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    1. She Wants 10 More Men for Sex

      by , 10-25-2014 at 05:11 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      She Wants 10 More Men for Sex (DILD)


      I was in bed with another member in this forum because I wanted to meet them, but not through this way. I wanted to be in a more platonic environment, but I guess my mind was rendering this virtual experiential reality as the only way we probably could even communicate.

      And maybe that’s the probability I have to consider, and if that’s the case, I might as well move on with my life instead of trying to rekindle with them directly; especially if circumstances in real life wouldn’t make it compatible in the first place. Or maybe I’m missing the whole point, and there’s some underlying and symbolic meaning as to why this emulation of someone else is presented this way.

      I’m mostly watching what’s going on, but I’m aware of sensations of my feet and legs despite looking in a third person point of view. She’s to the right of me, if you’re looking at the screen just the way you are, and she has the sheets near her chest raised up. Accepting her invitation to do whatever to her, I proceed to do so, until she stated she wanted 10 more men to join in on the fun.

      What is this, Ocean’s 11?

      I just couldn’t comprehend why a female needs 10 more men to have sex with her; there’s only so many holes to where if you need that much, it’s overkill.

      And even if they're just a DC and a figment of my imagination, why do they need to be occupied by so many people anyway?

      I'm probably just missing the point of this dream, so I'll leave it at that. Wish I could censor out 97% of this entry, as it would probably be blatantly obvious to that member of who it is that wanted to have sex with me. Maybe she'll know, or not.

      Updated 10-25-2014 at 05:20 PM by 47756
