The detail of my dreams (or dream recall) appears to be improving. I'm remembering things people say more frequently. There also seems to be more variety and depth to my dreams. This might be related to my conscious effort to pay more attention to people in my waking life, decreasing my medication, sleeping better, dream journaling, or just paying more attention to my dreams in general. __________________________________________________ _____________________ Some scenes Sherlock Holmes… Someone that appears to be Jesus is talking to a little girl who is going to Church. He refers to her Bible and says “just don’t hurt anyone with it”. This makes sense to me, since some people seem to misuse Christianity and hurt others. But later, this character seems to be studying a Bible and not understanding all of it. We wonder how it is that He wouldn’t understand His own Book. So maybe this wasn't Jesus?... Visiting Uncle D--. He is getting old, but he seems to be doing pretty well health-wise. We're at the top of a staircase.[note: this Uncle passed away a few weeks ago and I attended his funeral)... Using the bathroom in the basement of my old house. My Dad goes downstairs and asks me what I’m doing. I guess I’m embarrassed to tell him that I’m using the bathroom, so I say “I’m filming a horror movie. It will be the 2nd scariest movie ever made!” My Dad says “OK, have fun,” or something like that. I feel a little guilty for lying to him... A woman with a wooden leg. Actually, it looks like this leg has been fashioned out of a table leg. She seems to be walking around on this better than her old artificial leg though... [note: I quickly made some notes on my dreams when I woke up, so the following might be a little difficult to understand. I think it's all part of one dream. I feel as though there were a lot more to this.] Pastor D--, ruins (tunnel?), house, they’re trying to get people to leave the house so that they can look for the treasure. Something sci-fi. Another planet perhaps? But something happened during the Middle Ages, at which time treasure was hidden... Cat…if you interact with the cat you learn something, I think… [note: this part is me making notes now from the fragments that are occurring to me. Again, it might not be very coherent.] Building...don't go outside?...Carriage in the canal. Overturned. Carriage is now canoe-like. Bodies beneath the carriage/boat... ...bodies, I think [what about them?] People dressed in historic clothing...
12/1: It's the Showcase round on The Price Is Right, however, like the latest edition of the video game, Decades, the top winner and runner-up podiums are switched, TW on the left, RU on the right. Drew Carey reads the actual retail price of the Showcase of the player on the left, revealing that he had overbid. He reads the ARP of the player on the right's Showcase, an attractive brown-haired girl, and she ends up winning about $45,000+ in cash and prizes; apparently both of them had a good day in the episode. The scene after the Showcase reveal made no sense, but I do remember George Gray (the announcer on my country's version since Season 39; got the job permanently in April 2011) announcing a line similar to Jeopardy! long-time announcer Johnny Gilbert (a legendary game show announcer now in his 90s) since mid-Season 38 (currently) of that show, "From the famous Bob Barker Studio in Hollywood, this is George Gray speaking for The Price Is Right, a Fremantle production!" A scene later, I find myself in the passenger side of what appears to be my dad's car, parked in front of a shopping center with what appears to be other cars with numbers in the upper-left corner of their windshields, likely tuners, but nobody was inside. Skies were overcast as well. This scene reminded me of dreams I had in 2012 where I was sitting in the passenger side of a car and random things happened. 12/3: Students, likely middle to high school-age, were walking with their backpacks in the street that looked eerily similar to the road that leads to my apartment. In reality, there's a community center and a multipurpose center nearby. L.L. Bean was the manufacturer of some of the backpacks, as those were the ones with the wearer's initials on the top, as I saw a lot of students in middle school with these. I didn't see any of these in high school, however. The dream then focuses on a student's backpack with the initials "LEK", a female. I didn't get to see the rest of the dream play out as my alarm clock buzzed and my phone vibrated. (That kinda explains why I have a Google Images tab up in Firefox searching for the L.L. Bean backpacks with the students' initials on them since this morning.) -WM86/DFW