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    1. Dream fragments and lucidity

      by , 07-28-2012 at 12:35 AM
      So last night I had more than one dream. Each dream I had didn't seem to have a beginning nor end. The first dream I can remember I went Lucid shortly.
      It started with me being in this huge creepy (Not old just scary) Mansion of some sort. The inside was endless and I was looking for a way out but each door I opened led to another completely different looking house. For example I would be in a middle class house and could see a yard out side in the country then I would go through a door and I would be in a very expensive looking apartment in the city. I couldn't go through the windows for some reason and there were no exits. The harder I tried to leave to deeper I seemed to go. The new rooms grew more and more dark and warped. Everything started to feel wrong I got a idea in my head that I had to leave or I would die there. At some point I opened a door and the room looked like space yet I knew if I fell I would fall forever. I had to go along this ledge to get to the next door. I opened it and was in a normal yet poorly let house. It looked really familiar but I couldn't figure out why . (When I woke up I realized it was the house I lived in in a dream I had a long time ago) Anyway I'm standing there and suddenly I understand why nothing makes any sense. I was dreaming. I walked around intently looking at everything. I kept saying "This is cool....I'm really asleep.....everything's so real...." I was picking stuff up and feeling it and looking over everything. It was cool. I went and looked out a window and was like "SSSSPPPPAAACCCCEEEE!!!! >:3" At that point I didn't care about leaving because I knew it was just a dream so I just explored some. Ate some point I must of woke up shortly or had a major dream change. The next dream I had I didn't go lucid.

      I was in a movie theater getting my ticket. I went in the the show room and looked around for a place to sit. That when a guy walked past me that look just like one of my friends but older. He stopped and was like "Hey long time no see" He was referring to us not seeing each other over the summer but he looked way older the he was. He is 17 but looked 20. Anyway turns out all my friends were there. I go to sit down by them But someone says they are saving that seat. For some reason I get offended and sit away from them (Would never happen...I love my friends) They are like "Awwwww come back" I ignore them and the movie starts. I don't get to watch it though because the jerk next to me start talking and everyone tells him to shut it but in the end a guy asks him to leave ALONG with me because the think I'm with him. I'm like "I don't know this guy! I'm not even involved." My friends come to my aid even though I was a jerk but they still kick me out.
      Dream shifted
      I'm at a construction sight and I have no idea why. My parents are apparently rich and own the place but there not my parents and I know it. I walk around and everyone acts like they know me but I don't know them. Then my little "brother" whom I don't know ether tell my mom said to inside. I'm just like "meh..." and go with it. I go inside this cool looking rich person house. Inside there is this guy who says "Hey come look at the full moon" He hands me a pirate like telescope (I don't know what they are called - _ -) I look out at the moon but its green and blue. Then I realize its the earth....and I'm not on it. So naturally I freak out.
      Dream shift
      Ok now I'm on my road that goes to my house. I walk past a park were they are opening a new pool. I hitch a ride with this guy to my house (I guess I could have just walked...idk) So I'm going down the street to my house and I pass a lot of stuff that didn't mean anything in my dream (when I woke up I remembered That a lot of places I passed were more places I had been in other dreams...so that's kind of cool) Then he dropped me in front of my house. I think something else happened my it's foggy because my grandma woke me up soon after.