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    1. Adventure (night of 10/07/24) night 1

      by , 10-08-2024 at 12:20 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      The Wtich
      I was with a group of two other people, we were a typical mmo group and I was the healer. I can't remember what they were but I think one was dps and the other was a tank.
      One of them was talking to us like she was trying to teach us, the first thing I remember was her asking.
      "If it comes down to it are you going to kick curbs?"
      She was referring to me using attack spells on enemies I can't beat.
      "I'll kick curbs any day!" I responded
      "You never kick curbs." She said scoldingly.
      Soon after that we were attacked by a flying witch, she wore red and flew on a magic broom.
      After many attacks from my party it wasn't enough, I couldn't heal them enough and we couldn't deal enough damage.
      The two of them died and I ran away to the tree's, I was now in my childhood backyard(we lived in 3 acres of the woods) Now hiding under a tree I heard something above me. It was another witch, this one was levitating on a broom stick as well, she had an owl on her shoulder and was dressed in brown colors. After talking to her for a bit I determined that she didn't want to kill me.
      "Don't attack the priests back!" She yelled out.
      I prepared my attack spell and was about to attack the owl witch when, thinking she was trying to trick me, when suddenly the red witch appeared but she was going straight to the owl witch and started attacking her. As the owl witch fled the red witch followed, I tried casting my attack spells but I couldn't time the attack right as they were quickly flying away.
      Not sure what to do now I wondered to the burn pit and found a metal trashcan lid.
      "Maybe I can use it to protect myself." I picked it up.
      Under it was a grass hopper and many ants. The ants were walking towards the grass hopper but as soon as they got close the grass hopper did a a small hop in the air to let the ants walk under it. More grass hoppers started popping into existence and did the same little hop when the ants came too close.
      I hear a casual whistle above me and looked up to see the owl witch chilling in the sky. I assumed she managed to kill the red witch. "Probably because my party already damage her", I thought.

      *Dream signs to look for,
      1: Adventuring with a small group of people
      2: Casting spells
      3: Flying witches
      4: Things appearing out of thin air.
      5: Battle

      Updated 10-10-2024 at 12:34 AM by 100743
