Clancy Brown stole someone I'm with's car (we will call him Moe) and wouldn't give it back. Moe wants to take some stuff from Clancy to get back at him. He wants me to help him steal the light from the dining room while Clancy is asleep. I go to help but the chair I grab to stand on is like a wooden puzzle and it starts collapsing on one side when I try to stand on it. I grab another chair and take a look at the light. It's bolted to the ceiling with rivets. I tell Moe I can get it down but it won't be quiet and we will probably wake Clancy up. Moe tells me not to worry about it. I start talking to someone on the couch in the living room. As we are talking I look up and see there is shaving cream on the ceiling above us. I look around and see more and more of it. It's beginning to drip from the ceiling onto the wall. I'm like WTH did you guys do? I shrug it off and go over to a pallet on the floor to lay down. Someone else comes up and starts talking to me. They say something that strikes me as weird. I begin thinking this sounds like something that would happen in a dream(Although I can't remember what was said). I RC and become lucid. I throw the person on the table in the dining room. The dream seems to fade for a sec but it comes back. When it does I'm by myself. I remember wanting to fly with TK. I use it and levitate in the air. Then I rotate my body so that the bottom of my feet are facing the wall. I use TK to pull myself toward the wall and I begin walking up it. I get all the way to the ceiling and take the first step and then fall off. I use TK and catch myself in mid air. Then rotate my body into a standing position and land on the floor. Then I think ok let's try to go to the beach. I imagine a beach being on the other side of the door and open it. But it's just a normal looking neighborhood. I go outside and I want to find some sand so I can look at it close up. Plan being that when I back away I'll "suddenly realize" I'm surrounded by sand and at the beach. I think that I see a little bit but when I get closer it's more like mud. I look around for a min but no luck. I decide I wanna try flying again now that I'm outside. I will myself into the air and begin flying toward a nearby school. At times during this flight I have to stabilize my body in different ways. My legs started lowering and I had to kinda tense my feet to get my legs to raise up level with the rest of my body, another time my head started doing the same thing and I used my hands to level my upper body out. When I landed I was thinking about how I could try to do the beach thing again. I look around and it looks like I'm close to downtown. I think well instead of the beach maybe I can go explore the river. I start to fly again except this time I can only get a few feet in the air. I'm flying down the street (I'm beginning to lose lucidity at this point) when I can hear and kinda see Keanu Reeves talking about stealing a lucidity module from me (As if I'm a robot?). He sends his assistants home so they won't know what he's up to. I spot this vertical steam pipe and I decide to walk straight up it like I was doing with the wall earlier. I find a hatch near the top and use it to escape Keanu...wake
Updated 01-31-2022 at 11:42 PM by 96328
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am sitting near the back of a bus. Keanu Reeves comes in and goes sit in the last row. I play cool and just make sure he sees me and notices me, so I try to engage later. I don't wanna annoy him for no with a rushed approach. Then he drops something and doesn't notice, so that's my cue. I pick it up and give it to him. Apparently it is something important, because he thanks me a lot and says he wants to reward me somewhow. As he looks through his bag looking for something, I say "You know, we have a common acquaintance." "Oh really, who?" And I say "DJ K. You worked together at a film." And he is like "Whom?" I didn't expect him not to remember, so I insist and say maybe he forgot because it was a long time ago, but they were pretty close and I even have pics of them together. He is curious and wants to see the pics but I don't have them with me on my phone. I tell him I can send it later. He asks for my number and I feel like my mission is accomplished. I visit a botanical garden and check a little corner that I loved very much. There are two guys there making some sort of inspection. One asks for my opinion about the flowerbed arrangements. It looks gorgeous, very colorful and diverse. I say I have never seen it so gorgeous. We talk about the evolution of the garden. Then some rich guy, a movie star, arrives in a big SUV, stops in front of us and very theatrically, comes out with an entourage. One of his bodyguards puts some sort of key inside a stone carving in some stone steps on the opposite side of the path in front of us. The stone stairs pull in magically and reveal another set of stairs going underground. Then everyone around goes in and since I am curious I go after them. Someone questions if I am supposed to be allowed in, but no one seems to care. A the end of the stairs we walk down a corridor that looks like service tunnels, with art pieces stored in storage rooms or hanging on the walls. It is an access to some house of an artist. The house itself has a really exotic decoration. Finally we arrive at the main area and I learn it is actually Audrey Hepburn's house. It is huge. Although we entered via an udnerground tunnel, the house actually spreads up through an entire building several storeys high. We head for the top terrace, where there are two indidivual houses on top of it and get to see we are in the middle of other city buildings. The terrace has different levels, one looks like a normal rooftop with a pool and direct access to the house we just came from. But then we go down a few stairs and there is another level that looks like a restaurant, with rowns of tables outside in front of another building which is a kitchen and another level with a private cinema. I meet Audrey, she is so nice, but I tell her I am not so sure about her house. Seems cozy but also just too much and so kitsch with weird art everywhere, which makes it overwhelming to the senses. I even find a pot in the middle of the way with some Buddha ststues and jewels inside, just abandoned there and I take them out and put the budddhas on top of a boulder that is on the side of some stone stairs. Then try to untangle a necklace to also hang it there but I fall in love with it and I put it on me. It is made of a dark metal, deep blue stones and peacock feathers. Some security guard looks at me sideways and I say "Don't worry, I wont leave with it on, I'll just wear it while I am here." Then everyone starts heading to the cinema because there will be some movie preview. There is a lobby where guests have to leave bags and coats and check-in and I get in the line. In front of me is a girl with a baby in her arms, and she seems a bit stressed, because the computers crashed and they can't log us in. I get her a chair and offer to hold the baby for a while, which she accepts after a while. The movie started and we are stuck outside but the baby is adorable and I am ok, don't even know if I want to watch the movie.
5th December 2021 Fragment: Vague recall of being in my old bedroom. Dark, based on light, probably morning outside. My oldest sibling is at my computer playing some game. (recall gap) In some kind of hybrid space RTS/base defence thing. It doesn't feel like a game in the dream. Things go well at first, and then the attacking alien waves start to become much stronger. My fleet thing can't keep up and eventually things seem to sort of blend seamlessly into a big wide sort of control room. It's bright, and white-ish. The aliens are blue-grey or silvery and I remember checking their HP and realising that it's much higher than whenever I last checked it. (I am not sure why, but at the time of writing this, this made me think of Ender's Game) Then I start feeling like I'm alone and overwhelmed by the situation. The invaders become a mix of TCG units, but semi three dimensional. Some units have names that feel sexual? I get close to a "succubus zombie something" unit and it seems to just be the legs. Visually things don't make much sense. The legs are blue and have something like a mouth between them but I perceive this as female genitals during the dream. I stick my finger in the mouth and feel around inside. The teeth, lips and tongue look cartoonish, and are the normal "ideal" colours. 6th December 2021 Fragment: (left recall too long) Something about a boy I'm mentoring. I think I understand that I can't teach him everything at once and that the lessons I want to teach him aren't necessarily the ones that I can or should teach him right now. Dream location seems to be some mix of old home and an unknown place. It's dark? Abyssal? Certainly vast in some respect. 12th December 2021 Fragment: (recall left whole day) Something in a town, with H. Semi-detached houses. Then, something in a mall. Vast and open, orange and cream tones (sounds nice but don't have any visual recall anymore). Nobody is wearing a mask except for myself. I go down some stairs/escalator. I think I go past a food court? I leave the mall through a front entrance, I think. Eventually I'm back with H somewhere, and I comment on how "people 'down South' are careless" or something to that effect.
Hi to Everyone in this Forum... I am sure everyone is ready to Help someone New to LD like me... I am posting my Question Here because I do not have account permission to create a new tread. Here is What is Happening ...... I have Been maintaining a DJ since Nov 21 There have been ups and downs ... sometimes I dream, sometimes I Do NOT dream, Or instead of Dream I only have Thought, I also forget to write down my dreams in my DJ ... Most importantly -- I WRITE DOWN ONLY 1 SENTENCE in my DJ...It's NOT more than 3 words. So for the past 4 days, I have been writing in my DJ " I was Playing PC video Games" I remember my dreams ... I write down 3 words ... and that's All .... Till now I have NOT been able to write down my Dreams in detail ...It is always 1 sentence ONLY 3 words. What Happens is I remember my dreams but I find it very difficult to put them down in words ..... Is it okay if my DJ consists of ONLY 3 words every day ??? Any suggestions Or Help ... Please... I am Eagerly waiting for someone to reply... Thanks
I have been keeping a dream journal since Nov 21 Today in my dreams I was playing PC Video games In my dream, I said, " This is a dream" I must have said this around 3 times but nothing changed and I did NOT become Lucid... Any Tips?
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At the apartment I used to live in front of my mom, but it is my two vets who live there together (not as a gay couple, just roommates). I am staying as a guest in the office room, which is totally empty, except for a tent where I sleep. I bake them a cake for some reason but have to throw it away. They want to know why and I find it hard to explain. Later on inside the tent, it starts tumbling like pushed by a strong wind and I accidentaly find myself getting out in my old dojo. I recognize my Kenpo colleagues, but I don't see our sensei. I try to go away before he arrives, but instead some other sensei appears. He doesn't know me and is not happy to see me there. I sneak out and on the next room people are practicing yoga. Alicja is with them as well and a couple of her friends and some funny Eastern European lady who tries to do a headstand and hits me with ther feet on my face. I end up helping her and others follow my example and help each other. They invivite me to stay and practice with them, but I say I gotta go. Next room is a pavillion with some IT expo and it is so packed with people, I need to cut through stands and step over people totry to get somewhere. I get kinda stuck at a booth where some couple puts some half dozen boxes in my hands saying it's gift merchandise. I say it's inconvenient for me to carry it and they get offended, so they take it back and put it all in the trash. I beg them not to do it and that I'll take it gladly, but only when it becomes possible to talk away through the crowd with it. There is some kind of end of the world event and I am stuck in some cult that rejects sheltering from it and forces me to be part of some ritual where we wait for the shockwave (from a comet, maybe) tp hit us. The vibe is very surreal, it is circus like, or like a Terry Gillian movie. Everybody else is running for their lives and we are standing on top of a cargo train, in the middle of the night. But when the shockwave is coming, turns out they also start running in panic. But there is no escape so I stay in place and just repeat mantras, trying to clam my mind. Miraculously, the wave doesn't affect me. All of a sudden it is gone and all the crazies are also gone, just a couple friendly people around and everything in chaos. As if the world was purged. Then I start walking down towards where the others ran and I start finding only belongings that everybody left behind. There is furniture and smaller belongings. I find someone's jewelry collecttion and there is lots of gold and silver. I fill a bag. A friend points out that maybe that is now worth nothing, but I still treasure it. Ahead is an entire library and I pick my favorite books as I dance and sing happily Björk songs.
3rd December 2021 Dream: I am talking to my eldest sibling through Steam, something about a problem they're having with smells in the bathroom. Then, I'm at theirs. It's a house they bought recently and I'm helping by saying what to watch out for and trying to help plan the bathroom's extraction route. There's a big 35 PSI orange turbine blower, it looks too big for the job, but I figure it doesn't really matter. Outside the house there's a weird roof and I spot some problems with pointed brickwork that will need sorting out. I tell them and explain a bit. The house seems to be in the middle of some woods; it's Autumn and there are fallen leaves everywhere. I think it might be a bit damp. I don't get to see the other sides of the house but I did mean to. The house has three floors in total and something about the shape looks... Wonky. Then something about turn-based combat. In a cave area, a boss creature my middle sibling is fighting. I try to help by grappling onto it and being dragged around a bit, until I'm on its rear end/back. I swing a sword and drink a potion of ultra haste to swing faster, but even at this distance all my attacks seem to "miss" and do nothing. Some bit which has an energy barrier, opening up to a pit or cave tunnel going down. I get the impression my sibling is trying to lure the creature there but I am concerned about this place and that this might not work. I think I have some fear of thing backfiring, and it being us falling in. Notes: - In retrospect, the battle and our roles in it seems linked to my impressions of how I think my sibling might be coping (or not) with their own issues. The whole dream has some interesting symbolic interpretation potentials, but either way seems to relate to my views on both of my siblings. - I think the forest was some kind of pine forest, I can't recall exactly, but the trees were certainly very tall, being taller than the house. - The cave bit's entrance was nearby, behind the house somewhere.
29th November 2021 Very abridged, many details weren't retained after waking; this was a brief lucid involving a false awakening and the lucid part felt continuous and lasting several minutes. Dream: I am out and about in a place like old home. Reminds me of 98 and I am with mom maybe, and a group of kids. It's some kind of school trip. (mom is here as a teacher?) I cross some foot bridge thing. It's sunny. I then go into a cafe or shop place, somewhat dark and unlit, except by the bounced light from outside. There are a few dream characters here, there's a counter of some kind on the left side and the place is deep-ish, being long and relatively narrow more than anything else. I start hearing my thoughts and they are very present. My thoughts tell me I'm dreaming and I confirm this in some way by interacting in some specific way with the people. For some reason, I still feel self-conscious, or like it's impolite to do anything right away, excusing myself and eventually going outside again. My memory in the dream feels decent and I perceive all the visual details vividly but physical sensations are faint. As I walk between two buildings, I start feeling some kind of arousal but successfully repress it. Instead of letting myself give in to an urge of making myself grow, I start trying to fly. Unable to fly, I am more leaping in large bounds of varying gravity each time. At some point I lose a bit of lucid awareness but I realise this and so I regain some clarity. Eventually I slip away into non-lucidness again and "wake up" falsely, into some other dream segment. Then I am in a sofa bed with S; she seems needlessly concerned, anxious. This looks like the room me and H have stayed in, when I've visited my parents; it feels like old home, anyway. Thinking I'm actually awake, I try to ignore her a bit and I take my phone out to write down my dream, starting on some detail. But I stop because I'm interrupted by H, who's prompting me to get up as he comes into the room. We discuss something about our day coming ahead. (recall gap?) Still in the same place, I am playing some game? Something about the original DOOM. Then I realise it's 3PM somehow, and wonder why or how it got so late, kind of in shock. But I don't dwell on it very long. (missed a perfect cue here) (recall gap) In some kind of ship, something about a fridge and some chemicals, including screenwash? Notes: - I mostly repressed the urge for growing because I always end up feeling like lucidity makes me want to do sexual things, which is fine, but at the same time I also want to focus on other things. Many times I've tried falling asleep with painting, or even art in general, in mind as a lucid objective just in case I ever do become lucid, since it's rare for me. - After I became lucid, I have some recall that after the two buildings there was a cityscape past a dip (river?) but also a sort of digital-looking existence, like in some old 2000s 3D cartoons. There was something bizarre and unusual about the background, anyway, as well as some other kind of foot bridge. - The manner in which I became lucid was unusual, not that I have a great deal of samples to compare with.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP My teacher comes to PT. While meeting some of his students, during a more relaxed moment, he calls me to sit with him at a table for a private conversation. He asks me how I am and does some small talk. He grabs my hand and we show more affection than what I think others should see. He comes closer to me and puts his arms around my shoulders. Says he doesn't care what others think. But the fact is no one around seems to see or care. Nobody is looking at us. He says something like he wants to know everything and I tell him "Then, let's go out for the whole day and I'll tell you everything you need to know." He agrees. I say I just need to go home for 5 mins and will come right back. It is actually my mom's house and not mine. I take the elevator. She is at home and Riverstone is there watching TV and has a really weird haircut. He knows I was with my teacher, so he asks how it went. I give him a hug and ask "What if I move to India?" and he doesn't say a word. My mom is like "Hein?" and totally puzzled. I don't even know how to tell her. But first I must go back to my teacher.
No lucidity unfortunately. For whatever reason I felt like my brain was too tired. Also no horny dreams tonight lmao I had a dream that I took 2 ibuprofens because I was sore. Yeah, that was the entire dream. I had another dream, and I woke up in the middle of the night and was thinking “I should write this down” but then I passed out again. Apparently I got donuts with a friend of mine? I don’t remember this. Plus something illegible that I can't read now. I had a dream that I only had $940 in my bank account EUGH that is terrifying. I had a dream that my cat kept biting me and her tail for some reason. It was painful, unlike the bite of the tiger I experienced a few nights back which actually quite felt nice. I was annoyed because my cat definitely is not a biter in the waking world. She is very nice and will only bite in self-defense, if at all. I've never been bitten by her before so idk where this dream came from. I was going through different houses for a run. The houses were along a pier, and for some reason, the route kept taking me INSIDE OF these houses. Like into people’s personal rooms and stuff as part of the run. So I’m like running and pushing chairs and crap out of the way, and people are looking at me while seeming very confused. I was also quite confused. The entire pathway on the pier was like this, just going into random people's houses. At the last house at the end of the pier, I saw some weird-looking bears, walking by the ocean (or possibly on top of the water). But someone in the house said they weren’t bears, but rather giant racoons or something? Idk but they were mammalian. I turned around and they started chasing me. I then became either a lion or a tiger and I started jumping over houses and stuff to get away from the bears. I also hopped in and out of multiple zoo exhibits, which existed on the pier for some reason. I was with a group of friends, but all of them were dream characters that I don't know IRL. I had memories, which I’ve now forgotten, of a great trip that we had, and we had all known each other for a very long time within the dream's narrative. We were at an airport, and all said goodbye to each other. I was in a less-nice part of some big city, but it also looked like a super run-down Chinatown? In the narrative of the dream I had lived there before in the past. I had a memory of going there with other people. It was nighttime, lots of lights, a bit sketchy.
Updated 01-22-2022 at 07:33 PM by 58176
Date: 22/01/2022 Bedtime: 3.30am Awakening: 8am Return to bed: 8.05am Method of entry: deferred direct Attempt: successful Awakening: 9am Phase experience: The Pill Experiment Duration: 35 seconds DREAM STATE Me and my wife have moved to Albania and we walk down an alley with rows of doors and windows. There is barely any space between them and we comment on cramped residents must feel living there. We reach our new home, which feels like it is at the end of a dark tunnel next to a dead end. Our landlord is an apron-wearing Albanian woman in her 30s with a strong accent and she takes us upstairs to show us around. When she turns we get an eye full of nakedness—her back and buttocks are exposed. I wake up. WAKING STATE I get up to use the loo and return to bed after a few minutes in order to induce a WILD and execute Project Elijah's experiment. PHASE STATE After a period of relaxation and imagining impossible movements whilst lying down, my legs soon bend and sink into the bed, which is conspicuously impossible. I aggressively get up and look around. It's dark and I can barely make out the bed. I start touching the mattress and the bedframe and shout, 'Clarity! Clarity!' expecting vision to improve, which at this point can be described as a bright background obscured by dark patches. I start spinning in a bid to get rid of them and when I stop, I find myself standing at the bottom of a strange staircase in an unfamiliar environment. The dominant green walls remind me of The Matrix: Resurrections which I saw with my son at the cinema on his birthday. I rush up the stairs, going up in a spiral, listening to my footsteps and describing the surroundings and my actions out loud, noticing that my voice is muffled. I reach an open window and climb on the ledge in order to jump and fly away to a vast blue sky but then I recall Project Elijah's task; I look down and realise I'm wearing grey pyjamas with pockets so I reach inside one of them and feel two pills. I grip one and it appears to be elongated, which I subsequently discard because it differs greatly from the NZT pill in the film Limitless. I grip the other one and pull it out of my pocket without seeing what it looks like but it's round to the touch so that's good enough for me. When I swallow the pill—expecting to experience superconsciousness—I briefly acquire the secondary perspective of observing myself from a few feet away squatting on the window ledge with my head tilted back and gulping; subsequently, I'm back in my squatting body staring at a blue sky being consumed by a multicoloured cloud of pixels that ends up taking over my field of vision. The effect is over in a few seconds before everything fades and I foul. No superconsciousness was experienced and what had followed the act of swallowing the pill had been purely visual.
Reflect Part of a longer series of events involving travel from one place to another. The only part I remember well was towards the end, where I’m being chased by a young woman in a rather video game-ish setting. As I run, a handful of parallel memories arise, showing various outcomes to this event, which are all variations on her catching up. Looks like this is a mandatory fight. I also notice that something is different from the memories, something important: I know who she really is. I make sure she doesn’t catch up until an open area up ahead, and then we’re both standing there, facing one another. She initially has brown skin and straight, dark, shoulder-length hair, but the image dissolves, and she changes to a shorter figure with grayish skin, rather like Zimmy from Gunnerkrigg Court. There’s a short conversation here, which I can no longer remember, and then she attacks, throwing some sort of enormous summoning spell at me. I raise an arm and deflect it back at her with a gesture. What happens next is rather like a lengthy animation playing out, temporarily turning both of us into passive observers as it takes over the screen/dream and practically defeats my opponent all on its own. Moreover, at the end of it, the nature of the encounter seems to have changed, so that now I just have to complete three small, easy puzzles to win. My opponent actually contributes to solving one, in sort of a “yeah, yeah, let’s get this over with” way. Poke Another vaguely video game-ish one of which I can only remember the later part. In this one, I’m with a small group of people in a town, and there is a man there we have to fight, although it isn’t clear why, and he doesn’t actually seem to be an enemy. I can’t remember his appearance (or, really, the specific visuals of the dream in general), but something about him was reminiscent of Zorro somehow. A woman in the group demonstrates to me how to attack via a menu. There’s a list of attacks, most of which seem to be elementally based, but the woman indicates the one that he is apparently weak to, which is color-coded purple and labeled “Quiet”. Oddly, all the attacks just seem to be summoning various ensembles of musicians, who then play music. I select the most powerful option, which summons three of them. I then poke him in the back, which takes a small chunk out of his remaining HP. He’s just standing there and not responding in any way, so I poke him a few more times until he is defeated – or maybe just until I’ve got his attention, which seems as if it might be what this whole thing is actually about.
23rd November 2021 Fragment: (recall left too long) In one bit I'm trying out some of H's clamp meters (not waking life ones) and I pick up one that has a Bosch blue colour to it; the clamp is flat on the inside, and grippy. I try it on a few different things and get nothing. Then I realise I'm in the wrong mode and change it to read amps. Then, I try one of our kitchen forks with it. Somehow it reads 4A and I feel a tingle and buzz through my arm (which is holding the fork?); I check the voltage and it's quite high and I decide to go tell H and see what he thinks. I feel like there's some insulation missing or something on the meter, for this to be happening.
20th November 2021 Fragment: Somewhat adventure-like dream. (left recall too long) Something about turning some huge metal wheels in a couple of buildings at a sea side quay. This makes the clocks of a large nearby church work again. (I have vague recall even now of the dream, visually. I think at one point I was on some rafters in the church, but I also recall it was a bit of an overcast and yellow-ish day outside.) 21st November 2021 Dream: I'm with mom in a kitchen of sorts. There's a weird gas oven of some kind that mom is using. I'm just doing some cutlery things with a cupboard. I had just been talking to H and asking if he wasn't going to eat his egg soup thing. Also something about "chef John". Mom is trying to get the gas thing going and has some rice and sausages which will be getting cooked. I tell her some wicks (?) have gone out. She increases the flow, nothing happens at first and then big flames from those wicks. I tell her she should back it down and she does. Then the food she was cooking seems to have become overdone for her liking. The sausages have supposedly gone sour, and the rice stodgy. I taste a slice of sausage and it tastes bland but not sour, although I did smell something sour. Then I'm checking my phone. Something weird is going on and I conclude it's a virus on my phone. Messages I'd received are FUBAR on a UI-level and I can't dismiss anything. Pressing home just takes me to some sort of gallery, which has pictures of beaches and of naked female porn stars or something to that effect. 22nd November 2021 Fragment: (recall left too late) Something about being on a highway or the like. Traffic direction orientation is not as I would expect for where I live. At one point I do not perceive myself as being in a vehicle and am somehow pulling myself along fast enough to at speed, but it feels like I'm struggling a bit. There's a T-junction that's more like a corner and I want to go left where the road curves more naturally.
Updated 01-22-2022 at 02:41 AM by 95293
Alone in the house 01/08/20 Lucid #15 - DILD I’m laid on my old childhood bed in the dark. Everything feels completely normal and I’m simply relaxing and scrolling away on my phone when I see an image of the actor Donald Glover wearing a red suit and shades. I remember dreaming about him recently and decide to do a quick routine reality check. I do this with no real suspicion of my reality and I’m convinced this is waking life. I decide to try my vanishing ring check as the text change failed last time I tried. I close my hand and as I reopen it I’m astonished to see my fingers have become stubs and are twisted and bent in a mangled way. It is a dream! I can’t believe it and I had no doubt I was awake before! I count my fingers to double check and count 6! I’m rather excited as it came as a complete surprise. I jump from my bed and walk onto the upstairs landing and feel a sort of rumble run up my back? The dream is trembling around me and it feels unstable and on the verge of collapse. I remind myself to stay calm and engage my senses as planned. First I listen and hear a faint noise in my ear like wind is passing by. I realise it must be my bedside fan which I remember I have on in waking life. I then try to turn the light on, not expecting it to work and sure enough it doesn’t. I try again and this time the light does flicker on dimly. I keep twisting the knob and gradually it gets lighter and lighter but with a struggle. Things feel more stable now so I head downstairs slowly and feel the smooth, wooden banister as I do. It’s dark in the house and I appear to be completely alone which gives it quite an eerie atmosphere as if at any moment something scary is going to jump out at me. I see the light is on in the kitchen and I head toward it, wondering if the dream is trying to guide me there for some reason. The kitchen is also quiet and empty but I see cereal has been spilt and scattered all over the floor? I look around for an explanation but there isn’t one? It’s as if something had happened here long before I arrived and maybe what did it is still lurking somewhere nearby. Again, it gives me the creeps so I decide it’s time to get out of here. I head to the front door to see if I can use it to change the dream scene. I decide what I want to see on the other side and really focus. “I will see a forest, I will see a forest” I repeat and really try to expect it is behind the door. I’m ready and just about to open the door when... I’m shaken and wake up in bed. My wife has just turned over and shaken me awake! I manage to keep my eyes closed and hope I can get back into the dream but I am too awake now and unable to do so. Lucidity: High Trigger: Dream sign Reality check: Ring vanish/ Finger count Length: 1.5 minutes (approx.) Goals: Change location (Fail) Lucid count: 15
Updated 02-02-2022 at 01:41 PM by 97764