Muddied Water: I'm meeting with friends (the Tots) somewhere. I arrive first, at a Wal-Mart like store. I'm searching for a bathroom. I see AG hugging somebody who isn't her boyfriend, while MD (the boyfriend) is returning from a nearby isle. The store then changes into something more like a Toys-R-Us. ... I'm in a dark and cramped escape-room type area. There are some dark purple plants covering the walls. There are some pots holding the plants, and the pots are filled with dirty looking water. ... I'm holding a glass of water, and it has the 'dirty' property from the escape room scene. I'm standing in a hallway at HM's house that isn't normally there. I accidently spill the water, and my Dad starts to criticize me before I have a chance to explain it wasn't my fault. Stressful moment. My Dad is in a full suit, and is explaining something work-related to HM.
Updated 12-14-2023 at 09:00 PM by 99808
Working Recovery: I'm at work, outside, on the garden path between buildings. NH from high-school marching band is there. He has some kind of injury to one arm and to one leg. The injuries, are exceptionally gory, like stumps where the hand and foot should be. NH seems like he is in a good mood regardless. ... I'm on the production floor, but the office cube area is reversed from left/right and under construction. There is a tarp that goes over all the cubes, indicating that they are inaccessible. ... Later I'm with NH at a back-area of the production floor. His injuries seem to be lesser now, with just bruised limbs where the stumps once were. WBTB: I woke up after about 7.5 hours of sleep (11PM to 630AM) and then stayed up for about 45 minutes before going to sleep on the couch for a morning nap. False Awakening: I'm at home and taking out the trash. I notice that there are a few more trash/recycle cans than there should be. About 4 or 5 against the expected 2. I do a nose-RC and become lucid. I recall the 'pre-flight check' from Daniel Love's book, so I decide to attempt that. I say outloud "this is a dream, nothing is real, nothing can hurt me." I look around the yard, trying to interact and stabilize the dream. But this only lasts a few seconds or so, and the world fades. I vaguely recall trying to fit my hands into some kind of gardening pot by the front door or side of the house. ... I 'wake up' on the couch, and my family is there. Dad, sister, brother, and my friend DR. We are taking turns playing a VR game, where the perspective of the person playing the game shows on the TV. ... Later I'm in a different room, with pillars on four sides and 'open concept' entry ways. I'm struggling with some straps on the VR setup for my arms. There were also two different sizes for the VR goggles, and a smaller one fits me better. Recorded at 940AM.
Updated 12-02-2023 at 12:39 AM by 99808
This one caught me off guard. I've failed to go to bed at my planned times, so I didn't attempt a WBTB. But regardless, my brain decided to give me a lucid dream Went to bed around 3AM. Lucid Fruit I'm in the backseat of an SUV/minivan looking out the window. I get a vague sense that the world looks too bright so I do a nose RC. I can't believe it, but I'm dreaming! I look around and admire the world. It's a bright sunny day. I'm with a family. It might have been my girlfriend's but I didn't look closely. The car parks at a grocery store parking lot. I decide to roll withe flow of the dream and walk with the group to the entrance of the store. When we get in, I see a man stocking the fruit near the front of the store. I decide that I should stabilize and I start rubbing my hands. I try to remember if I have any specific goals in mind, but there is what feels like a block on my memory. I ask the man how I can better stabilize the dream. He tells me to touch all the fruits and feel the surfaces. I start to do this, but the dream fades. Woke up around 12:30PM.
Updated 10-15-2023 at 07:58 PM by 99808