July 30, 2010 Synopsis: I'm told to find my friend who is lost in the dream world and help her. I feel like I enter my friends dream, and we have a crazy adventure! Water monsters and riding a manta ray! Lucid. Shared-dreaming theme. Night Time Note: I had read a mantra before sleeping, but I forgot what the mantra was! A Friend is Lost in the Dream I'm in a large house with lots of old faces from my old job. I don't remember who told me this, or when, but I just remember being told: Our friend is lost in the dream world. We have to go find her. Sam and Laura have already left into the dream to go looking for her. I don't know who the friend is that's trapped in the dreamworld. And I couldn't remember who Laura was, I had trouble recalling the right face to the right name. But anyways. Me and my old co-worker Megan get ready to enter the dreamworld. I decide to leave first. I make my way to the back porch. The porch is actually a staircase, that mysteriously stops in mid air. Below us is the dreamworld. My mother is sitting on the steps, I thought of her as a gatekeeper. A cat nearby seems to be a guardian. Before leaping off the staircase, my mother tells me "The first person you'll find is Sam." I'm about to leap when my mom interrupts me again "Oh wait! Do you have Sam's number on your cell phone?" I go back inside and look for my cell phone, and I can't remember Sam's number for the life of me. Oh well. I jump and become lucid! The scenery is beautiful and very bright and vivid. It's a forest. I fly quickly over the forest, remembering in my head my task. 'Find Sam, find Lori or Laura, then find the friend I'm supposed to help!' I start to yell "Sam! Sam! Where are you!" I fly into a small town. And right away I find Sam! She was in an old fashioned horse drawn carriage, being carried like a princess, of all places, through a boring apartment complex. Sam seems happy to see me and I quickly make room for myself in the carriage. Sam tells me she's already been dreaming for at least 45 minutes, and now she's going to wake up soon. She didn't find the friend we are supposed to help. Excited I say "Sam! We're dreaming! Remember me when you wake up!" She tells me I should be able to find this Lori/Laura. She gives me a big hug, and disappears. I assume she woke up. I run through the neighborhood, avoiding random DCs by taking the back alleys. Eventually I come to a tall house that looks like something out of a fairy tale. Inside I finally find Lori/Laura. And the name and the face were completely wrong. This character was unstable, fuzzy, as the name and the face made no sense to me. I follow her outside. But once outside she was completely different person. She was a 'name' and a 'face' I knew and recognized - Maggie. No one ever told me I would meet Maggie. She asks me "Have you been looking for me?" It doesn't even occur to me that this is the friend that I'm supposed to find and help! Still thinking I still have to find someone else, I tell Maggie "We should go!" "You're right, come on!" Maggie's World (I remain with a light lucidity) It didn't feel like it was my dream anymore. From the get go Maggie had me running! Someone is after her, who I don't know! It's a dream theme I know so well - I have a chase-dream tag. "Come on! Hurry!" Usually in my dreams I am on the run and my friends follow me. This time, my friend is on the run and I am simply following her blindly. Maggie was a fast runner, one of the fastest "dream characters" I've met. I had trouble keeping up with her, flying was too slow, my legs were too slow. But Maggie would often look behind to make sure I was still there. After running through several neighborhoods we find two bicycles. Oh perfect! Now we can really make some distance between us and these bad guys. But the bikes were rusty and crappy and we ditch them soon after. I try to transform to make keeping up with Maggie easier, but it didn't help. Every now and then Maggie would run strange, like she has an injured leg. Then she would run normal, like there was no injury. We climbed fences, and made our way through a complex construction site with wires and pipes and giant boxes. We snuck our way into a facility of some sort. All the while, Maggie is still leading the way. I'm not sure what this place is. But this seemed like a bad idea. So many walls, and corners, and doors. It's like a maze. We hear something. . . is that. . . water? A giant wave of water was rushing towards us. If the wall of water wasn't bad enough, it was full of giant worm monsters that were made of water. The giant water monsters attack us! Damn! We need to get high, above this wave. Just then, we see a giant manta ray flying gracefully, gulping the water with his giant mouth. Maggie has a most devious expression, lol, I just laugh at her crazy thought. We wait for the right moment and then we leap on top of the giant manta ray! Riding safely above the monstrous wave. Woah! Riding the giant manta ray was wild! He was like a roller-coaster. A gliding roller-coaster! Both me and Maggie scream excitedly like little girls. At first I was crouched down, holding on tight. But when it became real fun, I stood up. The manta ray swallows all the water and comes to a slow stop. We jump. We really need to get out of this crazy place. "Come on! This way!" Maggie leads the way again. We run through a supermarket that quickly transforms into a futuristic laboratory. Oh damn, the water is coming back. Maggie suddenly stops running, she has a pensive expression as if she's trying to think of something. No time to think!! I run right past her and down the hallway. Bad move. It was a dead end. Did Maggie know it was a dead end? I turn around and the water monster has me cornered. The manta ray was drifting slowly towards the water, but he was flying real low. Where as the wall of water was towering high! Crap! The water monster comes crashing towards me! Scared, I hide in a closet that magically appeared for me. Silence. The closet was white. Just white. It would have been a void if it wasn't for the visible slits of the door. For a moment I wait for the water to seep in and flood the closet. But nothing happens! I sigh deeply. Damn, I just ruined the dream didn't I? A lot of times if I leave the sight of a dream character, that dream character will disappear. I was afraid that this awesome "dream character" Maggie would disappear now. I sat there, waiting, any moment, I'll just wake up. Then. . I hear footsteps splashing through a puddle of water. It's Maggie's footsteps. She runs up and down the corridor. Is she looking for me? I pop out of the closet. And there was Maggie waiting for me! "Come on!" She leads the way again. Her legs are even faster now. I had to find ways to make my running path shorter than hers to keep up. We enter a warehouse. Maggie looks up at the crates floating above us. Good idea, if we can get up there we can safely get above the wave. I press a button hoping to bring the crate down, instead the machine drops the crate and the entire thing smashes on the floor. "Oops..sorry!" Maggie tries to find another way up there. Why don't we just fly? I try to transform again, and I try to fly up there, but I can't. I can barely make five feet off the ground. I hear footsteps. A large group of men surround us, their leader was an arab man in a suit. He had Sayids voice from the show Lost. Are these the bad guys Maggie has been running from? Maggie tries to ignore their threats as she desperately cuts away at the rope with pocket knife. I'm not even sure what's that going to accomplish except - nothing! For the first time I seriously doubt Maggie's plan, what ever it is, will work. I blast a fire ball at the leader! He's not impressed. "What are you doing in my warehouse? And why are you ruining it?" So. . he's not after Maggie? "Wait!" I said "We just want to leave this place. Can you please show us the exit and we'll leave you're warehouse alone?" Maggie continues to cut away at the rope. "Then, I will show you the way out." He presses a button and a door opens. Maggie reacts like a cat and bolts out the door. I just take my sweet time leaving. Once were outside, Maggie finally relaxes. "I thought for sure he was lying about letting us out." She says The man shakes his head and explains "I keep my promises." He turned out to be a really nice man. The next scene was vivid, but for some strange reason I have trouble recalling it. I think the man offers us two bicycles, but they were all rusty. Maggie complains that texas bikes don't rust. The man, a true sales man says "Ah, but do your bikes have big wheels like mine?" I feel it's almost time, to wake up I mean. I look about me. The scenery is gorgeous. Mountainous, green, ripe. Maggie talks to the man and laughs at herself for running away all this time. A lemon tree was growing next to us and I grab a fruit, quite lucid. It smelled so richly of lemon! "I can't do it! I just can't do it! I know it's a dream but even then I still can't bite into this lemon!" My mouth waters at just the thought. Maggie laughs at me. Quite happy that I left Maggie in a more peaceful and vivid dream, I say goodbye and wake up. Sweeet