Woke up to the sun. So bright. (writes dreams) Honestly I should just get up. Or… On the side of a road, On top of a hill was a place full of stores and services. Usually I would just stop to get something to eat or for my dad to pick up some gas for the trip. But after coming twice it got apparent that I was a more regular visitor than anyone else. As it happened that my dad would be doing something and I would have to stay and wait for hours. I had some time to kill talking to people my age. As I ganged their trust (GET IT LOL HAHAHAH pls laugh) they told me that they run sort of a “little” gang here and that they run all of the stores. I said that's pretty cool and after a while of wandering around and doing different things. Eventually I joined the “motorcycle gang”. Which was what everyone's little nickname was for it. I surprisingly wasn't expected to stay or to come often but when I do eventually come often I would have access to all the lounges and stuff. I made some friends and they wanted to go get lunch at a supermarket. I came with them. We found a spot with Chinese food and different types of chicken. As I ordered my food I realized it was gone. So I went back to go get something else. At the time the kids were waiting for me. Another line started to grow so in a bit of a panic I got some chicken legs because they happened to be way cheaper. As I continued in the line one of the people behind the counter asked if I joined yet. (Let's call him bill. I was already talking to him before lunch) I said yes so for confirmation he went to one of the people I was with and they said yea. As I continued up I realized that they never gave me an ID card to order. Bill started to speak to the guy running the supermarket. (Lets name him Joey) “Yo Joey wanna watch what happens if you don't have your ID card?” Joey, already knowing what was about to happen declined, lacking interest. Bill pulled out a knife from his side pocket and went to attack him. I grabbed his arms and tackled him. Throwing the knife out of the way. A narrator said that in his mind he thought I would’ve been a good leader. I ran through the store, chicken legs in hand looking for more food I could grab. After about to grab a pastry I saw Joey running closer to me so I ran out the door. I looked for a car I could drive and after I saw a lady getting out of the car to set it up for a refuel I sprinted in the car and got it out of park. I drove right to the entrance of the plaza and luckily there were no cars. As I drove on the highway and onto an exit. The road started to be filled with houses. It was a mixture of country, suburban and ghetto. Gained lucidity, As I got to a part where the road was grass I slowed down and I saw that the side of the road was covered with extended houses. As I drifted past many I messed up and hit the structure of the house. Luckily it was still connected to the ground so it didn't collapse. Shortly after I ran into a tree. Realizing that this was a good time to let him pass by, I waited for a second but realized he was far behind. (car skills are way too good honestly) I continued on the road and reached a neighborhood. In the middle of the road was a group of three cars and two police officers on each side. Moving them. I went to the side and drove right past them. After some more insane moves I got to an intersection where there were hundreds of police cars. I immediately got out of the car. I randomly jumped (scooby dooby doo style) and then raised my hands up. I got arrested and a cutscene began of me getting free and getting 280 thousand dollars. Then I woke up.
Zuko: There is a Fire Nation City from Avatar the Last Airbender. Azula is chasing Zuko in some kind of battle or showdown. ... Zuko is part of a ceremony at a big outdoor theater. He is renouncing the Sun, and getting painted to symbolize his new loyalty.
Ethernet Hunt (NLD) 07.19.2023 I had this dream in a nap. I felt really guilty for taking a nap but this dream was funny to me. I am on a street corner with Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and my nephew. Mark is explaining that there are ethernets running underneath the city and hackers like to go in there to spy on peoples data. We walk up to a manhole cover. He starts loading a large revolver that has a a flashlight on it. Elon opens the manhole cover and I look in. It's dark in there and I can't see anything. I really want to catch a hacker so I jump in. It is much more spacious and lit up now and there are sets of ethernet cables everywhere. I see a person sitting with a laptop further in and he sees me so he picks up and runs. I chase after him and then the tunnel ends and I find myself in a Subway resturaunt. I find this very strange. I see the hacker run out the door and I chase after him. He steals a bike and takes off but somehow I can run faster than he can bike. I push him over and wake up for a moment. I see this as a good chance to DEILD so I try to stay still. I am semi lucid and now I'm in a car with Mark and Elon driving on a freeway. I somehow know they are chasing the hacker. They are on the phone with another bilionair who is saying silacious things about my nephew and I somehow know that the person they are talking to is in a car driving behind us. I blink myself into their car and try to stop him from saying these things and I wake up.
Before WBTB Russian Ride I'm traveling internationally and I don't speak the language where I am at. I'm getting off a train or bus looking for the airport. I see another bus leaving and I wave my arms and chase it, yelling for it to stop. It does. I try to ask the driver where the airport is and he tells me (in English) that the bus is full. It clearly isn't. I wonder if there is some law saying there must be X number of open seats. Regardless, I stay on the bus and he doesn't kick me off. I make my way to the back of the bus. It resembles the CATA bus system from back home. In the back car is a girl with one leg. Short hair, kinda "bad-girl type". She has khaki pants on, and the missing leg has it tied to cover the stump. I sit next to her and ask for help. She's friendly. Some time later we are back at her apartment. It's a big studio, kinda messy with paint and art all over the place. I realize that I'm a girl, and that she may be gay. I get the impression she might have been coming onto me. Later I'm running from Russian agents. I'm running through an apartment complex, entering and leaving through doors/windows. I'm really high up. When I go outside I'm sidling on just-big-enough edges to not fall. I don't know why they are chasing me. I eventually make my way down from the tall complex and make it to the ground but I haven't shook them. I'm in a down-town Chinatown type area at night. There is a big crowd of people and I'm trying to use them to escape from the Russian agents. I'm at a bar with two floors open to the outside. There are some TVs running with couches set in front of them. There are some dark corners I can hide in. I try out a few and crouch down, but I decide that none of them are good enough and keep moving. Then I stand up face-to-face with one of the agents. He looks like Dr. Brenner from Stranger Things. Running again. This time it was short. I ended up in a stone building on a grassy hill, hiding underground. But they've just found me. There is the leader (Dr. Brenner) and two thug-types. They are going to torture me for information. I tell them I've only killed one time, and I wasn't sure if it was me or my uncle who pulled them trigger. I guess I was trying to intimidate them. It doesn't work. They casually talk to me about something and then without warning Dr. Brenner shoots my right ear off with a pistol. I cry out in pain (S hears me and tries to shake me awake). It doesn't hurt as much as I expected it would. They tell me that they will shoot off the other ear if I don't comply. I wake up and tell S I am OK. After WBTB W Aged Up I'm at my Grandma P's house in the bedroom sleeping on the bed. I've slept in later than everybody else. I roll over and see some old drawings I made in my childhood on the wall. My grandma will have decided to have kept them. They are hyper realistic and drawn in pencil. Somehow, they are holographic. I think to myself that maybe I should get back into art. W, my brother's son who is due in September, bursts into the room with his friend, Ian. He's four years old. I can't tell who is who and I feel bad about it. But now I know it is because W isn't born yet. One of them has buck teeth. I follow them around the house and then one kid is missing. I find W/Ian eating dish cleaning tablets under sink. Standard kid behavior I guess Lucid Fragment I'm in a large mall, reminiscent of one from an old marching band trip from high school. I do a nose reality check and realize I'm dreaming. I double take...crap! I was dreaming that whole time before with W! I think to myself that step one is to find my DG...but my lucidity slips and I wander off. Conditions Medium workout early in day Big dinner 2 drinks of alcohol Stayed up late 6hr/30m WBTB Yuschak Primary Trigger (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate) Notes My theory on what happened here...sleep cycle issues. Instead of jumping into the same sleep cycle I was just in, I jumped into the beginning of a later one. I stayed up until about 2:30am playing Zelda and then set an alarm for 8:30am...so about 6 hours after sleep. I know that 5h45m has been a good target for me, so I was experimenting with a larger time to test and see if it can be improved. One problem though is that I didn't have an established wake-sleep rhythm. Plus, I stayed up longer than the typical 15m during the WBTB. I planned slightly longer at 20m but it was more like 30m. I don't think the alcohol will have mattered much because of the later timing, but it could have played a part. Lesson learned: Next time, have an established sleep rhythm. Gonna say data inconclusive about 6h/20m WBTB setup.
Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:05 PM by 99808
Woods Mansion Nightmare I'm walking in a heavily wooded area at night. Grass is above my ankles and wet. I come across my best friend D. He has a bed just outside the window of a mansion with lights shining on the grass below. We talk for a bit and then decide to go into the mansion. I'm running sideways and side jump through an open window in the mansion. It is well-lit and makes me think an older person might live there. Meticulously clean, lots of furniture we wouldn't be allowed to sit on, bookshelves all over. Then a woman with big 80's hair appears. It is blonde and straight up. Her face reminds me of older photos of my Mom (rest in peace). The woman runs into the room frantically. "DO YOU REMEMBER ME?!?!" the woman yells at me. I don't reply. At this point I'm in fight or flight mode. I'm running sideways again, and I do a side jump out a window. I fell as if I'm being chased but I don't look back to check. My escape route takes me back into the mansion. I'm running inside it again. I tried to change my path and leave through a window I previously came in from, but now there is a wall there. I had a thought as I stared at the ceiling, since I couldn't sleep after this dream. The way she said "Do you remember me?" was aggresive in the context of the dream (nightmare) but the actual content of what she said wasn't. I was thinking that if my mom was actually in some kind of collective unconscious in the afterlife, maybe she was trying to reach out and the message got scrambled by the context of the dream? I'm not normally so much the "hand wavy" type of guy. But I still find stuff like this interesting to think about. Fragment I'm in a more casual setting now. It reminds me of Grandma P's bathroom from a few houses ago. My mom is there, but her skin looks older. I don't recognize/recall that she passed some years ago. We spent some time together but I can't recall much. I've had some similar dreams with her showing up like this. We were close when she was alive, so I like to think she is just dropping by to say hi.
Updated 03-15-2023 at 04:10 AM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With mom and dad walking through a dirt road in the country, between plots of cultivated land and with animals. It looks beautiful and it smells like mint. Then my mom spots some guy standing at some shed, feeding animals but she mistakens the poor man as a stalker sneaking on us to attack us and starts freaking out. I tell her she is being silly as the man is just minding his own business, but she argues we can never be sure. I joke that next she will accuse the scarecrows of being pervs staring at us. Anyhow, she stops with the yelling. Then we step on asphalt and clearly enter an urban area. It smells like churros and there is noisy music and the road is sided by food stands. There is some fair going on. Some kids come running towards me and almost get hit by cars on the road. Their parents come get them, worried and upset and ask if I am famous or something. I say no and that I have no clue why they came for me. The kids seem to be interested in some bracelet that I am wearing. They are wearing similar ones but mine apparently is special and rare and that's what was interesting to them. Somewhere in some past epoch. There is a civil war about to erupt. But people were just caught up in the start of it at a square where some political rally is taking place. I am peacufully walking around and get totally surprised when people start yelling and beat and chase each other. The guys who get to win the first battle captured me in that chaos. I try to run away and go through a long sequence of running, hiding and they keep on my tail every time. Turns out I am very wealthy, due to a magic spell someone put on me. Everyday I get a gold coin and they found that out, but while I was their prisoner I never revealed my secret and also, never made it happen in front of them. But I am tired of running away and I know I am about to be caught again, so I plan to offer a deal. I surrender if they do something for me. But their leader takes me personally under his care and demands my gold again breaking his part of the deal. I say it doesn't work like that, only if I don't want it, it comes. If someone wants it, it stops. For days he tries to break me and then he gets the help of some witch who figures it out. I wear a gold necklace that goes around my neck three times. In each loop, it has a lock pendant. When they are aligned in a certain way, they open a door in my chest which is full of gold coins and cubic diamonds. And each time, there will be a new coin or diamond added to it if I take away anything from within it. He wants the gold to finance his war.
There's a run-down village, where two groups of heavily armed & equipped men are engaged in a gun battle. One side loses and is entirely eliminated. I'm walking among the corpses, realizing I need to get out of there ASAP before they find me. I run through a hut/house, quickly looking for something I can use as a weapon. Outside, on the muddy road, I find some dead guys. Two have dropped their weapons, but the barrel is bent out of shape and is unusable. I find one shotgun in good condition, so I grab it and run off. As I run off, I eject the spent shell casing and pump it to chamber a new shell. On a road up ahead, I see a police car arriving with sirens blaring. I realize they are here to help me. But for some reason, I don't want to be found. Maybe I assumed that because I had that gun, the cops would consider me "one of them" and arrest me. I run through a grass field, up to someone's home. An elderly man stands there, watching the scene. He sees me approach, carrying that shotgun. I say "good day, sir". He says hello back. I run onto his property, into his backyard - intending to jump the back fence and escape that way. Instead I woke up. During this dream I was pretty close to waking. I had some limited ability to choose the direction the story was going in, while also being a character in it.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I think I am watching a movie but I feel it is real. There is Paul Rudd, but very muscular. He is dying of cancer and decides to be criogenized and be woken up in the future, hoping to be healed. For some reason I join him in doing so. But the future in which we wake up is so weird. There is high tech stuff, but socially it regressed quite a lot. It is ruled by petty people and controlled by mafia gangs. I am put in a building about 20 storeys high with no elevator, shared bathrooms at each floor and tiny apartments less than 50 m2. And for some reason, some mafia guys want to kidnap me. One day I am afraid to go to my apartment as I have reasons to believe they might be waiting there for me. But I need to pee, so I enter the building and go the floor below mine and use their toilet. Some nice people from one of the apartments are having a get together with friends and they invite me in. And there were a lot more details but I forgot.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP It's the 30s or 40s. I am staying at some very posh hotel. Maybe there is some conference, because I am at a kind of conference room with a bunch other people. They start behaving strangely. I don't pay attention at first, but then one of them turns to me and his eyes are weird and all grey. I step back, afraid of the way he is looking at me. Then all the others also get their eyes grey and start acting like zombies, following the first guy who is clearly their leader.. I run away and find out the hotel has been evacuated already, as more people turned into zombies in other areas and the survivors ran away. People are gathered outside, but they stop running and they don't even lock the doors to trap the zombies inside. I urge people to do so, but they don't seem worried and the truth is they aren't coming out and attacking. Then people start walking calmly to a nearby dock, where everyone is trying to get on boats to escape. I see all those people pushing each other to get on board and I realize something: we are still the majority. So I propose to those who care to listen that we actually go back and take down all the zombies before they outnumber us. But they ignore me. People just want to leave ASAP.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Before going to sleep I had been thinking about my very first dreams I recall having. One of them was being chased by a bull inside my kindergarten, derived from one traumatic day in which a bull was on the lose in the area and we were warned to stay safe indoors and all the kids ran in panic inside. So I am dreaming that I am at some big palace building, maybe a museum, maybe a university, not sure, but some kind of event is taking place and lots of people are getting ready for something. For some reason, a huge, almost supernatural bull, is chasing me and gets lost inside this building. I first run upwards some stairs on a corner of the building and on the top floor, I go to another corner of the building (it's main area seems to be quadrangular) to descend through the staircase on this side. But the bull is probably causing damages in some crowded area, because lots of people come running my way and hide in some hall to my left. I see the stairs are also full of people going up and down, apparently not knowing from where the danger comes from and I decide to jump into some shaft that exists in the middle of some smaller staircase, maybe a service staircase. At its bottom, there is a classic statue of a woman, wrapped in ropes to be pulled up. I almost crash into it. I escape to some terrace through a window, which is not at ground level, but is close enough. I spot my dog Hachi on the street jumping nervously, looking around how to get to me. I jump from the terrace to a garden below, but the open space makes me nervous because the bull can come crashing out of one of the doors of the building at any moment and cut my path. I manage to reach the gates and alongside other people, we move to an apparently safe place, by walking on some ledges on the side of some buildings, connected by bridges, over a canal that runs through the middle of them. Most weirdly, is that at the bottom of the canal are lots and lots of coffins. Apparently it is a tradition here not to bury the dead, but to lay their caskets on the canal. I wonder how the hell the water isn't putrid and stinky.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I need money, go to an ATM. It has a notice saying it is broken, but also has a bunch twenty euros bills sticking out, which I want to grab. I wonder if I'll be accused of stealing if it gets recorded on the ATM's camera, so I remove the notice and pretend I am trying to use the ATM, putting my card in and then I remove the money as I remove my card and hide the bills under the card, so it doesn't show on the video. Then other people passing by come to see if the machine is back to work, since they also need to use it and I explain it is not and that I was just trying it out. Then some bad looking guy comes by, asking if there was any money in it because he had been the last person using the machine and he suspected the machine may have spewed the money after he left. I say no, but he doesn't believe me, so he kidnaps me and I find myself arrested by some mafia guys. I try to escape and accidentally step into a room where the mob boss keeps a feline in a chain. It's his pet. Looks like a young leopard. My first instinct is to pet him but they warn me he'll attack. I watch the mob boss pet him. I later escape through the bathroom window. I am walking some fancy streets and recognize it is in Italy, maybe Rome. I myself am looking fancy. I reach a street full of tables from restaurants, with tourists eating. I fly over them and hear all kinds of comments of surprise from people. I am half-lucid and spot some roman ruins and decide to go sit on top of it watching the beautiful sunset. Then I fly over to some other ruins nearby and find the mob guy dead in there and the leopard on the lose. He already knows me, so he doesn't run away, but I wonder if he'll hurt me. I grab the chain that is laying on the floor and try to put in on his neck. He does attack me, but it feels like a big cat biting and scratching, not like a big feline who could rip my flesh. So I manage and I secure the chain and walk him around a bit. He submits to me and automatically allows me to pet him. The police arrives and bystanders start gathering. I ask the police what happens to the leopard and nobody knows or wants to deal with that responsibility, so they say I can keep him since he seems to like and obey me. I kinda like the idea but I wonder where I'll keep him because of all my cats and dogs at home.
Updated 11-25-2021 at 10:44 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Watching a lady walking out from what seems to be a school, with her kid by her hand. She is surprised by two guys and a woman, heavily armed, asking for the kid. They are sent by her ex who wants custody of the kid. But she is also armed and she points the gun at them. They outnumber her, so they keep coming closer and she decides pointing at the kid and threaten to kill him. She would never hurt him and they kinda know that, but nobody wants to risk it. So she manages to get into her car, a convertible, and get away. But the other woman put a tracker on it and they chase her down. The place is some historical town reminding me of Malta, with stone houses and narrow streets. When they get to a one-way street that has a wall and the sea beneath it, they throw some device into the convertible which attaches strongly to the car and then shoots a sort of parachute that makes the car take off in the air and fly over the water. It eventually falls in the water and the woman tries to bring her kid to safety by swimming and pushing him over a cement platform with access back to the street, but she is then surprised by a large shark passing right under her. She climbs to another cement structure that is mostly submerged and not connected to land. Then some other pre-historical animal, looking like a dinosaur, comes out of the water and heads towards the kid. In despair, she takes her chances with the shark and swims to shore. She reaches her kid on time, but actually just because the animal never actually meant to attack and just sat on the ground, a couple meters from them. Then they have to escape the kidnappers and I don't know exactly how they do it, but I think the locals help and also provide them shelter and food. I then become her and the kid is not a kid anymore but instead I am with Riverstone and Tânia. The villagers take us up a mountain path, to some camp where they say we will be safe. It's quite hard to climb and it is also a bit of a stormy weather, but we are managing. Once up there they say there is no bathroom up on camp site and if we need it, it is all the way down that path again. I find that highly inconvenient. As we sit at a table with them for a meal, a huge lightning storm surrounds us and I say I wanna go check something. Then suddenly I am at an alternative version of my mom's house and closing all the windows and balconies to protect from the storm. My cat Yéti is in one of the balconies and doesn't want to come inside. Two times he evades me and goes back to the balcony, but I end up bringing him to the living room and shut the doors. I want all my pets to be safe inside, so I also go get all the dogs from outside. At some building like a hostel or a rental with shared rooms. I am staying here temporarily, but Clara is living here with other friends. I am going out, and I want to leave my cat Ginga in my room, but she is hanging out with other cats in a shared room. I don't feel comfortable, because someone might not be careful and let her out to the other areas of the building. But Clara tries to convince me to trust. So I just check all the windows to see if they are well shut and I find one that has a small opening covered by a fragile plaque that can be easily blown by the wind. After attempts to reinforce it, I just give up and trust that it is high enough the cats can't reach. I then head to ground floor to go out. I also spot some issues with the front door, some broken glass near the floor that I feel compelled to fix, because the cats might also escape through it and that makes me nervous. While I attempt to block it, some group of people heavily armed is coming my way. I recognize their leader, some sexy villain guy who wanted me for him some time ago. Have no idea what they want, but I lock the door and try to block it for them. I head for the elevators but the elevators are not working. Meanwhile, those people break in very easily and I only have time to head for the basement. But they see me and go after me. The basement is full of furniture and appliances, really elegant and expensive stuff. Even they are surprised and mention to each other this will turn out to be a nice extra loot. I am crawling behind the furniture and they are trying to find me. The guy who knows me tries to convince to come out by saying he missed me and that I look so fine and he really wants me and I can come out and surrender because he will never harm me. I almost feel like falling for it, because I have a weak spot for him, but then I spot one of those small service elevators for sending up food and I sneak inside it. I wanna go up and warn everybody. The bad guys get really pissed when they realize what I did. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At a huge place wth different departments, can't tell exactly what it is, seems like a company. Suddenly all turns into silence and people seem to form groups and start killing each other mindlessly, as in the Purge. I am caught in a large open space office with a group of 4 people with guns but all I have for my defense is office supplies and a bar code scanner, which I aim at the eyes of an attacker to defend myself. I turn a table upside down and from behind it I throw stuff at attackers and then manage to escape. I meet some nordic man who is a researcher or something else with some status in his country for some reason. I get really upset when others try to kill him, so along with a couple other people, we decide to protect him no matter what. One of the killers gets closer and I recognize him as a friend of mine, so I am shocked, but he laughs in my face. Asks me to surrender the guy, we don't. I say he might make me bleed but then I am gonna kill him. We escape this place and enter a moving train, but I am sure some of our attackers have managed to also get into it. I try to find a place where we can be safe. I pass by a wagon where I find Zilla with her partner and her baby. They are entertaining guests as if they were at home. I stop for a while just to kiss and greet. Then quickly move on. I spot our attackers, they are now wearing Halloween costumes and people are amused by it. I jump from the train and hope to make them chase me. I enter some warehouse. They follow me. I spot a small window between some shelves and sneak out through it. Outside I find the back of a museum and there is some construction work going on. I keep running across the place and enter the museum. Inside is happening Comic Con.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am in a small dark room, white walls, old furniture. There is a table and two chairs and Riverstone is sitting behind the table, against the wall, with his head pending down and acting bizarre. I am lucid and try to figure if he is real or a shady DC. I say something but he is unresponsive. I tell him I know he is not real, so I am going to play with him a little bit. He then reacts, but I still can tell he is not really Riverstone and I actually feel he is becoming threatening to me. So I shrink him to the size of a bug and pick him from the floor. Now he is putting on a fight. I put him on the table and tell him it will be fine, I'll bring him back to normal size, but as I do it, he turns into a black snake and I stop resizing him, because I don't wanna face a giant black snake. I turn away to the door and just leave. At the next room I see my dog Hachi, but also Bernardo and some other stranger dog. Hachi is happy to see me, but then the other two start fighting in the background and instead of him defending Bernardo, he joins in attacking him. I scream in horror, but then tell myself it is just a nightmare and turn away. I plunge into the wall, I wander through darkness for a while and then come out at another dark room, very much the style of the previous two. I hear noise outside the door and open it. Looks like a cprridor of some vintage looking hostel. Some kid from another room to my left is also peaking out, sleepy. Tells me something as if I am supposed to know what he is talking about. I go to the lobby and from there goes a stairway to a living room in the basement, which is full of youngsters having fun, just like som hostel I stayed in Japan once. I am not interested, so I choose to go out to the street. There is a street market, which reminds me somewhere I have been in Germany. I recognize the memory, love reliving the details. Then hear some guys talking about getting laid and whose lady from the hostel tourists they are going to bang. They spot me and start acting menacing, like they are considering to rape me, so I try to get away from them by climbing a rope that is hanging with clothes from the top of a passageway over the street, and I run up a hill. End up in another strange house, that looks abandoned, almost like a windmill, but it is inhabited by 3 girls. One looks like Natalie Portman. They are nice and invite me in. They are having like a slumber party, all lounging over a bed and sharing chocolates while talking about this and that. They offer me chocolate, I say no and they find strange. So then I go on and on explaining my aversion to choclate since I was little.
Harry Potter once again I am on a broom with someone. We're flying around this rural and foggy area, and it appears lord Voldemort is chasing us. I act as a guide, and it appears this is a video-game-but-not again, and I tell the other guy on the broom that he should use the neon rocket ability thing from inFamous: Second Son (the R1 button thing for neon) and aim at Voldemort's head. He seems to be pretty bad at aiming and I get annoyed by him not just firing at certain points at which he could've hit. The environment seems to be like the area where a tunnel in Just Cause 3 is, where you fly your first wingsuit course, but, instead of the tunnel, it's just a road on a cliffside, on which there is nothing to tunnel through. There's also a bridge above some sort of foggy mudflat, being devoured by the tide. It looks like the golden gate bridge, just way smaller and the colors quite desaturated. Around the bridge, I told the guy with me to fire the rockets. I also had the Second Son UI pop up as he tried to do that. This game includes so many different things from media that I probably have to hope it doesn't get copyrighted. And why Harry Potter again? This is also a rare occurrence of dream characters actually existing, and even behaving like they're human. But good that I've managed to recall this that much.