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    Triple WBTB: Viruses and Reading Robots (LD#188)

    by , 03-28-2015 at 04:02 PM (501 Views)
    I was inside a movie- actually I think it was a TV show like the walking dead this time around. I was the main protagonist of the show and it was supposed to be about a zombie apocalypse. There were also dream signs galore in this dream.

    There was some aspect to the TV show where I, as the main character was allowed to do whatever I wanted, and the writers would change the scene to follow suit, so it was all my decisions and I could act as whatever character that I wanted.

    In some sense, it was like partial lucidity. I knew that the entire story was pretend.

    It started off with me being out in some remote location, out in the mountains. It was foggy and everything had this bluish tint to it. There was some kind of spiritual exchange meeting going on here where all of these people would come and meditate together and exchange spiritual items.

    I remember speaking with some old woman shopkeeper who was selling crystals, bracelets, dream catchers, stuff like that. I asked her how much it was for this necklace with this bluish-green hexagon crystal from it on a gold mount. She said it was $40 (or some other rather reasonable price.)

    I pulled out my wallet and paid her. She handed it over and I put it around my neck. She got a little confused saying that the necklace was for girls. I told her that I didn't care; I liked the look of it and walked off.

    It was getting dark and I had to head back home. I started to head down a trail that led me into a field with some small shrubs. It was a rather wide trail. I think it was a road, in fact. It had the two treads as if people had driven cars down it.

    I heard the sky start to rumble as if a thunderstorm was rolling in. I got the 'evil presence is coming' feeling and figured I should head back to the spiritual people meeting place. I ran back. At one point, lightning nearly struck me. I was afraid to go up on the mountain where there were no trees and I might get struck. I looked out of the edge of the forest at the ridge and saw that nobody was there. There was no way those people with all of those tables and tents could have cleared out that fast!

    I started running back down into the valley, hoping to find a cave or fallen tree I could use to shelter from the storm. Rain began to fall and a gale-force wind picked up. Branches started to rip off of trees. The storm was really intense, and the dream faded out.


    It was a few days later. I was in a city now, but the city had been decimated by the plauge/zombies. (I can't remember if the virus that was in the story was simply killing people or turning them into zombies.)

    I remember seeing this black guy. He was the first human I had seen since the spiritual gathering on the mountain. He was wearing a mountain climbing outfit and had a backpack. It looked like he might have a lot of supplies to help survive the apocalypse. I tried to get his attention but he purposefully ignored me.

    I walked up close to him. He pulled out a crowbar and attacked me. The two of us started fighting. He tried to hit me with a piece of broken window, but I broke it in his hand. I decided I would win this fight. He was bigger than me by a lot, but he had a big backpack on that was weighing him down and making him slow. That was my advantage.

    I jumped into the air and kicked him in the stomach. I tried to talk to him, but he insisted on remaining a mute. I kicked him agian. We were fighting inside a half-destroyed bar now and he landed face first on the bar. I then axe kicked him in the head. This killed him or at least put him unconscious. I then started looting his backpack taking all of his food, his gun (he had a pistol) and his clothes.


    The dream somehow cut to the space station. There were two scientists. (One male, one female.) The female scientist said that a sample of the virus had gotten on the station, but she contained it and was analyzing it in her computer.

    The computer had this really cool graphic of the molecular structures at play and it showed a diagram of the pathogen in three dimensions.

    "The virus stems from the eurithromycin strain, the same virus that we use to produce all of the worlds antibiotics, so we can't kill it with vaccination. However..."

    She typed on the computer and began zooming in on the inside of the virus.

    "The virus has triple helix DNA. My research shows that our experimental nanorobots, that were ineffective in combating other viruses, may be as much as six times more effective on this strain because they are better able to identify the triple helix DNA!"

    The computer graphic showed the Nanorobots attacking the virus and killing it.

    "I have ordered the space staton's nano-robot factory to produce as many robots as possible. I need to test them first to see what ones are the most effective, but when we are done-"

    "We load them into the return vehicles and send them on suicide trajectories. They will burn up in the high atmosphere and distribute the nanorobots all over the planet, killing the virus and returning all of the people to normal!"

    "Exactly. But just one problem. We'll be stranded here. The space program is closed. Too many people died and they won't be able to come up and get us."



    The male and female scientist woke up. The viruses formed together in the air and made this flower shaped monster with tentacles. The nano-robots on the station all formed together into metal arms and started fighting with it. For some reason they started throwing plant pots at each other and dirt and broken ceramic bits were floating around the station. The male scientist closed off that module.

    They said that they wouldn't be able to access the return vehicles if the giant virus won the fight and took over that module. The fight would take really long time because the virus and the nanobots would kill each other a few at a time.

    I woke up. I did some autosuggestion notebook, but didn't really write anything meaningful. For some reason I was tired enough to want to not do autosuggestion, but not tired enough that it took me long enough to count to nearly 300 to get back to sleep.


    The second dream was really dry and had to do with a lot of family/personal issues. It dragged on for quite a while. Skip everything until the very end.

    The dream ended when my dad was yelling at me and he elbowed my computer on 'accident' and the screen cracked. I started yelling at him and telling him he had to buy me a new one now. He then disappeared from the dream.

    I became so frustrated with my family and decided that I was going for a walk to get some space. I started to put my shoes on when
    I realized that before our argument I was trying to WBTB and this fight must be a dream. I moved my leg to stand up, but moved my WL leg and woke myself up.


    There were four combat robots that had survived a massive war with an enemy army. The robots were controlled by a core computer in orbit, but since the core computer only had to control the four of them, they were really intelligent.

    Before the battle even died down, they hid in a downed spaceship where they found some books. They were still getting used to their new intelligence. They found a science fiction book by Isacc Asimov and decided it would be a holy text. They were reading it out loud hoping that it would save them from the enemy team that had won the war.

    For some reason I remember being one of the four robots at a point in the story where there were some enemy soliders just outside the spaceship. I was scared that there was going to be jump scare where they would come out and kill some of us.

    The robots just sat in the downed spaceship and read books to kill time. (Because you know every spaceship should have a library on it.) They took an oath of nonviolence and disengaged their weapon systems. After awhile, they ran out of literature, but they discovered that they could order books through this teleporter system, but they could only order 10 books a week since the teleporter used a lot of power.

    They decided to start reading hentai mangas because they wanted to become more human, and they wanted to understand what it was like to be human and to be attracted to someone. One of the robots was afraid it would corrupt them but he got outvoted by the other three.
    Tihiti and DawnEye11 like this.

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    lucid , non-lucid


    1. Tihiti's Avatar
      I remember speaking with some old woman shopkeeper who was selling crystals, bracelets, dream catchers, stuff like that. I asked her how much it was for this necklace with this bluish-green hexagon crystal from it on a gold mount. She said it was $40 (or some other rather reasonable price.)
      Interesting, I've often wondered if things like dream catchers and crystals and stuff like that can affect a person's dreams? Believing in something works is probably half the solution. Never tried it, but I've read that lots of people swear by it.
      JadeGreen likes this.
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Interesting, I've often wondered if things like dream catchers and crystals and stuff like that can affect a person's dreams? Believing in something works is probably half the solution. Never tried it, but I've read that lots of people swear by it.
      I tried a couple variations of crystal grids under my bed a couple months back. I didn't have much luck though. I also got a Dreamcatcher from my friend C, that for some reason my parents are always taking down from my bedroom window. It does seem to impact my lucid dreaming (albeit marginally.)
      Tihiti likes this.
    3. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Wow, Great recall. : D There is a lot of scifi related stuff in these dreams. I can't believe in the end the robots decided to read hentai books to understand humans. so weird.
      Tihiti likes this.