non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I awake in my bed in my teenage room, with something latching onto my left butt cheek. It's like a leech but square, roughly 2 cm each side. I drop it in the bed in horror and it magically goes through the bed sheet. I capture it and put it in a Tupperware type container I have at my bedside table with a bit of flat bread inside, as I go grab my phone to film it. When I come back the flat bread is alive and moving and when I try to grab it, it tries to bite me, as if the creature merged with it. My mom is asleep but I want her to see it so I go get her and on return, it grew in size to look like a loaf of bread that is now moving on the floor. Then it takes over a duvet by shooting inside it what seem like very thin snakes. Then red insects come out of it and they all make it move as if the duvet is alive. I am now concerned with the spread of this "creature" and want to burn the whole thing down. But my cats just enter the room, see all that movement in the duvet and they wanna play and jump to it. I am horrified they might also get contaminated and shoo them out of the room. But certain that they were already infected or possessed buy that thing. I close the door to my bedroom and come outside with my mom to think of what to do. I review the videos and think about showing them to some authority, but when I do, no one even looks at them when I tell the story, they just mock me. Somehow I end up in a military base in Israel though and asked to wait for some ceremony to end, in the back of the room, supposedly to talk to someone. Although I am not a supporter of the Israel military and their whole colonizing history, I sympathize with the people here and I feel their fear. There is word of an imminent attack at any moment. There are some fireworks in the distance which send everyone into panic mode, but through the window on the back of the room, where I'm seated, I can see the fireworks and I tell everyone to relax. But there are some sounds of unrest coming from the hallway outside, which puts the guards on alert and they form a barrier by the door with guns pointed and ready to shoot. Then it's just someone who's late for the event and they stand down. But the fear in everyone's mind is real and I feel it to. It's not a matter of if, but a matter of when. Meanwhile I am trying to show my videos to someone who asked me about it, but the phone isn't cooperating and I can only find videos of my cats playing.
The Benevolent Alien Sages There has been a 9/11 level attack on planet Earth. On the human race. A group of benevolent aliens has revealed themselves. There is a great pillar climbing to the sky, or maybe it descended from space. Winding around the pillar is a spiral staircase. Around this structure, there are smaller pillars of the varying height along the staircase. Atop each stands an alien. I get the sense that the higher one ascends the staircase, the higher level intelligence the alien is. The aliens are sagely, wise, kind. They tell us that they have revealed themselves because humanity faces a great threat, and they want to help. The alien sage. Made with Nightcafe AI. Fragment I'm in a spaceship or futuristic bedroom. In shape, it is similar to the AirBnB my girlfriend SB and I stayed in while we were on a ski trip some time ago. I'm in a bed. The headboard of the bed has different switches to simulate a starry night and other ambient environmental effects. It's possible that this is part of the alien dream, based on the theme, but uncertain.
Updated 06-01-2023 at 08:06 PM by 99808
I am somewhere like a dorm room, which I seem to share with around three other people. The beds are really low, maybe just mattresses on the floor, and we’re sitting on them, listening to a woman in some kind of position of authority who’s speaking to us. She takes a feather comforter from somewhere and hands it to me to replace my current one. My bedding is all extremely tangled and twisted - I’ve slept badly. I tell her that it wouldn’t be that difficult to untangle it, but she still wants to give me the new one, so I take it and set the old one at the front of the bed. She then leaves. My old friend Ona, who seems to be one of my roommates, is trying to tell me something now, but she’s wearing something over her mouth sort of like an underwater breathing apparatus, so I have trouble understanding her at first. Eventually, with the help of one of the others, I understand that she’s saying something about a concert she saw me play in yesterday – also something about how she had previously been familiar with only one of the composers whose pieces were played there. This next part may or may not be part of the same dream – there were definitely parts after that one that I forgot, anyway. But I’m in a restaurant now. It’s a large, bright space, lit mainly by daylight streaming through full-length glass windows, but a little crowded – all the tables seem to be filled, and there isn’t much space to move between them. Saimi passes by the table where I’m sitting and makes some kind of signal to me with her hand. This somehow clues me into the fact that I’m dreaming. I get up and follow her out to the balcony to talk. As I pass through the glass window, I can feel some sensations from it, especially the dividing metal bars, which is unusual and a little surprising – possibly it has something to do with the overall level of realism seeming especially high this time. Saimi watches, pauses for a second, and then opens a glass door and walks out. I jokingly say that I haven’t used a door in a dream for years now. We jump down from the balcony and walk around while we decide what to do. It’s now clear that the restaurant is located on a college campus – one that’s dream-familiar to me from at least one dream I know I’ve recorded. Saimi says that before meeting up with me, she was waiting for my Aunt O so that they could see something together. She seems to want me to guess, so I do. A play? No. A movie? Also no. Apparently, it’s something like episodes from a TV series being screened somewhere on campus. She still wants to do this now, while lucid. I don’t think this sounds like a very good idea – looking at a screen for any considerable length of time seems like a pretty good way of losing lucidity to me. It could be interesting to see if my aunt shows up, though, and to talk with her, so I agree to wait with her. Since they agreed to meet in the restaurant, we head back there, flying back up to the balcony and going back where we started. I figure I should probably do something to keep engaged with the dream. This doesn’t strike me as a very interesting situation to work with initially. I wonder, though: what if I try to read these people’s minds? I look around the room, getting a read of the atmosphere – just in a way one might in waking life. How should I do this? I focus on one woman sitting at a table near me, trying to access her mindstate. What happens is that the dream imagery itself seems to transform so that now I’m seeing her in something like a large version of a baby’s high chair, chewing a mouthful of food with evident displeasure. So the form of the dream changed to reflect my intention, rather than my experiencing her thoughts as some kind of verbal overlay – fascinating. I wake up soon after, but quickly fall asleep again and find myself in the same setting, this time with my cat Ronnie. I’m trying to tie something around one of his paws, but soon I remember that I’m dreaming. I wake up again before I can do much of anything. -16.12.22
2022 June 27th Some bracketed in-line notes. I need to return to this dream and make some fuller notes when I feel able to, hopefully soon. Fragment: Something about a (dream) country relating to the Iberian peninsula. This small country is located just over the north east of the USA at where a tip of Canada would be and seems to be in-between these two countries. I see some statistic or just know that there are less than 1.5 million inhabitants. (Oddly enough, on one of the weeks after this dream, I was looking at this general region with satellite views, based on some conversations I was having with LF) (recall gap?) Then I'm in my native country but I'm a character that's not me exactly. I need to get to the embassy on one side of a plaza, something about a passport? It's night time and there's a large government building on one side of the plaza with a few prominent uplighting spots. Neo-classical or classical-revivalist architecture. There are police officers in the area, probably due to this building. I think one of them comes over to me when I wander more to the middle near the government-y building. The officer turns out to be a woman and I ask where the embassy is. She tries to help me but after a while of her taking me through some streets and construction sites I start to wonder if my interests are at heart. At one point I notice some workers at a construction site giving me/us a funny look or something? Some part of me thinks that it's odd that there's construction work going on at night. (recall gap) Then I'm at a fancy house place. Lots of detailed cornicing and mirrors on the walls and ceilings which have some kind of abstract Greek themed theatrical show going on, it looks like it's projected but I don't see any projector and may assume that the surface is able to display something like a screen would, despite its curved contours. There's a largely classical theme. The walls and cornicing are all white and it's fairly bright in here, though there's something of a mood light thing going on, mostly cool tones. I'm here with my cousin T and H. T's wearing some kind of cream or pink silk pyjamas and I rest my head on her crotch and I close my eyes and she pets and strokes my head. I think about how it'd be inappropriate if I became aroused and I also think about how I might not be able to help it. I hold on to or hug her leg. (Similarities to having been awake and holding H, possibly partly awake as this dream segment was happening) Then we show her to her bed, in size it's somewhere between a single and a double and she gets upset notably upset about this. I think the room is dark/we didn't switch the lights on? Notes: - I'm not sure what would have been the source for the first segment in this fragment, but I can recall some years ago I had a discussion with a friend (K) on the subject of countries with lower populations. - I feel that for some weeks now I've been having dreams that are on parallel to schemas like that of the second segment here. Dreams in which I'm not strictly speaking my normal "self" as a character and in which I have all the same type of agency, decisions and worries as I normally would. Sort of related, today (16th of July) I wrote a bit on another journal about the somewhat lengthy absence of any other inner voices or personalities and a general absence of visual imagination among other things. -- In reality I'm not sure how frequently I've been having these dreams (of "not myself" exactly) because I haven't thought of a tag or way of categorising them, and right now I'm thinking that I should go back through my DJ a bit at some point and find out how many instances there really are and how far back do they go; it's possible that at the moment I'm just paying more attention to this particular type of schema. - As hinted towards, I have recently had some worries/thoughts about passport renewal and sort of by extension also about travelling. Specifically, to my old home. - T's presence in this dream follows common patterns that the rest of her appearances in have in my dreams, but I can't remember any time specifically in which she got as upset as in this dream, about the bed. As I recall, I understood in the dream that she was upset that the bed wasn't big enough. Even in the dream, the way she stroked my head reminded me of what it was like to be a child. -- I think segments like this one in dreams call me to create a different journal with a different complexity from what I've been doing. This type of DJ simply cannot fit into it the type of analysis that some of these dreams practically seem to be demanding of me.
Updated 07-16-2022 at 07:35 PM by 95293
I’m lying with Melissa in our bed. The setting feels exactly similar to our bedroom in real life. It seems like nighttime, though it’s not very dark in here. It’s a dim lighting that’s not suggestive of any particular time. She’s on my left and I reach my hand over to rest it on her lower stomach. There is a slight, firm bump. I ask her what it is and she responds that she’s pregnant. I respond that I’m not ready for that, but she makes it seem like it was planned. Again, I did not think that was the case. There is a sense of helplessness that things will be proceeding in a way that I don’t want and am not ready for.
2022 May 7th 8:20 Dream: I'm on WoW, I'm playing as a human paladin, by the gear probably level 30ish. Model is vanilla style. I'm with a female caster, a night elf or a human, I think it changes. We're part of the same guild, one which I just joined very recently and we're doing a quest together. This is an alt for her, but this is a main for me. She has a mechanical squirrel mount. She's the same level or a bit higher and her character seems more life-like and "flowing" in terms of animations. There's another player nearby from the guild who is at max level. The quest me and the caster are doing requires killing an NPC that is scripted to put a certain buff on us, but I kill the NPC too fast at first. I think I apologise and get the feeling she may be annoyed by the fact I killed it too fast. A random player of a similar level appears and joins us for the quest. We do the thing properly this time and then this player leaves us again. Neither of us lost much health and I sufficiently use a holy light rank one to heal her. I think about how I wish I had flash of light. She quickly goes to duel the max level guildie nearby and gets very low HP, so I use some current-rank holy light casts on her. I think she's amused by all of this. She says she's spoken to management and I've been cleared (DRG intrusion) for "dungeon proc ID". I'm not sure what this means but can guess, I tell her. She tells me that she can see the raw data and where ores/herbs spawn and such like. Earlier. I'm with other guild members in a large communal bed thing, about seven of us I think? We're all supposedly trying to sleep. And at the foot-end of the bed there's player information, like there would be in the guild roster, but physical. I'm next to all the other paladins, I see, and many of whom are level 70, max level I think. I'm a noob in the guild. The guild has been around for seven years, I think to myself, and then I spot this paladin who's been here for five years and several months, being one of the oldest members who's still around. Even earlier. Something about an adventure and a town on water and natives or something. (Was not interested enough to write down recall and too tired.) 10:00 Fragment: Another WoW dream. Something about being a rogue. I'm in a forest not unlike Feralas and there are tall mountain sides near where I am. Again, something to do with a guild and a quest. I remember looking through or into a tree trunk of a large tree? 9th Notes: - These dreams have two primary meanings that I'm seeing currently; one part is a sense of nostalgia for what playing the game was like, while the other part is the currently recurring collective aspect to my dreams lately. (Need to make further notes on this but am unable to concentrate enough at present)
Updated 05-09-2022 at 06:56 PM by 95293
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With a friend or brother and my supposed dad, staying at some old house for a night. I am sleeping in the same bed as my friend/brother and my dad is sleeping in an armchair in the living room. Something falls and wakes me up. Then the door opens up by itself. I wake up my dad and we see a radio turning itself on, then a closet door opening and some bag falling down from it. The house is apparently haunted and I ask dad if he can sleep with us in our room. He agress. I go back to the bed, but everything goes dark and I feel myself falling slowly down a black void. I can feel the bed cover but I can't see or hear anything. I call out for my family, but no sound comes out of my mouth. It's like sleep paralysis inside a dream. It takes me a while to get back to them. I ask if they saw me struggling and they say yes, but could not understand what was happening. There is some kind of plastic ball in the bed touching me and I throw it into the ground and smash it, scared about it. Someone who knows the house comes by and points to some items he says are haunted. We throw them away, but I feel like the haunting is everywhere. Some friend helps us take away some items for the trash, but later I visit her studio with my mom and she still has them there and I have a bad feeling about it. Two heavy wooden shelves fall down on her and other people, but I was keeping an eye on it and manage to hold them for a bit, saving them. Then something flies across the room and the floor is looking weird, like vibrating. I tell them to get out fast. The ground starts shaking, the walls open cracks. We head for the door and outside everything is apparently normal, nothing is shaking. But there is a road going downhill and I notice that some wster that is flowing on it is coming upwards, not going downwards. We all realize something is really really wrong with the objects from that house, like they are possessed by a strong demonic presence.
15th February 2022 Fragment: A dark and steel-blue place. I interact with some people. A tunnel or hallway? (most detail faded too much, I left recall too long and radio didn't help) 16th February 2022 Fragment: Watching myself or a video of someone else from a first person perspective. On a bed. Four erections and right hand holding a phone/recording? 17th February 2022 Fragment: (recall very vague) Following and getting into formation with a Rheinland battleship. I'm flying a Banshee and there's something Bretonian nearby, maybe gunboats? I don't think there are any open hostilities.
Some in-line notes. 23rd December 2021 Recall was left too long and could only retain vague fragments. Fragment: Something about being at old home, I'm in my room and it's sunny outside, though my curtains are drawn closed. They're the old white and yellow diamond curtains. I am moving towards my desk in the corner and feel the need to self-pleasure, but something makes it feel like I can't. Then, something about going for an appointment. I am briefly outside. The light in the dream seems off somehow, like there's too much shade despite being daytime and how sunny it is, but I don't realise any of this while dreaming. Something happens in regards to me going to the appointment or something, and then I'm home. (Did this scene happen first?) Fragment: I'm outdoors and I was in a car before. The place I'm in is a forest and I eventually go through a cave too. There's a relatively small female black bear character, which has something anthropomorphic about it. I want to kill it using a rifle, and kite the bear around all over the place, at one point the bear becomes enraged (like a game buff) and I have awareness that a single hit from the bear could kill me. (Similar feel to being the scout on DRG and kiting a dangerous enemy) Another half-anthro animal was involved in this at one point. 24th December 2021 Fragment: It's relatively bright but not exactly sunny. I'm in our bedroom with H, who's on the bed and then there's something that means I have to get up. At one point, we have an interaction with H's grandfather, who's apparently staying with us. (He passed away a couple of years ago, but it feels like yesterday) He knows about us sleeping in the same bed, and doesn't seem to mind.
17th July 2021 Fragment: I'm in an office building of some kind, maybe a hospital. It's well lit but there are no windows and it's mostly corridors. I'm with someone I think and we get to this bit that's like a waiting area, with chairs. There are some people sat on the chairs. The walls are a neutral colour, maybe cream? There are two doors on the same wall, some distance apart and with some of the chairs in-between. I think we wait around for a bit but then the person I'm with is supposed to go in, so they do. I think there's a doctor but I get a feel of radio presenter too somehow. (recall gap) I have to leave and reach some elevators. I call a lift to go up. In the dream I don't find this odd but in the dream there was the feeling that I was somewhere high up already. The doors for the lift on the left open. The lift is there but sort of stuck at a lower level. I assume there's some kind of sensor malfunction and feel myself sort of sighing, slightly annoyed. I call it again with the button on the wall and it moves to the correct position. The lift is one of those more commercial ones, like ones I've seen in malls. I think I enter the lift and there's a transition. Then, I'm outside somewhere supposedly nearby the building I was in. I'm in contact with the person I was with before, not sure how. I then need to enter some sort of or small octagonal building or tent but it's guarded. Something about a remote controlled hand that would help me. (rest of recall had faded) 19th July 2021 Fragment: I'm on the bed with H. We're opposite each other and our positions are width ways relative to the bed. The bedroom light is on but I don't think it's night time. We're playing sexually and I feel myself go prematurely for some reason, possibly overstimulation. It seems I made a mess on the bed, at spots that don't make sense for the angles involved, but I don't realise this during the dream. Then I suddenly become aware of a black cat being to my right, around the middle of the bed. The cat looks relaxed and resting having only momentarily appeared surprised. It looks like the small female cat that we sometimes see in our street. (which I had seen the previous evening)
Another dream on the verge of being lucid without quite being there. In the earliest part I can remember clearly, I’m on a computer: I’m looking up some band I’m interested in, trying to find more of their music. But the dream shifts to another scenario. It still isn’t lucid, but it’s pretty clear I’m not actually invested in it as real. I’m initially in an outdoor farm-like area with flamingos some distance away, observing interactions between characters. I only identify with one when she’s asked a question, changing to her viewpoint and responding as her. There’s a sense of making things up as I go along. I need to go somewhere now, and so I call to the nearby leopard, which I call Arthur, telling him to come with me. (I use the German pronunciation. I am about 90% sure I decided to name it after Schopenhauer.) It doesn’t want to get up, but I pull it to its feet, which it tolerates, and we walk away. Next, I remember entering a building. It’s somewhat reminiscent of a building on a campsite, just a long rectangle, possibly something like an uninsulated metal frame, and has no interior divisions. It’s mostly empty and white, and there’s an even stronger sense of almost-lucidity here. It’s as if whatever plot there may have been has definitely gone off the rails by now, and I’m driving things, though not in a fully conscious way. I go over to the bed in the nearest corner – other than the one by the door I entered from – and sit down on it. What follows is maybe best described as a strange kind of visual thinking – a little like reading a picture book, where I cease to really be present in the room and am absorbed in the stories that are playing out in mental space. It’s hard to describe since it isn’t exactly like anything that happens while awake – but it’s almost like there’s another presence there telling the stories. They seem to be some kind of philosophical parable, and also a sort of story-behind-stories, representing something that was once commonly manifested in literature from an earlier time. The first one was so utterly bizarre that I can’t remember a thing about it now – but in the dream, I understand it perfectly since the meaning in all its facets and interrelations is just a part of it as it is presented. I can see it all mapped out, like a complex constellation. But some of the points are placed in the wrong locations for it to reflect reality. It’s something I was already aware of, but it’s a little sad to see it laid out like this so clearly. There’s enough of a gap for the room to enter my awareness again before the second story begins. This one is apparently communicating the same thing as the first one did, but in a different way. I can remember the beginning of this one – how the wolves were all howling at the moon, but the moon had fallen asleep and couldn’t hear them… 5.30.21
27th April 2021 Fragment: Something about flying through space. There's something like DSP to this dream. I am checking out a planet, but as I approach it, I realise with some surprise that it's one of the Deuteria systems I'd already built on (in the dream). I then set course for a greatly distant star system? In the galaxy map, I can see this system has three stars. I arrive there pretty quickly despite the distance. The dream is not fully like DSP and the three stars are in odd placements around the system, sort of hiding within tight clusters of planets. There's an interesting play of light and ambience as a result. Fragment: I'm in the context of old home but the dream location details are vague now. I remember being in something like my room(?) but the house layout feels different and on a bed or a table there's a number of my drawings. Some are explicit but I don't try to tidy it up. Something about being called through to another room, by dad? In the dream, there's an implied sense that my parents know about the type of things I draw sometimes. I feel some discomfort about it but in the dream it's more like the general discomfort or embarrassment from parents trying to be a part of things you don't necessarily want them to be a part of. Something about going to meet up with L? (I left recall too long and allowed myself to be distracted) Fragment: In the van/car and it's overcast; hail is falling. Notes: - Some days later, there was hail, but I don't remember looking at the forecasts. - L is the only person in the family who knows that I draw explicit artwork now and then. -- Part of that dream certainly relates to my feeling of isolation from being unable to discuss the subject very openly with most people.
Updated 05-05-2021 at 02:09 AM by 95293
I am with Dad and Makayla, trying to find a hotel room. I think the number includes 2,6, and 4? It seems we are walking through a hotel building, but it also looks like a large house, with the entrance to each room looking like a doorway. At times it seems we’re in a different hotel, or maybe it’s just that the theme has changed. Watching the room numbers as we go, we come up to where ours should be but is not. We comment how this makes no sense. Now we’re in a portion that looks more like a typical hotel, and I think Makayla spots our room. The door is open and reveals a room I didn’t really expect. It is very small for a hotel room, and three beds of varying sizes are taking up just about all of the floor space. There is a ledge on the wall with a row of thin-curtained windows. They seem to be lightly illuminated from behind the curtains. The beds are topped with very thick and bohemian-patterned comforters that help give the space a comfy feel (it also reminds me of the Enchanted Forest in Placerville). I see a door that must be to the bathroom and wonder if it is nice. I’m also initially worried about getting good sleep with the beds being so close together. We all settle onto a bed, and I say something like ‘I would love to do mushrooms here.’ Dad looks disappointed/irritated, but Makayla seems to agree.
I am outside with some others. We are following a middle aged British lady to a house that must be hers. We nonchalantly ascend an impossibly steep staircase as she tells us about the house. I make a comment about the architecture, in admiration of it. I also tough the black façade (it’s steeply inclined, almost 90 degrees) and rock on my heels to put weight on whatever I’m standing on, finding it to feel hollow and not altogether sturdy seeming. We are inside the large house now. I think the others are some of my coworkers and we’re staying in a room with one of the residents. Mine is a girl, maybe in her teens. This room is large, upstairs, and completely baroque. The color scheme seems to be greys and dark wood, but every surface is ornamental, sculpted, or decorated. There is a shelf along the entirety of the far wall that is set with china as if for a meal. I find it odd at first but then come to like the idea. The bed is in the center of the room and impeccably made. The feeling is somewhat sterile, but maybe more so refined and elegant. I see Eric in the room across the hallway. I go over and close either his door or the door to this room, hoping he doesn’t find it suspicious. I say something that the girl takes sexually?, which puts me off because this is not at all how I meant it.
I am in a house with Brittney and Melissa. This house seems large. I am in or by a bed with Melissa and another, unfamiliar girl. They are both asleep. I know it’s only 6 or 6:30 pm, which irritates me. I get up and go find Brittney in another bedroom. I tell her about how this irritates me. This room is large and long. There is a step down after the bed and a sunken tub and fire pit before a sliding glass door. I walk over there and at first think the fire pit is another tub because it is sunken and empty. There are kids’ shoes outside the door, and it looks like a familial backyard.