So in the dream, my mom had previously had a heart attack; me and the rest of my close family went to the hospital with her, and she ended up surviving. Later on she held a speech about something in front of a large crowd of people, I don't know what the speech was about. While holding the speech, she was shot straight through the heart; for some reason this wasn't instantly lethal and she was again taken to the hospital. She was told that she she only had a few months to live. She could leave the hospital and wasn't confined to any machines, but it was like cancer where you just suddenly die towards the end. *What I wrote above was past memories in the dream and my dream kind of starts here*: Me and my extended family were at my grandparents house, it was a family gathering that was rather common. The mood was pretty depressing as everyone knew my mom only had a few months to live, so we tried to enjoy her company before she died. We tried not to mention her limited lifespan. I left to go on a walk alone, as I needed to gather my thoughts. The area I was walking in was a wild grass-plain area with an abandoned bunker near it. It was a very calm and peaceful area that was easy to walk in. Suddenly my mom showed up out of nowhere, and I was pleasantly surprised to see her. She smiled and gave off a certain warmth that I can't describe. We then started walking together while talking, it was very casual and it felt nice, but something seemed off. I forgot what we were talking about but I eventually realised it wasn't my mom, but someone disguised as her. Not with like a clothing/mask disguise, but like a transformation disguise. Suddenly the thing pretending to be my mom morphed and revealed itself to be the devil. He started tormenting me with everything that's wrong with me and taunted me with how my mom was going to die and that I would never see her again. Then I woke up.
Updated 11-20-2024 at 01:31 PM by 102033
Working the Earth I'm on a grassy hillside area, tilling some dirt. It's a sunny Summer day. The tilling tool is small. Like a kid's sand rake. I am on my knees near the ground. I work at a monastery of some kind. I'm with a girl that I like, but it is a forbidden romance-type situation. Will-they-won't-they scenario. We are working together on the soil. The temple is down the way, to the left of our viewpoint. We're talking about our friend (waking life BP). There is some project involving computers that we are part of with him. DJ is also involved. Fragment I'm up extra early for work today. I reflect how nice it is to experience some cool morning air in the normally oppressively Summer heat.
Updated 06-27-2023 at 02:24 PM by 99808
(man it's a long one) Part 1: Spider-man and Dream ControlThe first section involved me trying to help Spider-man escort some kids to a destination across the generic city that often features in my dreams. I started out using the dream control powers I'm most adept at, superhuman agility and size changing. after I was done escorting, Spider-man thanked me, and I decided to try and perform a longstanding dream goal, to see if I could switch genders. After unsuccessfully attempting to to conjure a potion to do so, some weird advert for a product for it just appeared in my field of vision, and for whatever reason, I found out it was in my uncle and aunt's room in the hotel they were staying at. I immediately tried and successfully gained access to their room by sneaking in. The serum was apparently a form of shampoo, and I decided to take a shower with the weirdly complicated showerhead apparatus there. The serum didn't really work, but slowly did it after I took the shower, In the process, I completely destabilised the dream, plummeting it into chaos, I false-awakened as a girl, in my regular room, wearing my ordinary PJs, after that, I decided I'd go back to sleep. Part 2: Shopping and Terrible RollercoastersI found myself in a ]shopping centre, specifically, the model most closely tied to the "docks" area, I woke up with a few friends, one even had a simulation of a rollercoaster they built, it appeared to be a weird fusion between a industrial/futuristic-themed ghost train, and a steel sitdown coaster in the fashion of The Scorpion Express, the ride jerked you around like some amateur designed it, too many Gs with a lot of corners in the tracks. We browsed around, getting a REALLY cool Nerf gun that had burst fire and multiple secondary dart types you could shoot, it looked like a cross between a surgefire, a Spectre REV-5, and a Demolisher 2-In-1. The War and The WitchAfter walking home for a bit, we stumbled upon a funeral parade for victims of "the old war", a lot of things happened before the parade, I even saw Emperor Palpitine driving a flying Arriva bus with only half the wheels. I saw multiple of my dad's old milliary friends marching in the parade, hearses carrying the coffins of young children, people who had fought in the war, and multiple machines that fought in the war. I climbed into one, and was handed a section of poem to read out. I can't remember the exact text of the poem, other than at some point it was replaced by an entirely new Harry Potter book. after the vehicle got separated from the main parade, we came across a destroyed bridge that had seemingly collapsed from all the people that had crossed it. As we plummeted into the water, we found some wire that got caught on the supply vessel we were in, something shot us out of the water, and on to land. I got out and tried to walk. I walked a familiar route, past the RSCPA complex, through the industrial estate, and onto a field. The only difference now, is that I picked up someone trying to get to a section in my journey. I encountered a witch on the path back to the parade, who then turned into a south asian women in a hijab, I recognised her, we had a talk, and then it all just faded out from there.
After losing the rest of my family after attempting to check in to a hotel, I decided to get a blimp back home. The blimp appeared to be in a sponsorship deal with The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, as multiple of their products were plastered around the blimp's unusually large cabin. I missed my stop, so I decided to retreat to the arcade section of the cabin, where I discovered a small skittles alley themed on M&M's and multiple arcade games based around Wrigley products & brands. For some strange reason, the blimp was Japanese owned, and had a significant neo-Japanese aesthetic to it. It's logo & mascot bared a resemblance to Jenny from My Life As a Teenage Robot The blimp also a miniature rail system that allowed you to get to different sections, including the disabled toilets. The toilet system acted as the general-purpose waste disposal system also.
I am one of four or five people on a series of islands inhabited by monsters. I vaguely remember a small monster destroying my plane as I flew over the islands. I look out into the distance and see two monsters fighting each other, in the ocean surrounding the island. One is a grayish black monster with four black crystals jutting out in the four diagonals on its back. It seemed to be made entirely of rock, and was somewhat rounded in shape. The monster it was fighting was an all white monster seemingly made primarily of bones, with its arm bones transitioning into spear-like structures as opposed to hands. It was lanky in figure, giving me the impression that it was fast. I estimated them to be around 5-7 stories tall, with the white monster slightly taller than the gray monster. The oldest survivor suggested we cross to the nearest island to find a way to escape the monsters. We arrive at a small, sandy peninsula at the edge of the island. There are smaller versions of the monsters from earlier there, fighting each other still. Instead of 5-7 stories tall, these were only five times as large as me in the dream. The rock monster notices me. It charges at me in the middle of the fight, nearly killing me with a single attack. It goes back after the white bone monster, attacking, dodging an attack, and charging back after me. I somehow dodged, climbed onto the top left crystal on its back, and, drawing the sword I apparently had, I stab the rock monster. I don't remember how, but it was defeated by a single attack. Luckily, the bone monster was also gone. The group had already crossed the small divide between the islands. Now it was my turn. I knew that the water was dangerous, because the monsters had a tendency to show up more in the water. As I entered the water, suspenseful music began to play. I reached the shallow part of the other side of the divide before I woke up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The dream was really cool, but not very meaningful. It was really exciting though, and there was a good, large amount of dream content there.
Updated 08-25-2017 at 06:11 PM by 91255
I've been gone for awhile, but I'm back. On to the dream! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no reason as to how or why, but I win a ticket to go on a blimp heading for the clouds. I enter the blimp, and nothing interesting happened on the blimp, so my brain skips it. I end up in a gift store surrounded by a vast ocean of clouds. I see people riding around on what looked like jetskis that could go under(cloud?) riding around outside in the clouds. The gift store also has clouds inside it, up to about knee level. Wading through clouds, I encounter a fish guy. My dream cuts out befriending him, but it turns out that he is the ruler of the cloud area. It feels like many days had passed since I arrived in the cloud area. The ruler, whose name I never learned, had become good friends with me. I am taken to what appears to be a observatory of some kind, with openings in clouds allowing us to see the surface. There are a few teabags sandwiched between filters, each group with a name on them. One of the groups had my name on it. Without being told, I knew that, for some reason, the teabags represented the life force of the corresponding human. The ruler explains to me that he planned to flood the Earth, leaving only humans he trusted to survive. I ask about why he would want to do that, and there's a flashback. It was the ruler as a child, playing with a fish twice his size. "Where I come from, all creatures were equal," he explains. A net catches his fish friend. "However, you humans would treat those different from you as scum, even among your own species. It's disgusting. I must remove such disgusting creatures from existence, before they infect other worlds with their hate." I attempt to negotiate with him, but fail. Out of anger, he sends me back to the surface (instantly), and I end up next to the blimp again. Just as I prepare to get on the blimp to stop him, I wake up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This dream stood out to me for many reasons. Firstly, it had a really coherent plot. The only weird things that stuck out to me when I woke up were how life force was represented by teabags and that I somehow was sent instantly to the surface. Also, it makes you wonder; if there were a civilization in the clouds, are their drinks in cloud form? Secondly, I genuinely felt all the emotions, and most of the sensations, which is the first time I can remember that happening in a dream. It felt real.
I was walking the dogs with my mom, It was a very cloudy day. Then i looked at my watch i was shocked that it was blue and not red and the numbers were messed up. So i did the breathing reality check and boom I was lucid. I jumped super high across the creek we were walking next to I landed with no pain at all. I did this a couple times i could feel when I was falling it felt so real. Then the place changed and i was at my Grandpas house and some guardian told me there was a good vs evil war going on. So i walked through this door and it was a copy of the house but angled differently. I could see some demons below so i threw metal stand on them and ran away. Then i jumped and fell down the stairs . I got to my computer right under the spiral staircase. I logged into Skyrim and some weird green face popped up and startled me so i shut the screen of the computer down really fast. I went upstairs in the house and looked in a mirror. I hardly looked any different i had a small little cut on my face for some odd reason. Then the dream slowly faded and i woke up.
So I was at my house in the living room, a casual day. Somehow I was able to summon Slender Man and he was hostile at first. Somehow I was able to make him my ally, and told him to get in the refrigerator, wrapped in a umbrella. ( Some imagination I have ) The refrigerator was white, and old looking. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the umbrella Slendy was in. It didn't weigh much. ( Maybe a magic portal, hm.....) I walked down the street passing a few people and got on my bus for school. I was sitting at window side with my friend. I looked at my umbrella it was a Gatorade bottle. "Hey Slendy is in my bottle." I said. He took the bottle and started to splash it on the floor making a mess. Every time he splashed it on the ground a small boom noised started. I think slendy appeared in the back of the bus and he killed everyone except for me... Time fast forwarded to when I was walking home at night without my great murdering ally! I was walking down a street that curved around a park, at the back of it there was a forest. I was near the front of the giant park when I stopped walking, and noticed a motorcyclist chasing at me. I don't know why, I had this urge to run fast to my house. I started running faster then the motorcycle , down this street thinking it was the street to get home, until I read a sign saying I took the wrong turn. Scared, I jumped over my neighbors fence, and over the fence at the back of it. I noticed a dead end and went back to the other backyard. Out of nowhere about 23 police man charged at me, knocking down the gate in the process. I was doomed without Slendy. At the right time Slendy jumped off the roof and started kicking some ass. He was doing martial arts kicks! The cops were closing in on him but he managed to distract them, to allow me to get to safety. I looked where Slendy was at, and noticed we were on a steep hill with a city at the bottom of it. I jumped off the hill and tried to swing on the pole of a lamp post. I fell down and woke up.
Dream 1 - I'm at the house having an airsoft war with my friend and an unknown girl. I'm in the yard most of the time. I see that the neighbors house looks like a giant, white, opened parachute. There's music playing in the house; I go in to see where It's coming from. It's coming from some gaming system. On the screen, there is an option that will remind you to ask if you are dreaming when you encounter a dreamsign in the game. I think about setting it to remind me when there is food. My mom comes home and we watch a video of an old lady falling off a chair. Dream 2 - I'm carrying a letter and don't know what its for or where it came from. I'm walking with my dad on a cement pathway by a rectangle, cement pond of water. At the end of this pool is a clock that doesn't work. Seeing this clock gives me the impulse to put the letter into a slot in the wall. I do put I in the slot and when I do, the water starts to move towards the back corner, like there's a current. I get in the water and it takes me through a small opening. I float through a small hallway and a voice is telling me, in really bad English, about lucid dreaming. I find myself in a small waiting room with only a mirror .I look in the mirror and comb out my wet hair. A man comes in and starts asking me questions. One of the questions is something about what I would do if I was on my way down the stairs to mow the lawn and dropped a heavy hair dryer. Isk why someone would er before mowing the lawn. Dream 3 - I'm with my friend, S, in a closet. There a a few plates of cake; I eat 2 pieces. I then go to the kitchen an look in the cabinet; theres a bottle of gummy bears that are supposed to give you good dreams.
I'm in my house and have to use the bathroom. The toilet-it doesn't look much like a toilet-is in the kitchen, in front of the fridge. My mom is in the house, in a different room, but I don't want to use this toilet, so I go to the other bathroom. The scene changes and I'm in he bathroom at my friend's house. This bathroom changes too and becomes a large hot tub. Yet another change occurs; I'm now in a large outdoor pool with very clear water. I go under and start to swim the length of the pool, staying at the cement bottom. When I approach the end, it feels as if I'm no longer under water: everything is the same color and visibility but I know it is air. I see a graveyard and 'swim' away from people visiting.
I went to sleep at 02:00am and had a lucid dreamer tablet before I fell asleep instead of sleeping a few hours then taking it. This worked much better for me, the dream was soooooo vivid! Dream 1 I was at a festival, in this festival there was 3 places where you could sleep. I had this area which was really peaceful and I was lucky to get it, it was just a patch of grass with a few beds on it. Next to me was the other area, this was a huge tent but it was ruled with bikers. The area after that was a patch of gravel and it had a bunch of young people on it like 18 year olds. I walked into the bikers area and they all started attacking me. I walked out of it and went next door into the gravel area. There were some people from my school in here and they were telling me about the bikers. I was lying on a bed which was right next to bikers area and I dropped some litter accidentally which blew onto the bikers side. They all got angry and started shouting at me. They said they were calling the cleaners right now! I ran back to my area and my friend was sitting on his bed playing Ab-Soul out some portable speakers. I was like 'Yeahhhhh, good music' and started singing along. Everything then blacked out for a second. I regained consciousness and I was in a room. I was caged in some metal electric fence. There was a big yellow keep out sign in front of me. However I wasn't alone I was with one of my friends brother, he is a lot younger than me. I look at my surroundings and try to work out how I can possibly escape. I can't jump over, I couldn't do anything. I was stuck. Outside of my metal fence there was a hall, down the bottom of this hall was a door. It swung open and 4 people come bursting into the room. I look at my friends brother and whisper to pretend that his hands are tied in the hope they let us out and we can swing a punch. They walked up to the fence. The main guy was an old man in his 60s with grey hair. He comes right close to the fence and says "Tell me where your friend is?!" My friends brother had now turned into my sister. My sister refused, she would not tell him. He told her that if she would not tell he would kill her and her family. "Just tell him!" I shout. "No, I would rather kill myself than tell him" she turned round and ran down this what looked like a water slide (it was where they threw people down to kill them). "NOOOOO" this guy shouts as she jumps down. She realises she doesn't want to die and climbs back out of it while she is halfway down. I think I need to see if I can escape in case I get thrown down. I jump down this black chute. I slide down this first drop where my sister got to and I try to climb back up. It wasn't working I was slipping down, I couldn't get back up. I was going to die. Water began to splurt out everywhere so it kind of turned into a water slide, a really slow one. It pushed me down, a left, right, left then there was a huge drop, at the bottom of the drop it pushed me left again then I could see the walls were getting much smaller in the distance. I come up to them pulling myself along the chute now as I'm going so slow, I enter this very claustrophobic space wishing that I would hurry up and die, I took some more corners until I seen it. There was a dead end, there was blades which were in a 10 by 10 square and on the other side of this blade was spinning blades which chop you up completely. I think I either kill myself now or die from starvation. I bring myself up to do it then realise, ITS A DREAM QUICK OPEN MY EYES and I do. Dream 2 I was on holiday and my block of apartments was near the top of this mountain. The pool was amazing, it was surrounded by glass planes which looked over the mountain. The pool was quite busy and had lots of people in it. Good, because I felt like talking to people and so I did. I jumped in and swam to random people engaging in conversation with them. However I can't recall what we talked about now. There was a swimming race going on soon and you did it in pairs and the winner got a prize. I was paired up for someone against my school. We dived in and we were using floats for our arms. Damn, I was really slow without using them. I chucked my float out and began doing front crawl and easily won. I won a prize, which was I could have this meal which was £7.50 for free! It was some rat type thing which you could see being cooked. Dream 3 I wrote down my dreams went toilet and back to bed and I was back at the swimming pool again. This time I had been shot in the stomach. I was being treated by the side of the poo. The gun that shot me was an 'MP2' apparently. It was only a small bullet. The man got these electrical clipper things and pulled on it. OMG it was extremely painful, like super painful. He pulled it out and I was thinking. Wow, this is a cool story to tell.
Dream 1 It's the last day of school and I'm telling my friend B that I can't believe it. We end up outside, in a meadow-like setting, riding in what looks like a big bath tub. As we talk, a sad song plays in the background. Now, we're in a dimly lit room; B is asleep on a bed and I'm just sitting. She starts sleeptalking and I don't think too much of it. Then she starts rolling around and having convultions so I get up to see what's happening. She rolls off the bed and starts clawing my legs. I start to freak out and tell her to stop. She does, and she opens her eyes. I ask her what she was doing; she says she doesnt know. Dream 2 I'm walking barefoot down a road in a barren setting. I see 3 girls (a mother and kids?) walking ahead of me, so I lift my legs up to sit on air, and float past them. They comment on what I've just done but don't sound too excited. Now, I'm on a new road and have a mug in my hand. I walk down this road and it becomes more forested. The pineneedles underfoot are slightly uncomfortable to walk on. I pass a cop car, and the road turns to sand. There are a few tents set up. This is Burning Man. I start making my way towards the closest tent and notice a plump lady with a neat orange and black dress on. I want to tell her I like it, but I don't. At the first tent, I see a chicken with a cat's head and large, orange, furry paws. There's also a cat with a tiger's tail and a man holding a tiger cub. I pet the cub but it bites me so I leave. The next tent is full of movies- Disney movies and rock climbing movies. While I'm looking at them, my friend S pops her head into the tent. We leave and I'm now sitting at a table with another friend, M. We are arranging black and white cards of different sizes to spell the word 'Lois'. It's supposed to cast an image into the sky (like the Batman logo) but when we look up, it's not a shadow. 'Lois' is spelled out in smoke and it slowly drifts away.
Hey guys, so first off, I want to say that I've had about 5 LDs, but I've unfortunately only written about one. I will definitely start wrtiting in here more often. Also, I want to say that I have good dream recall now, so I can remember dreams almost every night. Alright, so here I go. This morning, I woke up and didn't move. I didn't have any dreams (I don't think) and I was probably mostly asleep when I just briefly thought about LDing (I didn't even plan on LDing) when instantly, my body started vibratingand I couldn't move. It felt like my foot was asleep, except on my whole body. I couldn't mistake that it was SP. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see any hallucinations. Here's the weird part: When I opened my eyes, I was in a dark field, even though I was still in SP. I closed my eyes, and almost instantly, I was thrust into a LD. When I opened my eyes, it was dark, and I was in my front yard (We live in the middle of the woods). There was a man standing next to me in a wrestling mask (could he be my Dream Guide??) And he was telling me to vote on something. Let me just say, everything was more vivid then life, and I could FEEL the weather (it was freezing.) I told the man (I was lucid) that if I was voting, I wanted to use the electronic voting booth. The only reason I was doing this was to practice summoning. Instantly when I looked over, there was a bright voting booth. When I looked towards my house, I could see my dad sitting in a chair at the door. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine downtown Atlanta (I live in Georgia.) Nothing showed up. I walked inside, and my dad was talking about the weather to my mom. I asked him if he would drive me to Atlanta. He said yes, and when I looked out into the front yard, in between the woods were semi trucks like a truck stop, and a plane was landing overhead. The lights were more vivid than real life. It was Atlanta in the woods! There was a parking lot on the side of our house, and he said we would take the big bus (we don't have a bus). We got in and the whole place was red, with TVs for windows. He said that when he got on his phone, the bus ride would intensify, and then I woke up.
Hey guys it's me again with another WILD! I found a technique that worked for me everytime, check it out at this thread on my recent post if you like. Anyways, let's get to that WILD. You may found the dream not that interesting as an adventure, but note that these are my first WILDs and I'm still developing some dream control, which was easier in my traditional DILD/DEILD mixups. So after some time of laying in bed after my tricks, I start to get vibes all around and realised the time has come. I start to see stuff from my room all together gathered from different parts of the room spinning around in front of me and after a while, the scene stabilizes, I'm in my room. I get up from bed and the dream starts. So I kinda check around the room, and it's even more realistic than last time! I wasn't afraid of waking up if I got excited. So I have a stereo which has a mirror-like glass, which I looked through and saw my weird dream face, as I started to make ridiculous expressions to have some fun! Then I instantly made a reality check nose plug, works everytime, anyplace, anyway just to be sure, and I could breathe through of course. I opened my room door to get out, the door handle felt veeery much softer and loose than usual. I got out and flied through the corridor as I usually do in OBE-like wilds. As I reached the living room, I remembered from yesterday's WILD that the sofa was placed weirdly and went to check. So I checked and the scene suddenly changed to normal. I said what the hell, who cares I'm in a lucid dream here! So I went out at the balcony to jump and fly but surprisingly, I fell! I was always very good at flying but today, I just couldn't make it! Fortunately The dream didn't collapse after I fell, but kept up going in the streets. Yeah! My mistake at this LD though was that I didn't recorded it straight when I woke up, I said I'll do it when I wake up later, so I missed almost the half dream. Never do that, Instantly record. Anyways, so I've hit the streets baby, and there is an imaginary neighbout stopped outside my house on his motorcycle (I call him imaginary neighbour, because in the dream I had the impression that he is a neighbour, but he was actually just a DC and I knew that during the dream ) who I talked to anyway and I can't remember about what exactly. I would normally remember but as I said, I didn't instantly recall and record. Who knows How many other things I missed from that dream due to my fat-lazy-assness. But anyways, enough whinning. After talking with that man, I tried to float myself to the sky, but didn't make it. Important to note is that I was in my underwear all the time, but I didn't care, nor did any DC around. So I tried to project a gun from inside my underpants, but that was nearly impossible. So without much thought, I formed a gun shape with my fingers and tried to shoot passengers with it. No chance. The dream was so vivid that my traditional dream control was ruined, and I have to get used to it again. So yeah that was about it, I remember some scenes of the dream as flashes during the day but it's still not enough, I'm pretty sure the dream continued for a good deal of time after I lost it at my recall, but I am glad I am succeeding twice in a row. I hope that's not a random effect, but a scheduled success. I'm waiting for this night to confirm it. till then...
11/09/12 Dream 1 (Lucid) I was straight away lucid and it was night time in the dream again. My last 3 lucids have been at night time. During my dream incubation recently I have been preforming with Boy Better Know. So I was standing on this field and I decided when I turn round there will be a place where Boy Better Know are preforming. I believed this and when I turned round there was indeed a nightclub. I was happy and decided to walk straight through the doors. But it wasn't letting me. It kinda turned into 3rd person however I couldn't see my body and every time I tried to walk through, it flashed black like a scene transition in a game/movie. It wasn't letting me through and I started losing lucidity. So I started spinning and I then it just faded. This dream was not a very vivid one, it was quite hazy. Dream 2 (Non Lucid) I can't remember this much. I remembered it fully in the morning though. I was at an airport toilet and I was scared of flying. I then remember going down steps and there was a women who was dressed as Kanye West and was pretending to be a wax model. I had a photo with this Kanye and I pulled this silly pose which was smiling stupid and pointing up at Kanye.
Updated 09-11-2012 at 04:36 PM by 49743