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    1. summer comp 2024 days 2+3

      by , 07-08-2024 at 11:51 AM
      7.6 - mob chase
      - i became lucid somewhere outside, there was a crowd of people kinda angry at me or something, first i tried to jump trough a wall into a store but it didnt work, i thought that i just dont believe enough and did it again, now i was inside (+10)(+5) and did it again to be outside, the people have surrounded me and i was kinda fighting them off (+2) mostly forgeting about my lucidity

      +10 phase trough a big solid object
      +5 three step task part one

      8.7 - clubbing with grandma
      - me, my grandma and my sister all climbed the facade of this building to get into a rooftop club for free, i have a memory (it was a memory in the dream) of watching someone else climb up and say they'll never find out since it is dark outside, i started talking to a dude on the terrace because he seemed familiar, then i saw my friends and a random dude started offering me molly, i declined but he convinced me eventually, we went to a table in the corner and i watched him do a line and he said its my turn, i realised i cant do this since my grandma could see me so i left him and started looking for my friends, i couldnt find anyone and went to this birthday party deeper in the club, i was still on edge because i didnt have a ticket and i didnt know anyone, the girls celebrating did a little parade and i found my friends eventually, they were still talking to someone and i tried to convince them to leave, it took a long time but we eventualy started leaving (it was bright outside now), i said i need to get back to the terrace because i may have forgoten something (i planned to leave there because i didnt want to go trough the front), my friend had keys from pretty much every door and we took a big detour trough many rooms including a room looking like an ikea with mirrors which lead outside, i said i dont need to go to the terrace since i have everything, i noticed i have my headphones twice so i did an rc (+1) and became lucid, remembered i need to fly so i asked for wings (+5) and flew (+5) up to this rock wall which had shoes on it, i then read a billboard advertiding bananas, my flight was not the best, but i kept trying to fly to space because it is my 3step task, then it started to rain and became windy, there was a mom with a son and they were struggling to hold onto this parachute, so i flew there and took it from them (+2) hoping it would help my flight, it didnt and i woke up soon after

      edit: i just remembered more infor from the second dream.
      - once i was outside and lucid, i kept thinking about where i am sleeping irl, the nightclub part was really long so i assumed that was real and i was considering that i just fell asleep inside, this made me worry for my wallet and phone so i eventually gave up and woke myself up on purpose

      Updated 07-08-2024 at 07:40 PM by 101041

    2. 25-05-26 Yet Another Escape

      by , 05-26-2024 at 09:33 PM
      "Escape" seems like the theme of the week. Once again, we're a group of people, and we need to escape from somewhere before another group of hostiles arrive who would take us all prisoner. The others all managed to evacuate before they arrived, but I didn't. The "bad guys" (who were just people, dressed normally, just hostile to us for some reason) kind of congregated around me, interrogated me, investigated the area where we were holed up, but eventually they got distracted talking to each other. I used the distracted to walk to the exit unnoticed, then bolt outside. I found myself on a beach area (was I on a ship before?) and thinking I was probably safe surrounded by so many people. They'd never take me in such a public place. I took off into vertical flight, and gained some altitude. Transitioning into horizontal flight, I decided to head to the place we had previously designated as our rendezvous point in case we got separated. However, I struggled to keep altitude. I lost altitude until I was just a meter or so above the water surface. Sticking out my arm downwards (still traveling at fairly high speed), I could actually feel the water. I tried to regain altitude by sort of wriggling my body upwards, but it wouldn't work.
      Tags: escape, flight, flying
    3. 24-05-19 Escape, Flying Away w. Soundtrack

      by , 05-19-2024 at 10:03 PM
      I was in a bizarre place. A series of rooms, hallways and stairways, but with an open ceiling so you could see the sky. I was with multiple other people, all trying to escape. I think we had to pass the same area multiple times, but in a different "cycle" so it would look slightly different every time, with traps in different places, obstacles moved slightly, etc. In the final cycle, entire parts of the floor turned to lava. I think one of the guys I was with was Ed Harris? We went up a stone spiral staircase, and reached the exit. By this point, I had gained a subconscious awareness that this was a dream, and that the plot had come to an end. But not full lucidity. I started flying, going straight up and looking down. From a respectable altitude, I could see all the landmarks we'd previously visited during our escape. There were strange, orb-shaped luminescent structures. I think it was a bit misty, too. There was a rousing, inspiring soundtrack playing as I ascended. I felt on a subconscious level that I was the one "generating" the music - again some degree of lucidity. I even caught myself marveling at the fact that this musical composition did not exist, and I completely made it up in real-time. I decided to go higher, into space, so I stretched out my arms to reach for the heavens, and with one extra burst of acceleration flew upwards until the sky got black and starry. While I did this, the soundtrack hammed it up even more, and got even more epic.
    4. 24-05-XX Showing Off, Weird Confidence

      by , 05-19-2024 at 09:47 PM
      I remember almost nothing. Maybe a road, and a bunch of people walking along this road to an unknown destination? During the dream, I figured out I could fly, so I did a bunch of stupid stunts and showing off. But the part that puzzled me the most in retrospect, is when I approached a girl I liked, and actually asked her on a date...? I felt such unbelievable confidence, it was unlike anything I've ever felt in the real world.
    5. Night of Friday 2/2/24 (DILD)

      by , 02-05-2024 at 08:57 PM (Dreamlog)
      Flight Over The Forest Chasm:
      I'm in a forest with giant trees, standing on a leaf.
      The leaf is strong enough to support my weight.
      The setting reminds me a bit of my childhood front yard, but sized up (or with me sized down).
      Out of habit, I perform a nose reality check and
      become lucid.
      In front of me, I see a large chasm. I decide to fly over it.
      I make it to another leaf across the chasm without issue.
      I start to think about whether I should stabilize.
      But I lose lucidity shortly after.

      Overlooking the Chasm.

      Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:16 PM by 99808

    6. Night of Monday 1/29/24

      by , 01-30-2024 at 09:28 PM (Dreamlog)
      Jungle Flight:
      I'm driving my car up a steep hill.
      The car fails and I start to fall backward.
      I'm at a sort of car agency.
      A man in a suit is selling me not a car, but a type of hover-bike.
      I'm pretty excited about the hover-bike.
      I'm in a jungle environment, but the hover-bike has changed into a hand-held flight device.
      The area is beautiful, almost euphoric.
      I can't recall the exact mechanism, but the device is similar to one-handed flight devices from previous dreams.
      I carefully pilot myself into a tiki-bar looking area with a bar and restaurant, but don't land.
      I may have been on a tour of the area with others.

      My friend AG is admiring some wood polish on a chair and table at my Grandma P's house.

      Flying through the jungle using a handheld device.

      Updated 02-05-2024 at 10:21 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. 23-03-18 Kamikazes & Eagles

      by , 03-20-2023 at 10:32 PM
      I don't recall where it started, but I took off from somewhere. I flew over what could have been dunes, or desert shrubland. I noticed a bunch of beheaded kamikazes from Serious Sam down below, so I wanted to kill them. Once again I struggled with mid-air controls a bit, things like changing direction and stopping inertia. Anyway, I landed and attacked the kamikazes. I wanted to use a power on them but I think it didn't work, so I had to kick down a dried-up (dead) tree and use its trunk as a spear. I impaled a kamikaze on the tree trunk, which was satisfying. In a later scene, I was in a MASSIVE underground cave, still flying, fighting Voldemort and his massive army of giant eagles (from Lord of the Rings). I attacked them by ripping the feathers from their wings, and causing them to crash to the ground. I had acquired a letter of sorts. This letter had to be destroyed to "complete the plot" and vanquish evil (consider it a stand-in for the One Ring). I knew it was someone's mission to destroy it, but now that it was in my possession, I figured: "why can't I do it, and do it much faster?" So I got the letter, and dove down some kind of empty elevator shaft (still flying). I smashed the letter into the bottom of the shaft, and this supposedly "destroyed" it. However, I had a part of it still in my hand, and the text on it had changed into a message aimed it me: the letter could only be destroyed at the right time and in the right place, and presumably, by the right person. No shortcuts. I couldn't just skip three 3-hour movies and finish the whole plot in 10 minutes. Someone else had to actually complete the entire journey.

      One last scene involved having to make out with a girl who had questionable mouth hygiene, and a few other details I don't care to write down here.
    8. Notes on Dream Control

      by , 01-26-2021 at 04:47 PM
      this DJ is more to help identify dream control methods and tackle a system of dream control that works outnght, today are more abstract note


      • REM sleep is vivid to the point where clothing can feel entirely different to what's worn outside of a dream.
      • the dream can react poorly in terms of stability if the form is altered.
      • The effects of the dream aren't flashy because one's visual imagination may not have a direct point of reference.
      • dream control in relation to magic systems isn't necessarily a shortcut, but it can help to organise dream control
      • The brain likes it's realism, it's similar to "consensus" from Mage: The Ascension, and dream control seems to be oddly easier once no one is looking.

      WAKING TASK: find a reliable system to build your dream control around, and practice visualization that isn't tactile.

      Dream Points
      • I managed to destabilise the dream until it changed most of it's topic.
      • There was a really, really nice roadside shopping mall with multiple levels.
      • I got into a toy war with a NERF gun that had multiple firing modes dependant on how you squeezed the trigger, automatic was "mid-way", semi-automatic was all the way, and the NERF gun appeared to have some kind of pneumatic firing mechanism.

      Techniques attempted:
      • Shapeshifting (attempted a female form in order to destabilise the dream enough to change it's topic).
      • Conjuration, attempted to conjure the book from hunter x hunter's greed island arc
      • Flight, wanted to traverse the mall.

      Updated 01-26-2021 at 04:48 PM by 65287 (Updated title.)

      side notes , lucid , dream fragment
    9. 3 LD. Полёт на море. Flight to the sea.

      by , 05-19-2020 at 02:53 AM
      ОС 3 Полёт на море (Конец сентября 2011)

      Сначала был неосознанный сон. Я шёл по бульвару, и зашёл в садик. Там были спрайты троих парней и девушек. Парни напали на меня, и позвали девушек посмотреть, как они со мной расправятся. Я проснулся и тут же заново заснул с мыслью: "ну я вам щас устрою".
      Я оказался на том же месте в садике и сказал этим спрайтам - это мой сон, поэтому я могу делать что хочу! Спрайты парней тут же пропали, а спрайты девушек зависли. Я попытался схватить одну из девушек, но как только я это сделал она исчезла, точнее лопнула как мыльный пузырь. Тогда я попытался схватить двух сразу. Они не исчезли почувствовал их, (хотя обычно у меня во сне только визуалка работала. После того как стал интересоваться ОСами и другие чувства то же подключились) на ощупь были упругие, как резина. Мне надоело их держать. Я решил взлететь перелететь территорию садика и оказаться на дворе другого друга С. На двор к С. я так и не попал, а улетел к морю. Там меня ждала мама и осознанность на некоторое время пропала. До тех пор пока я не подошёл к морю. Я подумал: "если это сон что будет если я войду в море с головой? - не утону ведь". Сказано - сделано. Когда дошёл до воды на уровне шеи, в мою сторону поплыл какой-то предмет в форме бублика. Я закрыл глаза, чтобы он меня не задел, и он проплыл сквозь меня. Когда меня накрыло водой с головой, чувство дна под ногами у меня исчезло, но я ещё некоторое время продолжал идти под водой. Вода была тёмной и ничего нельзя было разглядеть. Потом меня выкинуло на берег. Там снова период неосознания. Решил вернутся до мамы пролетел над какими-то гаражами, и остановился на крыше одного гаража. На песке стояла мама, но в тот же момент она была со мной на равном уровня. Сначала я не понял почему так, потом пришла мысль, что здесь пространство двухмерное. Я стал экспериментировать с пространством, изменять его. Думал, что делаю его 4-х мерным. Проснулся.
      PS: Наяву это описать не возможно , когда пробовал сделать одномерным как бы представлял точку на листе бумаги, а четырёхмерным это когда на листе рисуешь куб и с ним соединяешь другой куб чтобы грань одного куба соединялась с гранью другого. То же и проделал с окружающим себя пространством.

      1. Сумел вернуться в сон после просыпания.
      2. После возвращения персонажи(спрайты) парни исчезли, а девушки зависли.
      3. Одна девушка лопнула, как мыльный пузырь, когда я до нее дотронулся.
      4. Другие девушки на ошупь были, как резина.
      5. Сумел взлететь, но не смог управлять полетом.
      6. С помощью полета меня перенесло в незнакомое место на море. С реальными местами, в которых я был на море, не было ничего общего.
      7. Сумел войти с головой под воду. Дышать под водой можно. Ничего не видно. Исчезло чувство дна под ногами. Долго не прошел - выкинуло на берег.
      8. Непонятный предмет в форме бублика. Закрыл глаза - прошел сквозь меня.
      9. Искривление пространства. Разный уровень высоты, но смотрится будто на одном уровне. Затем своей волей смог сам искривлять дома.
      10. Персонажи в неосознанной начальной части сна разговаривали, а в осознанной нет. Ни парни, ни девушки, ни мама - никто из них не произнес ни одного слова.
      11. Так же в неосознанной части поведение персонажей было агресcивным.
      12. Место действия: бульвар, садик 2, море на юго-западе.
      13. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе 6 минут.

      3 LD Flight at sea (End of September 2011)

      At first there was an unconscious dream. I walked along the boulevard, and went into the kindergarten. There were sprites of three guys and girls. How they will deal with me. I woke up and immediately fell asleep again with the thought: "Well, I'll arrange for you right now."
      I ended up in the same place in the garden and said it was sprites. The sprites of the guys disappeared right away, and the sprites of the girls hung. I tried to do it because of the girls. Then I tried to grab the two at once. They did not disappear, they felt them (although usually I had only visual actions). I'm tired of holding them. I decided to fly to another territory. I never got to the yard to S., but flew away to the sea. Mom and awareness disappeared for a while. I did not go to the sea. I thought: "If it is a dream, what will happen if I enter the sea with my head?" No sooner said than done. A donut-shaped object floated in my direction. And he swam through me. When I continued to go under water for some time. The water was dark and nothing could be seen. Then I was thrown ashore. There is again a period of unconsciousness. Decisions returned to the wings of one garage. She was on an equal level with me. At first I did not understand why this is so, and then the thought came that the space is two-dimensional. I began to experiment with space, change it. I thought I was making it 4-dimensional. Awoke.
      PS: it is impossible to describe, perhaps when it was done in order to represent a single point on a sheet of paper, and four months old when a cube is shown on a sheet, and it connects to the face of one cube and connects to the face of another. I did the same with the space surrounding himself.

      1. Managed to return to sleep after waking up.
      2. After the characters returned (sprites), the guys disappeared.
      3. When I touched her.
      4. Other girls were dry.
      5. Managed to take off, but could not control the flight.
      6. Unidentified place on the sea. That was nothing in common.
      7. Managed to enter headlong into the water. You can breathe under water. I can not see anything. The feeling of the bottom under the feet disappeared. Long did not pass - threw ashore.
      8. An incomprehensible object in the shape of a donut. I closed his eyes - passed through me.
      9. The curvature of space. Different level of height, but it looks like at the same level. Then by his own free will he was able to bend at home.
      10. Characters in the unconscious initial part of sleep talk, but in the unconscious not. Not a single guy, not a girl, not a mom.
      11. Also in the unconscious part, the behavior of the characters was aggressive.
      12. Venue: boulevard, kindergarten 2, the sea in the south-west.
      13. The approximate time spent in the LD 6 minutes.

      Updated 05-19-2020 at 02:56 AM by 90895

    10. 19-04-07 Nuked Future, Villains Control Government, Beginning of Time

      by , 04-07-2019 at 04:13 PM
      Awesome semi-lucid dream. I was in a meeting room (at the white house or similar-looking government building), seated at the table with a bunch of government officials. Opposite of me was the president, a white man but not Trump. To my right was a petite blonde girl (mid-'20s), my love interest and some kind of aide of the president. She reminds me of Harleen Quinzel before she turned into Harley. Other, unnamed people filled the other chairs. I was nervous. I felt like I didn't really belong there, and I couldn't really look the president in the eye. There was some talk, I guess, until I noticed the Joker appear out of the shadows. Suddenly I saw the table was longer than I thought towards the president's right (my left), and it was full of supervillains. The president and the other officials looked entirely comfortable with their presence. I think I realized I was in the DC-universe, but the girl told me to shush. I realized telling fictional characters they are fictional can have cataclysmic results. The joked them revealed several bare-chested men strung up on the wall, their faces painted like clowns. He gutted them like fish with a knife. I guess they were traitors. After the meeting, I was disgusted - the idea that the government was run by literal villains, and everyone was okay with this. My 'girlfriend' tried to play it down, responding to my outrage with stuff like 'don't you love me anymore'. She was clearly 100% on board with this. She touched me and playfully kissed my cheek, but I could tell she was trying to seduce me. Wind me around her little finger to make me agree with anything her masters wanted to do. I told her I was onto her. I told her I knew what game she was playing, and she was trying to manipulate me. Her demeanor changed instantly from faux-sweetness to silent anger. I felt a little bad for some reason, so I said being manipulative could be an asset in government. But it wouldn't work on me. Without saying a word, she walked away (she wore heels). I left the meeting. The building was pretty crowded with people on the inside. I took an escalator to the lower floors, where I encountered the Joker again but did not interact with him.

      Outside the building, I somehow learned to fly. I don't recall how this happened. The world was rainy and dark. It was night. The atmosphere was very Blade Runner. I flew around, and noticed the city looked like it had been nuked in recent history. The impact crater was massive, easily 4 miles in diameter and 100 feet deep. In the epicenter, only the skeletal remains of a few skyscrapers still stuck out of the dust. I flew a bit further west, where the destruction of the nuke gave way to still inhabited parts of the city. There were colored neon signs everywhere, the text all in Japanese. I landed on top of a tall building overlooking the city. Imitating Hiro Nakamura from Heroes, I spread my arms and yelled 'Hello, Neo-Tokyo!'. The city had this synthwavey-cyberpunk vibe, hence Neo-Tokyo. I flew back over the crater, thinking about how the government was corrupt, and how these powers gave me a shot at doing something about it. I flew back to the 'white house' (which was about a mile outside of the crater to the northeast) and landed just outside.

      While flying, my view sometimes got blurry, but I managed to make it clear up by focusing. During these moments, I had a vague awareness I was dreaming. Enough to apply LD-techniques. I also noticed losing altitude or making turns was easier if I slowed down first, which I did by sort of 'swinging my legs forward' as if to land. Braking in mid-air.

      So, back at the government building. I got inside somehow. When there was a wall in my way, I used a brief burst of speed to crash right through it (like flight but at ground level). I was pissed. I felt angry at myself for being so spineless before, and not standing up to the bad guys before I got these powers. I was going to kill all the villains. I climbed the escalators. I saw a young woman, crying and being chased by an older woman who clearly wanted to hurt her. This is where it gets violent and a little gross. I grabbed the pursuing woman, and proceeded to rip her head off. It didn't really come all the way off, but her neck did tear. A man looked at me, wide-eyed. He said that these were androids, and they were supposed to be indestructible. At that point, my victim was really small (like a couple inches), like a doll made out of plastic, and I was ripping the head off with my teeth. It tasted like plastic, too... Anyhoo... I proceeded to make my way through the building with the intent to massacre the bad guys and assassinate the president.


      I woke up, but fell asleep again after 15 minutes. I was inside a video game world. I was supposed to jump down into a massive hole. The center was the 'Door of Komalie', a gateway to Hell. However, I missed the center, and fell into the fiery void around it. I found myself in a really beautiful place. It was a void, like deep space, but it was filled completely with a bright orange and yellow nebula. I realized this was the universe nanoseconds after it had been born (or right after its death, time being cyclical). I just hovered in the middle, loving the view. After a while, I wanted to get back. I flew upwards, until I could see the world above me. Distances were so vast, I wasn't sure I could go fast enough to get there in reasonable time. But I managed to speed up exponentially, eventually bursting through the ocean floor and finally the water surface into the sky. It was still a rainy night, and I recognized the city on the horizon as NYC.
      lucid , memorable
    11. 19-02-11 Putin

      by , 02-11-2019 at 08:50 PM
      I was at some kind of major event on a city square. I think the city was Barcelona. There were LOADS of people. The person sitting next to me just so happened to be the one and only Vladimir Putin. We talked a bit, and he seemed like a really cool guy. I asked him how likely we were to get a nuclear war between Russia and the West. I guess I wanted to assuage my recent fears of nuclear holocaust. In the end, I grabbed his hand and took off to give him an aerial tour of the city (!!). I flew over the city a bit (another massive square), making a wide turn (I was surprised I pulled it off, I'm not the best at maneuvering in mid-flight) and returning to where we came from.
    12. 19-01-10 Loads of Dreams

      by , 01-10-2019 at 09:26 PM
      I'm in some kind of village, surrounded by high walls. There was no way out of the village. I was trapped in there with my last surviving grandfather, who was evil and was keeping me there. I tried to sneak out of the village somehow, and tried to hide from him. But I ran into him anyway. He came towards me, saying that I was coming with him. I got really pissed off, and wanted to defend myself by hitting him in the face. I was so pissed off, I woke up instantly. I smashed my real-life fist into my nightstand, which hurt.

      I turned into some kind of small creature, and navigated a miniature village while a girl watched me. I noticed I had many small legs, like an insect. Then I saw the houses of the village were full of giant spider webs. I realized in horror that this village was populated entirely by giant (to my miniature standards) spiders. I noped out so hard, I woke up.

      I'm in a location I can't describe. A library? City streets? Both somehow? There's a long line of rubberbands (?) stretching out as far as the eye can see. I excitedly tell another character that this MUST mean the world runs on some kind of algorithm, as no one could possibly have placed THIS many rubberbands. Either it's a simulation, or it's a dream.

      I'm on the Moon. Then I'm on Mars. I somehow end up inside a crater. I want to get out. I realize gravity is lower on Mars than Earth, and this should make flying easier. I jump up, and manage to fly out. I see the Mars surface. It still looks barren, but there's some plantlife here and there and I can breathe. There's another scene where I'm on the surface of Mars with a bunch of other characters, sitting on a chair. Other people are sitting in chairs next to me. We're in a long line. Most of them have some kind of superpower. An attractive blonde walks by, and sits down in a chair opposite of us. Suddenly, she's only a silhouette. I figure she's a shapeshifter. She turned into an older guy a bit later. Anyway... I end up flying off and just soaring over the Martian surface. Below me, the barren wasteland is full of people. I pondered about how this is the future of humanity. I thought it was odd. I always thought that in the future we'd all be cyborgs, not mutants. I flew some more, at one point coming close to hitting some tree branches. I figured because this is a dream, I couldn't get hurt. I saw a large building and decided to put this to the test. I flew straight towards it at top speed, and flew straight through the walls. All the way through the building.

      I'm with my mother. We enter a strange kind of facility. Maybe military. I know where to go, somehow. We get into a white elevator (industrial-looking) and go down. Then we enter what looks like a missile silo retrofitted into a lab. Scientists are working on a bomb. Some kind of nuke. They needed our help to complete the work. At some I was concerned with how much radiation I was absorbing.

      I was in some kind of café. There was this guy. Tall, big guy. He had a massive revolver. He shot me in the neck. I thought I was screwed, but then I noticed I wasn't really hurt and there was only a tiny scratch. I suddenly had such a weapon too. I aimed and tried to shoot. As so often happens in my dreams, I struggled to pull the trigger. It did go off eventually, and the bad guy fled the café. Someone congratulated me for resolving the situation. I didn't want to hear it, as I was bummed out the bad guy survived and escaped.
    13. 18-12-23 Holding Off Alien Invasion

      by , 01-04-2019 at 09:53 PM
      I'm on some kind of giant (city-sized) floating airship. Aliens are invading the world below. I send off my wife and kid on some kind of dropship to get to safety, while I stay behind. Unfortunately, an alien tripod shows up and uses its heatray to blow up the dropship as it flies away. I didn't have time to mourn, because the aliens hit my airship next. There was an explosion, and I fell down. I managed to hold onto some rubble, but lost my grip fell down anyway. I was falling, and thought I was screwed. But before I hit the ground, I suddenly floated. It was instantly like I'd been 'awakened', I knew I could fly and do immense damage to the enemy. I flew towards the tripod that attacked us. I grabbed jungle liana (those rope-like things hanging from trees in the jungle) and flew in circles around the tripod until its legs were tied together and it fell. Like in Star Wars. When that tripod was down, I flew off north towards the big city. The city was under attack by several tripods. I took them out by flying into them from above and smashing them down to the ground. I think I single-handedly stopped the offensive on the city. I think I talked with some military commanders afterwards about the battle. Personally, I didn't really care about saving humanity. I only felt seething hatred for the aliens who killed my (non-existent) loved ones.
    14. Swimming with Kim and Adventure Recruitment

      by , 10-25-2018 at 09:20 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid dream, Lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      [For the second lucid in a row, I'm actually aware of the dream beginning, and it begins the same way as the last one - a visual scene emerges out of a blank nothingness, and I focus on it until it expands from a few little circles to fill my entire field of vision. This time,] I'm out in front of a big, old, two-story wooden house where some Toastmasters meetings are going to take place. I go inside to attend them, and some of my real-life Toastmasters friends are there, too. There are also visitors there, whom they are trying to recruit to Toastmasters. While I'm standing around and talking with the group, I demonstrate my ability to fly from the ground floor of the house up to the upstairs balcony. I compare it to "lifting myself by the seat of my pants" [shoutout to Dr. Seuss!] because, I notice on this particular occasion, that's roughly what it feels like when I bring my concentration to bear on the task of actuating that ability. It feels like I'm using my mental concentration to lift myself up from the small of my back and propel myself through the air. I say to the assembled DCs: "I used to be very secretive about my flying, but now I'm very open about it. I think everyone should be able to enjoy it." [And I do.]

      After the meetings are over, I walk out of the house onto the street, except where one would expect there to be a street, there is instead a big, shallow swimming pool. It is surrounded by tropical plants, and its edges go in a series of curves so that the overall shape of the pool is a big, amoeba-like blob with lots of curving pockets sticking out every which way. I walk around to one side of the pool, sit down on the edge, put my feet in the water, and think: "I wonder if I can change my clothes just by thinking about it?" I close my eyes and concentrate on what I want to happen - namely, I want to be wearing a swimsuit. I can actually feel the swimsuit form around me. When I open my eyes, I'm wearing a tankini with tribal-looking geometric patterns on it in raspberry, burgundy, and many other colors. I exclaim out loud, "Holy $#!*, I did it!" [It was a super cute swimsuit, but certainly not one I would ever choose for myself in real life. Upon reflecting afterwards, I realized that my dream body doesn't have stretch marks - or if it does, they're much less noticeable than they are in real life, since I don't remember noticing them - and it's also less fat than my real one, though not dramatically so.]

      I notice that the regular clothes I had just been wearing - jeans, button-down shirt and white sneakers - are now floating on the surface of the pool, around me. I get the rest of the way into the pool. There are two other people enjoying the pool, two guys and another woman. I realize that while my swimsuit top has shoulder straps, it also has a part that's supposed to tie together across my back, just at the bottom of my shoulder blades, and it's untied. I approach the woman (the pool is shallow enough to walk in easily) and say, "Trade you ties?" We tie the ties on each other's swimsuits, as I had just requested. She is some type of POC [most likely South Asian? I couldn't say for sure] and very pretty, and her name is Kim.

      After swimming and lounging around for a bit, the two guys, Kim, and I all get out of the pool, down at the far end of the 'street,' away from the house I had just been in. Another dream character is standing there, a petite, definitely East Asian woman
      [she reminds me of a younger Agent May from the "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." TV series]. She asks me and the two guys to come with her; she is recruiting us for some kind of spy-adventure-type mission. [I have no idea why she ignored Kim completely, but she did.] We follow her, but I turn to say goodbye to Kim, who is now standing on the edge of the pool, as I go.

      The two guys and I follow Young Agent May into an area that looks like an ancient temple courtyard, all dusty dirt floors and high, light-yellow-tan-colored walls of rough-hewn stone that stand open to the sky. There are lots of wall segments forming corners, but there is a space off to the left that's more than big enough for a dark-brown, equally-roughly-hewn wooden table with two people sitting behind it. This is the check-in desk for the adventure/mission. Young Agent May goes over to check us in, and I look around the courtyard while the two guys start to explore. As I'm looking around, a brochure printed on unbleached brown paper appears in my hand. The title, printed in a curved swoop across the center in big, yellow letters, reads "Dole Presents: Adventures in Dole Whip."
      [Or something like that. Interestingly enough, I could read the whole thing perfectly fine. I can't remember all of it, but I'll reproduce the text I do remember.] The brochure goes on to say: "This dreamer is about to earn her title! Next Task: Create a tiny, consensually-dressed, applesauce humanoid." There's even an illustration of this little humanoid figure I'm apparently supposed to create out of applesauce. [Don't ask me what "consensually-dressed" is supposed to mean. Presumably "dressed in an outfit of its own choosing," with an undertone of "modestly dressed."]

      I wake up to the sensation of my left arm being asleep. I've fallen asleep on my left side, something I rarely do.

      [Cool! New ability! This is the first time I've ever changed my clothing at will. I guess that counts as changing my appearance, although I really meant changing an aspect of my physical body.]
    15. Dancers from the other side

      by , 09-25-2018 at 01:14 PM
      Morning of September 22, 2018. Saturday.

      Reading time: 1 min 22 sec. Readability score: 62.

      I am sitting in a wooden chair that is first in a mostly undefined featureless room, though with a vague essence of our present home. It is possibly late morning at first. The passage of time seems unusual at the beginning. Several years may have passed very quickly with a brief awareness of different seasons. Soon, it is in an overgrown field. A Twin Wasp engine is on the ground, a few weeds growing around it. It seems to be golden at one point.

      The rest of the airplane is elsewhere in the field. There is a 1940s feeling, though based on movies of the time. It seems my task is to fly two ballet dancers (male and female, about thirty years of age), in white, from the area, where they have been for a very long time, living in the minimal ruins of an unknown region. They have still been able to thrive somehow.

      Although they sit in the back of a small airplane, they seem to be mentally flying it as I sit in the pilot’s seat. There is a sustained awareness of motion. We move through liminal space of only vague definition as the sky. When I look back at the waking point, they are no longer present.

      Vestibular system avatars sometimes have attributes associated with dancing as a result of the subliminal, liminal, or lucid control of, or focus upon, the illusory physicality of the dream state, the fluidity of adapting to changes in consciousness as well and anticipation of the waking start, even through hypnopompic transitions when they occur. I began to realize this when I was four years old. Airplanes and virtually all flight-related factors (including flying under my own will) are a common dynamic of the process, being present throughout every sleep cycle for over fifty years. Not counting flying under my own will, mechanical forms of flight, such as airplanes, helicopters, and spaceships, when compared with birds, seem to occur with about equal frequency.

      Gold always correlates with dream state vivification and the emerging consciousness factor.

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