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    1. 07/28/10 The Many Ways Things Are

      by , 07-30-2010 at 04:38 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: My first goal for the night, the one I used my WILD for, was to go meet MoSh and then we were going to go back and view a dream he had a while back where he was speaking to don Juan. In this dream don Juan had told MoSh he had a message for me, but I would have to find him first, and the instructions for finding him were in that dream if I could get them. Other goals are the same as other nights. I fell asleep with my light / sound machine and slipped into an unusually vivid WILD…

      I was in MoSh's inner world. I surveyed my surroundings and saw everything looked like it always does, nothing seemed out of place. Sometimes it is difficult to keep the beginnings of these dreams separate since the dreams where I go to get MoSh before doing anything else are starting to merge together in my mind. I found MoSh, and we went through a portal back to my inner world.

      MoSh and I emerged from the portal into the living room of my house, the first thing I saw was a cat running when we appeared suddenly. The cat, Amber, peeked around a corner as if to see if it was safe to come out, and seeing it was MoSh and me, she came back out right away. I booted up the laptop that was sitting on the couch and logged into the dream journal program right away. I searched through the list of MoSh's dreams and found the correct one, which was labeled "Don Juan At My Picnic Table," and clicked on that one. Everything was working smoothly as the hologram started up and we were transported to a virtual recreation of MoSh's dream.

      I looked around the area, nothing was remarkable, what I was looking at was a park of some kind with a picnic table there, MoSh was sitting on one side of the picnic table with what appeared to be an Indian shaman sitting across from him. The present day MoSh and I got closer so we could hear what was being said. I actually sat on the left side of the MoSh at the picnic table, and the present day MoSh was beside me, and there was a dark specter floating over the shaman… wtf? There was no dark specter… the day was bright and sunny, a great day for a picnic, and there was no sign of anything creepy… except for the dark fog seeping out of the… gopher hole?! That wasn't dark fog… it was a cute little gopher baring it's razor sharp fangs as it tore the head off of a small lizard and swallowed the thing whole… um… ok… my mind was running away from me a bit here… I focused my attention on the shaman, who I knew right away was don Juan, and listened to him and MoSh talking to each other.

      Don Juan was talking to MoSh about getting a message to me regarding how to find him, when don Juan said that he took a glance to MoSh's left, directly at me, as if he was looking at me. But that couldn't be, this was a hologram, it wasn't even like we'd traveled through time to view it in person. Don Juan's gaze strayed to the present day MoSh and then returned to the MoSh he was speaking with. MoSh said something about me not having the power to reach don Juan, but don Juan said it has nothing to do with power, what I was lacking was the belief in myself, I have too much doubt about myself to find him, which I thought was odd since I was now sitting across from him… I snickered, which somehow seemed to get his attention again… don Juan looked at me for a bit longer this time, I had the distinct feeling I was actually being watched, so I silenced myself, I wasn't here to interfere, after all… but I wasn't here at all! I put my attention back on don Juan right as a large black form with huge razor teeth reared up behind don Juan and was preparing to bite his head off, or that's what it appeared to be… I instinctive stood up and yelled at don Juan to look out, and right at that time don Juan leaned over to pick something up from the ground… the creature's teeth clamped down on nothing and the thing dissipated into the air like smoke.

      After that, the other MoSh was still not paying any attention to me, the present MoSh was looking at me strangely, and don Juan also seemed to be watching me… was this not just a hologram? Were we actually there? I didn't have any answers to those questions for certain, but it definitely looked like don Juan was responding to my actions… so now I just straight out asked don Juan if he could see me, was he actually looking at me like it appeared he was looking at me. He didn't say anything, but he focused his gaze right into my eyes briefly before looking back at the past version of MoSh. So he was seeing me! I had no doubt in my mind of that now, somehow he was seeing me, which would indicate this was not just a hologram.

      So the dream went on this way, the past MoSh and don Juan spoke a bit more, don Juan said something about telling me things then I could write them down… at the same time as I was seeing don Juan and MoSh talking in a park I was seeing someplace much more disturbing, a dark and dreary place with strange mutant creatures crawling through the shadows, often coming out and feeding on one another… I couldn't hide a look of 'yuck' when a smaller creature jumped on a larger one, tore into the stomach of the larger one, ate the soft tissue within, then ran off leaving the larger creature still alive, but inevitably dying an unpleasant death, and making the most horrible noises as it died… this caused me to not hear all of what don Juan and MoSh were saying to each other, but don Juan seemed to find my reactions interesting, as he looked over in my direction several times. Smaller ant like mutants, mouse sized ants, came out and began eating the creature before it had finished its slow demise, creating the loudest and most horrible cries of pain yet…

      Once the pathetic creature was dead I was able to return my attention to MoSh and don Juan, the latter of the two was looking back at me… I saw movement off to my left and looked over just in time to see MoSh disappear from the picnic bench, that must be where he woke up, and now there was something else there… sort of a version of MoSh, but it had razor sharp fangs and teeth, talons on his hands, and the eyes of a goat… meaning his pupils were horizontal and square shaped, looked really kind of creepy. That version of MoSh hissed at me like a snake and then made to bite me with his sharp fangs, I held him back from biting me, and then he disappeared just as the normal MoSh had done. I looked over at the present day MoSh, and he was looking over at don Juan… hadn't he seen what had just happened? Hadn't he seen the really creepy version of himself? I was getting the idea he hadn't, which seemed really strange that he could have missed it…

      Don Juan was looking directly at me now, no longer trying for the illusion that he couldn't see me, it was obvious to anyone looking that he was looking right at me… both of him were looking right at me… There appeared to be two of him, one lying barely beneath the surface of the other, creating a somewhat blurred image of him… I wondered if there was another don Juan within the inner don Juan… I looked closer and could see there indeed was, and another… and another… and another… and then I stopped looking deeper because it was starting to give me a headache… like looking into infinity. I felt like the dream was going to slip away from me, but that was the last thing I wanted to do… I looked away from the many dimensional don Juan and looked at my own hands, trying to stabilize my dream, and I did a double take… I had talons?! Or at least one version of my hands had talons… another had long red fingernails, another looked normal but had blue skin… ok, enough of seeing all of this, to stabilize the dream… I closed my eyes and used the time dilation method Allura showed me, and as I dilated time the dream stabilized.

      With the dream stabilized, I looked back up at don Juan, I asked what the message was that he had for me. He said nothing for a short time, and then, "The fact that you are here proves you already understand the message." I was sitting there looking at him with what was no doubt a blank look, the different versions of don Juan were responding differently, one was snickering, one had no expression, one was frowning, one was outright laughing his ass off, one was shaking his head, one was nodding, one was… ok… that was too many don Juans again… I was getting disoriented. He asked exactly what I thought I was seeing, I figured he meant the fact I was seeing many versions of the same thing, so that's what I answered, that it was different versions of the same things from multiple planes of existence. He said I was only seeing a few of the many ways that things are, but let's see if I was really seeing anything at all…

      Before I could put meaning to that, however, the scene around me changed. I surveyed my new surroundings and saw I was standing in a forest clearing (barren desert landscape) where there was one person there beside myself. That person looked like an Indian shaman (weird crazy old man) with long white hair hanging down to about the middle of his back (sticking out in every possible direction) and an old wizened face (with wild colored paint all over it)… I was seeing two versions of this person at the same time…

      Version One:
      I was in a barren desert landscape with very little sign of life anywhere, and the crazy looking shaman was staring at me with an insane look in his eyes. I focused on him for a bit, not sure what I was supposed to do about this situation, he attacked me with a wind spell, he formed a tornado and basically sent it at me. I jumped out of the way and flew over to the other side of the crazy shaman, looking at him to see what the best course of action was… and his spark was something I couldn't miss, so I would heal him. The song I thought I needed to use was Touch My Heart, so I focused on that while evading another wind attack, this one had wind blasts compressed so tightly that they were like spears, the song played through and golden energy flowed through the shaman, I had directed the spell to match the shaman's own energy. The song finished playing, the shaman looked normal now, he nodded at me and was gone.

      Version Two:
      I was in the forest clearing, there was an Indian shaman looking at me with a calm expression on his face, he also had an evil glint in his eyes. I wondered if he was up to something, I thought there was something strange about his aura, it seemed ice cold. I heard him chuckle, and then there was an explosion of activity as animals charged from every direction attacking me, they seemed to be under the shaman's control. They were innocent animals, I didn't want to hurt them, so I took to the sky to avoid an assortment of birds dive bombed me from the sky, to free the animals I would have to deal with the shaman quickly. I searched him, I figured I would find the spark, but I saw nothing… could that be? I looked a little deeper, still nothing, I looked as much as I could… I was attacked more, and I had still seen no sign of a spark in this man. Since I could see nothing to heal in there I just went for straight defending myself… He was attacking me with a staff that had a blade on each end as the animals continued attacking me from behind, I saw no choice but to counter attack with my Witchblade sword, and I ended up killing him. Once he was dead, the animals dispersed, then I saw a ghost rise from the body and both were gone.

      Ok… now things looked normal again, what had that been all about? I was going to say something to don Juan, who was there in front of me again, but I didn't get a chance to before everything changed again. I was inside a room now, that looked like the interior of an old type building that might have been used by native Americans… There was yet another shaman standing in front of me, he had long braided gray hair (long black hair pulled back into a pony tail) (I couldn't see his hair because of a hood over his head)… I was seeing three versions of things now…

      Version One:
      I was looking at the shaman with long gray hair that was in braids on both sides of his face. He attacked me with fire, forming a fireball in each hand and throwing it at me. I countered the fire with a blast of ice, to extinguish the flames so the place wouldn't burn to the ground with us in it… though this man was attacking me, he had a spark… so I would heal him. A ring of fire formed around the man, expanding to burn all in its path including me… I focused on the song Touch My heart, which felt right for this situation, and the healing energy flowed through the man. He nodded, then disappeared.

      Version Two:
      The shaman had long black hair that was pulled back into a pony tail, his eyes were creepily red and looked a bit crazed… He was attacking me with ice, throwing icicles at me like spears, I shattered them with my Witchblade sword while checking this guy for a spark, which I saw burning inside him, so I focused on the healing spell that felt right, and that one was the song Frozen by Madonna. The song played and golden energy flowed through the shaman, having the intended effect. This shaman also nodded his head and then disappeared.

      Version Three
      I was facing a shaman with blood red robes on, his face was mostly concealed within the red hood, but I could see his eyes, and they were burning like they had fire in them… it sounded like he was growling from inside the hood. I'm not sure if it was real or imagined, but I thought I saw fangs inside the hood, the light glinted off his fangs… He was attacking me with dark energy, it looked like his base energy was dark energy, he was throwing balls of dark energy at me. I deflected the energy balls back at him and he absorbed them back into himself. Now I could clearly hear he was laughing at me… I was about to start fighting him, but no… he also had a spark… I needed another healing spell… I focused on the one that seemed right for the situation, and that one was Until It Sleeps by Metallica. The song played through, and the healing took its effect as in the previous two situations. My Until It Sleeps spell was using dark energy, which was clearly the shaman's base energy, and the spell had automatically matched that energy. The stable dark energy flowed through the shaman, bring about the healing effect. Once healed, the shaman removed his hood, nodded his head, then disappeared.

      I was now back in the park with the present day MoSh and the don Juan from his dream. MoSh was looking at me strangely, I wondered if I had been gone very long, I wondered if it had even been noticeable that I had been gone… I looked over at don Juan, I was going to say something, but I didn't get a chance before five spirits appeared, the five from the shamans I had encountered, they were all standing in a circle around don Juan. One by one, the shaman spirits merged into each other until there was just one left, and he was no longer a spirit, he looked very solid. And don Juan seemed to know this man, it looked like they were friends. I wondered who this new man was, I wondered how he (they?) had known don Juan. The other man turned around and disappeared into thin air as he walked away, and then don Juan turned back to me. I was wondering what the message had been, I asked him… he said that if I was to examine the events of this dream more closely that the message hidden within would become clear to me. He said now it was time for me to wake up, I had been doing a lot of dreaming in just a single hour of sleep… just an hour? I wondered if that was possible, and then I woke and found I truly had only been sleeping for an hour…