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    1. Hi mr. Cobb

      by , 10-13-2011 at 12:34 PM
      This is actually a dream from the other day. It's not very long, but it was really vivid, and when I saw people "liked" it in the "one sentence"-thread, I thought I could post it. It's about inception.


      Hi Dom Cobb:

      Okay, as I just said, it's not a very long dream, but again, it was very vivid, and I talked to Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), so that was cool. So here we go.

      I was standing in a weird city. I looked at the buildings, and saw all the details. The buildings were all grey/black, and the sun was shining, but the sky wasn't blue but white, probably because of clouds. "I've seen this city before.. But where?" I asked myself. 20 meters away, there were other people, and I was just about to walk over and talk to them, when my face suddenly turned into this: .
      Right there, in the middle of the town, the city began to be folded, exactly like this:

      I ran over to the other people, I thought the world was going to collaps, and I was really freaked out! And then I saw who it was.

      I forgot all about the weird city, and said "Hi!". They all said hello to me too, and we began to walk through the town. Everyone looked at us, and seemed to be a little bit mad. Probably because we were in Cobbs dream. I remember I talked to Cobb, but I can't remember what we talked about. Only that it was about dreams, and stuff like that. It was so cool.

      Haha, that's amazing when you dream about something like that, because you can find the exactly pictures/videos, and show other people it!
    2. 011: A sandy-haired boy

      by , 04-30-2011 at 02:17 PM (Tides of Sleep)
      April 30, 2011

      I wasn't going to post this at all, but then I figure I've been neglecting my journal for awhile now, and so I've forced myself. Some familiar recurring characters here, also a carryover of my broker air con dripping into the dream. Kind of ominous, as per usual, and strangely unsettling, especially around Burnett and the house. One very, very memorable dream character whom I've never met before. I can still see his face in my head.

      Entry 011
      I'm laying down between Octavia and Burnett, with the rest of my friends on the other side of Octavia. At first I don't seem to noticed Burnett. We're laying down, but we're in a kind of stadium place. It's some kind of school trip, I think, and the rest of my classmates fill the stadium around me. The stadium doesn't really have seats so much as risers, so that there's no back rest or place for your legs to dangle down. Most people are sitting up, cheering someone on, but my group and I are laying down, looking at the night sky. Suddenly I hear someone calling my name, singing it, in fact. I glance to my right and notice a skinny-ish boy with chin length sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and a distinctive, but cute, face. I don't know him, even looking back he doesn't resemble anyone I know in real life, but I can still see his face in my head.

      I duck under the risers, swing down to the ground effortlessly. He's singing me a love song. I smile and watch him sing into his mic for awhile. Finally, I interrupt him, "Hey." I smile again. I take a couple steps forward and hold out my hand, palm-up. He looks startled, and stares at me for a few seconds with an expression of horror on his face. Before I can even react, he's twisting away, running. I'm confused, and a little hurt, but I don't really think anything of it. I go back to my place on the risers.

      As I'm laying there, looking up at the sky, I suddenly notice Burnett is laying next to me. I say something to him, and we start talking. Ironically, we're talking about lucid dreaming. After that, I'm talking about some photograph I have with me. He looks at it in a way that makes me think he's seen it before, and that it has a greater significance than I believe it to. After answering one of his questions, there's a pause until I reply. Once I reply he grins. My answer seems to have made him happy. Suddenly, without warning, he plants three kisses up my arm. I'm dismayed. I realize that I had gotten closer and closer to him and that now we were only inches apart. He sees the look on my face, says, "I didn't mean it that way...". It's too late. I'm scrambling away until I'm hugging Octavia, who had been angry I was ignoring her.

      When the event, whatever it was, ends, I walk home to a giant Victorian style house. It's empty, haunted in a way. There's a constant dripping from the ceiling, as if the house is in a perpetual state of wet mold and decay. My mom is in one of the upstairs rooms, and she seems to be very sick. I wait for a long time in the house, not sleeping even though I am tired and it's pitch black outside. I get the feeling I'm waiting for Burnett. Eventually, my mom calls me up to her room and tells me to go get some food for a party. This trip coincides with some journey I have to undertake.

      I find myself on highway at night. The area around me is somewhat desert-like, but it's so black outside I can hardly see a foot in front of me. Eventually, I come to a kind of way-station. Here there are a bunch of vending machines that spit out hot fast food. I walk up to the McDonalds one, hit the number of the food my mom wanted, then punch in the credit card information. Sure enough the machine spits out some hamburgers. Behind me, there's a huge line and a menacing looking biker makes it clear to me that if I don't get out now there will be trouble. I run out of the way-station, and I'm back on the road, heading somewhere...
    3. July 29th, 2010: Three Short Lucid Dreams?

      by , 07-30-2010 at 10:35 PM (LDHare's Dream Journal)
      I have trouble arranging dreams in the exact order they occurred. Also, sometimes I find it difficult to keep them from merging within my mind before I wake up to write them down. This sometimes results in a bit of confusion when I finally get to writing down my dreams in my journal. Last night, I had what now seem to be three separate lucid dreams within my first six hours of sleep. I have tried to arrange them in the manner that seems most right.

      The first dream I can remember involved a recent road trip I went on. I was traveling by myself through small towns in the west, and I was being followed by a hobo who wanted to take my money or something. This was a bit scary but not, like, a full on nightmare or anything.

      Somehow, this dream morphed and I was walking in a retail store. I think it was a Wal Mart or something. Anyway, the main aisle became a sort of highway and there were people lined up along the sides watching me. I felt strange and the whole scenario seemed off. At first I thought that they knew something about me and the cop was going to find out this secret. I didn't even know the secret! Eventually I figured it out: I was lucid and they were dream characters. This made me feel great but I didn't really know what to do so I just strolled around the store talking to my DCs and enjoying myself.

      There is a gap and I believe that last dream ended, sending me into a false awakening. I remember waking up in my bed. I instantly felt that something was off, so I did a reality check. I pressed my right pointer finger into my hand and it went right through. I had that EUREKA feeling again and got very excited. I jumped out of bed and looked for a way out of my house. I saw the window and burst through it, flying very hard in what would be a eastern direction. I ended up at a nearby elementary school, the one I attended as a child. I stood in the field and wondered what to do from there. So I guess I created a tower and started climbing it. Then I decided that it should be winter and it started snowing. This was awesome! I pretty much just jumped around on this tower, slid down it, made snow angels, etc. etc. I was having fun.

      Eventually, I think this dreamscape morphed into a more alien landscape. I remember sitting under the tower and enjoying the knowledge that I was lucid. Looking about, I was in a new place, a place not familiar to me. I entered a nearby bunker and saw my ex there. This was strange but I accepted her as real. I think that was part of the reason that I started losing dream clarity and lucidity. All of a sudden, the bunker (which reminded me of an old church) started being shot at by nails. Strange. So I promised her I would get the nail-shooter to stop. I went out into the cold and started running in the direction of the assailant. But I fell down a hill and my father was down at the bottom. He had a fire going too and my two boxer dogs Chester and Georgie were down there too. He made me watch after them, even though I told him that I was having a lucid dream and I needed to go. I ended up falling asleep there by the fire and lost lucidity.

      This was an exciting night of sleep but I think I have to watch out for dream characters because I tend to believe they are real and they tell me to do stupid things. Also, I never really know what to do when I become lucid, so usually I just fly around and get really excited. Haha. What should I do? If I focus on plans before I go to bed, will this influence my dreams?
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