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    task of the year

    task of the year dreams

    1. 2120 something

      by , 06-23-2010 at 09:17 AM
      My first task of the year is complete. I had a day off work so I decided to WILD. I woke up to my alarm going off at about 5:30am and got up to use the bathroom. I also read a couple of pages in my copy of a lucid dreaming book and went back to sleep about 20 mins later. As I drifted, I began to feel that familar feeling of dozing right back into REM. The visuals are amazing, almost like tuning into a TV station that starts as static but become clear in seconds. I didn't need to induce lucidity as I started the dream already knowing that I was asleep. Things cleared up once I started rubbing my hands and I noticed that the scene around me looked like something from the early Roman empire. The street was paved of tan cobble stones and the buildings kinda matched. I heard something behind me so I turned and I saw people entering a large building that was made of metal and had strange lights glowing around it. I asked one of the people walking toward it, what is inside? He told me I would have to wait to find out. I did not like the answer he gave me and I became frustrated. I consintrated on the next person and when they looked at me, to my surprise he looked identical to the last guy. I asked again, whats in there?
      This time the man said "it's a ship". WHAT?! I ran for the "ship" and peeked in the huge entrace way where people were crowding to jam inside. There were balconies and giant picture screens along every wall and the crowd was frantic. I went inside and started asking people why they were so upset and why we were in this place. Before I could get a logical answer from them, the doors slamed shut and the entire structure started shaking. I felt like I was on one of those sim rides at Universal or something. So, I ran to the edge of the room toward an opening that I did not notice before and looked out/down. We were high above the earth and moving fast. I closed my eyes for a second and we were landed. When we came out we were in a futuristic setting, not a city just a community of strangly dressed long skinny people. One of them was walking with a crowd and he looked back and jestured for me to follow him. I looked down at myself and I was one of them, that felt weird. I looked at my hands and they were moving in a strange way like they were robot hands, twisting and bending at the joint, they were also twitching like haing a spasm like never before. I ignored that and followed. We entered a small room at the corner of a building and walked up a large flight of stairs. On the way up I asked the guy his name. He said his name was Carl and that I had travled into the future 962 years. At that point I remebered that I had some tasks to do and I figured this would be a good time to start. I asked him what year it was and he said twenty one twenty urrrggghhh. I asked again and could still not understand him. I asked if he knew how the world ended and he showed me to another room with a small screen on the wall. These rooms did not look like they belonged in the future. They looked like acient ruins made of stone with a couple of futuristic things here and there. I sat in front of the screen and his small fingers came by my face and pushed a button on my sholder. The screen came on and the picture showed people getting into ships just like the one I had rode in. They flew off and the world started to melt down right in front of me. The ocean dried up and comets started to crash onto the Earths surface. Magna and flames started shooting out like geysers violently and I felt the heat. I looked around and started to notice that I was not watching on a screen anymore, I was there! The sky turned dark green and opened. A huge monster sqeezed through and was now treading towards me. He was all black like a shadow and was the size of a skyscraper. I flew away. I remember the monster was walking like bigfoot. That all I can recall.
    2. Last task of the year, completed!!! ^_^

      by , 06-18-2010 at 01:37 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Finally got over my dry-spell.

      So wheels WERE used.

      Rating : ★★★★☆ (back to normal 5-star ratings. )

      Date : 10th of June, 2010

      I had this lucid dream after a bit of MILD and WBTB combined. I threw in a little FILD, too. Worked great.
      This dream occurred after I had slipped into sleep. My WILD failed, but I got lucid nevertheless.

      I was an archeologist. I was researching the Tomb of Tutankhamen. They said that whoever touched a certain stone on the grave died instantly. As this was a life threatening situation, we officials were sent by the FBI to research it for it's potential killing power, so that it could be used in weaponry. We arrived, with big, hunky men patrolling ahead of us as bodyguards. There were a few people with me. I remember seeing my friends dad, but the rest were all unfamiliar.
      We walked towards the pyramid. Though it was bare desert all around us, it was extremely cold. We were all wearing fur coats. Something about earth's reversing polarity.
      We went inside the pyramid. A group of paparazzi were following us, along with irritating media reporters. I think, "Damn paparazzi. Why are they spoiling my dream? Oh well." And I wave my hand. They disappear into nothingness. I did NOT become lucid. It's just that I have become so much used to LDing that this stuff happens.
      I continued my way inside. A foul stench greeted me, something like badly maintained public toilets. I went along a dark passageway that was lit by only flaming torches. I went inside a a stone door. There it was. THE tomb.
      The smell was unbelievable. It reeked of death and decay. It was toxic. No shit! We had forgotten oxygen masks! I go outside to get them, but now, I was actually in that period of time. I could see a dozen more pyramids and sculptures. There were people bustling here and there, all wearing nothing but a short cloth around their loins, and the women were wearing those.......things....you see in movies. White, old fashioned gowns with red necklaces.
      It was a little weird, but I justified it as movie props. I asked a DC, "Excuse me, but, have you seen my car?"
      "Sure. It's round the corner from here." "Thanks."
      I went to his directed path. When I arrived, there were just an ice cream stand. Good. I was feeling hot from the running anyways. I ordered an ice cream. The attendant there told me that there was no electricity here in this past world, and that I would need to "contact the authorities". Bummer. :/
      I saw a bunch of people walking by. They were talking excitedly, in a language I could not comprehend. Now I began to doubt reality. No way this could be real!

      I became lucid. I did an RC, just to be sure. I was dreaming! Awesome! I calmed down. It's good to have a lucid dream after a dry spell, but I can't end it soon. I watched around a bit. There were many pyramids, but most were of sphinxes and Pharaohs. I saw a DC wearing a suit and went up to him.
      "Excuse me, but where are the construction grounds?"
      "93 Berthingale Street."
      "Okay, thanks."
      God, my DCs suck at directions. :/
      I ripped open the fabric of time and space, creating a portal. It was my first time actually creating one. I jumped inside it, expecting myself to be at the place where pyramids were being built.
      I succeeded. I was in a large, open area. There were many pyramids under constructions, and there were numerous slaves going at it. The typical thing you see in movies, you know. There were some leaders that were cracking whips at the slaves, forcing them to do the work. I saw a cart pulling up gold statues pass by me. Wait. I thought Egyptians didn't have the wheel? I ask the DC that, and she replies, "Well, that's the big deception. We use the wheel, but don't tell anyone about it. Insolent little brats."
      And she walks away. I laughed to myself, and started to grow wings to fly. I was in the middle of the transformation, when I woke up because of falling from the bed.

      Short lucid, but it's not my fault. -_-
      lucid , task of the year
    3. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:00 PM
      105: 5.28.10; 9:08AM Part 2: Ancient Egypt + Invasion. (The True Power of DEILD.) (DEILD)


      I go into a DEILD from a previous dream and am reading a newsletter or news article that's taking up all my vision. Knowing that I wanted to do one of the tasks of the year, I tried imagining Egypt, and tried opening my eyes to go there. However, I felt my real life eyes trying to open, so I attempted this only twice before abandoning the idea. I thought of how else to clear my vision, while watching the article go from having a white background to a black one then back to white. I thought of pulling it off my face, now feeling like I was very much in the lucid, enough to not worry about real life bodily movements, but moving my hands to my face didn't help. I really considered leaving the lucid and going back into another DEILD, but I began looking around the newsletter for other possibilities first. While looking over all the words I found that looking off to the right of the paper brought me to a desert city with a richly-coloured landscape and horizon - I'd done it!

      In my excitement I shouted profanities and flew through my fully lucid world, flying skillfully over small lakes and cottages nestled into rocky areas of the desert, and I began searching for pyramids to find one being built.

      Coming across a few more settlements, complete with trees and houses (basically want you'd expect to find if a city flourished in the middle of a desert - it was pretty cool looking, rather relaxing and inspiring), I saw some pyramids in the distance. I closed in on one, obscured by a little fog, and when I drew close I found that it wasn't yet a pyramid, as it was still being built.

      There was a proper square brick foundation, with tall square pillars standing inside it in a disorganized manner, none of equal height. Coming close to the pyramid's foundation I found that there were workers inside it, wearing oddly regal ancient Egyptian dress for being pyramid builders. On the sand floor, in the middle of the square sat two parallel sarcophagi with no lids, white sheets covering the bodies inside. Two workers were laying a golden lid on the one on the right, which might explain why they were regally dressed. (This wasn't simply the construction of a brick pyramidal structure, it was a burial ritual.)

      At this point the dream plot was interrupted by something inbound toward our location, like a massive vehicle. Whatever it was, it was plenty large enough to convince me to get out of there, and in an instant I was on my home road, surrounded by the many woods on either side of the pavement, the sky now covered in beautiful shades of blue with stars lighting it everywhere.

      Like I said before, my road (at least, most of it) has incredibly few houses on it, and my nearest neighbours are barely within walking distance, so my road has dense woods on both sides, which are only interrupted by my quarter-mile long driveway - this dream was the same way. Because of the woods and my incredibly long driveway, I was nowhere near anyone else while standing out here on the road.

      Whatever had visited me in ancient Egypt was here in present-day Michigan. From the woods came an obscenely oversized car, crashing recklessly through the thick trees and brush to get to the road. I made my way to my driveway to get behind our massive gate, in an effort to distance myself and to hide myself from whatever was out there.

      The car left down the road and from another part of the woods came a tank, also oversized, and an older-style SUV. They both made it onto the road without a scratch and started racing off. I wasn't scared of them since they weren't coming toward me - on the contrary: I watched the SUV rolling by and said out loud with a laugh, "This is one weird f*ckin' dream!"
      I don't talk like that in real life, so that should be a good indicator of how insane this dream was.

      Things got a little weirder, but a whole lot more cool. The tank and SUV, as well as a few other cars heading down the road in the same direction, started leaning and skidding off the road toward the woods opposite my driveway, going back to where they'd come from, and disappeared noisily into the dark woods. I looked up above the trees and saw a great car rack, loaded with these giant vehicles - like those on trucks that hold all kinds of cars being shipped to and from dealerships. I looked around and noticed another 20-story rack behind the first one. Behind that, two more. Behind them, enough to stretch beyond the horizon.

      A quick look in the other direction told me these racks were making a line probably around the entire world, or at least as far as my eyes could see. I focused on the one in front of me and made my way to it, though unable to fly. When I approached one, which now seemed to be out of the woods and right beside the road, I found it was covered in what seemed to me like Spider-man's webbing, with a few kids stuck in it. I attempted to fly to the top, but my jump brought me back to the pavement. I remembered successfully flying in a past lucid by shooting my arms up. I tried this, failing again.

      I resolved to try jumping and grabbing the webbing - it was there for a reason, right? - and tried slinging myself up. Instead, it just made me bounce off the pavement, which made me go disproportionately higher in the air, and allowed me to grab onto more webbing, and onto the top of the rack. (One of the kids said that if I hit the ground I could "bounce off my lucidity!" I guess he/she was right.)

      On the top I found more kids trapped. I pulled out something from pocket that resembled a breadbag twisty-tie, and cut the webbing to free the girl nearest me. I made sure she wasn't hurt, and asked where my girlfriend Julia was. She replied that Julia was above her, but being at the top of the rack I assumed this meant "above" being relative to her perspective - since she was lying down, I had to go to where her head was pointing.

      A quick check initially revealed no sweetheart, but an instant later I was with her, and thought about getting intimate with her. Of course, the dream began fading now,
      and I was out of it before I could try stabilizing.

      I have the coolest dreams....
    4. The Exodus, replay? Task of the Year.

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:44 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Beach party with Moses!!

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      Date : 3rd June, 2010

      I was on a beach party. The beach looked exactly like the image above, but there was also a cute little wooden beach house. I was along with five of my friends. All of us were in swim suits. I looked at mine. The were knee high drawstring trousers or something, colored blue, with a white image of a palm tree.
      There were really fierce waves. I mean REALLY fierce. The wind was strong enough to pull us out of course, and the waves rose more than five meters high. It was a cloudy day, but the sun's rays were just visible through the gaps in the clouds.
      I could hear a far off seagull's cry. We started to play beach volleyball, but the wind was too fierce and would cause the ball to go astray. Somehow, all of us found that extremely funny. We started to laugh, hard. We were laughing without stopping, without any particular reason except the ball's going off course. We laughed so much that it started to hurt my stomach, and tears came into my eyes. Finally, we hiccuped ourself to silence. Spontaneously, out of nowhere,
      I became lucid. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I live in a city in the middle of the desert, and that we rarely get such strong waves along the coast line. Whatever, now is not the time to wonder WHY I became lucid.
      There wasn't really much scenery there for me to stabilize, but I did it anyways. I used all of my senses, including activating the sense of taste by tasting some sea water. When the dream was stable enough, I spun in a circle and rubbed my hands. The clarity was already pretty good, so it didn't have that much effect. But the experience was life like, or perhaps even more vivid than real life.
      I walked around. I did not want to do something too exciting early in a dream, a golden rule of mine that works like a miracle. I used to instantly start smashing up stuff but it killed my lucid dreams, and not long after I learned my lesson and became more patient.
      I walked up to my friends. One of them, a guy, said, "Hey, see those waves, Max? They seem pretty big. Think we will get a sale on those?"
      Another one, a girl, replied, "Yeah right, everyone knows that summer sales are only on laptops. Besides, where are you gonna stash a surfing bear in that apartment of yours?"
      "Hey," he replied, "at least it's not as big as your belly, it doesn't need an acupuncture every half hour."
      I was laughing hard, again. But for the fear of losing my lucidity to their one-of-a-kind conversation, I intruded and said, upon suddenly remembering, "Guys, do you know where Moses is? The one who parted the sea?"
      Every one started to gape at me, like I was mad or something. Another girl said, "Like. duh! Don't you know that he is on vacation in Hawaii right now? Man, you gotta buy some fashion magazines, you know that?"
      "HUH?! Moses, the spiritual kinda guy, in a fashion magazine?! Are you kidding me?"
      They all start to look at me weirdly again.
      "Anyways, tell me which direction is Hawaii."
      They look at me in even more surprise.
      "Dude, this IS Hawaii."
      "Ah, I see. So then where is Moses?"
      "He is on the clearing around the forest. He was helpin' lil' kids to cross the ocean, you know. To make sure they don't fall into the clams at the bottom."
      "Okay, thanks for the info."
      I use the rope method to pull myself toward the end of the forest. I feel a tug around my waist, and I quickly transport to there. Then, I start to run, looking for Moses.
      WHOOOSH!!! A loud sound came up from ahead of me. The ground started to rumble. The wind suddenly became a heck of a lot faster. I actually had to use telekinesis on myself, imagining me glued to the ground, to avoid flying away with the wind.
      Then, the whole sea in front of me split apart.

      Wait, wasn't there a condition? Shit. Wait up!! WAIT A FUCKIN' SECOND!!!
      I snapped my fingers, and stopped time. I did that by imagining a movie being paused. Everything became perfectly skill, and a little blurred, or shadowed. I had suddenly remembered that Moses need to part the Reed sea, not jut any random beach.
      I tried a trick I had never done before. I concentrated any summoned a large banner that could be poked in the ground. But before writing anything, I did a reality check, stabilized more, and rubbed my hands again. I am taking no chances.
      I use my finger to write something up. But I see that I have written a jumble of random words that make no sense. No matter.
      I cause the letters to morph and re arrange themselves, something like Tom Riddle (Voldemort) does in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The words now read, "Welcome to REED sea!"
      Not exactly what I wanted, but it was good enough. I planted it in the ground, and believed what it said.
      I unfroze time. Now, the sea was blood red. Maybe something related to the similarity between "Reed" and "red".

      Oh well, as long as it's a sea. The sea in now completely parted. Great! There goes another task of the year!
      But, Moses seemed to be having some trouble keeping it parted like that. Don't know why, buyt I went there to help him.
      I was standing on sand, which was supposed to the ocean bed. I built an invisible wall on both sides to keep the water from flowing in.
      "Whew!" , said someone near to me. It was Moses! He was in a white robe, with his hood down so I couldn't see his face. He was also wearing a golden armor on one hand.
      "Thanks for the help, kiddo. You could become a better Moses than me."
      "No problem. Tell me, do you only go around parting seas and stuff?"
      "No, but I am famous for it. Say, do you want a new dream guide?"
      "Yeah, I came here to become your dream guide."
      "Sorry, but I already have one."
      "Oh, that vampire brat?"
      "But I am much greater than her. I can show you the mysteries of universe. I can lead you to the divine. I can make you spiritual. Your dreams will be the strong hold of good."
      "Wow! Thats amazing. Leona never did that. Can you really do that stuff?"
      "Of course I am. Who do you think I am?"
      "Right. But the me something. Can you fight?"
      "No, I am a good guy."
      "Can you kill monsters?"
      "Can you turn into a vampire?"
      "Are you a hot young lady?"
      "No, of course not! But that doesn't mean I am.........pleasurable." (PS sorry if anyone was offended by this, but as you know, it was just a dream, nothing else.)
      "Sorry, but I am totally into women. Tell me one last thing."
      "Do you know how to pilot combat space ships?"
      "No, I don't."
      "Sorry then, but you are just not my type. I will stick with Leona for now though. Come once in a while to give me some of that divine experience of yours, will ya?"
      "Ah, that Leona. That mother fuc**ng bitc*h $/&^#!!!!!!"
      "Whoa there! You're Moses. You are not suppose to curse like that. Only teenagers can do that."
      "This is the 21st century, dude. So long, bi*ch!"
      He disappears into thin air. Oh well. I have to wake up now, before I forget the task of the year. I force my real eyes open, something I can do even since I was not lucid dreaming, and wake up.

      Oh and by the way, my exams have finished. They went real good. I am expecting at least an A in all of my O'level exams. Now I will regularly update my DJ. More dreams to come soon! ^_^

      Updated 06-10-2010 at 01:24 AM by 31502

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the year
    5. Playing with fire. Task of the year.

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:40 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      How to make fire ; A tutorial by me. ^_^

      Rating : ★★★☆☆

      I was shopping outside with some of my friends. We were all going to a certain shop in the distance. The streets were quite busy with passersby. I noticed that one of my friends was wearing a black tee shirt. Seeing this, I did a reality check. I pinched my nose, and found that I could still breathe!
      I become lucid. I stabilized my dream by rubbing my hands. The vision was life-like, and my lucidity was also very high. I looked around for stuff to do, and remembered the Task of the Year. I might as well try to teach those primate humans how to make fire. I walked into a large mall, thinking how to go to that era, and viola! A whole forest was in front of me. There were tall, dense trees all around me. I walked ahead, and after a while, I came to a lake. It was so peaceful and beautiful here. There were all sort of weird plants near the lake.
      I spotted some monkey-like humans nearby. Good. I come near them. They seem to be scared of me. I yell out to them , "Hey! I am Max! Who are you guys?"
      They replied, but in a strange language that I could not even begin to comprehend. What the heck. I guessed they wouldn't know how to make fire. I decided to try it.
      I took a few twigs, and some flint stones that happened to be sitting nearby. I rubbed them together, and sparks flew out of it.
      But the twigs didn't like up. Shit. This is taking too long. I use magic, and just used my fire ability to light up the twigs.
      They were really surprised. The were scared to come close to the fire. But one of them bravely came up, and touched it. He yelled in pain. Seeing this, the other primates started playing with fire too.
      One of them picked up a burning twig, and started to wave it in the air. All of the others did the same.
      It was really amusing, watching them do this. Then a burning twig fell from the hands of one of the guys, and the grass caught fire. In an instant, the fire spread out to the whole forest, as if it was all kerosene or something.

      They all started to shout out excitedly, as if they has never seen a fire before. There were really happy smiles on their faces. They spread out, each in a different direction, and started to chase the still spreading fire. Then they started to make little fires of their own, shooting out fireballs and lighting up trees. I was standing by, watching them play with fire.

      Thats the last thing I remember, because I probably lost lucidity here, watching the whole scene.
    6. Tasks of the Year Completed.

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:00 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Here are, in random order, the Tasks of the Year I have completed so far.

      The Apocalypse!

      Rating : ★★★☆☆

      I was in a bar, drinking some beer. My friend had given me an mp3 player as a gift yesterday, and in the dream I thought to check it out again. I took out the player, and was examining it. Then suddenly my eyes fell upon my fingers, there were only three! Two of them were simply not there, only empty holes for them. I became lucid. Apparently, I remembered the Apocalypse documentary I had watched right before sleeping, and I thought, what would it be like to actually be during the Apocalypse? And then I hear a resounding explosion. I look out of the window of my house (don't know how I got there) and see all the houses and shops shaking violently and crumbling. Then there spreads this huge fire, coming towards my direction. I try to run away (again I don't know how i got to the ground, my house is six floors up!) but a voice tells me that it is useless to run. I am semi-lucid and somewhat know that it is a dream, and I can feel everything I am touching, but I just can't stop the apocalypse. Suddenly, a huge hole opens directly below my feet, and I fall into it, falling for a LONG time, and never hit the ground, and woke up sometime later.

      The Grail Mess-Up

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      I had an FA after waking up from a dream.I looked around my house and saw my room, exactly as it is. Before I went to bed, I told to myself, if I am in an FA, I will remember to do the TotY. Thats why I realized I have to do this task. I exit my house through the window, and start to fly, by shape shifting and growing a pair of wings. I fly low, for the fear of losing lucidity, and do some clarification techniques along the way. Now that my vision is perfectly clear, I concentrate on boosting my speed. I somehow fly to Rome, and see a normal church, nothing special. I am not a Christian, but I think, What the heck, it's just a dream! So I go in through the door, and start looking for DCs who can tell me where the Holy Grail is supposed to be. I encounter some weird DCs, , but then I finally find an old man all dressed up like he was the leader there. So I go to him, and ask him, "Excuse me, but could you tell me where the Holy Grail is?" He says, "The quest for the Holy Grail is an index of the most complicated plots co-occurring within a series of brilliant minds combined to form a particulate of moisture." This is an exact quote. I reply, 'That doesn't even make sense!" He replies, "A bear must be bound before it can swim, so be it." "But that doesn't make sense either! Can't you at least point to where it is?" He point to a perfectly normal wall, and says, "What appears is not what it is." Finally, something sensible. I say thanks and run up to the wall, and start tapping it. It sounds like it is not solid, but there something behind it, like a passage. So I look in my pocket, and find a grenade (what??) and place it near the wall and wait for it to blow up the wall. Somehow I didn't run away, and the blast didn't even hurt me. I see a dark passageway, lit only by flaming torches. I follow the passage way to a door and upon opening it, I see and even older room, which is lit only by a single torch. I cross over to the other side, and see something like a safe in the wall. There was a notice on the wall beside it, reading "The key is hidden in this sentence, "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." Enough with stupid quotes! I look in my pocket again, and take out a laser pen, the type you see in movies that can cut a safe by a laser beam. After a long and tiring search for batteries in the old room, I finally locate them in a small but visible hole in the ground. At last, I turn on the damn thing, and bust my way through the safe. Now I see a glass cup, something like a glass trophy, with the words HOLY GRAEL engraved on the bottom, and enclosed in a thin glass case. I carefully smash the glass case, and somehow, there is a bottle of fresh and cold water beside it now. I hurriedly pour the water in the grail, and drink from it. What a refreshing.....poof! fall onto the ground, unconscious. Thats the last thing I remember of the dream. Well, completed the TotY, but didn't get to enjoy the drink after all the hard work I put in.


      Reliving the Dinosaur Age.

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      Completed another task of the year last night. I woke up in the middle of the night, and had barely moved. So I tried to FILD, moving my fingers very slowly. This helped me remain in a conscious state. Soon, I started to feel vibrations or waves going throughout my body. I had experienced SP before, and was not too bothered by this feelings. I could see some Chinese or perhaps Japanese characters moving about me. I recognized only one of them, the symbol of fire. It was in Chinese. I couldn't figure out the rest of them. They started to revolve around me, going faster and faster until they were a blur. My body was falling into it, and I started to shudder violently. After a minute or so, it stopped. I could see nothing. I was in a black void. I thought of where I want to go, and remembered the ToTY thanks to the MILD I had done before sleeping. I closed my eyes, and imagined a pre-historic forest, with dinosaurs and wild tress and reptilian birds.
      I slowly opened my dream eyes, and found myself on a grassy mountain. It was cool here. I could see the sun in the distance, but it looked different somehow. Perhaps smaller and a little brighter.
      A large bird comes at me from nowhere, screeching and clawing at me. What a nuisance. I concentrate on forming an invisible force field around me. I was successful, the bird crashes into it and falls, before going away in anger. I look around and concentrate on the environment, to clarify the dream. The longer I look, the more there is to look. There are many wild trees around, and I can see a beautiful blue lake in the distance. The air smells of nature, and the environment is filled with exotic sounds, some of which I cannot identify. The mountain I am standing on is quite high, and I notice a cave behind me. I use the inside-the-cave method, the ancestor of behind-the-door, to bring out Leona. I call out for her, and she comes out. She is wearing a trekking suit, one fit for a hike. I ask her, "Well, how am I supposed to complete the TotY now? I am in dinosaur age, but there is no meteorite."
      "Well, why don't you cause the meteorite to hit?"
      "Eh, I can do that?"
      "*sigh* What an idiot."
      She picks up a pebble, and throws it high into the air. She raises her hands, and around her hands appear a weird lettering, inside a ring. Kinda cool. She says "Enlarge!" and time freezes. Now she points her palms at the pebble, and move her palms away from each other, increasing the space between them. The pebble enlarges considerably, and she drops her hands, which breaks the spell, unfreezing time. The pebble falls to the ground below me, except now it is as big as a large truck.
      "Cool! How'd ya do that?"
      "Just do what I did. Remember to use your aura for the spell, or you won't be able to do it."

      PS I don't believe in "Ki" or "Chakra" or "Inner Energy" or whatever it is, so I always use the word aura for it, which more or less satisfies me.
      I take another pebble, but I can't just toss it in the air. I need it to go into space and THEN hit the earth. So I summoned up this gun I was watching on a documentary, that can send bullets into space because the velocity of the bullet is more than the escape velocity needed to escape the pull of the earth. It looks like an alien gun, with a dark black body and electric blue patterns on it. I insert the pebble, that has somehow become bullet shaped. I load, and fire it toward the sky. The pebble get smaller and smaller, until it is a point on the bright blue sky.
      Focus, I thought. Whenever I use spells, I gather my energy into my hands, and then work it from there. Therefore I concentrate it into my wrists and palms, and my familiar bluish silver and black aura starts to some out of my hands like a small fire. Instantly, there appears the same ring around my wrists, with some wierd symbols revolving around it. The ring is black inside with silver lettering and outlines. Suddenly, time stops. The wind stops blowing, the trees stop waving, the birds freeze in mid-air. It seems as if it is all one big painting.
      Now the pebble is stopped somewhere in space, I can modify it's size. A rectangle appears around the pebble, with pointers/handles at the sides, like the one you get in picture editing softwares. Just drag those little things around and the image will enlarge. There is a similar concept here. I use my hands and point at the pebble, and spread them apart, so that the pebble is enlarged. I continue until it will expand no longer. Now it looks like a real meteorite. I drop my hands, and time unfreezes. The meteorite starts to fall towards the ground. In a matter of seconds, it is very close to earth. But something is not right. Oh yeah! It is not on fire! What good is a meteorite without fire? I get a sudden idea from reading a manga. I draw the Kanji symbol for fire in the air, (yeah, you guessed it, I am a fan of those symbols ) and my fingers leave a hot red trail, so that the symbol is brightly shining in air. I kinda "throw" the symbol at the meteorite, or basically, cause the symbol to race towards the meteorite, and collide with it. The second it does, the whole meteorite erupts in flames. The flames are of abnormal size, and I can feel the heat from them, even kilometers away.
      Leona makes an ice shield around us, (huh?!) to protect us from the heat. The meteorite is raging towards the earth. There is a deadly silence. Every living creature seems to have stunned, looking speechless at the large ball of flame. It is very close now, probably just a matter of seconds. Leona shouts, "Let's get out or we will burn too!"
      "No, you go! I'll stay! I have to watch it hit!"
      "Idiot. Well, I'll just go by myself, I am not fond of dying from a fake meteorite created by you."
      She crouches, and touches the ground with her palm. A circle appears there, a dark black one. It starts from her wrist, and expands around her. "See ya! Or not..." she says, and jumps into the circle, teleporting to who-knows-where.
      The meteorite is about to hit now. The heat burns up the trees and the bushes around me. The ice shield is still intact, but only just. With a resounding explosion, the meteorite hits. The blast was deafening. I felt the shockwave of it travel miles away to where I stood. Then came the heat of it. The ice shield couldn't hold on much longer. The meteorite throws up a mountain of dust, rock and ash, that form a mushroom cloud. The shield breaks. Now I feel the full heat of my own flames. So real. I can feel my body charring. It was agonizing. I couldn't do anything. And after some time, that felt like hours, I lose consciousness, and wake up.


      Gladiator Battle?

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      I was now inside a roman stadium. I was never good at history, so I probably didn't know what was going on. There was an audience in high benches all around. There were gold fences around me, but the arena itself had a floor of dirt, mud and clay. In the distance I could see split air-conditioners all around. Good. I don't like being in hot weather anyways. I was wondering what to do, when I noticed that the walls of the arena had cages inside them, and there were large tigers caged inside. They were wearing black and gold armor, and quite heavy ones at that.
      Suddenly, a stage comes up with a commentator on it. He grabs the microphone, and shouts, "Battle of the warrior! Start the fight!"
      Cool. Just what I wanted. Even my dreams know my preferences.
      The bars of the cage disappeared into thin air. A lump of raw meat landed near to me. It was a bait. Smelling the meat, the tigers in heavy armor rushed at it. One of them took the meat and swallowed it whole. Now they were looking for food elsewhere, and spotted me.
      My dream was destabilizing. I can tell when it's so because it starts to slowly fade/blur around the edges and then disappears whole. So I rubbed my hands. The faster I rubbed, the more the dream became clear. At last when it was clear enough, I did the nose-pinch RC again. I could still breathe.
      The tigers were now circling me. I summoned my katana from thin air, expecting it to be in my hand when I look at it again. It slowly materializes. But now there is something wrong. It feel heavier than before. There are black flames already around it. What?! I didn't do anything yet. Also, it was harder to control than before. It started to vibrate a little. But when I touched the sword, I really felt a kind of sadness and a thirst for killing. When I put it away, it was gone, but as soon as I held it again, there was that feeling again. And all the time there were black flames wrapped around it. Strange. True I had it only once before, but why is it so weird?
      All this time I was pondering about my sword, the tigers were standing still, as if time was frozen. Now everything snapped back to reality. Dream reality, more like. I decided to fight using my sword, and just ignore the unusual behavior.
      One of them jumps at me. What was that guy thinking? I love special effects during my dreams, because they are the only times I get to do stuff I can not do in real life, and I try to take as much fun from them as possible, not start meditating and go around asking my DC's or even Leona about life. Get to the point, fighting. I am a pretty peaceful guy IRL, y'know.
      The tiger is now an inch away from me. I slash him, but the only thing my eyes can see is my hand blurring for a millisecond, and then back to the normal position. So this is what it felt like to have supernatural powers at will. A deep slash appears on the tigers middle, and he drops, making weird noises in pain. I take pity on him, because even if he's a DC, I don't like killing animals. I look away from him, and back again. Now he is completely cured, and small as a kitty. He meows a thanks. I said out loud to him, "Now go away before I unleash my passion of kicking kittens."
      Though I was kidding, he fled. I realized I couldn't fight the others. I just don't like animals in pain. So when I look back at the whole bunch, I expect there to be a large number of skilled ninjas. My best technique is the expectation technique, because it always works for me. Indeed, there are about twenty or so ninjas now. One of them comes at me, wielding a white katana. I disappear, and appear behind him again. My favorite move. He hangs in mid-air for a second, and then his body splits cleanly in two. If I made them all like real men, there would have been a lot of mess, so I just make dust shadows. Fun to kill, and they don't make a mess.


      Neil Armstrong Pwned....

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      Date : 25th May, 2010

      I was in a space craft cabin. Everything was very clean and tidy, as well as neatly arranged. I was wearing a space suit. Somehow, I felt like I was familiar with all the weird vuttons and knobs in front of me. There was a middle-aged lady sitting beside me at the controls. I knew it was Neil Armstrong.
      I hear a voice saying, "Ten seconds to experimental quick spatial jump. Please remain fixed to your toilet seats." (again, an exact quote.)
      I find this comment quite normal. A large number appears in mid-air, displaying 15 seconds remaining. I justify it as a 3D projection, a hologram. The countdown starts. 15......16........100........31.......3#......6%.. ....O_O
      PS this is an exact reference. Including the "O_O" thing.
      I become lucid. I start to look around, trying to increase the detail. I could see a large screen, showing odd symbols and shapes in green in front of me. On my left was a coffee table, fully laid out. On my right was Neil Armstrong. He was back to a man now.
      I realize that we are at the moon already. Neil realizes this as I do as well. We both look into each other's eyes for a moment, and suddenly dash for the exit. The exit is made for only one person, and we both cram it up, getting stuck. I force myself out. Now I can see a ladder descending into the moon, but it looked more like a ladder you see in game shows, made of plastic and quite large, with obstacles in between to keep me from getting down.
      Neil was here as well. We both started going down the ladder. It's like a race, but it was fun. Now my view was like a game screen, and everything became cartoonish. The ladder was yolk yellow color. On the sides, for each participant of the race, there are small bombs, to throw at one another. I pick up a bright blue grenade, and throw it at him. He ducks, and shouts, "You missed!"
      But the grenade falls instead on his ammunition. He realizes what's going on, but is too late too stop it. The grenade detonates. There is an average blast, but now the grenade the closest to it also blows up. This causes a huge chain reaction, blowing all the way to the end at his side. He looks at me in surprise. I grin.
      I use flash step to get to the end. Zap! I am a LOT closer. Another ZAP! And I am at the end. Neil shouts, "Hey! No fair!"
      "Thats what you get for being a DC, dumbass!"
      I am now at the moon. Neil takes sometime to get to the bottom. I beat him! Completed another TotY! I was enjoying the landscape. The more I looked, the more there was to see. There was a whole colony of people, living under a huge dome. At the center of the glass dome, there was a huge tree, going a mile into the sky. It was all magnificent, in contrast to the black and silver landscape of the moon. In the dome, I could see shops, houses, factories. Generally, a whole city. There were people bustling here and there.
      I hear a lone wolf's howl. I was really enjoying myself here. I lose my lucidity to the landscape.

      I probably did something more, but I forgot because I lost lucidity. ^_^


      How to make fire ; A tutorial by me. ^_^

      Date : 30th May, 2010

      Rating : ★★★☆☆

      I was shopping outside with some of my friends. We were all going to a certain shop in the distance. The streets were quite busy with passersby. I noticed that one of my friends was wearing a black tee shirt. Seeing this, I did a reality check. I pinched my nose, and found that I could still breathe!
      I become lucid. I stabilized my dream by rubbing my hands. The vision was life-like, and my lucidity was also very high. I looked around for stuff to do, and remembered the Task of the Year. I might as well try to teach those primate humans how to make fire. I walked into a large mall, thinking how to go to that era, and viola! A whole forest was in front of me. There were tall, dense trees all around me. I walked ahead, and after a while, I came to a lake. It was so peaceful and beautiful here. There were all sort of weird plants near the lake.
      I spotted some monkey-like humans nearby. Good. I come near them. They seem to be scared of me. I yell out to them , "Hey! I am Max! Who are you guys?"
      They replied, but in a strange language that I could not even begin to comprehend. What the heck. I guessed they wouldn't know how to make fire. I decided to try it.
      I took a few twigs, and some flint stones that happened to be sitting nearby. I rubbed them together, and sparks flew out of it.
      But the twigs didn't like up. Shit. This is taking too long. I used magic, and just used my fire ability to light up the twigs.
      They were really surprised. The were scared to come close to the fire. But one of them bravely came up, and touched it. He yelled in pain. Seeing this, the other primates started playing with fire too. (shouldn't they be NOT coming near it, seeing one of them got burnt?)
      One of them picked up a burning twig, and started to wave it in the air. All of the others did the same.
      It was really amusing, watching them do this. Then a burning twig fell from the hands of one of the guys, and the grass caught fire. In an instant, the fire spread out to the whole forest, as if it was all kerosene or something.

      They all started to shout out excitedly, as if they has never seen a fire before. There were really happy smiles on their faces. They spread out, each in a different direction, and started to chase the still spreading fire. Then they started to make little fires of their own, shooting out fireballs and lighting up trees. I was standing by, watching them play with fire.

      Thats the last thing I remember, because I probably lost lucidity here, watching the whole scene.

      Beach party with Moses!!

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      Date : 3rd June, 2010

      I was on a beach party. The beach looked exactly like the image above, but there was also a cute little wooden beach house. I was along with five of my friends. All of us were in swim suits. I looked at mine. The were knee high drawstring trousers or something, colored blue, with a white image of a palm tree.
      There were really fierce waves. I mean REALLY fierce. The wind was strong enough to pull us out of course, and the waves rose more than five meters high. It was a cloudy day, but the sun's rays were just visible through the gaps in the clouds.
      I could hear a far off seagull's cry. We started to play beach volleyball, but the wind was too fierce and would cause the ball to go astray. Somehow, all of us found that extremely funny. We started to laugh, hard. We were laughing without stopping, without any particular reason except the ball's going off course. We laughed so much that it started to hurt my stomach, and tears came into my eyes. Finally, we hiccuped ourself to silence. Spontaneously, out of nowhere,
      I became lucid. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I live in a city in the middle of the desert, and that we rarely get such strong waves along the coast line. Whatever, now is not the time to wonder WHY I became lucid.
      There wasn't really much scenery there for me to stabilize, but I did it anyways. I used all of my senses, including activating the sense of taste by tasting some sea water. When the dream was stable enough, I spun in a circle and rubbed my hands. The clarity was already pretty good, so it didn't have that much effect. But the experience was life like, or perhaps even more vivid than real life.
      I walked around. I did not want to do something too exciting early in a dream, a golden rule of mine that works like a miracle. I used to instantly start smashing up stuff but it killed my lucid dreams, and not long after I learned my lesson and became more patient.
      I walked up to my friends. One of them, a guy, said, "Hey, see those waves, Max? They seem pretty big. Think we will get a sale on those?"
      Another one, a girl, replied, "Yeah right, everyone knows that summer sales are only on laptops. Besides, where are you gonna stash a surfing bear in that apartment of yours?"
      "Hey," he replied, "at least it's not as big as your belly, it doesn't need an acupuncture every half hour."
      I was laughing hard, again. But for the fear of losing my lucidity to their one-of-a-kind conversation, I intruded and said, upon suddenly remembering, "Guys, do you know where Moses is? The one who parted the sea?"
      Every one started to gape at me, like I was mad or something. Another girl said, "Like. duh! Don't you know that he is one vacation in Hawaii right now? Man, you gotta buy some fashion magazines, you know that?"
      "HUH?! Moses, the spiritual kinda guy, in a fashion magazine?! Are you kidding me?"
      They all start to look at me weirdly again.
      "Anyways, tell me which direction is Hawaii."
      They look at me in even more surprise.
      "Dude, this IS Hawaii."
      "Ah, I see. So then where is Moses?"
      "He is on the clearing around the forest. He was helpin' lil' kids to cross the ocean, you know. To make sure they don't fall into the clams at the bottom."
      "Okay, thanks for the info."
      I use the rope method to pull myself toward the end of the forest. I feel a tug around my waist, and I quickly transport to there. Then, I start to run, looking for Moses.
      WHOOOSH!!! A loud sound came up from ahead of me. The ground started to rumble. The wind suddenly became a heck of a lot faster. I actually had to use telekinesis on myself, imagining me glued to the ground, to avoid flying away with the wind.
      Then, the whole sea in front of me split apart.

      Wait, wasn't there a condition? Shit. WAIT A FUCKIN' SECOND!!!
      I snapped my fingers, and stopped time. I did that by imagining a movie being paused. Everything became perfectly skill, and a little blurred, or shadowed. I had suddenly remembered that Moses need to part the Reed sea, not jut any random beach.
      I tried a trick I had never done before. I concentrated any summoned a large banner that could be poked in the ground. But before writing anything, I did a reality check, stabilized more, and rubbed my hands again. I am taking no chances.
      I use my finger to write something up. But I see that I have written a jumble of random words that make no sense. No matter.
      I cause the letters to morph and re arrange themselves, something like Tom Riddle (Voldemort) does in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The words now read, "Welcome to REED sea!"
      Not exactly what I wanted, but it was good enough. I planted in in the ground, and believed what it said.
      I unfroze time. Now, the sea was blood red. Maybe something related to the similarity between "Reed" and "red".

      Oh well, as long as it's a sea. The sea in now completely parted. Great! There goes another task of the year!
      But, Moses seemed to be having some trouble keeping it parted like that. Don't know why, buyt I went there to help him.
      I was standing on sand, which was supposed to the ocean bed. I built an invisible wall on both sides to keep the water from flowing in.
      "Whew!" , said someone near to me. It was Moses! He was in a white robe, with his hood down so I couldn't see his face. He was also wearing a golden armor on one hand.
      "Thanks for the help, kiddo. You could become a better Moses than me."
      "No problem. Tell me, do you only go around parting seas and stuff?"
      "No, but I am famous for it. Say, do you want a new dream guide?"
      "Yeah, I came here to become your dream guide."
      "Sorry, but I already have one."
      "Oh, that vampire brat?"
      "But I am much greater than her. I can show you the mysteries of universe. I can lead you to the divine. I can make you spiritual. Your dreams will be the strong hold of good."
      "Wow! Thats amazing. Leona never did that. Can you really do that stuff?"
      "Of course I am. Who do you think I am?"
      "Right. But the me something. Can you fight?"
      "No, I am a good guy."
      "Can you kill monsters?"
      "Can you turn into a vampire?"
      "Are you a hot young lady?"
      "No, of course not! But that doesn't mean I am.........pleasurable." (PS sorry if anyone was offended by this, but as you know, it was just a dream, nothing else.)
      "Sorry, but I am totally into women. Tell me one last thing."
      "Do you know how to pilot combat space ships?"
      "No, I don't."
      "Sorry then, but you are just not my type. I will stick with Leona for now though. Come once in a while to give me some of that divine experience of yours, will ya?"
      "Ah, that Leona. That mother fuc**ng bitc*h $/&^#!!!!!!"
      "Whoa there! You're Moses. You are not suppose to curse like that. Only teenagers can do that."
      "This is the 21st century, dude. So long, bi*ch!"
      He disappears into thin air. Oh well. I have to wake up now, before I forget the task of the year. I force my real eyes open, something I can do even since I was not lucid dreaming, and wake up.

      Finally got over my dry-spell.

      So wheels WERE used.

      Rating : ★★★★☆ (back to normal 5-star ratings. )

      Date : 10th of June, 2010

      I had this lucid dream after a bit of MILD and WBTB combined. I threw in a little FILD, too. Worked great.
      This dream occurred after I had slipped into sleep. My WILD failed, but I got lucid nevertheless.

      I was an archeologist. I was researching the Tomb of Tutankhamen. They said that whoever touched a certain stone on the grave died instantly. As this was a life threatening situation, we officials were sent by the FBI to research it for it's potential killing power, so that it could be used in weaponry. We arrived, with big, hunky men patrolling ahead of us as bodyguards. There were a few people with me. I remember seeing my friends dad, but the rest were all unfamiliar.
      We walked towards the pyramid. Though it was bare desert all around us, it was extremely cold. We were all wearing fur coats. Something about earth's reversing polarity.
      We went inside the pyramid. A group of paparazzi were following us, along with irritating media reporters. I think, "Damn paparazzi. Why are they spoiling my dream? Oh well." And I wave my hand. They disappear into nothingness. I did NOT become lucid. It's just that I have become so much used to LDing that this stuff happens.
      I continued my way inside. A foul stench greeted me, something like badly maintained public toilets. I went along a dark passageway that was lit by only flaming torches. I went inside a a stone door. There it was. THE tomb.
      The smell was unbelievable. It reeked of death and decay. It was toxic. No shit! We had forgotten oxygen masks! I go outside to get them, but now, I was actually in that period of time. I could see a dozen more pyramids and sculptures. There were people bustling here and there, all wearing nothing but a short cloth around their loins, and the women were wearing those.......things....you see in movies. White, old fashioned gowns with red necklaces.
      It was a little weird, but I justified it as movie props. I asked a DC, "Excuse me, but, have you seen my car?"
      "Sure. It's round the corner from here." "Thanks."
      I went to his directed path. When I arrived, there were just an ice cream stand. Good. I was feeling hot from the running anyways. I ordered an ice cream. The attendant there told me that there was no electricity here in this past world, and that I would need to "contact the authorities". Bummer. :/
      I saw a bunch of people walking by. They were talking excitedly, in a language I could not comprehend. Now I began to doubt reality. No way this could be real!

      I became lucid. I did an RC, just to be sure. I was dreaming! Awesome! I calmed down. It's good to have a lucid dream after a dry spell, but I can't end it soon. I watched around a bit. There were many pyramids, but most were of sphinxes and Pharaohs. I saw a DC wearing a suit and went up to him.
      "Excuse me, but where are the construction grounds?"
      "93 Berthingale Street."
      "Okay, thanks."
      God, my DCs suck at directions. :/
      I ripped open the fabric of time and space, creating a portal. It was my first time actually creating one. I jumped inside it, expecting myself to be at the place where pyramids were being built.
      I succeeded. I was in a large, open area. There were many pyramids under constructions, and there were numerous slaves going at it. The typical thing you see in movies, you know. There were some leaders that were cracking whips at the slaves, forcing them to do the work. I saw a cart pulling up gold statues pass by me. Wait. I thought Egyptians didn't have the wheel? I ask the DC that, and she replies, "Well, that's the big deception. We use the wheel, but don't tell anyone about it. Insolent little brats."
      And she walks away. I laughed to myself, and started to grow wings to fly. I was in the middle of the transformation, when I woke up because of falling from the bed.

      Short lucid, but it's not my fault. -_-

      Updated 06-18-2010 at 02:27 PM by 31502

      lucid , task of the year
    7. If you die then you will be dead, if you are dead then you will not be alive....

      by , 06-09-2010 at 05:25 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by Hannah4445 View Post
      Thursday- May 27, 2o10
      I was in a haunted house. I was a ghost; I could walk through walls and cool stuff like that. George, Autumn, Madisen, Mary, and Angela were all there too but they weren’t ghost. Yet… Only George could understand me so he was telling them what I was saying. I told them that they needed to head for the exit before it was too late and they all were killed. I told them I was killed by one of them but I didn’t remember who did it. I was very sad that I couldn’t remember. Everyone got very nervous then. I also suggested who should go together in groups in order to stay alive. I put Mary and Autumn together in a group and they both immediately started walking toward the exit. (smart girls) Angela insisted she go with George but Madisen didn’t want to be alone so she went with Angela. (poor George all alone…So I kept him company) We walked together toward the exit, just talking and joking. Then we heard it, a shrill scream. It was Angela.
      We ran toward the sound hoping that Angela wasn’t dead, it was too late I could already see her ghost. Madisen had taken off running b/c she had just saw Angela be killed. I told Angela to make sure she was ok and to lead her toward the exit. Mary and Autumn were almost to the exit so I wasn’t worried at all. Angela returned, very upset, I saw that Madisen was also with her. (oh, no… I was gonna have to spend an eternity with these idiots! NOOOO!) Then, George’s cell phone rang. “Hello?” he said. “Hey, where are you guys? We are really freaked out, we heard two screams but we are already out. Do you need help in there?” Autumn and Mary yelled into the phone. “No, Im almost there.”
      And then I knew who did it. I knew who had killed me. It was Autumn’s dad (he scares me in real life too. ) I told them and he told Autumn. We all got out and Me, Angela, and Madisen all turned back into our real bodies, we had solved the case. I guess we got our bodies back for that reason. George looked very releaved. He stared at me, then said, “I thought Id never see you again.” “No silly I was just on vacation.” I told him. We both smiled and laughed. (I like stupid jokes how bout you?) Then he took my hands and kissed me. I woke up then when my cat jumped on my bed. SABRINA!!!! WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?! (you could tell I was very angry)
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