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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-29-2024, 11:09 AM
      FryingMan replied to a thread Maple's Workbook in DILD
      Keep it up! I'm seven week in to my renewed practice, and I had 3 LDs in the last 3 days (2 LDs 3 days ago, 1 LD yesterday). Consistency is...
      35 replies | 7685 view(s)
    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-29-2024, 11:07 AM
      LD #297 a couple weeks after #296, also a brief waking moment. I continue to practice the Four Foundational Practices of The Tibetan Yogas of...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-12-2024, 12:35 PM
      Competition night #14 (containing 00:00 2024-04-12) Final Night + all-day lucid presence day work - excellent: 2 + meditation 20 minutes...
      189 replies | 4668 view(s)
    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 09:14 AM
      * basketball, playing vs. <my uni> team, they're all black and super tall, I think how I'll play against them. Coming on to the court someone says...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 09:01 AM
      Finally, a (brief) LD! Competition night #12 (containing 00:00 2024-04-10) + all-day lucid presence day work - excellent: 2 + meditation 20...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-10-2024, 10:26 AM
      Some late morning vivids, lots of wakeful time during the night Competition night #11 (containing 00:00 2024-04-09) + all-day lucid presence...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-10-2024, 10:25 AM
      Some late morning vivids, lots of wakeful time during the night Competition night #11 (containing 00:00 2024-04-09) + all-day lucid presence...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-08-2024, 02:36 PM
      OK getting back in sync! Posting the night's dreams the day-of and not later :) Don't want to go a full comp without LDs....do I have to admit...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-07-2024, 01:07 PM
      Dangit falling behind on entries, lazy! Now the days are a bit confused, not sure of order Competition night #7 (containing 00:00 2024-04-05) ...
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    • JadeGreen's Avatar
      04-06-2024, 04:39 AM
      I am involved in a ship salvage operation. It is a large ship, easily over 1km long with a horizontal deck plan and bilateral symmetry, it looks to...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-05-2024, 09:16 AM
      Competition night #6 (containing 00:00 2024-04-04) Epic non-lucids, dreams all night long, super high presence and vividness. 28 minutes of voice...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-03-2024, 10:18 AM
      Competition night #5 (containing 00:00 2024-04-03) Sleep ok but a dreaded "no recall" night. I'm in a weird place with recall right now. Day...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-02-2024, 02:53 PM
      Competition night #4 (containing 00:00 2024-04-02) Sleep much better! Recall meh, long slow hard BackToSleep battle after 6hr waking, but I had a...
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    • JadeGreen's Avatar
      04-01-2024, 10:23 PM
      JadeGreen created a blog entry S2024 Night 3 in Lucid Time!
      I am in a minecraft world. It is a very large underground room, maybe 30 blocks wide and long and 10 tall with a jungle wood plank floor. There are a...
      0 replies | 60 view(s)
    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-01-2024, 08:45 AM
      Competition night #3 (containing 00:00 2024-04-01) Terrible night. Tried a new WILD approach all night. Felt like I got zero sleep. Just a...
      189 replies | 4668 view(s)
    • JadeGreen's Avatar
      04-01-2024, 04:07 AM
      JadeGreen created a blog entry S2024 Night 1 and 2 in Lucid Time!
      Morning of Mar 30 I am in my first grade classroom semi lucid. Several students are sitting in the classroom or outside in the hall with...
      1 replies | 97 view(s)
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    38 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      I'm going to try and summon you in one of my dreams. Can you please send me a picture of what you/your dream self looks like?
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      haha, it's really strange that you liked my DJ.... cus i am a big fan of Hyu's DJ and i remeber reading about you in one of his DJ entries... small world i guess..
    3. View Conversation
      Excellent to hear! I don't post too much but I like to lurk and refresh myself on techniques and lessons Great to see that you're still around!
    4. View Conversation
      Hey! I used to read about you in Hyu's DJ, are you still actively lucid dreaming? The forum is coming back to life and it would be good to have you back again!
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      I think I'm starting to associate water with my dreams... it is kind of the "let go" feeling of sinking into water that I get when I fall asleep. So I'm getting a lot of water dreams; boats, floods, dolphins... even though I live in the mountains!
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      Hey Krista! Haven't heard from you in a long time, great to see you back on DV!
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      Hi, Thanks for the add!
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      how u doing krista , long time no talk
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      Merry Christmas KristaNicole07.
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      I like it haha, thats pretty cool.
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    by KristaNicole07 on 02-26-2017 at 04:55 PM
    I don't remember a thing from last night. I wasn't really trying to though. Maybe tomorrow.

    Hello, Once Again

    by KristaNicole07 on 02-26-2017 at 03:42 AM
    Hey guys, I thought I was going to be able to keep up with this while pregnant, but it just didn't turn out that way. I now have 2 little girls to love and hold, and my husband travels for work so I am home alone with the kids 24/7.

    Interestingly enough, I have had a few dreams about having two girls...they are in this journal, too...I believe they are sometime in 2011, maybe in the spring. I am about to go back and check. That was way before I was even married, or even dating my husband. Very interesting.

    Anyway, I need to make the most of my freetime right now. I may or may not be updating, it really just depends on if I can even recall much; my recall isn't great as I haven't been focused on dreaming in so long. Parenting is a full-time job! Maybe when they get a little older and more independent, I'll try to start getting back into dreaming/LDing, but right now it's very difficult. If I do remember anything vivid or crazy, I'll update if I can get the time.

    Lots of Love,

    Teaching With my Friend, and Being Terrorized and Shot by College Boys

    by KristaNicole07 on 06-16-2016 at 12:48 PM
    Dream - Lucid

    I dreamed a little more than this last night, but I really felt the need to record these, as they were quite vivid, the second one also being very intense.

    I was teaching at a summer school/camp with my friend Rachel, who is also pregnant. Her baby had a rare birth defect where its heart was developing outside the body (this is a real thing btw for those who aren't aware). She and I were sitting together and she started crying. I closed my eyes and felt so sad for her. I put my hand on her leg. I believe I may have even shed a tear. I asked her about the operations they would have to do on the baby. The sadness I felt for her was very intense.

    We were all assigned one child for the program. They would actually live with us (and apparently I lived at my parents' old house with them). Mine was a little blonde girl in the 5th grade.

    The program's classes were divided into grade levels. Both Rachel and I's kids were in the 5th grade level. The classes were held outside in these station/kiosk type things. I saw my child playing there. I then had to pee so I went to the bathroom. The stall was like a port-o-john but only had a small, narrow place to sit and a narrow hole to go in. It was built for kids, and I "remembered" this from when I was at this same school as a child. I started to go but was peeing on the floor. I adjusted and peed on my underwear. They were soaked by the time I was done so I took them off and threw them in the garbage. I then heard people outside. A young female teacher saw the pee on the floor coming out from underneath the stall. She assumed the toilet had been backed up and overflowed and I let her think that, as I didn't want to tell her that I peed everywhere. She got a plunger-type thing and started to plunge it. Dirty, poopy water came out and splashed me in the face; I guess it was backed up.

    I then was walking back to the play areas outside with the teacher; it looked to be evening outside. I was telling her that I had never planned on becoming a teacher, but I was excited to start my real teaching job in the fall.


    I was in what was my mom's car in a parking lot at night with my brother. We were parked but I'm not sure why. Both of our parents were dead; they had died not long ago in the dream, maybe days or weeks prior. We now were using their car.

    These two college-aged white guys came up to the car and started trying to harass us into letting them in. They wanted to rob us. We locked the doors and wouldn't let them in. They started to laugh and got an ax and baseball bat and took them to our tires. Whatever, we were still safe. I saw and heard glass breaking as they did this, but I wasn't sure what it was coming from. We watched these douche canoes fuck up our car. I kept thinking about our parents, and how empty it felt without them.

    I then decided to call 911. My brother was just going to call the police, but I felt we needed urgent help. I misdialed it at first, dialing 912 or something instead, and then redialed and was given hold music. I didn't care, I'd wait if I had to.

    My brother then had to get out of the car for some reason; I think the cops were there. The guys saw the opportunity and tried to get in the unlocked door, but I locked it and the back door (which was also unlocked for some reason) quickly, before they could get in. They were mad, and I gave them two birdies, one with each hand. This infuriated them, and one pulled a gun on me and started to shoot. He hit me in the neck multiple times. I saw the hole in the barrel light up with each shot, and felt the shock of being hit. I was in shock, surprised that he had actually opened fire. He seemed surprised as well that he had actually shot me. I was holding my neck and saw a cop in the back window. I held my hand out to him and he reached back to me.

    I then was out of the car, I think with my brother, walking to an ambulance. I was getting dizzy and woozy from loss of blood. We walked by the guys who tormented us; they were sitting on a curb smoking (at least one was smoking) while police searched their car. I hoped they were going to get arrested. I was then laid on a gurney on the back to the ambulance, which was actually on an open trailer being pulled behind it. I heard them say they could see my bone and my heart, which is how bad the wound was. I was then being driven with my neck wrapped up tight in a scarf. No one was back there with me.

    Updated 06-16-2016 at 12:51 PM by KristaNicole07

    non-lucid , memorable

    Ocean Breastfeeding Frag and the Tallest Ladder

    by KristaNicole07 on 05-26-2016 at 01:22 PM
    Dream - Lucid

    I was looking at the ocean. There was a big boat with my friend Tara on it. I needed to breastfeed my baby, and she did it for me? Not with her own milk but with mine? I then saw a note in front of my eyes saying "breastfed this cycle". I then saw myself in the ocean, topless, with relieved, unengorged breasts. I made a joke with Tara saying it couldn't have been the baby who relieved my breasts, so it must have been her. She was not at all amused by this joke; she got super pissed.


    I was at an amusement part, Disney World I believe. I wanted to go on all the rides, but knew I couldn't go on any crazy roller coasters since I'm pregnant. I thought maybe I could go on some milder coasters or simulators instead.

    Dream skip. I was outside with this GIANT ladder. It was super tall and had a platform to stand on and look out on the top. I was carrying this ladder. I put it down. Something about my dad and me climbing it. I had gotten to the top at some point.

    I then remember being at the bottom and feeling a little bruise on my butt. I pulled my pants down to look, and I had a HUGE dark bruise between my right buttcheek and leg. I "remembered" it was from falling from the ladder at some point.

    I then remember seeing it snow. It had stopped earlier after a dusting, but started again; I saw it sticking to the roads. The sky was grey.

    I then was alone in the snow with the ladder. I was putting it down to climb it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to put it down and have it stay steady for me to climb. I was sinking it into the snow-covered ground, hoping I could sink it in enough to hold it in place. I kept feeling like it wasn't steady enough, and couldn't tell if I just had it sunk into the snow, or if it was sunk in the ground. The bottom rung was covered in snow, and some guy made a comment about it, like I wasn't supposed to skip that rung. There wasn't much I could do though, as it was snowing. I started to climb. I was terrified, but I did it anyway (IWL not a fan of heights). It felt steady enough. I kept going higher and higher. At some point, I remember starting to climb down.

    Updated 05-26-2016 at 01:32 PM by KristaNicole07

    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Water Levels Drop on Earth, a Weird Game/Movie, and More.

    by KristaNicole07 on 05-23-2016 at 07:24 PM
    Dream - Lucid

    The water levels on Earth were dropping. I saw the world from a space view and saw that the oceans and rivers had greatly dropped, exposing more land. I thought about how that would impact our vacation, as the increase in land would increase our travel time.

    I then saw a zoom out of my uncle B and his deceased ex-wife running on what looked like a beach, but the water was gone; all that was left was dampened sand.

    At some point, I saw myself in the mirror with so much more stomach fat. It was hanging down. I noticed my legs looks fatter too. I was messing with the tummy fat.

    In my notes, it says I saw inside the ocean and someone fell, but I don't remember this part at all.


    Something about some weird movie/game. Someone got their arm chopped off at the elbow. I didn't want to see it, but it was part of the movie/game/whatever.

    Then something about my friend CR playing a computer game of herself? I started playing, but named my character "Kourt". I introduced myself to someone, a littie boy, as Kourt, but then corrected myself and said Krista, as to not confuse the child.


    I was outside my old friend CC's place in her back yard. It was so bright and sunny outside. I was watching her neighbor, RB, throwing and bumping around a (volley? soccer?) ball in their back yard with two others, two guys. I watched for a long time, and then I started to wonder where her brother was.


    Nap today: I had a weird half-asleep thought/dreamish thing of being in our new place and thinking how easy it was to confuse the words kitchen and chicken. I thought...kitchen nuggets...

    Updated 05-23-2016 at 07:31 PM by KristaNicole07

    non-lucid , dream fragment