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    1. Cuban Vacation - Mar 5 to Mar 12, 2015

      by , 03-19-2015 at 03:13 AM
      I had several lucid dreams while on vacation in Cuba. Here’s what happened:

      Mar 5, In this dream I was at my parent’s house moving some chairs from the dining room to the kitchen in preparation for supper. When I picked up a chair I noticed that the left and right sides of the seat back did not match. The right side was squared off at the top, whereas the left side was rounded. I said to my wife, “Honey, I know that I’m dreaming because the seat backs are not symmetrical!” The dream started to fade, so in an effort to stabilize, I began to swirl, but no luck.

      Mar 5, In this dream I was in a dimly lit large machine shop. I became lucid for no reason whatsoever, just as a man ran past me. His skin was glowing white with a slight iridescence. He ran up to a locker and opened it, and a flood of light poured out illuminated him brightly. I ran around the lockers to the other side and I tried to levitate him, but he didn’t budge. Then I walked up to him and pushed on his shoulders with both my hands. I wanted to see how strong he was. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed back, but I easily slid him across the floor. I said, “I’m stronger than you.”, and he replied, “Don’t push me.” He was less than impressed (I was misbehaving again).

      Mar 6, In this dream I was walking down the street in my home town. Suddenly, packages of butt wipes started to appear in people’s hands, and a package also appeared in my hand. I instantly became lucid - Dream Induced Lucid Dream (DILD). All of us walked into a community center with a stage at the back. I decided to have some fun with this lucid dream, so I walked up on stage and raised my package of butt wipes up into the air! Everybody stopped what they were doing and watched. I said, “Butt wipes! These things are amazing! When your butt needs a wipe, what do you reach for? Butt wipes! When you’re out on a date, and things are getting awkward, what do you use? Butt wipes!” People started to laugh, and then I stepped off the stage. My dream guide walked up to me and said, “Ohhh, that was good! Everything turned out okay.” I replied, “Yeah, you have to have fun sometimes when lucid.” We walked out the building together, and then I woke.

      Mar 7, In this dream I became lucid because the man beside me had glowing red eyes (DILD). I asked to him to help me find my daughter, and in return I would give him my truck. I reached into my pocket, pulled out the keys and gave them to him, and I said, “The truck’s outside, it’s yours!” He graciously took the keys and left. I then woke into a false awakening (still lucid). I was holding my daughter in my arms, as my wife was talking to her. I told my daughter I loved her, and then I woke.

      Mar 8, In this dream I was holding a wood carved jewellery box (Cuban made). We had actually been looking at these the day before in Havana. My dear mother in-law (passed Y2001) came up to me and said, “Ooh, what do you have there?” Boom, lucid again! She was very interested in the jewellery box, and she had a huge grin on her face. My wife was standing beside me, and I asked her, “Can you see your mom standing there?” My mother in-law instantly replied, “Of course she can see me!” I then woke.

      Mar 9, In this dream I was coaching soccer. The field was covered in water, so I told the boys to swim to the far end of the field and touch the white line. The assistant coach became upset with my drill because the boys were supposed to be playing soccer, not swimming. I thought about what he said, and then I became lucid (DILD). I remembered my dream intent to meet up with my daughter, so I started to call her name. The water vanished from the field, and then I slipped into another dream where I was driving a Suburban down the main street of my home town. I lost lucidity. I saw my daughter walking down the road towards me holding a fishing rod. There was at least 10 fish dangling from the pickerel rig. I pulled over and asked my daughter where she caught them, and she replied, “Down the street at her friend’s house. We should go there!” I then woke.

      Mar 10, Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) lucid dream. I entered this dream in a fully lucid state using tactile visualization during meditation. I was standing in a bungalow, and my son was sitting at the dining room table. He said, “Dad, have you seen the backyard yet?”, and I replied, “Not yet, but I’ll take a look!” I walked out backdoor and onto a concrete deck. The entire backyard was a gigantic fish pound, and it was surrounded by forest! Fish were jumping and sending small ripples across the mirrored, pond surface. I called for my daughter to come, and I instantly heard her giggling and talking to my son inside the bungalow. She then came out the backdoor and faced me with a huge smile and I said, “I’m lucid!”, and she replied, “Great dad, you finally got it!” My son then came outside and joined us. I gave my daughter a huge hug and told her I loved her. I then asked the kids how they were enjoying the Cuban vacation. My son looked totally confused and didn’t know what I was talking about, but my daughter knew. She said, “I’ve enjoyed it, but I’m getting really frustrated because nobody has given me a sip of their drink. I keep tapping people on the shoulder when they’re ordering drinks, but nobody feels it.” The dream quickly faded and I woke. The following day we ordered my daughter a Pina Colada for lunch (her favorite drink)! How could we forget?

      Updated 03-19-2015 at 03:19 AM by 71173

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    2. Long LD, Multiple FAs, School, Cold Blooded, Etc.

      by , 12-06-2011 at 05:32 PM
      Old LD from 2-10-07

      I just had Five Lucid Dreams!! Or maybe I should say that I had a very long dream in which I became lucid five separate times. Whatever it was, it was great. And CB, you will like this one.

      I can't even remember how the dream started. I guess that's the bad thing of five LDs in a row--memory is fuzzy at the beginning.

      I think I was flying and that triggered it. I remember flying down some sort of hallway. And I was like "Whoa, I'm dreaming". I remembered to look at my hands. They were almost normal, but two of the fingers were missing at the middle joint. I remembered CBs experience with looking at his hands and was surprised that my mind didn't make them any crazier than this.

      I also decided to look at my feet, so I kind of straightened out (remember, I am still flying), and kicked my foot out in front of me and saw that I was wearing pink flip flops. For some reason that seemed completely expected even though I don't own pink flip flops.

      CB was still on my mind and I thought to myself that I never did take him flying, and I have never yet been successful at making him appear in a dream, so this became my next goal.

      I was in a school, so I figured I would find his class. There was a four story almost circular building. I flew into one of the floors and into a classroom. I asked a teacher how I could find him. I'm not sure how I even asked. I don't think I used his real name. I probably said "CB"--because that is the name I always say in my mind when I see his posts. But since this was my dream, it didn't matter what I called him, as long as my mind could find a way to make him appear that it felt comfortable doing.

      The teacher told me that he was on the floor directly under us. I flew down and into that class. I was at the back seeing the back of everyone's heads. I looked for a head that looked like what matched what I had seen from his pictures--light brown hair, slightly longish. I found one. I called. "Hey...CB...."

      CB turned around and I knew it was him even though in retrospect he didn't look like his pictures. His friends truned around too. CB smiled; the friends stared. I landed and was about to say something when I woke up.

      Except that I don't think I really woke up (although this first time I might have, but was able to drift back into the dream. But whether it was a real or false awakening, I was able to go back to the hallway I had started the dream in. I immediately became lucid again and decided I would try again.

      So I flew back to the classroom. The teacher said that CB was out on the field playing Rugby. So I flew out to the field. I only saw people playing basketball. I was about to start to look through that group when I noticed that there was another part of the field. I flew into that part and saw a group of guys in red uniforms playing what looked to be Rugby. I flew over and started going down the team. The last two guys I came to seemed to have a match, but again he was facing away. I was about to say something when I woke up again.

      This one might have been a true False Awakening, because I think I was immediately back in the hallway and lucid. I remember being so proud of myself for automatically becoming lucid again.There were all these curtains that I was flying through. They were blue and white in color. I'm not sure what they were actually made of because I don't remember anyting phycical about them when I parted them. So I kept going through curtains. I was telling myself that they was my mind's way of preparing the next scene--that at the right moment I would part the curtain and end up at the Rugby field.

      And sure enough I did.

      I flew to the team again, but before I could even start the search again, I had a FA again.

      I found myself back in that hallway and was lucid again. I flew through the same curtains but the scene wasn't changing, so I figured that I need to try something else. I looked at my hand again. It looked the same--two fingures missing at the middle joint.

      I was inside a big indoor school gym. I decided to hang from the lights and then pretend I couldn't fly and just hang on for dear life. That didn't end up being as fun as I thought...so I tried to think of something else to do. But I wasn't sure what to do. I remembered someone saying how lucid dreaming got boring if you had the ability to do it every night.

      I thought, "Surely I'm not getting bored. I mean I should be able to do anything I want. Think!"

      But at that point I woke up again.

      The next dream I started didn't start as lucid. Something about these black men-- Oh, I can't remember. But there was a scene in a swimming pool. One man was tring to convince the other one go give away some secrets or something like that. And at one point they got in the water. I was afraid that the man would give away the secrets I seemed to be on his side. I needed to to distract them before it was too late.

      So I started walking on the water. It seemed to work and the men were both watching me. Then I started to run on the water. I think I became lucid again here, and started to fly. I flew up to this big building. I decided I needed to find someone to ask to be my Valentine so I could get the Task of the Month done finally.

      But then I awoke and I realized that I had had several lucid dreams and I panicked because at first I couldn't remember anything about them. Then it slowly came back and I jumped out of bed and immediately went to the computer to write them down. So I am hoping that they are accurate.