non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some Latin America country in the 1900s. I am friend of some people who want to start a revolution. They kill the prime minister. Then the counter-revolutionaries kill one of them. They fight back by attacking people at the burial of the vice-president and kill a few more government people. Some of them are also killed on the spot. The surviving dignitaries decide to bury all victims immediately on graves dug up at the cemetery, because they don't want this incident to be known. Meanwhile, I am in charge of taking my surviving friends to an orphanage, where they'll hide out. But on our way there, we are spotted and there is an attempted assassination of us all. Shots are fired, but no one dies. We get to the orphanage and we shut the doors and gates behind. We are expecting a few more rebels to come, but the other side is now entrenched at the other side of the street, ambushing us, so it becomes a challenge. Every time I open the door for someone to come in under fire, I need backup fire. Our enemy keeps delaying the decision to invade the place because of the kids. They don't want to kill the kids in the process. But eventually they devise a plan taking advantage of some older kids, who already work as apprentices somewhere in the outside world. When they are returning and we open the door for them, a bunch of the government soldiers push their way in and start shooting. I hide behind a column and then between the column and a wall and they don't see me. When they all been through the door and deeper inside, I manage to sneak out and disappear in the street with the crowd. My plan is to reach out to another rebel group at another hideout to get their help.