Man do I miss Dreamviews... warmest greetings to everyone here, old and new! I recently had this high-level LD which featured my good friend, dreaming partner, and virtuoso LDer Dreamer and I was inspired by her recent DJ entry to post one myself! This dream took place on August 3rd, 2024. Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #3??: Johann (August 3rd, 2024) I’m walking through a tunnel underground, and it reminds me of a dream I had earlier where I bumped into a guy, a black man, late 40s dressed in a suit. I see him up ahead and wonder whether my other dream was a premonition! I feel a rush of excitement. But then as I’m walking toward him, someone else bumps into him, some other guy in a suit. The man apologizes and they begin conversing. I wander away, feeling a little confused. Was I supposed to be a part of that? I walk up a ramp toward a rickety old elevator, and a young guy signals me from inside. “Hey,” he says, “I think I can help you!” I join him in the elevator. He’s a fair skinned guy of about 20 with chin length blond hair. He says his name is Johann, that he’s friends with Dreamer, and can help me figure out what’s going on. He tells me he knows that I’m confused and can help me get it sorted out. The elevator takes us into a vast, circular stone chamber, elegantly decorated but dusty and abandoned. A spiral staircase wraps all the way around the sides of this chamber, twisting up to a shaft of light above. I start slowly making my way up this staircase but Johann races ahead, sprinting on the wall itself at incredible speeds! I shout something like Good Lord! in disbelief. He pauses about halfway up and looks down at me. I tell him that I’d want to do that in a lucid dream and explain that I’ll be working on a lucid later on when I go to sleep. The thought of lucid dreaming prompts me to reality check, so I nose pinch and breathe right through! This seems crazy so I do it again, and now I am LUCID! I take off after Johann, trying to wall run, and I am just ok at it, more bouncing along the side like a balloon than moving like parkour, but even amateurish lucid wall running is still lucid wall running! I then start cheating and just run straight up the wall. Johann still beats me by a mile though. I emerge in a supermarket, and Dreamer is here! (Johann is gone.) We greet one another with a long, full hug, and afterward I tell her that this dream feels different, really stable, and that I think we have tons of time. So let’s explore the supermarket and try to figure out where we are! At first we talk about whether it’s the supermarket from when she and AnotherDreamer visited but we quickly spot lots of differences, so no, this one’s just ours. It’s very long, almost seems too long to walk, and it’s divided into an area with aisles and another area with hand-placed shelves featuring non-grocery goods like antiques. As we’re walking past one display, some part of my dream body catches on a shelf and pulls it down, smashing pottery and making a huge racket. I feel quite lucid and unconcerned about this causing any real harm but do feel a little clumsy. We keep wandering aisles and so much of it is canned goods like meaty dog food, things that will be extremely unappealing as a treat or to offer as a snack! Ah good, now we’re in the chocolate aisle! I grab a pack of Reese’s peanut butter cups for myself when I see it, wonder whether Dreamer likes these. Are they vegan? I can’t remember! Can’t seem to read the label very well. Ah, here is Hershey’s special dark. I’ll bet these are vegan and I know they’re great! I offer her a pack and she says thanks but she doesn’t like dark chocolate. I am skeptical that this matches waking life but no worries, doesn’t matter! Dreamer says that we should go outside to our ride. Out the automatic doors onto a seaside street, the morning misty and cool. There’s a streetcar waiting here and we hop aboard. I talk with Dreamer about the dream so far and about Johann, ask her whether she remembers anyone like that. She says there’s one guy with a fuzzy beard who is maybe a little like that but that he is not very adventurous and quite unfit. We talk about the dream itself, about REM, about how long this could go on. I speculate that there might be a 2 hour maximum for a period of REM. Talk about how locked in I feel. The dream is extremely realistic -- I even feel the nervousness of making sure that I'm being interesting and not obsessing about boring subjects to Dreamer! There’s even just a tiny bit of detectable anxiousness in her as well, just the slightest amount, like a waking life interaction, something usually absent from dreams. She says that the next part up ahead is going to feel dangerous but that we’re perfectly safe. That there’s something that has to be done. A young Corbin Bernsen climbs a short ladder and mounts up on some sort of ballista behind a shield. The streetcar trundles past a hulking old wooden factory labeled The Dog Factory. Corbin Bernsen fires the ballista, spraying the Dog Factory with a scattershot of bolts that collapses the roof! How does this weapon even work? I assume that this place was doing something terrible like making dogs into food, and don’t worry about it too much. I also assume it was empty. I can sense a dream plot building up, and as the street car pulls into a dusty, abandoned building with a small group of likable paramilitary rebels out of central casting, I see it continuing here. Everyone looks cool and relatable, clean, relatively young, more like a Hollywood version of scrappy rebels. Dreamer has vanished now. As I converse with these rebels I learn that they all consider her to be not the leader but an important senior figure. I talk about how this is all part of a lucid dream that I’m having and that I can teach them lucid powers to help with their cause. I try to teach them parkour and get caught up gushing about how much better Johann is than I am! I show them how to float upward, claiming to be really good at this, but then can’t stop, and float high into some kind of bell tower! Jon Lovitz is here and I tell him about lucid dreaming as well. I prepare a little demonstration where I will ask him what he had for breakfast and then make him say “waffles”. But instead, even though I will him to say waffles, instead he says “lunch!” I laugh, tell him this is a great Jon Lovitz reply and that he’s a funny guy. He tells me that he is always happy to help the cause. I move to float away and explore more as the dream ends.
Updated 08-26-2024 at 03:50 AM by 57387
Getting back into the swing of things with a potentially politically inflammatory dream, HUAK TUH! QuestionMark: I'm in a veterinarians' office with a pug-like dog. It has the "blue" fur color. The fur is very soft. The vet tells me that the dog's name is Question Mark. "But don't say it slow, like that. Say it fast like QuestionMark." "Is this puppy a boy or a girl?" "We don't know what they want to be yet." "What do you mean you don't know? Is the dog transgender?" The vet holds up the dog and I see a dick. "That's a boy dog." I say. "THESHIRECAT!" my girlfriend says in outburst. I'm near a hole in the wall, and I see some hands come out to pet QuestionMark. Initially I'm a little freaked out, but I realize they are kids so the creepy behavior is recontextualized into silly kid behavior. Being Around You: I'm at a large grocery store, maybe a cross between a Costco, Home Depot, and my middle school from back home. I'm walking down the hall and I see a small man who seems to have a deformity with his legs. I respectfully give him the space he needs to pass by. Next I come across a happy looking couple. The woman says to the man "I'm happy when I'm with you" as if in response to a question he had asked. I take a moment and think about my girlfriend, and I get a warm and fuzzy feeling. I decide I want to find her and express the same sentiment. I find her checking out the groceries at the register and give her a big hug from behind. I worry for a second she might be uncomfortable with that in public, but she doesn't mind.
Updated 07-06-2024 at 08:59 PM by 99808
Muddied Water: I'm meeting with friends (the Tots) somewhere. I arrive first, at a Wal-Mart like store. I'm searching for a bathroom. I see AG hugging somebody who isn't her boyfriend, while MD (the boyfriend) is returning from a nearby isle. The store then changes into something more like a Toys-R-Us. ... I'm in a dark and cramped escape-room type area. There are some dark purple plants covering the walls. There are some pots holding the plants, and the pots are filled with dirty looking water. ... I'm holding a glass of water, and it has the 'dirty' property from the escape room scene. I'm standing in a hallway at HM's house that isn't normally there. I accidently spill the water, and my Dad starts to criticize me before I have a chance to explain it wasn't my fault. Stressful moment. My Dad is in a full suit, and is explaining something work-related to HM.
Updated 12-14-2023 at 09:00 PM by 99808
Drinking Twix I'm in a grocery store the resembles Target, near one of the aisles. I see a woman carrying a pop bottle that is larger than standard, but smaller than a two liter. It is Twix-flavored Sprite. I say "WOAH WHAT KIND OF FLAVOR IS THAT?!" and she offers to let me try it. It's actually pretty good.
I had a new dream last night involving my mom, sister, and my granddads old Plymouth Reliant. This is the first time I have had one of these dreams in several months and this one was different from any of the others I have had. When this dream started, me and my sister were at the pool we used to spend a lot of time at when we were pre-teens and teens. I was playing with some friends when we heard thunder and then the lifeguards ordered everyone out of the pool and the off of the pool deck. Soon my mom showed-up to give me and my sister a ride home. We got our bikes which we had rode there and the followed her out to the parking lot where granddads Tan Plymouth Reliant was parked. The exterior of the car looked like it always did when he was alive & healthy. It looked like it had just been washed and waxed. When we got to the passenger side, my mom unlocked the front passenger side door and then told me and my sister to sit down on the front seat. I stood aside for my sister to get in but mom pointed to the middle of the tan vinyl bench seat and told me I was sitting there. I reluctantly got in; scooted over; and fastened the tan lap belt around my waist and then my sister sat down in the passenger seat on my right and fastened her tan shoulder belt. Mom then reached behind us to unlock the back passenger side door and then closed us in and then put out bikes in the back seat. When she had then in, she went over and talked to anther mom picking up some kids while me and my siter waited in the car for her. While we were waiting, I noticed the interior of the Reliant was also super clean like my granddad always kept it when he drove the car. A few minutes later, my mom was unlocking the driver side door and then sitting down in the driver seat on my left side. My put the key in the ignition and gave it a turn and the reliant started right-up. This is the first time I can ever remember the reliant starting up in any of the dreams where I was riding between my sister and mom in it. She pulled out of the parking lot heading towards our house. As we were driving towards our house, mom told us she need to run by the grocery to pick up a few things for dinner and then right after that we were in the parking lot of the grocery we used to shop at. As she was parking and then cutting off the car, she told us it would only take her a few minutes and for us to stay buckled in the car since we were in our pool close. She then rolled down the driver side window before getting out of the car and the closing us in. I saw her walking towards the grocery and then disappearing inside. Not long after my mom went into the store, there was a really loud clap of thunder and then the bottom fell out and it started to pour down rain. I quickly reached over and rolled up the driver side window while my sister rolled-up the passenger side window. It then kept raining harder and harder while me and my sister were stuck waiting in the car for mom to get done in the store and come back. The rain was so hard that we couldn't see the grocery store and sometimes was coming down hard enough that we couldn't even see the car parked on either side of use. Sometimes the right would start to ease-up and I would hope mom could make it out to the car but then it would start raining heavier again. There was nothing me and my sister could do but stay buckled in our seats in the car and wait for the rain to ease up. As me and my sister continued to wait, the car started to become more and more stuffy and we both noticed something really stunk but couldn't figure out what was causing the odor. Since there was really heavy and mom had the keys with her, there was nothing we could do to get fresh air in the car. After a few more times of thinking the rain was about to stop only to have it get heavy again, it finally died down enough for mom to make a run from the grocery to the car with her grocery bags in hand. As she was walking in front of the car, I reached over and opened the driver side door and she quickly thew her grocery bags in the back seat and then sat down in the driver seat next to me and slammed the driver side door shut. As she was putting the key in the ignition, she also noticed the odor and told us that something really stunk. She turn turned the key to start the car, but the engine would only turn over and not fire-up. She kept turning the key trying to start the car but could not get it to start. While she was trying to start the car, she told us she thought that one of us had stepped in poo and then looked down and noticed there was dog poop on my shoe. I woke up from this dream about the time she said this before she went back to trying to start the car.
Sep 1 2018 The night started with some visualization of a dream I'm trying to incubate, which lasted probably 30 minutes to an hour. After that, I set my intentions to become lucid and headed to sleep. My first dream of the night involved some kind of network TV teenage vampire drama plot, which took place in a neighborhood similar to mine from childhood. In the next dream, I was in a trench coat placing high-stakes bets using a 90's era cell phone. At the end of this dream, all of my cronies were in a room, facing forward in rows, and I was facing backward. We were all peeing on the ground (I think it was a power play). Next, I'm in a huge convention center. I had just seen the newest Avengers movie (I haven't seen it IWL). I was ranting to others about how Thanos had all of the Avengers on his side and wasn't even fighting, but was just using the Avengers to fight. The convention center was huge (should've caught that, since disproportionate structures is one of my dreamsigns). We (a couple of DCs and I) were walking through the ground floor when we ran into Spoiler for nudity: three girls in fishnet shirts, whose nipples were poking through the fishnet. I or one of my DC friends picked the middle girl's girls up and examined them like a fine connoisseur, asking "These are same-size, no?". I remember they had a lot of moles and sort of looked cancerous? The girl on the left had red fishnet, but the other two had dark grey or black, and all of the fishnet was thick, like yarn or wool rather than thin like you would typically think. The dream shifts and I'm walking with some old high school friends and acquaintances. We come across M, who's sitting on the floor in front of some people trying to take a picture. We tell her to get up and stop blocking the picture, and she says "This is a picture?" in a way that for some reason made me give out this awful dolphin-like laugh. I remember thinking in my non-lucid state, "stop that, you'll wake yourself up!". Sure enough I did. After this dream sequence, I got up as my fiance left for work. I walked my dog so he wouldn't bother me for the rest of the session and drank a little apple juice. I MILDed with "I will become lucid in my next dream" and "The next time I see a person, I will look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming". The first dream had very low lucidity. It was sort of a western setting in a two or three story house. Outside I could see a desert/grassland with tall grass growing and mountains in the background, and the sky was really beautiful (should have RC'd here also, abnormal sky is a dreamsign). I walked around the house and looked out of the windows. From this dream, I awoke into a false awakening. In the FA, I was trying to get back to bed to LD (didn't catch this). At some point I opened my dream eyes and saw a shallow, long, white plastic sink on the wall. It occured to me that I was dreaming because that doesn't exist in my room, but it didn't "click" until I got up and reached for the knob. At this point there was a shift in my consciousness that almost threw me off balance, like flipping a switch. I walked to a nearby mirror on the wall and experienced what people say -- the properties of my face were changing and twitching, especially my nose, jaws, and lips. I didn't say "clarity now!" like I usually do, and I really need to stabilize. I had some feeling throughout my dream body, but felt numb, so I started slapping my face and pulling on my lips, tongue, cheeks. I was incredibly focused on engaging my tactile senses. I tried to summon my dream totem associated with stabilizaiton, but for some reason I didn't have pockets. I decided I would summon a DC to help, so strangely I called out the name of an acquaintance from high school (I haven't even consciously thought of this person in years). At first I called aloud, and I could only get out the first name since my voice was garbled as it always is. So I used non-verbal commands! I looked towards the doorway and she appeared! It was awesome to see this work, as it's only worked for me in the past in a semi-lucid. I think I told her to give me a massage so that I could feel my body better. She had a serious face on and nodded agreeably. I was wearing a red t-shirt and a thin, dark blue jacket like the band kids used to wear. I started to take this off, and sat back on the bed as she approached, at which point I woke up. The first thing I did upon waking was an RC (I've been trying to train myself to do these at each waking), but it wasn't a dream. I was really pissed at myself for not thinking of the ways I've stabilized in the past ("clarity now!", breathe in and focus on senses, pry eyes open, etc.), but I was happy to have an LD after about a week-long dry spell. I reflected on what I could have done better and visualized it, then MILDed again and went to sleep. I had a chain of FAs/DILDs at this point*. In the first, I was in a lit version of my bedroom. I got up, became lucid, and walked around briefly before losing lucidity. In the next, I'm in a grocery store on a higher staircase. I see a lot of DCs around the corner of the opening, and I look at a clock that says "08:00". I become lucid, feeling off-balance like before, and walk around the display, looking at some bread before losing lucidity. In the next dream, I'm on the street of my childhood home looking at a large white column in the middle of NOG's yard (one of our neighbors). There's moss or dirt up to about shoulder level on the column. My sister and mom are behind me and commenting on the small car parked in middle of the yard, trying to make out the license plate. I become lucid and start looking at some huge leaves on some plants that appeared spontaneously. We're looking through the leaves, arguing whether the license plate is UWP 117 or 116. The dream fades slowly out and back in, then fades completely. From here I had a series of longish NLs: I have a collection of wood carvings/sculptures. One in particular is of Spyro, the others are small people. The house I'm in reminds me of a previous vacation house. There is a mouse running around the backyard at my childhood home. It runs up to the door and allows me to pick it up. My parents' dog and mine both just sniff at it when it approaches. It's almost cartoon-like, but is very real. We all fall in love with the mouse. At some point my sister finds a "water snake" which looks like it's breaded with panko bread crumbs until she places it in a bucket full of water and cleans it off (now it looks like bread dough). There is a 1ft dark green toady that walks through our back porch in the midst of all this, as well as some small slugs. My mom is sad/angry, lashing out passive agressively (this is practically a dream sign). The next dream is in an urban fantasy setting (by this I mean full-out fantasy that just happens to pass through some urban sections, not vampires and werewolves in modern clothing). I am tasked with delivering something. I have to walk around these long, curving, somewhat cyberpunk blue corridors in the middle of the city. I'm wearing peasant's clothes and have a sword. Whatever it is I'm delivering is in a brown sack (possibly the remains of something or someone?). I have to double-back at some point (this could be a dream sign, going down the same path twice). Eventually I arrive at the base, which is a fraternity or sorority house. I meet with the buyer/receiving party, and they say that it's not what they expected. Don't remember much after this and my pen ran out of ink, so the world will never really know. Overall, it was a pretty good night! Summoned a DC and learned to use non-verbal commands. Will need to practice and visualize how to stabilize VTA (visual, tactile, and auditory) senses more. *Because of their short nature and the fact that they were pretty much chained together, I'm going to count all of these short lucids as 1 in total, for a grand total of 2 LDs tonight.
I was in our living room in our hometown. I was on the second floor of a mall. On the ground floor, there's a gym. On the second (or first?), there's a grocery store. I was looking for the comfort room. I was told by someone there (a friend?) that they might not have one in the grocery store. It might be outside.
NLD, "Spheres of Gas": A journalist or scientist was reporting from near the top of one of the world's tallest mountains. He or she was filming the thousands of frosty white spheres, each one a few inches across, that spread in clusters over the rocks, and explaining about how these were a type of gas (carbon dioxide?) that was naturally sequestered here in solid form. The purpose was to expose some misinformation that was being spread about climate change. I think the prospects were dire, because changing conditions would cause the release of the gasses. He was well above the frostline, so high that he was barely within a breathable atmosphere, yet he could look down and see the beautiful warm waters of the tropics directly below. When he was done with his report he simply jumped off the sheer mountainside and floated gently down to the sea, landing precisely in center of a spiral of white sand in the brilliant blue water. All this time my perspective fluctuated between observing him/her and being him/her (perhaps that is why the gender feels ambiguous?) NLD, "Jidori Chicken": I'm at a grocery store looking for something to cook for lunch. I remember that I like venison sausage and ask about it. They don't seem to have any but give me a sample of cheese spread. I think I could fry up some chicken if it is fresh enough, and I find a small cut-up chicken with a label proclaiming it is only nine hours old. "Jidori chicken!" I think approvingly, having long wanted to try one of these ultra-fresh birds, but I wonder if the label is accurate given that it must have spent at least some time sitting on the shelf. How often do they update the label or clean out the old ones? I decide that it must be at least daily and put the chicken in my basket.
5:00 a.m. I was walking all over the place. I was in the mall, going up the stairs/escalator, and then back down. I walked in the grocery store. I put back stuff I already bought in the shelves (not sure why). I was walking in my hometown. I was with some people (or a person). NOTES: - I woke up earlier and was supposed to write some keywords down but I was so comfortable. - I slept on my write (same with yesterday and yesterday's dream). - I tried to focus on my breath and awareness. I gave up halfway through because it feels nice to just sleep.
- I was at a grocery store with a girl I knew from middle school named #74-94. I left the store and started wandering the parking lot and came across #154-434 driving around. I was wondering why he didn't stop for me, as he was my ride, and he clearly saw me. He later came up to me without the truck, and explained he had to return it to someone else. I was a little concerned, explaining now we were stranded. - A friend of mine, #28-22, was on her couch back home and her mother walked in. Her mom, a very short, stout lady, was very open with her sexuality. My friends father was also there and picked up the mother, threw her on the couch, and then picked up a couch nearby. He later opened up a book entitled "Streets in Heaven." - I had a false awakening in which I met my sister, and was explaining to her she should keep a dream journal. She was telling me she joined my work, and was working with the friend from earlier (#28-22). At one point she was in a car with me and my father. We drove by a man named "Arms" who walked with one arm on the ground. At one point my sister left the car and was being dragged by "Arms." I felt uneasy about this, but didn't realize she was in danger. "Arms" collapsed for some reason and my sister was able to get back in our car, explaining how she was captured. My father looked really upset at this, and explained he didn't know or would've shot him. Instead, he started driving towards the collapsed man and attempted to run over him twice. I don't remember if he was successful. - I remember seeing my old roommate, #0192-210, in a bathroom stall. I walked past him and started washing my hands at the sink. Another guy, shorter than me and black, started making some comment about my sister I believe. I remember feeling angry about this, and ignoring the guy.
The dream began at the front entrance of a grocery store, one where I have been to before but I cannot recall its name. Me, my mother, and my five year old niece walked in to the store and were heading towards the frozen foods section in the back. I then began to recognize the sad, friendly atmosphere of this place when I saw the crates of boxes, forklifts, and bright white lights around this big factory. I saw several people and families walking around the store and going on about their business, or at least that's what I thought. I paid more attention to the people walking to or standing around the check out lanes. When we finally got to the frozen foods section, my mother decided that it'd be a good idea if I took my niece towards the children's play area located right next to the frozen foods. And so I grab my little niece's hand and walk her there. When we finally got there I noticed something strange about my niece. I slowly let go of her hand and saw a smile pass by her face. She usually has tantrums when she sees something appealing to her. This could probably be one of the reason I woke up after this moment.
This was my first encounter with a hostile, physically violent DC. Great learning experience, I think. I also wound up giving an LD mini-seminar in dream, which was interesting to say the least! Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #18: DC Wants a Piece of Me I hurry into a grocery store to pick up some items, passing my friend R on the way in. (The only IWL friend I have that regularly LDs.) I say hey and we catch up about the time he's been spending in Seoul, South Korea. I'm in a hurry so I tell him I have to run. As he's leaving, I call back to him and ask, "R, what city are we in right now?" He thinks for a moment and then says that he doesn't know. How can we both not know? Something's off. "Buddy, aren't you supposed to be in Seoul? I've never been to Seoul." We agree that it's strange neither of us know where we are and I realize that I'm dreaming. "I figured out what's going on, R. I'm dreaming. Well, one of us is, I guess. Probably me." He congratulates me and agrees that it's "probably" me having the LD and not him. I clap him on the shoulder and head into the store. I walk through a set of automatic doors and casually explore the store, taking my time marveling at the items on the shelves, the level of detail, and the sheer number of dream characters buying food for the week. I spend several minutes just enjoying the people and texture in the place. One DC, a bulky man in a football jersey and baseball cap, gives me a slightly unfriendly look, but I ignore him. A more serious confrontation is next. I'm approaching the frozen foods section when a fat, enormously tall man locks eyes with me. His many chins quake with rage and his fists are balled up for a fight. The huge man strides toward me, flaring out his arms like an obese grizzly bear. I hear him grinding his teeth. The sound is awful, like ice cubes being crushed against one another. My own temper starts to smolder but I catch myself and say, "Wait. You're not upset with me. You're angry about something else. What can I do to help you?" He stops and drops his arms to his side, mouth hanging open in surprise. Sheepishly, he says, "Drumstick." I point to one of the cases in the freezer aisle and it begins to give off a warm glow. "The ice cream's in there," I tell him. "I made this place. That means it's my fault it didn't have what you needed. I'm sorry for your trouble." He smiles broadly and waves, turning toward the ice cream. I walk further down the freezer aisle, studying the ice cream and shelves full of frozen dinners. (My subconscious seems to mostly produce lasagna and meatloaf.) At the end of the aisle, I come to a door that leads into a hotel banquet hall with a view high above the city. (What city? Still don't know.) I'm barging in on some sort of convention and the well-dressed DCs act shocked to see me. They protest at first but I inform them that all of this is my lucid dream, so they'll just have to be patient until I'm through. They become very interested, peppering me with questions. A small crowd of well-dressed young professionals gathers around me, asking me why I keep rubbing my hands together and prodding at my arms. I explain a bunch of LD concepts to them, starting with stabilization, going through how I enter an LD, etc. None of it feels like a waste of time. If these DCs represent some part of myself, what could be better than reviewing the basics? I tell them that I have to find the Cretaceous sea. I hold my hands out and will the Cretaceous sea to illuminate. A chunk of the horizon starts giving off a warm glow (just like the ice cream!) I try to push through the window, which fails, and then try to punch it. It acts like plexiglas, wobbling and vibrating but refusing to break. I finally grab a chair and knock out a smaller panel. I squeeze myself through to the outside of the building. The wind is fierce, tugging at my clothes, and the ground looks far, far away. I cling to the building, suddenly more afraid than I was prepared to be. I start to calm myself but it's too late -- I'm awake.
Updated 10-04-2012 at 05:03 PM by 57387
Well, I can't recall any dreams, since I slept restlessly the whole night due to my stuffy nose. So I'll just use yesterdays. Sometimes I have really out of the blue dreams that just have absolutely no connection to my life and just confuse me when I wake up, but whatever, here goes. A girl from a my school finds a way to fold clothes, and that's somehow relevant for some kind of school field trip. So my health class (health class?? How??? Why??? I are confuse) goes on a field trip to buy suits, which also confuses me, the girl is on the trip but she isn't even in my health class. So I enter the store and I remember the store from another one of my dreams. It's kind of a mix of a clothes store, whole foods, and 7-11 (google the middle one if you don't understand, it's just a grocery store.) but it also had a very warehouse-ish feel. I end up buying some binder instead of a suit which confuses me even more. I was sick on that day too, but I at least had dream recall, so that'll have to suffice.
Thebeastofold's Dream Ive been fighting sa nasty cold lately so ive been sleeping under the influence of only dream fragments this time unfortunately... Fragment 1: I was trying to re-position my big tv but it seemed to be made of rubber and kept flopping and folding in half etc... Fragment 2: i was wandering around the backroom of a grocery i used to work for many yars ago...i found a door behind pallets of goods that to my knowledge wasnt there i walked through it and i was in a strange gym type place, full of cubicles and each cubicle was a different sport or workout was "tennis" and there were 3 or 4 people standing there dressed in tennis clothes holding rackets and talking to each other... Fragment 3: I was walking down an odd hall and i noticed the guy infront of me had a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, so i got right up behind him and grabbed themout of his pocket, then i took a quick right turn and was in another hallway... Fragment 4: i was standing in a large dirt parking lot somewhere, and i was watching a huge RV followed by a pickup truck driving up an extremely steep dirt road that zig-zagged up the side of ana lmost sheer cliff in the distance... Fragment 5: I was wandering around in a huge mansion type place, and everywhere i went there seemed to be preparations for a big party, or something other activity...and i kept running into a guy with a smoking pipe in his mouth...every time i ran into him he would start telling me about something that had nothing whatsoever to do with the house or whatever was going on.....dont rememebr what he said exactly... woke up...
I had pretty cool dreams last night, but unfortunately they don't seem like they could've been shared. Cay's Dreams Dream 1 This one was non-lucid. It was like I was playing a video game, with a heads-up display, but with a physical body. There was a compass in the lower left-hand corner, with "12/25" in the center, and on each point a different gruesome orc face with a red progress bar under it, like I had to kill so many of each type. I don't know how I could ever have managed to kill twelve of those things, because it took what felt like a half hour to slay one. It didn't even have a weapon, but every time one of its punches made contact it sent me flying. I managed to block and even parry a few times, learning to predict the orc's movements. I feel like, even though I wasn't lucid, I learned a bit about wielding my warhammer. Dream 2 The earliest thing I remember is being next to my friend B.C. next to a shelf covered with hanging breastplates, kneepads, goggles, red jumpsuits and various other bits of armor/skating/skiing equipment. "So...I'm gonna need some armor," he said. "Uh, here, take this..." I pulled off one of the breastplates and a pair of kneepads, then found one of the red jumpsuits in his approximate size, and handed it to him. D.M. showed up beside me, followed by S.G. and a string of other people from school. I handed out a set of protective equipment to every one of them. Most of the goggles were red-tinted so dark that you could hardly see out of them, so I avoided handing them out. I noticed that they were all carrying what looked like a hybrid between a handgun and a Star Trek phaser. I eventually gathered from the chatter that it was some sort of dream game- they were going to pass through a portal into the course, and it was a sort of last-man-standing sort of thing, everybody against each other. This did not make me lucid. Even though I had the sense that I was one of the organizers and not eligible for play, I picked out my own equipment just the same and followed them to what seemed like a grocery, with a glowing blue light (the portal) in the center. The course was supposedly vast, and one had to choose one's supplies wisely, because your game-dream body would become injured, exhausted or depleted the same as your physical one. You got one standard backpack full for the game, which would last one week. I picked out my supplies- I still didn't know if I was eligible for play, but I thought I might go along as a sort of guide if that was allowed. I was wary of the whole thing, my friends being pitted against each other in good fun. I woke up as I was making a silly intercom announcement that seemed all too necessary- a can opener is required to open canned food. Dream 3 I was in the car with my sister, who was driving. Someone pulled up behind us in a blue sports car. They honked and hooted, but I realized the driver was someone I hate, so I instructed my sister to ignore them. She became nervous when they stayed behind us after a turn and slammed on the gas- in the dream, I was under the impression that she'd gotten her license and I hadn't, but in reality neither of us have- and we were speeding along a potholed country road. "Whoa, whoa, slow down, it's not like they'll follow us all the way to Aunt J's!" I was beginning to get a little nervous myself though, and when they shadowed us on the last turnoff before her driveway, I told my sister to try to lose them. They were disgusting, creepy people, and though I wasn't aware of any situation where they'd attacked defenseless teenage girls before, I wouldn't put it past them. When we pulled into the driveway, my heart sank when I realized no one was home. I ran to the front door and she to the back. It would be my dream luck that my door wouldn't lock. I grabbed my sister by the wrist and pulled her into my cousin's closet. The closet doors wouldn't close all the way, and we huddled staring at the crack between them. "What do you think you're doing?" The voice belonged to neither of the people from earlier. Two male hands pulled the closet doors apart. I can best describe the person behind them as looking like the guy in this video wearing the shirt that says "FRACK ME", only in Ray-Bans, a beanie and a checkered scarf. Old 97's - Dance With Me - YouTube At this point I got lucid. He offered me his hand and I gave him the one I wasn't doing a reality check with. "Who are you?" "Just someone sent here to help you with your little dry-spell problem." I was halfway between telling him off for that scary situation before that I somehow sensed was his doing, and hugging him. He bent and put a DVD into the player. A list of what looked like coordinates came up. He touched the screen over one set, and a window popped up. "This program'll teach you how to enter your holographic forms." I started to ask him what 'holographic forms' meant, when I got sidetracked by the fact that he'd used the plural 'forms' even though I was now the only other person in the room. I came up with another question, "Can you help me with my dream control?" "No, that's not my field of expertise. You've got a guy coming for that. What's going on with this..?!" he banged his fist on the television screen, which had gone white. I studied him. At length, I asked what seemed like the most important question. "What can you tell me about...shared dreaming?" His expression was one of, well, horror. "Oh, no. No no no no no. You will NOT. No-" "YES!" I interjected, getting annoyed. "Tell me what you know!" He responded by opening the door, doing a little bow, and stomping out. I woke up.