I am on an elevated road or bridge and ahead of me are a lot of abandoned cars making the only effective means of escape by foot. There are two roads, one being elevated and the other on the right hand side is not, though the situation with the cars is the same.

      We hear a noise, it is an uproar of a crowd, infected. It is difficult to make out but I believe it is coming from the lower portion of the road so we start running upwards to the left. There are also infected behind us so we have to do something. We get trapped on the road and have to abandon it, which I do (now being Kereigan off Starcraft) by jumping off the road onto a lamp hanging (I don't know from where it is hanging and I am too preoccupied to take a closer look) in mid air and running on it onto the adjacent road.

      I then turn right, not sure if Jimmy is with me or not, but it turns out he is. We get cornered with infected all around us and we decide that instead of getting ripped to pieces we might as well take the infection and hope for a cure to show up at some point.

      Zombies come running out of a door to the parking area where we are and as we kneel down they just bite us gently instead of slashing at us etc.

      I am briefly inside the building where the zombies came from, which turns out to be little more than a staircase. But inside the roof is missing and “He” is coming from the top. “He” turns out to be a fair skinned black man, who has developed the infection, thereby crushing my previous knowledge of it being a military development.

      The way he has spread it has been through his normal work as a tattoo artist, where he would use infected needles to get it into the bloodstream of people.


      Looking out over a canal in the city I see a ship operated by infected. The ship isn't your normal type of ship. It's central body and means of propulsion comes from a big wheel in the middle that the rest of the ship is built around. The wheel is made up of paddles. I know the infected operating the ship and I think him loyal to the group trying to find a cure, like me.

      I jump into the water and I see a non-infected human swimming around in the murky water picking up the food that various infected keep throwing in the water unseen. I start swimming towards her (I believe it is a her) in the hopes that her being uninfected could bring me a clue for a cure.

      More fragmented dream. A black woman, again a fair skinned exemplar, is trapped under chicken wire and she is walking around. She is trapped by a group of retard cowboy(ish) types who may or may not rape her.

      She is looking for “the governor”, who is apparently the leader of the gang. She finds him and he is wearing a grey wide rimmed cowboy hat. He is somewhat harsh in his way of addressing her, but he assures her that he will let no harm come to her. However it turns out that he is pretty much stuck under the chicken net construction as well.

      Fragments: Discovering that under the chicken net is an electrical construction of sorts. A mine/pressured gas tank being thrown in and potentially being torn up.


      Spent a lot of my HHs this evening with visualising an small island with gorgeous sandy beaches and sandstone buildings (and general colour scheme) with jungle and trees unrestricted intertwining the city. I sort of decided that it would be my personal playground with Chichén Itzá located somewhere on this island.

      Short FA, where I immediately pull a green lamp that looks like a plant towards me mentally. I get out of bed and do the same with the old school TV on the table in the corner, which take a bit more mental power to make float.

      The dream starts fading though I try and engage all my senses I am unable to stabilise it.