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    1. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:11 AM
      11/1 - Rating 4/5
      Simple Spy Style
      Dream began by entering my new boss's office. It was richly laid out with books covering all the walls of the high ceiling room and possibly even candle lit desk. In the center of the room was a huge square gap in the floor through which I could see a research laboratory on the next floor. There were four desks each with a different kind of stone clamped down.
      The elderly, yet obviously quite powerful, boss of mine said that they were researching ways to tap power out of the elemental stones. My new job for him would be to help with this ongoing research since I was an expert in the field. I got the feeling I would be looking through most of the numerous books on his shelves.
      This was all rather secretive as by working for this man I knew I was swapping sides and working for the enemy agency. I was essentially a spy.

      The next day I was on a yacht with people I was being introduced to. It was all fairly casual, there were some kids there and the wife of a man I knew from this new job. The man (who wasn't there) had strikingly blond hair and really loved his wife.
      After the brief boat trip I ended up in a warehouse with the blond guy's wife and had discovered that she was working for the enemy agency (where I had turned away from). Obviously I had to kill her and did so on the secluded and dimly lit warehouse floor. No one was around and no one knew it was me.

      Dream shift to my wife's perspective. She/I was in a fruit shop and was becoming very excited over a bizarrely shaped fruit/vegetable. It looked like two small pumpkins or large zucchinis merged together like two tear drops. In the middle of the join was a smiley face, ever so cute, and I bought it on the spot purely because it was so unique.

      Dream shift back to my secret agent/husband body. I had arrived home to our newly bought house (like we had just moved to the area). It was very large and I began exploring it since this was my first time being inside. It had a lot of wood paneling and just screamed secret doors/rooms. As I walked around, I called out to my wife to ask her if I was making any more money than usual. She responded that I indeed was and rattled off three payments of money, each with a description; the first was turning up to work on time, the second for keep the kids safe and the thirdly saving a boat. Obviously my wife knew nothing about what I was doing for work and so the shifting payments were (not so) cunningly disguised as bonuses.
      I ended up in my RL bedroom and threw my tie off onto a chair before going back into the house. The huge house was almost perfectly symmetrical including stairs at one end that began at both walls of the living room and curled up passed the corner to meet in the middle of the room and enter into the second floor. It was like a large Mr & Mrs Smith style house.

      Next day I was back on the yacht, this time with my wife, blond guy from work, his daughter and another female friend. Wife talking to the daughter and said when she was growing up she got a tattoo on her 'little lip, well little lips', which she indicated as her nipples under her loose one piece dress. Upon hearing this I imagined small butterfly tattoos but was not at all put out by her rather sudden comment.
      The female friend suggest she show the daughter. Everyone was a bit hesitant at first but we two males moved off momentarily for some privacy.
      While chatter continued I was dropping in a lot of hidden meaning that I directed towards Mr. Blond about his wife and her working for the enemy. He seemed resigned and unhappy about her death because apparently he knew nothing before she died about her work, but he obviously didn't know I killed her because he didn't blame me for anything.

      Later that night back at our house I went outside with my wife to see the police had turned up. They wanted to get into our basement for evidence, primarily against us. They entered from the street through a metal grill/gate but wife and I went back inside to the duel stair case. In the floor just at the base of the stairs was an outline of a rectangle and I pushed it down to create a continuation of the stairs down into the basement.
      Somewhere here I took on my wife's perspective again. The basement was all dusty, dark and loaded with cobwebs. The police were at the far wall crowding around rows and rows of old school video tap. They were all movies and cartoons that we had recorded off the TV at some stage. "Now we've got proof" was declared from the leading officer as we were under suspicion of being serial killers (Dexter themed). My husband replied, "Have fun watching cartoons and movies back at the station" to some of the lower ranked officers.
      Leaving the seemingly foolish police to it, hubby and I walked back to the staircase but on the way I noticed a grate in the floor off to the side of the floor between two large, obscured objects on the room; kind of like being in an old engine room on a boat.
      The grate top was engraved, green, sewer access looking and rather out of place in the dusty, unused room. Upon expressing my question to my husband he looked at it naturally and replied simply, "Irish house" with a chuckle and I this made perfect sense to me so we continued back into the house.
    2. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:11 AM
      Over the passed few days my dreams have been blurred and lacking substance. I have noticed sightings of the Cullen family (Twilight) because I have just read the first two books. Interestingly no vampires or supernatural, just the characters, especially Alice who is my favourite.
    3. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:10 AM
      5/1 - Rating 3/5
      Friends With Duff
      I was at my house, sitting on the fence next to the pool. With me was another friend and Hilary Duff. Me and Hilary were really close friends; it seemed like she and I had know each other since we were kids and the three of us were relaxing, talking and mucking around. I must have checked my phone at some point because I had it out and Hilary grabbed it from me because she wanted to check her email. Fiddling with something in the back similar to a sim card she flicked through my silver phone with ease and I just sat back. The phone was quite futuristic and sleek looking.

      Then the dream shifted to some time later and I was on an airliner plane, with Hilary and lots of other random people. Something happened and the plane started to lose altitude. I glanced out the window and saw the street that runs adjacent to mine in RL; everything was running slowly and I must have had a puzzled expersion as the street flew by, I declared the name of the street to everyone around me and how it was odd the plane was there. Then the plane kept falling, down a sloping street and eventually hit the asphalt as the road flattened out and came to a coldesac.
      Right before we hit everyone was standing up, not in fear but wanting to know when we were going to hit. Looking out the front cockpit window I saw my old highschool grounds just as they are in RL and started to get a little histerical, trying to point this odd fact out to everyone.

      Once the plane stopped and we were outside B came up to me, he must have been on the plane too, and asked why I pointed out the first street before. "I live on the next street, just over there" I pointed. Realising we had somewhere to go a group of people I knew including Hilary walked easily to my house.
      There was another segment without Hilary but I seem to have forgotten it
    4. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:10 AM
      1/1 - Rating 5/5
      Fall to Fly
      Was with two others in an enclosed military style compound, the other two guys they had just blown up two armories that were lined with explosives and pointed to two smoldering craters quite close by. Quite pleased with themselves the pair declared it had been such an easy sabotage so far we should continue to blow more buildings up.
      Since that was what we were there for we went to the far wall of the compound and found a set of automated doors set into the huge concrete wall. Inside however, it was small and empty. We wanted a room full of more explosives to make our job easier.
      Standing around talking the automated doors opened and closed several times and after a while it opened and inside was a thin, long missile; just sitting there.
      With the missile we figured we should see if it would explode and decided to have some fun with it, so we went back through the compound until we were in the back of a large military airplane which contained the whole compound.
      Through dream logic by throwing the missile out the back of the plane it exploded in the air, about half way to the ground.
      Excited that it worked all three of us jumped out of the plane after it. We had no parachutes or gear for such a jump but went down like pros; bodies straight and streamline so we could go as fast as possible, in a tight formation.
      Hurtling toward the ground my mind must have figured that the dream logic wasn't quite right and I got lucid. Now I knew I could just land fine next to the missile we threw the three of us landed neatly on the green grass of a huge field.
      The odd missile which had exploded was still intact and the other two seemed to think it would still work fine. While they discussed this I RC'ed to make the dream more solid. I put my finger through my palm (which I never do as an RC in RL but always seem to do in dreams), oddly, my finger would go in but not come out the other end; like the inside of my hand was much bigger than it really should have been.
      Satisfied that it was definitely a dream I called the other two guys and we flew off back to catch up with the plane. Flying was great, I remember being very high and looking down on the endless green fields. About half way through our flight I wondered how long I had been asleep for and my speed dropped dramatically. I quickly reshifted my focus purely to flying and picked up speed again. I looked behind me and the guys were tailing out beside me but we were all pretty relaxed, definitely not as military and uniform as the jump down. We sort of cruised along, arms out, enjoying the scenery.
      In the end we did get back to the plane and flew into the back, up the loading ramp and planned to explode the missile inside the compound but I woke up.
    5. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:10 AM
      30/12 - Rating 3/5 -> Epic fun
      Jumbo Beach Wave
      Was at a beach with friends. The sand was great and the beach was wide and uncrowded. Soon enough we each grabbed up our bodyboards and went out into the surf for some fun. After catching a few waves and mucking around we went back up to our towels and sat around for abit talking.
      Then it got really hot so we decided to go in again. The others didn't take boards because they planned on just body surfing but I took mine (which was a bright blue). Once out floating in the water, this insanely massive wave started forming. We were all looking at it going, "Woooo lets GO!" and then jumped into it or tried to ride it. I don't know what happened to everyone else but I was riding it for a while and right back to the beach where it turned and I got the front of my board drilled into the sand under the water.
      I heard very close by this little kid who hadn't been very far out get smashed against someone (his dad?) but he was ok. After that we all ran back out to get the rest of the set but once a few more massive waves came it died down and the fun broke up.
    6. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:10 AM
      30/12 - Rating 3/5 -> Epic fun
      Jumbo Beach Wave
      Was at a beach with friends. The sand was great and the beach was wide and uncrowded. Soon enough we each grabbed up our bodyboards and went out into the surf for some fun. After catching a few waves and mucking around we went back up to our towels and sat around for abit talking.
      Then it got really hot so we decided to go in again. The others didn't take boards because they planned on just body surfing but I took mine (which was a bright blue). Once out floating in the water, this insanely massive wave started forming. We were all looking at it going, "Woooo lets GO!" and then jumped into it or tried to ride it. I don't know what happened to everyone else but I was riding it for a while and right back to the beach where it turned and I got the front of my board drilled into the sand under the water.
      I heard very close by this little kid who hadn't been very far out get smashed against someone (his dad?) but he was ok. After that we all ran back out to get the rest of the set but once a few more massive waves came it died down and the fun broke up.
    7. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:09 AM
      Unsure of the dreams/frags order.
      Rating 2/5
      Kira Krimes
      Was my first day at my new school and I was walking through town. School didn't start for a while so I wasn't heading there just yet. I was being very careful who saw me and how I acted in public because I knew that I was 'Kira' (Deathnote - Have a notebook that kills by writing a person's name in it). Then a police officer spots me and I start legging it through town, which quickly became nothing like what it should however I still knew my way around.
      Ending up at the grungy market place at the edge of town I had escaped capture and started doubling back into town. I had considered numerous times throughout my escape to use my notebook to control people into protecting me but figured it would take to long and might get me caught faster.
      Sitting in a bus shelter waiting to catch the bus to school it turned out I was sitting just outside the police station. Sure enough I was caught and had to sit inside the building watching my bus go passed. I felt kinda bad that I had missed my first day and guess my story would leave a bad first impression.
      Oddly enough I was given a slap-on-the-wrist and went home.
      The following day I waited patiently at the same bus stop and wasn't bothered so I supposed the first day I had killed someone or used my powers.
      Sitting on the bus some of the other students knew who I was and seemed impressed that I had gotten caught up with the authority.
      I was reading my book, 'Belladonna' and finished a chapter only to discover I was only about a quarter of the way through. I thought (because in RL I am) I was almost finished and had to return the book to the library soon.
      Not quite a dream but had my first real experience with successful visualization some time this morning.
      My visual rippled like water from black outwards in a circle/iris to reveal a room in front of me. I was looking at a wooden slatted wall, like I was in a hotel lobby. Then the image would fade back the way it had started.
      I managed this about 3 times and the 3rd time I recognized what I was doing and tried to move my head/vision which broke up the fragile image I had made.
      Again I plucked up the image getting clearer each time and as it formed I thought about what else was around me and turned my POV down to my right. There was a wooden table against the wall, something you would put a vase and nothing more on.
      Trying to use tactile sensations to re-enforce the dream/scene I put my hands on the wood and felt around on it. Ran my hands over the drawer's handles, the wood top, the edging and then a candle stub that was on top. Thinking it would be great to light it I picked up a box of matches which had appeared as well. In pulling out a match I felt alone the rough strike zone. I think it took about 3 matches to actually light (the others must have been dodgy/broken) but just as I got the flame to the candle wick I wondered why I needed matches in a dream.
      Dropping the lit match I flicked my fingers until they caught alight and I used my left index finger (flaming) to light the candle.
      I then tried to smell the candle; which had gotten bigger and flat in a bowl. Thinking a candle smell would come naturally and distinctly enough but as I moved closer to the candle it blacked out and I couldn't get anything back.
    8. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:09 AM
      Only remember two sections of two dreams I had. In the first, I was at tennis coaching and the handle had fallen off my racquet. My coach insisted that I use the handle (which eventually turned into a long metal sort of pipe) to play tennis. After trying to hit the ball with the relatively thin makeshift racquet I got very frustrated and asked why I couldn't just use a spare. I idea of me not using my own property seemed outlandish although it happens all the time in RL. I remember briefly thinking of Cluedo (the murder game) and the classic line, "Did it with the lead pipe".
      Then I woke up feeling annoyed at my boring and frustrating dream.
      Going back to sleep, all I remember was talking to my sister about this third eye (complete socket and all) that I had only just noticed on my face; it was roughly where a high eyebrow would be. My sister went on to explain that everyone has extra eyes, she had four eyes (not glasses, but four complete eyes) however they were all synced in the same as the others. She showed me this as she blinked and they all blinked, looking around they all looked to the same place.
      Feeling enlightened about my new eye I started experimenting with the odd vision I was getting. I image having four eyes would be far less confusing than three which is what I had. My visual perception of things was really wacked out and kind of lope sided. I closed my third eye and could see normal, and closing my two normal eyes with the extra open made everything extremely fuzzy and I put this down to that eye on its own could only see in a 2D way (that doesn't make much sense now).
      The other thing I remember trying with my extra eye was focusing on something at a distance and seeing double of something close up, you know how it is . Well with the extra eye I got three overlapping images of things which was really bizarre to look at.

      Why the whole eye thing didn't make me RC I'll never know but the extra sensory perception was rather interesting.
    9. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:09 AM
      Been really aiming for more lucids over the passed two days and its starting to pay off.
      I can't remember what the dream was about this morning, but I remember checking to see if I was dreaming and what do you know, I was!
      I was in my room then, on my bed just like I had woken up. I think it was a potential FA but I just stuck with the knowing I was asleep. Then in RL I could hear my mum talking somewhere in the house and someone dropped a chair I think making a lot of noise. In an attempt to somehow get away from the very distracting noise and hang on to my moments of lucidity I tried to think of a way out of my dream house. My plan was to jump off my bed and crash through my window.
      The logic was if my dream body was away from the noise maybe it wouldn't affect me so much. Problem being, the dream scene was so very familiar and what with the overlapping dream/RL I wasn't quite sure it was a dream. I mean, I was pretty sure but didn't want to wake up in a hospital and get asked why I was crashing through my bedroom window.
      After contemplating this daring window escape for too long the noise got to me and I woke up.

      On the whole a poor dream, however my reality checks and attention to scenario of late seem to work so thats a plus.
      Also I have learnt from this that I need to go to sleep earlier so that when in a good dream it won't be 9 in the morning when everyone else is awake making noise.
    10. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:09 AM
      Was in my house somewhere and W started to strangle my mum. She was choking and couldn't breathe and I was yelling as loud as I could to get the **** off her. The louder I yelled the louder all the other random people around me got and I could hardly hear myself. I didn't want to hit W and he eventually stopped after I got closer to him. Sitting on the steps in my house I held my mum as she tried to breathe.
      Then I woke up rather rapidly and lying thinking about my dream, I felt really disgusted and angry with W someone whom is by no means like that in RL, he is quite a friendly guy. Telling myself not to think like that the emotions subsided after a few minutes as I told myself it was only a dream and I was the one who came up with it. Gave me some insight into the idea of, "Waking up on the wrong side of the bed" and letting your emotions change your thinking.
    11. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:09 AM
      16/12 - Rating 3/5
      Woke up and kept falling back to sleep. I chained a dream about 4-7 times over, not sure how many but by the last one I was aware of what I was doing and tried to remember I was slipping into a dream however I forgot. I think I will try to develop this because before I knew about lucidity I would often chain dreams and seem quite good at it.

      I was at my old primary school library with an accomplice. We carried in black special-ops style bags with us and moved up into the library's gallery/indoor balcony, which isn't actually there and I remember questioning how it managed to fit in. After checking where everyone was, we stood at either end of the overhang's railing and we both pulled out rifles. Getting everyone's attention we rounded them up. I was there to steal/find something but I don't know what.
      Once we calmed everyone down, we got the class to continue as normal so people looking in wouldn't notice anything strange. I remember pointing my gun at a boy by a window who was trying to communicate with another student outside and telling him with a look, "Don't even try". Then I went over to the librarian's desk and told a girl to get away from the other side fearing she would press some hidden security button.
      Then R, who was a library monitor in my year there came around the library and toward the open door. I rushed to it and looked busily for the 'Closed' sign. I told her casually no one was here so no one should go in, thus the sign. Agreeing with this logic she walked away and I went back inside, closing the door.
      Then after a while R came back with the other library monitors, all armed with pistols! They broke down the door, not breaking stride and stormed in shooting my partener down. I quickly hid among the book shelves and watched them fan out. I knew they would find me very quickly and tried to think up a way out. Then I remembered I could teleport (handy) and popped up behind this chubby student. I whipped out my own pistol and aimed it at the girls, using the student as a shield so they wouldn't fire.
      Then I think I escaped through a window (why not teleport?) from the evil library gunslingers.
    12. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:09 AM
      Had to go to work for a week, similar to work experience but I had apparently worked at this office before. I knew the drill from day one of how things happened and when lunch time came I went out to buy something. Finding a little shop a street away I ordered 3 items. A small but fat sort of sandwich which looked very tasty, a roll and a beef sandwich. Why I was getting so much food I don't know but as I was standing in the shop some kids there were talking about me. They knew I had worked around here before but also pointed out I wasn't an adult and were wondering why I wasn't at school.
      Then the female, early 20's, who was serving me gave me my change. As I started to move away she half fell over, crying and coughing. I walked around the counter and tried to comfort her, tried to give her a hug. But she resisted slightly and I backed off. I felt like I knew her and really wanted to comfort the woman but still coughing weakly she put a hand to my chest and pushed me away slightly. Still feeling worried about her I took my lunch hesitantly and went back to the office.

      The office I worked at was on a mini campus of buildings that looked like it could have been in a cemetery and my building was at the very far end, half sunk into the ground.
      --I felt older in the dream, like I was in a teen body but felt really empowered and strong.
    13. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:09 AM
      Woke up and was told by M that I needed to get ready for tennis this morning. As I usually do I stayed in bed a little while longer. Upon waking up for real the next time I got a huge scare thinking I had overslept and missed the match, however today is my day off so everything is fine
    14. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:08 AM
      8/12 - Rating 3/5
      Donuts & Electrocution

      Must have been a very long dream because I remember a lot but also know I've forgotten a lot as well.
      I was walking down a city street with my family, like a family outing. Looking up above a large series of buildings on the next street we could see a really big donuts logo, (much like the Simpsons' pink donuts). All over town this new donuts chain had apparently just opened so the family decided it would be nice to try it out. Walking down the street, left then two rights we came down a very straight, long street at roughly midday. The street we were following turned off but we kept going in under a big overhang much like a mall pedestrian area.
      Then we were sitting at a table in this shaded, plaza area but instead of eating donuts we had a cake. It was rather large and seemed to be almost a giant donut. The pieces we cut off, for the five of us, were huge as well and there was an extra one. I compared my piece to the extra and found my current one was half the size, so everyone agreed I would get the extra. My piece was about 7cm in diameter and 20-25cm around the edge, which now that I think about it would make an impossibly sized cake since we all got such huge pieces.

      At this point the dream shifted to a TV show, in the Simpsons' style of animation and my POV was the camera. The show was very similar in theme to Thank God Your Here. The scene was a morning host talk style setup and there were two actors who had been thrown in.
      They both sat in chairs next to one another. The guy on the right had a plush leather seat and the guy on the left a holiday deckchair but both seemed quite comfortable. The leather chair guy answered his first question well and then got up to move around the set. The next question was for Mr Deckchair but he stalled for time by trying out the leather seat because he couldn't come up with anything.
      As he swapped seats he jumped at a static shock and joking went back to his own seat lest something worse happen, this was all spontaneous and the audience who were in the dark watching were laughing.
      After about two more questions the guy had a reason of some sort to switch chairs again but this time he sat down and was completely electrocuted. I saw him spasm around as the chair shocked him for some time and then his body began to break up and splatter blood around as his body slumped to the stage floor.
      Everyone seemed quite worried but kept the show going despite the dead body on the floor. More pressing questions were directed to the next actor who seemed quite freaked out at everything that was happening. He began to back up to the chairs, stood up on them and pressed his back to the wall. Everyone on stage was slowly stepping closer and he was trying to pull himself away in fright, eventually started screaming. As they got really close he pulled his arms up along the wall and managed to get both hands onto two separate power points. As you can guess he got electrocuted something severe as well, worse than the first guy. Blood and limbs were thrown all around the set and the audience became fair more distressed now that both actors had died through freak electrocution.
      Then a Lisa (Simpson) style show host stepped into the camera and said something like "And that concludes our Halloween special" and everyone began to clap as they realized the deaths were all staged. The host then began to pour more blood around the stage as credits were rolling and the camera (POV) did a zoom out over the audience.
    15. Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

      by , 07-27-2010 at 07:08 AM
      Brief recall from this morning. I owned a railway company and found that one of my stations had heaps of CocoPops and another station further down the line would pay heaps for them. I got right onto setting up a new train to make the delivery but things kept getting in the way; I think it broke down at one point.