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    1. 24-09-30 Space Elevator

      by , 09-30-2024 at 06:52 PM
      I had a vivid dream of boarding a futuristic space elevator with two other people I knew. Well, more like "strap in", as it was a kind of open carriage, and you were sitting down but only secured to it with seatbelts. The elevator started moving, faster and faster along the thin cable, and before long the sky started to get darker. I actually felt my body becoming weightless. But it wasn't because we reached space. The elevator "leveled off", and reached... a floating city in the sky. It was a beautiful city with beautiful classical architecture. For a moment, my rational faculties were awake enough for me to wonder how they managed to built they fully-populated city, if the space elevator technology was supposed to be new. After all, we were on its maiden trip... But in the end I just shrugged and explored the city.

      Later that day, I got a Facebook "Memories" notification reminding me I shared a video about a future space elevator exactly 10 years ago.
    2. No Fear DILD+OBE

      by , 04-25-2022 at 05:49 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was in my car checking my phone to see when it would be 1:30 pm to meet up with a group function I was in. I was trying to lower the volume on my phone and noticed it was acting weird. It would go to video's I never click on before and play music on its own. I decided to ignore it and got out of my car once it was 1:30. Outside appeared to be very cloudy as I made my way to the store.

      While in the store I was checking certain items out when two people catch my attention. They seem familiar to me in this dream as I do not know them in waking life. They came closer to me to check out the items. Both were quite tall with blonde hair and the taller one was wearing glasses. If I had to make a guess I'd say they are from Irish descent. The taller one and I made eye contact as if we understood this was not our first encounter.

      After that they went in to a different section of the supermarket. I started thinking to myself something feels strange. That's when a Youtuber I watch came behind and was staring at me as well. Didn't say anything but just stared and then walk away. That's when I knew something is wrong here and gave my vision a full view of what I was surrounded by. At the front of the supermarket was a man outside unable to get in to the store.

      His eyes were complete black as if he was possess with something. I look to him as he begin to say something bad is going to happen and that you need to leave the store. At first seeing him made me feel slightly anxious but it started to all click to me as I began to open the door.

      He then lunge at me as soon as the opportunity arrived and I caught his hand and smile. I could feel fear emitting from him as the feeling of lucidity grew more and more from with in me. It felt as if I transfer the feeling I had to him. I pick him up with one arm and started running with him through the door. As I am running with him in my hand , I tell him I am one with everything here and that anything I believe I can do will happen.

      I then punch a truck side door as it was in our way. I then jump high up in the air in to the forest. With him still in my hands I look to find a place to meditate as I wanted to progress with my development. Then a bear suddenly comes and attacks me from behind. I told myself again there is no threat, this bear is not capable of causing me harm. Although the pain started to disappear , the bear did succeed in causing me enough distraction to let go of the man and to make me attempt to fly in the air.

      It didn't work and I was floating mid air for a few seconds before dropping back to grassy fields. It was nighttime outside so I had a hard time seeing where the bear was but I could feel it was near. That's when I decided now is the right time to do meditation. As I sat down I could hear the bear get closer and attack me again but not too long everything in the environment broke down and I was in a darkness alone with only my awareness.

      After 10 seconds of meditating, I felt a different feeling beginning to happen. Enough to make me try to open my eyes but it wasn't working. That's when I felt my body detach from something and was feeling weightless. The same chocking feeling in my neck occur as I struggle to breathe. As I move my body I felt nothing attach to it, I stayed calm and soon the grip around my neck disappeared.

      That's when I could feel myself reattaching to my body with no success. I began to worry if I could ever get back in my body because it was taking too long. But once I was fully relax in my mind it happen. I felt a strong pull and felt myself moved up with in my body and then I woke up. I saw my father talking to my mother on the phone as he seemed busy.
      I look at my hand to confirm if I was awake or not but then I woke up again.

      Updated 04-25-2022 at 05:57 PM by 67903

      lucid , false awakening