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    1. 12/01/2016

      by , 01-13-2016 at 05:19 AM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      I took a nap this afternoon AND GOT LUCID. But I had next to no control...

      Anyway. My dream was very confusing. I remember this girl I had a crush on last year. I suggested we snuggled and she said sure. It was nice. Then, I had to go somewhere. There was a lot of running around, but I have the impression I was travelling in time too.

      Anyway, we were somewhere and I took her hand. She got uncomfortable and I let it go. I apologised, but then I was upset. So I walked around on my own and there were lots of creepy dolls everywhere. I blame Magic Kingdom's "It's A Small World".

      I was paralysed and that was when I realised I was dreaming. I laughed, but I couldn't move. I decided to wake myself up, so I forced my weight until I was falling to the ground. I could see my reflection at the door next to me. I was on the floor, my face looked like a doll. It was creepy...

      And I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. spellbee's Sweet 16 Comp Days 1 + 2

      by , 01-13-2016 at 02:13 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      Wow, I've been so off my DJing game...
      I keep thm on my phone every day but I don't even remember the last time I actually typed them up here, and I'm too lazy to check right now...
      Either way, here's the DJ-Comeback (or not) for Spellbee's Sweet 16 Competition!

      Night One - January 11th, 2016

      Had a horrible night's sleep; plan to go to sleep super early (like 7:00pm) and wake up super early to get work done backfired immensely. I was wide awake still by midnight (yes, that's 5 hours of just laying there, trying to sleep) and I got maybe an hour and a half in short bursts through the rest of the night until 3:00 when I decided to fuck it all and get up.

      Interestingly enough, I had some very vivid dreams and managed to get lucid...

      This was actually the first dream I remembered having:

      I was in the Void. Literally just floating around in darkness. I knew I was dreaming right from the get-go. I had thought maybe I was still awake, but also knew I wasn't. I started walking in the air, trying to figure out what to do with my lucidity. I remembered something about creating a new world from the Void, and decided to recreate a minecraft world. I wasn't sure if it would count for the bonus TOTM, but it was worth a try. First, I made a body of water, in which I was standing. Then, I made sure there were large hills all around me. Somehow it turned into an area of the minecraft server Zukin and I play on, in which we've constructed this huge wall to enclose us and inside the wall are building all sorts of crazy, trippy, colorful, wonderful things. I was so happy and started flying around to explore. There were new structures around my "spawn point" and they were completely beautiful. I was a little sad because I knew I couldn't make something with of this level of beauty in Minecraft. I landed in the water of another pool nearby and there decided to try becoming a man. Upon looking down I discovered my manhood and touched it. It was an interesting feeling. I was starting to lose rational lucidity and then another man comes into my view and things got steamy. I think he was doing research on the water levels in that area of Minecraft when he saw me (apparently I was nakey) We touched each other. A lot. I lost lucidity. And then I woke up.

      Later in the morning I had another dream, non-lucid. I was in Lilo and Stitch for some reason, and Lilo and her sister were living in this little house on a FUCKING GORGEOUS grassy, forested hill. Like I was climbing up through the trees and come out on the top of the hill and I just wish I had this view in front of me ALL THE TIME. But it turned out that Lilo and her sister were like... no-class. Like they were not upper-class, middle-class OR lower-class. They were not even on the class scale and this made them absolute nobodies in society. Lilo had a big blue bird (Stitch??) but this bird was kinda a bitch to any other birds haha.

      The last one I remember was really close to the time I decided to get up. I was trying to finish up my lesson plans for the week (For me, lesson plans for the whole week are due on Monday mornings) and I was cooking baby carrots in the sink. Like, turning on the sink cooked them somehow. My little brother was calling me and telling me about his new girlfriend (he doesn't have one yet, sadly).

      Night Two - January 12th, 2016

      Just one dream from last night, but it was a pretty interesting one.
      I was at a huge party of some sort. We were in a hotel or convention center or something, and there were elevators. I got into one of the elevators (there were two.) There was only an up button so I pressed it. The elevator went up, and then BING'd and opened. I was at the end of a long, LONG hallway. I got out and started walking. Eventually the hallways started to be made of glass, and I could see that there was what seemed to be the end of the universe outside the walls. The hall took a turn and then opened out into this vast, beautiful space. All black, with dimly glowing stars nearby, though not hot and somehow very peaceful. There was absolutely no sound. Now that I was thinking about it, I started to wonder if I've come to the Void again, and wondered if I was dreaming. Looking at my hands revealed I'm indeed lucid (my ring had a white, a blue, and a green stone when it's supposed to be two white and a red stone in the middle).

      I looked down from the edge of the hallways, and see these strange... almost negative-blue, structures. Like... hmm. It wasn't the inverse-color-of-blue (orange), it was like literally anti blue. Like so black it was blue. There were rough pillars and mounds, and some spike-like jutting out things, and some bowl-like spaces. I jumped off the edge of this hallways and landed in the structures, but gravity was being a bitch. I felt out of control and was spinning slowly in a zero-gravity that STILL wanted me to go down. I bounced off one of the bowl-things and seemed to float, spinning, off a ramp and into the darkness.

      I FA'd back at the two elevators, this time with Zukin by my side. I had lost lucidity completely, and went into one of the elevators (the same one I picked before, though I didn't remember at the time) I had a vague feeling of deja vu, but didn't attain lucidity again. This time, there was also only one button, but it was a down button. I pressed it, and the elevator started plummeting at an extremely high, terrifying speed.

      I legit thought we were going to die, but the elevator stopped and we stepped out onto the bottom floor. We were with a whole group of people, but four of them were getting extremely sick. I had a very bad feeling about these sick people, like they we going to try to spread their sickness to us. So Zukin and I tried to get away from them and ended up getting separated from each other. I took the stairs (fuck if I was getting back into that elevator) to the third floor (the 2nd and 3rd floors of this building were a big, open bar or club or something) and found a table where people I knew were sitting. I was hoping to spot Zukin from the railings (they were like huge lofts so you could see the floors below you). I eventually spotted her, called her over. She came to the table with a hamster ball. She invited me to play a game of "Hamster Jamster," whatever that was. We were on our way to a basement room where we were sleeping, and met up with two Gingers. I don't know how this made sense to the dreaming me, but there were two of him; one of them was Zukin's ex who was still clinging onto her at all times, the other was the real Ginger, whom she was dating. We decided not to play Hamster Jamster, and got into our sleeping bags. The not-Ginger was all clingy and kept trying to cuddle with Zukin, but she was all "No, we're not dating anymore..." and continued to cuddle the real Ginger. Or whatever. Zukin remembered she needed to take some medicine, and we found out it was in the most ridiculous packaging EVER. There were two pills in these huge cardboard things. Like srsly wtf drug companies.

      Then I woke up.
    3. 12/01/16 - Four Dreams of Varying Odds

      by , 01-13-2016 at 01:55 AM
      Didn't know what else to title this entry, but anyway here I go:

      1. The first dream involved me being in a very strange kind of game show; though in the dream I wasn't aware it was a game show until near the end. I was thrown into a sort of fictional, medieval world with a bunch of other contestants where we were promptly mistaken for actual residents within the world. Two of the contestants were unfortunately misidentified as bandits and were brutally murdered almost right out of the gate. I was mistaken for a cook, along with another contestant who was a knight and one who was some sort of a wench. Anyway, we go about assuming our roles when the originals show up at one point and then declare an all-out battle against us in the form of a "There Can Be Only One" sort of ordeal. The real wench was apparently a witch and she gave us the most trouble, but we were surprisingly very good at evading all the attacks from our true counterparts. We were even joined up by the true bandits at one point who were far more fearsome than the contestants that were mistaken for them. In the end, the hero of the day happened to be a crudely-drawn happy face on my pinky finger who just proceeded to beat everyone up as though it was its own entity. That's when the director calls "cut," and thanks everyone for their participation in the show.

      Now, for whatever reason, I seemed to be familiar with this director and offered to make him a special animation and artwork for the particular episode that I had just participated in, which he gladly thanked me for. He then directed me to a closet where I was to pick out "suitable attire" for my journey home, because allegedly our original clothing were in disrepair from our endeavours and this was the company's way of making up for that. I wound up wearing a freakish, large bunny mask accompanied with a fake lolling tongue and some relatively normal-looking clothing otherwise and began to make my way out of the studio. While I was doing this, I happened upon another sort of show by the same company that had just wrapped up, which seemed to involve children in a sort of laser tag scenario; only with swords. The victor was this little boy wearing a blue cape and golden crown, and he was allegedly a common contestant who usually won at that thing.

      Anyway, for some reason while I was making my trek out of the studio grounds (which involved going through a forest at one point), I wound up being accidentally caught on camera for yet another show that was being filmed and sort of made up for it by bounding along the trail as if I were a real bunny, which seemed to work because I didn't hear any complaints about it after the fact. Finally, I got to the waiting area for transportation back home and I was just talking with other people who were in costume and such as well, since they were also contestants who had to get the spare change of clothing in the end. The kid in the blue cape was also there with his mother, and he would just stare at me the entire time; horrified. I assured him I wasn't a real monster and it was just a costume, and I even lifted the bunny head to show him for certain, but he wouldn't believe me and just remained suspiciously terrified of me until he left. The dream ended with me jokingly being a creepy bunny with everyone else who was there and we were having a good laugh at everything that had gone on. There was no clear resolution to this dream.

      2. The second dream, I'm afraid, I can't recall too well. I know it involved a young Japanese girl who was fluent in three other languages (English, Spanish and Cantonese) who was staying at my home for a bit. At one point she wanted to learn Korean, but wasn't really sure where to start, so I offered to study Korean with her, so that we could both learn it at the same time. I also later promised her I'd teach her the basics of French at least, because I used a term she did not understand later on (to be clear, I do not speak Korean and I know the very bare basics of French and am certainly not fluent in any of these languages apart from English). The other part of this dream I remember is that while studying with this girl, some jerk got a hold of my cellphone; deliberately broke it, deleted all my apps, music and contacts and forcibly placed his number in it and took my number for himself because I wouldn't let him have it to begin with. I was fuming mad in the dream and was demanding he pay for a new phone while he grinned at me, amused and proud of his accomplishment. Sadly, this is all I really remember.

      3. The third dream involved the misadventures of a high school football team, which I wasn't remotely a part of. In this dream I was more of the observant camera, taking on different roles of characters when needed; though namely the team's star player, who wasn't even a quarterback. He was just really good at tackling people, although personality-wise he was a huge softie. The dream first started off on a bus with the team just buddying around with each other and giving the good word to their coach along the way to their final game, but the bus broke down. From there, they then rented out a boat, which looked a heck of a lot like a pirate ship and continued their journey from there. Unfortunately a storm came up and knocked a few key players overboard, who wound up washing ashore on an island which was owned privately by a family, so they made out pretty well while the rest of the crew scoured for them and had a hard time. When it came time for the missing players to head back, however, trouble struck. A strange sea-creature got involved here and tried to eat the overboard players while they attempted to get back onto the ship. In the end, the star player of the football team wound up saving the day and getting everyone back on board after tackling the monster into submission and they all made it to the stadium without a hitch after that.

      Once at the stadium, the game would begin. The opposing team were apparently headed by rich snobs, and most of the team consisted of people who weren't even football players, just normal people who were promised large sums of money to play. What's more, apparently the opposing team managed to bribe refs and such to have all these people come after the home team all at once. Unfortunately for the rich kids, the star player was able to tackle everyone almost effortlessly and the team managed to get to the opposing side of the field where they would have to face the other team fair and square. In the end, the rich team lost and they tried to point out that their loss should have the home team disqualified because the star player used excessive force. Of course, there was no way to determine this, so the home team were claimed as the victors and were escorted out of the building by adoring fans and showered with presents. To be honest, looking back on this dream makes me think of a really bad Hollywood sports movie...

      4. This dream occurred when I had a small nap today and involved the Youtuber, Markiplier. It all started with an alien invasion of all things, and myself, Mark and a few other people got caught in a bit of a crossfire with all of it. In any case, we wound up having to help some of the aliens out because they were trying to defend Earth and such...and Markiplier was the most fitting candidate to fight. So, from the perspective of Markiplier, he got suited up in a spacesuit, and in video game style, got a bunch of power ups and went to fight the bad aliens on the moon and won. To add to this, he apparently managed to record this as a lets-play as well, and that's when I found out that the whole opening of the dream was just a video game from the start and Mark was just happy because he got to be in space, albeit, virtually. The rest of the dream just involved me hanging out with Markiplier at his place, which was very messy for some reason, and there was a lot of half-eaten cake lying around. This part of the dream seemed especially notable for some reason, because I remember doing my best not to step on them. Before I woke up again we were just sitting around and talking, though I don't remember what the conversation was about. This isn't the first time I've had a dream about meeting up with and hanging out with Markiplier, but this one was definitely one of the strangest.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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