Since I was a child, I have often had dreams involving different forms of apocalypse: zombie pandemics, alien invasions, global floods, global droughts, global famines, global wars, etc. These types of dreams are the ones that interest me the most, so I decided to create a separate dream journal specifically for dreams where life on Earth is extinguished. The following dream occurred in the early hours of July 17, 2024: The planet was facing a severe water crisis. Potable water was practically nowhere to be found, and people had already lost hope of survival. I lived in a desert city with houses falling apart. People were dying from hunger, thirst, and all sorts of diseases. Society and its laws had become irrelevant, and anarchy combined with despair resulted in a bestial humanity. There was constant violence among people. I saw children being born and treated with total neglect, so most of them died before growing up. While exploring randomly, I found a resort built on the last source of potable water on the planet. It was a very luxurious and expensive place, accessible only to the world's wealthiest families. I sneaked in and hid among some bushes to avoid being seen. A few meters in front of me was a photographer taking pictures of the families entering the resort. Further away, I saw an immense pool, larger than a football stadium, filled with pure and crystal-clear water, where rich families bathed to relieve the heat. They smiled for the photos and played in the water as if they were completely immune to the scarcity plaguing the planet. I stayed there, hidden and horrified, watching these people enjoy themselves at the last clean water source on Earth.
I meditated for 45 minutes last night and slept really well. Winter Competition 2024 Night 12 (NLD) 01.18.2024 I am in my reoccurring post-apocalyptic setting and with a group of rebels. A mind flayer was summoned to our world on a mission to kill us all. In the dream we didn't know what a mind flayer was and it was really scary. We just knew it was an alien hell-bent on our demise. We hunkered down in a base and set up traps. I don't remember how that went when it showed up but we defeated it only for a second mind flayer to show up later. Somehow the dream transitioned later to a school setting and I asked a girl I had a crush on out on a date.
Updated 01-31-2025 at 04:09 AM by 99032
Updated 09-13-2024 at 09:43 PM by 99032
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP People snapped and turned cannibals. I am barricated with Zilla and some other folks at a school, but we gotta move somewhere else. We know of some secure underground complex which has as entrance at the city park. Strangely, downtown life seems to still be going very much as normal and we assume the madness hasn't spread here yet, but will. We even pass by some kids from another school playing football at their yard, oblivious. But we don't say a word to anyone. We reach the underground bunkers and there are plenty food reserves down there. We know that when the crisis is all over the place, eventually the government will come and use these bunkers, but we hope that if we're already there, they'll allow us to stay or else we'll fight to stay. The bunker spreads out into weird caves all over seven floors. On one floor there is a giant ballroom with black and white chess floor.
Updated 09-07-2024 at 02:17 AM by 99032
I'm in a medieval fantasy world much reminiscent of Oblivion or Skyrim. I see one guy, wearing oddly modern clothes, mindlessly shuffling around. He looks and acts like a zombie, but no one cares. He's being used for manual labor, or something. A bit later, I've climbed a steep rock wall and I'm hanging off the side (Assassin's Creed style), looking out over what I know to be the edge of the map. I wonder what's beyond it. I reach a kind of mineshaft, or cave. My dad is suddenly with me. We're assaulted by giant spiders the size of a large dog. We make a run for it through the tunnel, and emerge on the other side. We exit into a grassy clearing, with a large, imposing forest right in front of us. The forest is full, and I mean FULL of giant spiderwebs. And of course spiders. I'm like "no way", but my dad is like "we can do it, let's go" so I have no choice but to follow him in. Somehow, we get through, because in the next scene I recall, we've reached the world beyond the mountains and the spider forest. No one was ever supposed to get this far. To our surprise and horror, it's the modern world. We're in a modern city, clearly abandoned a century or more ago. The sky is overcast and depressing. Everything is covered in rust and dust, and in a state of falling apart. I recognize one of the ruined cars as a Renault 5. Then, we find someone. A worker wearing a fluorescent jacket. He just mindlessly shuffles back and forth, seemingly aware of us, or anything else. We continue exploring, until my dad starts acting strange. He asks things like "how did we get here", and other things he should really know. Like he's having memory loss. Suddenly, I realize the truth of this place. A hundred+ years ago, something happened, some substance was released into the atmosphere (or some kind of radiation) that gradually sapped people of their intelligence - inducing amnesia, dementia and finally a vegetative zombie-like state (though they aren't cannibals). Society fell apart without the people there to maintain it. Somehow, "Skyrim valley" (the fantasy world we'd traveled from) was a special place shielded from this effect. The guy wearing modern clothes I saw in the fantasy world was probably a guy from here, who somehow crossed over like we did. I desperately try to explain this to my dad, who is getting increasingly confused as time goes by.
Updated 09-02-2024 at 02:38 AM by 99032
The dream started out almost like The Walking Dead. There was an apocalypse of some sort and part of the group I was with was at least one co-worker. He was telling me that because the grid was down, nothing was pumping water when your turned the tap on, so no more water. Someone would have to venture out and find some. I said I'd do it. no problem. It was dangerous to go out, though I don't remember why. I think there were zombies. The dreams changed. I was in a very fancy theater to watch a movie. I don't remember the movie but the theater was multi-level, with stairs and nice railings that reminded me of an elite club more than a theater. I remember seeing a random pack of instant ramen someone had left on the floor, a net of stuffed animals in one corner, and I remembered a particular staircase. I had brought a new teddy bear that resembled one I actually own. And then I lost it. I think I'd left it in the theater. In the parking lot upon realizing the bear was gone, I told the person I was with to wait a couple minutes while I went back inside for the bear. I told a man inside that I'd just be going back in to look for a bear I left, not to watch a movie. He said it'd be $150 to just wander the theater given that I could potentially watch all the movies I wanted once back there. I was angry at him and almost said for him to call someone to walk with me and keep an eye on me to be sure, but I decided against that for some reason. He said he'd give me some of the $150 back upon my return if I found the bear. I slammed my debit card down on a counter and told him I'd be back and he could set his price, and stormed off. I retraced my steps rather well. Found the ramen on the floor, found the stuffed animals and sorted through them - not there. Found the staircase and climbed it. No bear. Some little kid had found I and kept it, I decided sadly. I was kind of attached to the little bear even though I hadn't had it for very long. It had been with me through a lot given that I still recalled we were somehow in an apocalypse. Water was an issue still, but someone improved. I remembered bringing the bear with me to "look at/for the transformers", whatever that meant. I knew it meant electrical transformers. My last memory before my alarm went off was leaning on a gilded railing in the theater and thinking on the irony of calling at an apocalypse when the zombies, turns out, were as sane as anyone and hadn't hurt anybody.
12/30/20 I am with C and we are visiting one of his teachers house. His teacher is Patrick Stewart who lives with his wife in a fairly large house with white decor. We are there to wish him a happy birthday. He also lives in C's neighborhood pretty close to his house. He has a very huge living room that we are now in. There is balcony type seating all centered around a massive window which overlooks the town in a valley below. In the center of the valley is a massive LED laser type blue mountain in the distance. Only it is changing shapes between the mountain and a massive tree with outstretched branches. It is beautiful to look at, the symmetry of it being in the center of the window while also in the center of the valley, I stare for a while taking in the whole picture. The LEDs almost look like they are a drone swarm flying around into different shapes. I ask someone if they are drones but I don't get an answer. While standing up in the balcony I notice there is takeout trash just laying around so I pick up trash left by the seats, they seem like takeout cutlery in plastic wrap and napkins. We are leaving now and I am helping C pack up his back pack while standing in the foyer of the home. Patrick Stewart and his wife see us off pleasantly. There is a really bad storm outside which is approaching, it's only dark for now with a slight wind but nothing too bad. My father decides to drive out to meet my uncle for lunch assuming everything will be fine. I am in the car with two of my friends R and E. We are driving through town as the storm begins to hit. E says everything is probably going to be fine, it won't be like before. I look out the back window as we turn onto the main street and there are multiple tornadoes forming several blocks from where we are. One massive one has met the ground and is causing an outstanding amount of damage. I see others forming beside it, some dwindle as others grow, it's as if the storm cannot fully manifest. We still drive away for them at speed while the wind and rain whip at the car we are in. I attempt to take pictures with my cellphone because this all seems too surreal. We begin to merge onto the highway but visibility has dropped due to the thick wall of water and the high wind, I notice there are accidents occurring ahead of us as we join the traffic onto the roadway. I am now holding up in a run down building with cinder block walls and soiled concrete floor. There are goats that are wet and scared seeking shelter from the storm, I shoo them inside through an open garage door. There is also a small white and brown cow I call to come inside. I dry off some of the animals with random towels and blankets I find lying around. They are calm now and find corners of the room to settle in and sit with each other. There are people laying on mattresses on the floor in the other room just casually on their phones not minding the storm at all. I tell them the animals are in the other room for a while to have shelter from the storm. They are fine with it, they hardly acknowledge my presence, complete apathy. It has now been a week with no running water or electricity or economy and society has all but gone primal. It is daylight and I am wandering along a shoreline by myself just looking for something to drink. I see a water spigot near the waters edge with a container under it. All that comes out of the faucet is dirty water with floating algae in it. I contemplate boiling it clear but then decide it is sea water and wouldn't be drinkable anyway. I see a group of people by a house or rather a shack which has heavy damage to it by the shoreline. They invite me inside for shelter. There are close to a dozen people held up in here. They give me water to drink and some small cookies to eat. I am grateful for their hospitality. I begin taking to the older couple who own the house and realize they are staunch Republicans. They are bitching about all of this being bidens fault, how he isn't doing anything to help the people most affected by this travesty. I tell them biden isn't the president yet and that he literally has no executive power. They are completely disagreeing with me insisting the democrats did this. I tell them trump definitely the one who has left us without any aid for over a week, he is still the one in control. They are in complete denial, and I sense my welcome has all but dried up. I apologise for my attitude and thank them for the provisions while getting up from the table. I decide to take my leave and the dream fades.
12th October 2020 Fragment: Somewhere in China. I was helping some kind of cabinet minister or something. I think I was his bodyguard and for some part of the dream we were in a silver car; the minister was the driver. I was constantly on the lookout for potential threats. Vague recall of having a weapon. I remember an underground area, a mix of some metro station I know (grey, dingy) and an underground car park or something. Most recall faded, but by the end of this dream sequence I was in a kind of transition where I was in my native country, in the capital or somewhere like it and near the water. On one of the quays? Something about catching a train. Some family members were there and I was trying to be the last one to get on the train to make sure nobody got separated. T and her sister were there. Not sure what part of the dream, but at some point I was selling guns, shotguns? 13th October 2020 Fragment: Dream about a film, called "The End", which was apparently the first in a series. There's a group of four people and they have to stop the four horsemen at the breaking of the last seal. There's some narrating? Not sure: "But what if one of the people, the wizard, didn't make it on time? What would you do?" This bit seems to be a replay of a previous dream section but with altered details. Vague visual recall of seeing the last seal break, implying the group failed. Before this, I was a child or teenager. I saw my reflection, of my younger self, on a metal blade of some kind. I had inherited a large wooden instrument from some African music player. I recall now the instrument looked exactly like a wooden organ pipe, but with tribal decorative patterns painted on it. (recently made a joke to H about one of these sounding like a didgeridoo) It was apparently up to me to find someone who would take on this instruments legacy, or I could take it on myself. I remember while I was younger I had to train weapon skills (vague recall of panel like classic WoW skills) and I was going to be training my unarmed skill, so I was going to spar with someone my age. Something about needing saturated fat first though, and eating some cereal rich in it and other stuff. There was a barge too... Maybe we were on it? Recall faded too much. Even earlier than this in the dream, dad and I in the middle of a city, like the capital. He'd left his car in a lane and we were on the pavement talking, but I get the feeling he'd left the car open, like he/we were getting back in soon. Notes: - I never used to have dreams about my younger self. But it seems they are starting to appear more often. I have an inkling as to why but I can't be certain and it's a bit complex. Too tired at the moment to make other notes on some stuff. Need to remember to edit this later.
In the earliest part of the dream I can remember well, I’m with a group of people from work. We’re in a house rather than an office, a mostly empty one that’s not in the best condition and which strikes me as reminiscent of somewhere in the past (it's not a vague memory in the dream – rather, my waking self can’t pin it down to anywhere familiar). There’s something in the way everything is happening that suggests we’re maintaining order in the midst of a chaotic situation and extemporizing as necessary. Some disaster has struck the world – although it seems less like this is the aftermath than that it was so bad that what remained of humanity actually had to flee to some sort of parallel dimension. Kate, the director, tells us we should all go outside to see something. Stepping out of the house, I can see what looks like a large town square across the street, round-ish in shape, possibly cobbled. Above the old-fashioned buildings on the opposite side, the sky is turning pink and purple in a certain area. In the middle of it, a black spot appears, clearly visible against the light. I recognize it, as does everybody there: this was what happened before, the thing that came and destroyed the world. But something is different this time: instead of appearing large and far away, the spot now seems to be quite close, in the square itself. Somehow, I know that I can make things turn out differently this time around. I run towards it, the others not far behind. The dark sphere is floating there, too high to jump for but close to a flagpole on the far side. I scale it. The flag, which is dark blue, isn’t flying – rather, it seems to be tied to the pole, and (on later reflection) entirely too large for it. The thing actually looks more like a mast than a flagpole. But I manage to make it up with no trouble until I'm level with the sphere. It’s very small now, smaller than a cotton ball. I reach out and grab it, enclosing it in my hand. The moment I touch it, it changes, becoming material, taking on a definite shape. It has become a key on a keyring. I know what to do now: the keyhole can’t be too far away. I actually find it on the way back down, on the base of the pole. I put it in and turn, and keep turning. And as I do, something is happening to the building closest to the pole: the whole façade is unfolding, revealing a large airplane inside. It looks like a typical jet, but in the dream, it strikes me like something out of another era, concealed here for who knows how long. A dirty, light brown liquid is pooled near the nose. An inner voice that seems to belong to the plane itself tells me that it needs an oil change. I think that it probably needs rather more than that, considering how long it’s been here. But I’m aware that this situation is out of my hands now. It will be others who fix it up and who make use of it somehow to avert disaster. I’ve done what I can. 10.5.20
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Mom's windows of her front balcony are once again wrongly inserted and dangerously dangling. I try to fix it before any strong wind hits, but two of them drop from the 4th floor to the ground below. No one is hit but it falls on two cars, which strangely suffer no harm. I am sort of an exchange student abroad. Visit some cute kindergarten where a friend works, then later I attend some classes. It's around Xmas time. There is a sale of arts and crafts and I break a few pieces by accident. I try to fix it, until I give up and apparently no one around cares that much. People are discussing math and other subjects, I think there is exam season coming. There are some snacks at a table and I see a huge dried fig I pick to eat. But I open it and it is full of ticks inside. Gross! I pick up some stones to squash the bugs when I look up and see what looks like two rainbows in the sky. I forget the ticks and reach for my phone to take a photo. Then they move and I see they are actually iridescent antennas. What? People start running on the streets, I hear a big noise and I see an ants head through the clouds, which aren't clouds but dust from debris. The ant is crushing the buildings as it walks. I run away too and I see more ants in different directions. We run for our lives. I reach areas where people are not yet aware of what's going on. There is a concert of classical music at a park with lots of families with kids. We try to warn but they don't understand and I just use the chance to go ahead of all them before they also start running. There is a lake and a canal leading to a river. I think about getting on a boat, but the only one I can get into has no key to start the engine. Then I spot some playboy in his boat and I try to get on board with him, but he actually decides to get out of the boat and walk away, taking the key. Meanwhile the ants seem to be approaching and I decide to just keep running towards the coast, I cross a train track and a train is stopped and some people are coming out of the train and seem to have organized among themselves and have a plan. They head for some empty condos by the river to stay the night and plan the next step. Apparently one of them has the key to some of the apartments. I join them, think it is better to be with a group who has plans or at least is organized. But they all speak Swedish. The only other foreign people is Tony from the show "Who's the boss?" who says he is Italian and doesn't understand what everybody is saying. I say I am Portuguese and also don't understand so we all start talking in English. Talking to some people about lucid dreams, my dad doesn't see the point and interest. I say it is a second life we all have and it is better when we live it with awareness. I say once I recalled 10 full pages of dream details on one single night. He gets a bit more interested and I say who wouldn't want to consciously fly and experience fantasies? Someone asks if I tried being with a dragon or turning into a dragon and I say yes.
Updated 01-31-2019 at 08:36 PM by 34880
Not much of a recall lately. Got me a new bottle of Galantamine, excited to make time and WILD soon. This was maybe 4 days ago... Apocalyptic world, people sick from some epidemic. I remember getting out to the street and telling others, we should have picked up some baseball bats and other weapons in the walmart we just walked through. I somehow get to a one story house. I'm their "help". Nobody is there, only me and ozzy. I'm fetching some soda for him from the fridge, then he wants to have sex with me. Remind me of The Handmaids Tale I watched recently. Was intense, kinda liked the feel of the dream.
I was in some house with a bunch of DC's I've never seen before. A few of them looked like old friends from school, but I was unfamiliar with most of them. A different one was asking us random questions, and we were supposed to put our hands up to answer, like in school. The entire place was decorated in a hardwood style. It had a very homely vibe. It took place in a weird, circular kitchen. It's like there was a big pillar in the middle that had all the things a kitchen should have. Counter tops, a stove, and a refrigerator. We were all sitting around it. I was in front of the fridge, and there were a few people off to my left. The fridge door was open though, and for some reason, it was GIANT. It stretched all the way over to me, and it kept swaying back and forth. We couldn't close it for some reason. I pushed it away, and it swayed a bit too far to the right, hit someone, and they shoved it back, yelling at someone next to me, because they couldn't see it was me that pushed it. I circled around the pillar eventually, saw a few people and went outside. It looked like my old elementary school's yard. A ton of DC's were here. The one that was inside asking all the questions was out here now, sitting in a big chair. Next, I was put aside, and started basically watching some kind of mad max style movie. It was almost a desert. A man was having a hard time climbing up a rubble filled highway hill. There was a husk of a car nearby, with a stash of something valuable. He climbed onto it and took a box of something. Eventually the person who owned the car's stash came by, and was about to get angry, but then the man offered to buy the valuables for 49 currency. I don't remember what he said they were, but they certainly weren't dollars. Yet another apocalyptic style dream... I've been having a lot of these lately. First the dream about the airships lighting the sky on fire, New York becoming a charred, jagged ocean of black rock, then the dream about the meteor strike... And those are just the big ones. Not gonna be surprised if something cataclysmic happens in real life soon.
Updated 09-28-2018 at 05:17 PM by 56449