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    1. bitten by a vampire?

      by , 09-06-2014 at 01:29 AM
      Want to write this while it's still fresh in my mind.

      Was shoping, trying to choose a hat to wear, I went to look in the mirror to try a beanie on that I wanted to buy. These other couple of people kept trying to use the mirror for silly things, like that lift up a painting they wanted to see about. I thought why reflect what you can already see directly? So I left the store and my phone rang. It was my mom, she said can you come down here, they want to interview you for some movie broadcasting. The phone was cutting in and out and wasn't working. I eventally said, 'sorry, phone is cutting out' and left it. For some reason was in a running mood and just started sprinting around the block extremely fast. Then I saw a wild pig! I tried to move away from it, but it was very friendly towards me, almost like a pet dog. I throw it an apple that was in my hard and it went after it. I took the opportunity to sprint away from it, and had some success, then I looked back (this is so gross) and it did this massive crap right across the road bigger than I have ever seen. For some reason my half sister was behind me, and she screamed "gross" I looked back an almost barfed but also found it extremely amusing. Eventually got to my location, and found my great grandmother (who is quite elderly) having some sort of trouble with her words, repeating words, I thought maybe she was having a stoke and I think they were taking her to the hospital. This dream starts getting worse. I start fighting with someone's son, I don't know who it was, but I said something to the nature of, "I'd beat your skull in" Then his father came in (that I recognized as someone I was close with for some reason) and said, no you won't he's my son, an he got extremely angry, then I said why would I hurt him I love that guy, then I said I had got carried away and apologized, then he said no sorry it was me. Then we both agrees we just had a temper.

      The dream kind of skips through varies scenes, but I found myself in this prison camp thing. And everyone had a blade. And I was saying to this kid, (same one I had the argument with) you don't want to end up here, to waste your life in prison and get into drugs, you want to do something with your life. The prisoners or someone was disagreeing and saying no it's actually a productive life, I was repulsed and said how is it? They started secretly showing me their hand made blades and trying to discreetly slice my arms with it. They would gang up and then suddenly slice me. I thought I got to get security somehow. But security in this camp was very lacking. Eventually someone I recognized as a highschool student who died in a car crash, he was there and he had this needle that had aids in it, and he was laughing trying to stick it in me! He wanted to stick it in and break the needle tip off in me. I can't remember if he managed to do it, but a cop eventually came to my aid, and he had a machine gun and backed him against the wall.

      All this was bad enough, but gets worse. I had a couple of false awakenings, in one of them I was on my computer researching an old friends books, except he was into alice bailey and luciferian stuff that was wrong, I was reading through it and disturbing all the subjects were on target and very interesting, but they were mixing truth and falseness it. I read his notes down that said like "It's been fascinating to watch the reaction between Satan and Gods people concerning this book" and something along the lines of that. I thought this is intense lol. The dream skips to a different scene again where my teeth feel a bit odd, I say to one of my suppose friends, these teeth here actually feel a lot sharper then they should. He checks them out and grins and gets excited, and I said what? He said, yep, you have been bitten. I got the impression he was saying (you become a vampire) I said, oh really? Great, thanks. Then I felt my neck and blood was coming out of it. And I said, "are you happy now? There I'm like you". I can't remember his response.

      (creepy false awakening)
      I suddenly wake up in my room, and think to myself. What is with that dream? Then I notice the top of my laptop is actually missing. I check my computer screen...I have actually taken it apart in my sleep, I thought Good heavens what have I done here? How did I do this to my computer? Then I realized there was another "me" that seemed to be extremely smart, and was trying to do things opposite of my agenda, that it had something to do with the vampire thing. I got out of bed, and my lights went down in my apartment, I don't know why but something in the building had been triggered. This is where I forced myself awake, because I didn't believe what had happened. Then I woke up from this...

      I have never dreamt of becoming a vampire victim like that, but that dream was really fascinating. When I recall this material it seems to be really awful, but I hardly ever experience any kind of "fear" in these sort of nightmares. It's almost like the drama is just entertaining me.

      (Note: I think I have discovered some of the problem, recently at a fair, I had brought home this sonic doll. And put it on my desk, just now and I can sense something has taken this doll over, it's got this creepy awesome little sonic smile on it, and it is more or less telling me "hope you liked your dreams". I need to get rid of this thing, it's got energy in it. I knew it should not have got objects that I don't know where they come from. It's probaly got some weird gypsy curse on it, I'm taking it down to the trash.)
    2. Giant Fox, 2 other Lucids

      by , 09-06-2014 at 01:16 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of my house, up on the second floor. I was standing with my family and we walked up to a large pen with a metal fence around it. Inside of the large pen area, there were many chickens. I went up to the gate(which was red) and was about to put my hand over it to pet the chickens. Suddenly an average sized fox appeared in front of me. My immediate reaction was that this fox was guarding the chickens.
      Immediately, the fox started growing in size. Stricken with fear, I ran downstairs and out of the house. Once I got outside, I went to my driveway and stood there for a second. "Is this is a dream? Yes, it is! This is a lucid dream!". However, even coming to this realization, I still had some fear of the fox. I decided that I was going to climb over my back fence and just keep running away from house. As I did so, I remembered that I could get my bike so I could go faster.
      Something told me that it was too late for that, and now I became stuck in a dilemma as to whether or not I should hide on the side of my house, or keep running. I went to the side of my house for a minute, but then realized how dumb the idea was. The grass next tot my house was wet and soggy too. I left the side of my house and it came to me that I should really start running because the fox could come out at any minute. I thought about the foxes size and how that he would keep growing, and that he would be extremely tall, so he could see for miles around.
      With that thought, I jumped over my back fence and started running. I became interested in the environment around me after running for a few seconds, so I slowed down to a walk. To my right there was a long gravel path that was empty. I continued on and as I did so, I saw a big park ahead of me. I kept walking and eventually came to the opening where the park was. I noticed an old man standing a little to the right of me up ahead.
      To my left I saw two young dudes, and they looked around 12-13 years old. I went up to them and asked them what they were doing, and they said they were just having fun at the park. The conversation was a bit longer than just that, but I don't remember it. I scanned the area around me and saw that everything in the park was a dark green in color. The slides were green, and so was everything else. The ground below me was still covered in gravel.

      I continued talking to the boys, and while I did so, I got too involved and lost lucidity.

      Side note: I remember having 2 other lucid dreams for sure last night, but I had them early on in the night so I don't remember either of them.
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